Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 60: It is Day 60.

Hello World,

It is day 60 and here we are on this semi-beautiful day--I say semi because the clouds are hiding the sunshine. It is St. Patrick's Day..I am wearing a green sweater--probably the first time in years that I actually own a green sweater. I am not Irish and nor do I try to fit in the Irish theme of things, but I feel green today. I wonder what my twin is doing for St. Pat's day. As I begin typing the time is 1:11 p.m. I feel like he actually does something on this day besides eating corned beef and cabbage. I mean even I eat corned beef and cabbage. I don't celebrate this day in a special way, but I will tonight by having dinner with a friend I have not seen in a long time. I really wish that he were to show up on my doorstep this evening. I would welcome him home.

Day 60? Did you catch that? It is 60 days since I began journaling my faith in the reunion of me and my twin. I know, it is just a number, but for the record, I am prepared for my twinflame to walk through my door at anytime now. ...I think after 60 days he should be here by now, don't you? Ironically, today I feel so confident about our reunion, but if you have been following me then you know that I can not complete this blog post journey at least for 24 more days because I didn't uphold my bargain of posting a blog daily regarding my twin, my faith and my faith in the twin. So I am going to continue for a bit more or until he arrives. (whichever comes first)

Today, I'd like to share a story with you all about me and my twin. A story of boy meets girl. I may have already shared this with all of you, if I did you can skip down a bit and if I didn't well..enjoy.

When I met my twin back in 2005, I really had no idea what I was in for. That year was so evolutionary for me. I met someone else about the same time. He is a soulmate. He was from one of my past lives. I recall very clearly, my experience with him. I will call him S. When I met S, the story began to unfold. We were married in a past life. The life I am referring to was about the 1800's. In the visions I saw it looked very Victorian. We lived in Queens, NY the area in which I am most drawn to when I go to NY. It was quite the time, I had money--wow it felt good to see this vision where I was wealthy even tried to pull some of that wealth back through the dimension with me, but it was checked at the gate. hahaha S and I in that life had 5 children. It was so powerful and yes, I am planning on writing a story because the details were so rich and only got richer when I met my TF (twinflame). I remember I met both of them in this life about the same time. S, I met first and I felt an immediate connection to him thinking he was the TF because a few months earlier I had met my TF in a meditation and he said he was on his way. What I didn't realize was the human timelag we have in comparison to other dimensions. I remember thinking S was the TF, but there were so many things that didn't totally fit when I did date S. I mean he didn't look like the man I saw in my meditation, but now looking back I think of the many lessons I learn that sometimes you get just the opposite before you get what you want to be sure you want what you got.

Anyway, when I met the TF, the past life with S started to get stronger. It got so strong that I began to see more details. Then after a few months of knowing both of them, I started to feel like they knew each other in this life. I kept feeling it, but didn't tell either of them; how do you tell someone who has no clue what you are talking about that you think that someone they don't know currently you think they knew? So, I didn't say anything. Then I started to see TF's and S's name everywhere...but it wasn't just everywhere, it was together everywhere. Finally, about a year later I had clarity--they were brothers during this Victorian time period. They knew each other alright. As I am writing this, I am flashing back to the moments I remembered all this. I remember talking to the TF and told him that I think he knew my boyfriend, S. He started to name all the S's he knew. I laughed and said I am not going to tell you even if you did say the name. (For your sake, I will tell you of the names he said, I stopped him midway through his list, he didn't say his name.) You have to love my TF---he has an incredible personality. I just adore him.

Okay, I must go work so I will continue on the story at another time...stay tuned.

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