Monday, December 31, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Key to Open New Doors

I woke up this morning hearing the words in my head, “It's about Forgiveness".  I sat with it in my heart for a few minutes before I got out of bed.  Then, the dream from last night came into my mind.  I realized that all the dreams I have been having since 12-12-12 have been about forgiveness.  In each dream, someone who I have perceived hurt me in some way, big or small, real or unreal was in my dreams and I made peace with them.  Last night, was not any different other than at the end of the dream, I had gone through a trying time and I looked up at the sky and it was blue with lots of pink and I remember in the dream; I said out, "That is unconditional Love".  So that brings me to this day's Inspirational Snippet.

On the eve of the new year, I'd like to give you all a little bit of homework--so you can close the door on the past through forgiveness and receive "the key" to open the new doors into unconditional love.

IT IS ABOUT FORGIVENESS. This often appears to be a difficult concept for so many because some people feel that forgiveness means condoning the abuse or past hurt or consider it an act being passive. In fact, forgiveness is neither weak nor passive. They are acts of great courage! It is a great dissolver of blocks in your intuitive development. But even more it is a step to see your true soul for the truth of your soul is love and anything impeding that love is not your truth. It simply has become the "accepted truth" until you are able to move past that block.

Now, you have all heard about Forgiveness and you may have "think" you have done it already--until there isn't an emotional charge (ie sadness, anger or grief) then you have not completely forgiven that person/situation/sometimes you! It doesn't mean you are incapable or that there is something wrong with you--it simply means it is a unique process to each person and may be different for whomever is experiencing it.

I leave you with the following words of wisdom, Forgiveness doesn't involve anyone but you. It is not meant to help the other person or even fix the situation--it is about releasing you from this HUGE energy block/leak/drain. It is all about you loving you enough to move forward and past the pain/lesson/hurt.

It is the "ending" of a year...we are waiting on the threshold of a new beginning, so let's close some doors using forgiveness.  Make a list of people who (you perceived) may have hurt you (past-present-future) and what it is that you are still holding onto with them....basically anything that does not feel in alignment with love. That is not to say that you have to love them in the sense of romantic/familial/friendship love (there are some people that you have come across that you can take or leave so it isn't necessary about loving them in a relationship way); however, in this instance love means--no emotional charge/no anger/no grief etc. Hope that helps to make some sense to you all.   Look at each name on the list and say out loud"  I release you, (their name). I forgive you, (their name).  I love you, (their name).  I release you, (your name).  I forgive you, (your name). I love you, (your name).

Now, it isn't always a one shot deal you may have to do this longer for some people or may need to repeat the steps another night, but for tonight, let's release whatever we can so that tomorrow we can open a door to the new, the unconditional love we  have been wanting,

My wish for you is to use the keys you have to unlock the door to your future with unconditional love and close the door on your past through forgiveness.

Love to you,

Monday, December 24, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Merry Christmas


I was sitting quietly after my morning meditation, and was getting ready to wish a friend Merry Christmas. And it occurred to me that this Christmas is so much more important than any other.  It is the first Christmas after the “Galactic Alignment Shift” that we just moved through.  We moved/are moving into “Christ Consciousness”, that is what the shift in human consciousness is called.  In simplified terms, we are moving to living a life truly like Christ in that we have faith, trust and belief in the divine which is in each and every one of us.  It isn’t something that we can subscribe to through religion or can be taught—this divinity is right there inside of us waiting to be tapped into each day, in every moment with every breath.   Christ is born on Christmas Day so to me I feel as though we are all “reborn” on Christmas Day this year.  With the shifting of our energy into “Christ Consciousness” , I feel we are being reborn as “Christed” Beings of Light.  As I write this, I am feeling strongly, “Yes, yes we are.”

So when I went to write this morning, I wrote Merry Christ-mas.  It struck me as something I had not noticed before Christmas broken up into:  Mas being (Mass of humanity) Christed-ness (Expanded Human Consciousness into Christ Consciousness)  We (all of us on Earth) are capable of Christ Consciousness, Magic and Love know this and you will begin to live it .  We brought in the new earth on 12/12/12 and we have been anchoring and grounding it until yesterday and tomorrow is the re-birthing of humanity into this new Consciousness.  If you want to know more about what that means, simply look into your heart because that is “THE WAY” that Christ talked about and remember the only message is LOVE.

Make a step tomorrow in Love…it doesn’t have to be the leap you are needing/wanting to take, but a simple step in the direction you want to go is all that is needed and then you will see the universe open up to help you with the rest of the steps. (That is the magic of Christ Consciousness).

Merry Christmas, my friends.  May the blessings the holiday brings to you become the way and the the light for your journey ahead.

My wish for you is to receive the blessings of this Christmas.

Love to you,

Monday, December 17, 2012

Channeled Message: Responsibility for Peace, Happiness & Love

Channeled Message from The Galactic Federation of Light through EstaRa in Guilford, CT on Sunday, December 16,  2012.

Dearest Ones,

We are with each and every one of you.  We know that this time on your planet exposure to the darkest energies exists; however, dear ones—exposure to the brightest energy exists as well.  It is a matter of where the focus gets placed.  Your earth is at its tipping point.   It has the potential to tip in one way over another; and yet, we wish to tell you that your humans are tipping towards the light.  These last acts of darkness will only prevail if power is given to them.

Many things will transpire over the next thirty years of your earth time and it is the responsibility of each human to determine which direction they wish to take the “new earth” in.  The responsibility for creation, magnification and destruction is by way of thoughts, beliefs and decisions.  While it is a collective responsibility to make manifest what you wish and desire for the earth; it starts with the individual taking responsibility for his or her actions, beliefs, thoughts and decisions daily.   If each person upon earth chose peace, happiness and love to be their focus each day then that is the vibration sent out.  Know that even 10 people who do this have multiplied the light quotient by 10 upon the planet.  It does not mean all darkness will be gone, but it does mean there will be less of it available to grow.  We do not assume or imply that it is easy to do at this time or in any time upon your earth as it requires vigilance to stay in balance and focus to stay in peace, happiness and love—but we tell you that each day that becomes the focus then each day it gets easier—each day solutions to problems appear—each day what is not in alignment with peace, happiness and love will show itself—it will make clear what needs to be viewed and worked through.  You may think that is a bad thing with light is shed upon darkness;   but dear ones, how can you change what is –if you do not know what is in need of change?

We ask you to stay in your heart and connect to your soul to know what it means to bring, to be and to live peace, happiness and love and maintain that focus.  It is not something decided in your heard, behind a desk or in a group—it is something that is decided or experienced individually by way of how you carry out your day to day life—it simply is a way of being and living.  Now we wish to address that the same ways of creation as noted above remains true even if you focus upon fear, anger, unforgiveness and violence then you would make manifest that in your world as well.

We’ve mentioned many times to EstaRa through conversations and channels with her that sensitivity is her gift—as it is for humanity too!  It is the gift that creates change.  If you become numb and immune to life and your experiences;  then you seek and need experiences that  will make you feel—that is the increase in intensity that you are experiencing in your human world at this time—everything must be more intense in order to feel—more violent, more sexual—the extremes have to occur to make you feel—but dear ones a large part of your shift in consciousness is the shift in your sensitivity—you will feel if you have not already felt and experience a breaking open of your heart chakra center –that is, the walls of immunity that you have built will begin to crumble and you will begin to experience life  differently.

As EstaRa has often pointed out—if you are numb or immune to what it is you are doing what is happening around you or what is not happening around you then it is time for a change.  EstaRa is correct in her statement for you can no longer be of service to yourself, humanity or the earth if you numb; therefore, you are no longer present in your current reality.  Your job upon the planet is to be of service to all through your presence of being. (I asked my guides to clarify being “Neutral” as they suggested in last week’s Energy Thoughts from being numb/immune)  We tell you to stay “neutral” (balanced).  That is not to say that you do not feel happy or sad, pain or pleasure—it is to say that you allow yourself to feel the feelings as they come up, but you do not allow yourself to get caught up in the emotions. Yours or others!  Emotions are expressions of your feelings which are interpretations of the stimulus around you.  In staying in balance (We use the word balance interchangeably with neutral), you are able to hold the space for the peace, happiness and love for you; however,  more importantly you develop more empowerment (personal power) and can hold that space for so many more souls upon the earth at this time that are not able to.  We know this is not easy to do individually in your lives, but we do know that it is possible for you.  We ask you to support one another through these times; those individuals who demonstrate strength and have been strong are not able to always be the strong ones—you all must be the strong ones as you all must be the weak ones.   We use the words “weak ones” lightly for we do not see any of you as weak—in fact we see you as strong, powerful beings; we simply use the words to distinguish that there are times you may be the supporter and at other times you may be the supported.  It matters not which you are when—it simply matters that you know that you and others are and can be both.

Once again we wish to bring you back to the focus of love, especially during this gateway of time you are in.  It is so important now five days from the Solstice to hold that space of creation in love, peace and happiness for the energy is supporting what you hold.  You are each loved, honored and respected for your journey—it is paved in light with detours along the way to create the world and experience your soul truly desires.

The Galactic Federation of Light.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Energy Thoughts: Just Like a Carwash

Hello Everyone,

This week’s energy update is late in getting to you, but it was started on Monday, but much has shifted and changed since then so I will take you through a really brief explanation of this week’s energy.

The time is now.  The time is here.  All is clam all is bright. Okay well if you are living in the vicinity I am in…the weather is gray and foggy (this was Monday when I began this report).    But internally, I felt a shift over night and it feels so good—I feel nothing—well really I feel NO THING which is to say I am in Neutral; perhaps balance with my feelings today.  I am sitting in the middle of it all and looking  over what is to be.  In two days from now a huge shift will occur and many will gradually experience it while others will feel the effects of it immediately.    The foggy weather may be mimicking what many of you may be feeling or experiencing right now.   Feelings of confusion, frustration, stagnation—not knowing what to do next, where to go, who you are  and what does it all mean?  It is a sign of the chaos that is within you, the churning inside of your heart and head dueling for “control”.  It isn’t about what is right and wrong in terms of others beliefs/ideas, in fact, it has nothing to do with the culture/society/religion that you are in—it has EVERTYHING to do with your SOUL’s TRUTH.    The confusion/frustration/lack of direction is not because you do not know.  It is not because you are unsure—it is because YOU DO KNOW.  It is because of FEAR that you get stuck/confused/frustrated.  If you are only allowing the truth in to you to come in spurts when you feel “comfortable” to accept it then you are not in the flow—you are trying to control it. Meanwhile, the “flow” keeps coming, but you build a dam (distractions and the like), but eventually it is going to break and things will “spurt” out now and again.   And dear soul friends, it is breaking!   (Now I am on Friday where I am finishing this report.) That brings us to the energy of 12-12-12.  The tide was picking up earlier in this week, but now that tide has risen; that is, the gateway/doorway of 12-12-12 has opened.  (Please see my blog or emails for more information about 12-12-12)  The so-called breaking of the dam has occurred and emotions will begin to pour out, changes will happen and shifting will/has taken place for so many and again as I mentioned “Now is the Time you have been waiting for” have the energy of the heavens on your side; this next couple weeks is optimum for you to step forward and learn to navigate the waters again (waters in this sense are your emotions/TRUTHS/experiences that make you YOU! The dam breaking is  showing you exactly where, what and how you are needing to make changes and plumps right down in front of you what your  deepest soul intentions are.

A quick thought on how to “ride” this flow is to come into balance or maintain that balance that you have.  The emphasis has been strongest on being in balance—in essence NEUTRAL. It doesn’t mean you are not going to feel things.  It doesn’t mean you will not react.  It doesn’t mean that you should not act/react/feel/live/cry/laugh/shout/scream/etc; however, it means no matter what stay in NEUTRAL by bringing yourself back into balance.  I keep getting pulled to an image of an automatic carwash, do you know one of those?  You are asked to place your car in NEUTRAL.  Think of a carwash---You are not asked to be in drive—no they ask you to place your car in Neutral-- so that you are not in control.   You are not asked to place your car in park so that you do not move forward, but you are asked to stay in neutral.  When you place your car in neutral in a carwash it does exactly what it is supposed to do and carries you forward; everything happens exactly as it is supposed do without any effort on your part with the exception to “surrendering” to neutral. 

Hence, there is nothing more for you to do at this time than to navigate the next days to the end of the year.  If you have placed yourself in park then know that the brake is going to be lifted and you will begin to move fast forward.  If you have been steering and driving all this time now is the time to let go of control and surrender to the divine.  The divine is in you and you are being navigated when you are in neutral you navigate smoothly, beautifully and perfectly for your soul.  If you notice something about the carwash—you still feel everything, experience and you do not miss anything…it is all taken care of and then you come out all sparkly and fresh.  Allow this process to unfold through your soul---that is your navigator and it will lead you exactly in the way you are meant to be led.  You will know when you give yourself quiet. My personal suggestion is that you give yourself quiet from now until the end of the earth year of 2012—take time each day to sit in stillness…that is where you will easily access neutral.

Love to you my earth soul friends. 

By the way---it is kind of nice to fell "No-thing" is way easier! hahaha

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Hannukah, My Friends

Hanukkah Begins tonight...

As many of you know, I was raised Catholic; however, since "reopening/awakening" several years ago, my soul has called me back to ancient roots of Judaism.  I began to study Judaism and boy did the floodgates open as I began to recall many past lives when I was Jewish.  They have been such powerful lifetimes for me.  I remember the first time I went to a Synagogue, after I "RE-Membered"  I started saying the Hebrew Prayers (sounded very much natural as the people around me commented on it) like I knew them and I felt "my wings" open up wide. It was the first time, I felt my "wings"...I felt larger than life.  I felt alive with the ancient language of Hebrew--then I knew I found the language of my soul.  However, as you also may or may not know: I don't consider myself any one specific religion--I truly believe first and foremost I AM part of everything. I AM part of all that is and I AM  all of it.  So I celebrate everything that is part of me which is LIGHT, LOVE and PEACE. This time of year, I do, celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas as they both resonate deeply within my soul and for me I don't feel complete if I celebrate one without the other.

During this Festival of Lights, I will light my menorah tonight and each of the eight nights of the holiday in honor of lighting the way of peace, remembrance of union and love. The miracle of Hanukkah was that of
light.  Let this holiday be a reminder for those who are Jewish and those who are not that just as the light was the miracle then---so too is light the miracle NOW. Shine your light, for that is who you are so that you too will see the miracles coming your way. There is no requirement to light a candle be a certain religion/person/thing for you (each of you)  are the light and the way.
 Happy Hanukkah, my friends.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Exactly As It Should BE

I was prompted by my guides to share today's Soul Star Healing Facebook message to the children of earth and expand a bit upon it.

Today's Message:  You are exactly where you are meant to be.  We hear your frustration of how you think "it supposed to be" or how "it should look".  We hear you and know what you desire.  We know you look at things from the constraints of being a 3D human, but dear ones YOU ARE NOT!  We remind you that you are a multidimensional human.  We now tell you--just because you are not seeing it in the way you so want to or in the time you wish KNOW it is real and it is so and it is happening.  Simply allow it to show up perhaps in a different way than your head imagines because for this one your heart is in the lead.

This one is quite self explanatory.  Stop trying to "figure it out".  Stop trying to "understand it".  Stop trying to "make it happen". Stop "trying".   Simply  be who you are each and every day.  There is no need to adjust you unless there are things you wish to change and then just simply do it.  Be in your heart with everything.  When you spend the energy trying to figure it out, understand it, making it happen or trying--you mess with the perfection of your heart's knowing and delve into the human ego which is based more in fear than in love.  So we emphasize to you today to stay in your heart and when you catch yourself trying, etc.....take a three deep breaths and come back to your heart. I know, I know easier said then done--me too on some days.

My wish for you today is to be in your heart.

Love to you,

Monday, December 3, 2012

Energy Thoughts: 12-12-12 Endless Possibilities

Greetings Energy Friends,

It has been a couple of weeks since my last energy thoughts update.  I have been treading through my stuff/gunk/emotions/clearings in all times/spaces/levels/dimension seen and unseen.  It has been an amazing journey thus far and many of you are holding the space for clearing as well so you, too, know what I mean.  Huge transformations are at hand and I mean HUGE!!!  There is so much happening within each individual upon the planet that they are not even able to grasp the enormity of what is happening.  Now, there are some of you saying (I am sure I know who—sometimes even myself included), what changes?  Who is changing?   Brace yourselves dears because when we close the year of 2012 it will be momentous.  We are in for a transitional ride of our life so to speak.   If you take but a few moments to look around the world and breathe in the energy available, you will have new “eyes” to view the world with.   But if you continue to hold your breath and keep it shallow then you limit the capacity of not only your breath, but your vision as well.

My guides encourage us to not limit ourselves in what we believe is possible.  Do you remember Alice in Wonderland? I barely remember the movie (it has been so many years since I saw it—perhaps it is time to see it again? Hmmm)  I have a few quotes from the movie that I must share that I have seen from time to time that stand out as perfect for this time and space in my Energy Thoughts for this week.  I digress, anyway back to the favorite quote from that movie is—“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”  It is time to believe in your wildest dreams for they are possible—both on the “world stage” as well as individually and UNIVERSE-ally.  However, the catch is if you are not opened and encumbered by holding onto what you used to believe (ie limiting beliefs that is) then you have to work on stretching that “Believe in the Impossible” muscle.  It is of the utmost importance at this time in humanity.  

For example—what happens when humans keep their hearts and minds open? What happens when souls are aligned with their free wills and open to the future, with an unlimited view of the magnificent possibilities?   The outcome could far surpass what was once thought  possible to conceive of with the present perspective or the quickly dismantling “old view”. 

So this all brings me to another Alice In Wonderland quote:  “Who in the world am I ? Ah, that’s the great puzzle.” What a quote!  What a truth!    Isn’t that what we are all awakening to?  Is the answer to the question not—you are God clothed as a human? (by the way I tried typing Angelic Being and it wouldn’t go so I went back to God as you know I am greatly influenced by the unseen beings who have been there and done that in terms of the Ascension times) You wonder what that means I am sure.  It is all about who you are and discovering you—that is the Awakening-- this term that is so overtalked/overused in society today because well it gets your attention, does it not?  Well we are at the gate everyone for the Ascension of Humanity.  The Gate will open on 12-12-12.   What does that mean ?  If you ask a million people you will get perhaps a million and one answers; however, the truth remains that  a “great shift” will occur/has occurred/is occurring in Human Consciousness—that is the waking up that we are referring to.  The shift will move the power back to you the God being that you are—not to some external “being” in the sky that decides if you go to heaven or hell—no not anymore!   Quick secret---there is no heaven or hell; therefore, there is no judgment; there is simply love and acceptance.

Brings me to another quote from Alice in Wonderland “How puzzling all these changes are!  I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another.”  Yep you guessed it! It is time to see yourself as the creator of your life/reality/experience.  We have been telling you for some time to choose thoughts/feelings/beliefs carefully and with discernment and some have listened and are experiencing a “lighter” transition/turmoil while others have not and they are experiencing a “heavier” transition/turmoil.  Changes are happening all around you even in the slight moments you doubt and do not believe because in your physical reality it is does not seem apparent around you.  But we ask you to look within you and your life over the last year to see what is there. Do you not feel different? Do you not see yourself making ever so subtle changes in how you react/think/choose?  It doesn’t always look the way we think it should, but the truth is that you must change within in order to change the with-out (external circumstances/world stage, etc). I always said why wish for world peace because if you do not know what peace is for you then how can you know how to attain world peace?  It has to start within and it has.

The move to oneness has been happening with the onset of 11-11-11…it just doesn’t always look the way you wish it did, but know that with this Gateway on 12-12-12 that you will begin to see the physical manifestations of those changes for on this day the New Earth is being birthed.    The gateway is being opened and there are those of you on the earth at this time that are here to assist humanity with its “ascension” and are needed to hold the space for all and create the new reality because after that date you will bring forward what you have asked for so we ask you to transcend the ideas of good and bad, sympathy and antipathy, and hold the space for love, closure of duality (belief that you are separate).  It is time for you to expand your hearts and consciousness beyond the limits that you put there or others have (what was once deemed impossible) and see that you have the POWER—you have always had the power, but now you know you do, so get ready to CREATE.  The key to creation in this new energy after 12-21-12 is LOVE and unlocks the magic you can create.   

Hold the space on 12-12-12 for LOVE  for some of you are the gate keepers/way showers/path pavers/lightworkers (whatever you would like to call yourselves) that are necessary in making the Shift of Humanity take place.  The task at hand is simple and yet complex at the same time—stay in your heart.  Stay in your heart/love center/soul’s truth in the midst of chaos/calamity/craziness. Stay there in the midst of trials/tribulations/transitions.  Stay there in the midst of joy/jubilation/jolly.  In essence, we are asking you to just stay there in your heart so that you can ride the wave as the consciousness shifts fast forward into a wild ride.  The questions you could be asking are: What will I create?  What do I want now?  What do I wish for the world?  Then simply allow the answer to flow to you from LOVE.

That is all for this week’s Energy Thoughts—as you can tell my guides stepped in/my higher self took over and boy it felt really good to write this today—on a roll. 

Welcome all you beautiful beings to the New Earth Party!  By the way to finish on a note from Alice in Wonderland, join in the celebration for 12-12-12 so you don't have to say: "I'm late. I'm late. I'm late for a very important date."