Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day of Giving Thanks

Hello World,

It is Thanksgiving Day all over the United States. When the celebration of Thanksgiving began, it was a feast in celebration of giving thanks to God for a successful harvest. Thanksgiving tradition has long been a gathering of family and friends and a feast of food with a little football added in and oh yes the proclaimed biggest day in retail comes after this day, "Black Friday". I must digress for a moment, do we really need to call Friday, Black Friday? I mean I know the origination of the name was due to retailers making a profit (going into the black), but I so dislike it as it brings so many negative connotations--can't we just call it the beginning of the holiday shopping season? Anyway, back to my thoughts this Thanksgiving.

I think the holiday often loses its magic. We tend to get caught up in everything from making the perfect meal, to watching the game with family and friends to family traditions that we lose the simple magic in the meaning of Thanksgiving. It truly is the opportunity to give thanks for all that we have and all the people who have touched our lives.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is not only a gathering of family, friends and food, but so much more. Our lives are not as simple as the originators of the holiday as it was obvious the gathering was to celebrate the harvesting of their crops. We are so far removed from the "harvesting" since most of us just simply go shopping, purchase the ingredients and cook. Albeit, lots of cooking for some.

But our harvest now is the many blessings we have been recipients of all year long. It is our annual gathering to celebrate what we have each harvested in our lives. It is a great opportunity to look over the past year and discover the magic in your life. My wish for today is that each of us take some time to think about the many things we have in our life to be grateful for. Make a list and share it with your loved ones. If you are someone who has undergone much difficulty in the past year, it helps to take note of the simple things like a roof over your head, food to eat, a beautiful sunny day, etc. It is that simple to begin your list of gratitude. This will help you to spread your love through gratitude and quite possibly even open someones heart to what they make be grateful for too.

Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am grateful for each and everyone of you in my life. You have touched my life in so many ways and I thank you for that.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Angelic One Liners...

Words of Light...lovingly provided to me last week and to be shared with you all. It is simply a reminder of stuff we may already know, but need to hear. And so, these beautiful beings of light provide it to you as their "Angelic One Liners". So I say pick one a day and live it fully.

Laughter is the expression of your heart.

Be all you can be.

Magic is yours now.

Behold the magic that is you.

Happiness is in the moment.

Trust is the cornerstone of love.

You are a bright, shiny star.

Bountiful are your gifts.

Smiles make everyone feel the warmth of your soul.

Your voice is the song of your soul.

Monday, November 15, 2010

All Possibilities are Present if You Allow....

Channeled on 10.28.10...

Unfortunately I was not able to post this message sooner, but I feel it is time to post it now...

I was outside enjoying the day and asked spirit do you have a message for me? And the reply was...

Yes, dear one. It is of love and light. The journey has been difficult of late. You are being are being given obstacles or so you think. Instead view them as opportunities to release or even as growing pains. Everyone knows growing pains come and go, but do not last...they are only until you are able to move to the next point. As each one of you evolves you are given a tremendous growth opportunity releasing the ties that keep you 3-D bound. You are releasing the reigns that keep you fully planted into 3-D and are being given wings to become multi-dimensional angels. You are learning that ego is what keeps you stuck in believing there is only one way; while the breaking down of your ego is teaching you that all possibilities are present if you allow. What once kept you bound was fear. You are now seeing with love the releasing of impossibility and the opening of new opportunities new solutions to old problems.

It has long been a battle of your heart and your mind. We ask that each of you live within your heart when you speak, when you make decisions, when you feel pain we ask you to let go of your mind (ego) because the mind is what keeps you locked in 3D not allowing you to see the potentials. When in your heart you will recognize love as your guide. Often when listening to your mind--the choice or decision feels right because you navigate what other people need from you--failing to recognize whether it is what your heart/spirit needs/wants. It is best to remember that what comes from your heart is what is always for everyone's highest good. The beauty when living your truth from your heart is that all will always be well.

Children of the earth, don't you think it is time to allot for your spirit? Time to forgo what your mind thinks should be....for what it thinks says everyone else wants. For your spirit always knows what is necessary and right for you. Your particular piece of the puzzle on this planet is needed now and it is the true you--the heart centered/spirit centered being. Thinking (your ego) only allows you to see one way that will work or should work for your mind's job is to keep your life the same--good, bad or with no sense of feeling. Your spirit disregards keeping things the same especially when it is about bringing you to your next step. Your spirit will always move you to where you go next.

April, this is your highest self--trust in your wisdom--it will always guide you forth. We love you...the Masters of Light.