Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Equinox is here....

Happy Solar Eclipse, New Moon & Spring Equinox...
when you put them all together what do you get?  A Rebirth--the birthing of a new, improved you--a human that will defy logic, make the impossible possible and unveil the new earth magic to create a whole new reality for all, one with love at the center of 

Say good bye to the old ways of doing things because look out human world, the new earth multidimensional being of light is about to spring forward with their true mission.  

What is your mission and where will you be displaying it?  

Love and blessings,

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Energy Thoughts: Toasted Marshmallow Anyone?

Hello Beautiful Peeps of the World,

Do you feel it?  Do you feel the pull of your beautiful soul to find what/who/where you love?  Do you feel  the pull of your soul pulling you to discover your own happiness? Well, you are not alone.  Do you feel confused, uncertain, uncomfortable or doutbful?  Well, you are not alone either.  Whether you feel one or the other or both, dear ones you are feeling the massive wave of energy building momentum to change your world.  We are in a time of great transformation and this is the only life you will live as the being you are now, what will you do with this knowledge? What will you remember?

"We are here to assist you during this time to discover what it is you love, and we say that out of all the things you love, we hope you include you in that as well.   It is the time of heart-centered living and you have been undergoing so many lessons to bring you to the heart center that you are. It is what holds all your magnificence and beauty as a human.   It is also the place in which  you create your future."~Arcturian Masters of Light

So, the other day I was describing to my friends what this energy felt like and it feels marshmallow-y.  Yep, marshmallow-y! (and to those of you who recently heard me talk about fluffer-nutter sandwiches and how it was such a treat as a child, that was not my motivation for this description.  Nor was the facebook post the next day, where someone actually asked about fluffer-nutter sandwiches. I promise that is not the reason I am choosing a marshmallow to describe this energy.)  We are in a week of massive energy shift after coming off a week of massive energy. It is just time of massive energy shifting!  We are entering fully into the   But if you turn up the heat, the fluffy marshmallow actually alters shape permanently.  Inside, it is still a marshmallow, but a brand new look/exterior is created.  This analogy speaks volumes of our time here on the planet now.  The heat is being turned up, on each and every one of us, to create a new version of ourselves, literally from the solar flares to the beginning of eclipse season.  Prepare yourself to undergo a major transformation in the coming weeks. If you haven't noticed, then you may have noticed feeling vulnerable, exhausted, stressed or the feeling of time running out.  However you experience, you have undergone or perhaps are undergoing some toasting or your "marshmallow" self. hahaha
eclipse/equinox/new moon zone...does anybody know what that means? It means change and intensity.   Now, let's go back to the marshmallow.  Think of that fluffy, mushy food.   You can pinch it and push and it will pop back into place.   That is what the universe has been doing to us for several years now, (pinching and pushing) but with a little more force since 2012.

Dear Ones, you are at the end of a cycle both individually and globally.  The time has come for you to experience the new beginnings that so many of you have longed for.  Watch as you let go of the old ways and beliefs that have persisted on the planet, change will arrive and you warriors of the light are the ones making the way.  You are creating with each and every thought you hold deep inside of your heart and soul.  At this time on your planet, it is a time of merging where your heart and soul speak the same language.  ~Arcturian Masters of Light

The energy of this Equinox represents not only the merging of masculine and feminine energies, but the merging of your heart and soul's reality into the physical realm.  Yes, let me explain that--, in other words, it is time!  I don't know about you, but I've been waiting for this collision, I mean merging to happen.  What does that mean?  It means that everything you have so patiently waited for will begin to show up in your physical world, if it hasn't happened already begun.  There are so many of you who know exactly what I mean and I am sure there are some of you just beginning to understand how the energy operates (those of you just beginning to understand--be sure to read through my blog for previous Energy Thoughts.). The collision, I mean merging, is going to happen in all directions of your life.  Change doesn't happen in a vacuum.  For example, let's say you make one decision to move to a new place. Does that only impact where you sleep at night?  No, of course not.  It impacts every aspect of your life, including people, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, etc.  So back to the transformation of humanity, look out because change is coming, even if you don't expect it! This merging will be welcomed by many of us that have been living/walking/breathing the talk for several years, but there are still some not expecting it.  Some of those people have been hiding from the heat, trying to avoid their “marshmallow” from transforming.  Well, the beauty of this time is that no one will get by unchanged, we will all be the better for it.

Over the next several years, we expect humanity to get comfortable with the ever-changing nature of their reality.  It has always been this way, but there have been those in powerful places trying to keep the ever-changing nature of reality a secret.   The secret is out dear ones, you are the creators and as you change so too does what you create. We are with you to assist during this time of change. ~Arcturian Masters of the Light

I came across an astrology snippet that said that this time on the planet is bringing to a close what began for each individual's journey back in 2008. Where were you then?  What was happening in your life?  Carefully think back to that year where, perhaps upheaval happened, especially for you spiritual beings that are  pathpavers/wayshowers/frontrunners.  Or maybe you were someone not yet on their spiritual path, but something occurred that year that made you question who you are, what you are doing here that started an unraveling process in your life. Whatever the case may be, this part of the cycle is completing.  There is no more dress rehearsal, you are getting ready to live out loud.  That means with the advent of this Equinox-expect huge changes to reveal themselves to you over the next several weeks to months.  Be open to see them.

I will stop here for now because I have been trying to get this message out to you all since last week, but I hurt my wrist and typing was the last thing I wanted to do.  So I will end here, but my suggestion for this equinox is to spend it in ceremony with others of like-mind or quietly connect to events that you are not able to participate in with a candle to represent your light.  It is really important to remember why you are here and what you are meant to do.  This is the time the remembrances will show up--soul remembrances that is.  We are putting our human past behind us, but remembering our soul's truth.

With love and blessings,

PS If you are local, I am hosting and equinox ceremony on Saturday, March 21 at 2 p.m....check out my website to find out the or contact me.

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©

Friday, March 6, 2015

Inspirational Snippet: Live Out Loud

Saw this quote this morning and it really reminded me to think more about life.  The last couple of years, I have lived in pain with my back, a concussion and difficulties with all the side of effects of the medicines the traditional medical world has given me--it had been a battle and a bit of discouragement day to day, but somewhere around the Autumn Equinox, I started to feel the shift occurring within me.  I was ready to "live out loud": step back into who I am and share that with the world once again.  I had a little trouble along the way and found myself in the hospital in December recovering my back.  That was the worst time and the best time of this life.  I found me again and it put me right back on the path I was trying to step back onto last September, but this time with proper care and renewed sense of optimism--I do believe I will heal fully.   All this brings me to today's snippet, I saw the following quote and have some thoughts about it.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.
-Norman Cousins

There is so much life left to live, but we all get caught up in so many other things that we let our dreams fall to the wayside.   I don't know about you, but I know what my dreams are and I am making them happen.  Do not let your dreams disappear because you haven't yet achieved them or you are afraid to make them happen or even worse you think you are too old.  I'm here to remind it is never too late to make your dreams come true--it is only too late when you give up one them. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself and ponder over the weekend.
What dreams are you choosing to let die?
We tend to let our dreams die to meet expectations that have been set up for us.  What expectations are you grappling with?
We tend to make other people happy, but we are the only ones we can make happy in this life.
Who do you want to make happy?
What have you always dreamed of doing?
What do you want to do before you die?

We never know when we are going to die, but does that matter when you are fully living out loud?  My idea of living out loud  is being who you, without asking for validation or confirmation from anyone other than your I AM Presence, that is your God Self of the Light.  When you choose to live out loud, you become who it is you already are and you receive without question what it is you desire.  For example: I AM EstaRa, Earth Star Angel and Carrier of the Blue Diamond Light.   I AM LOVE. I AM LIGHT. I AM PEACE.    These are all descriptions of who I am and as such--everyone I come in contact with will feel those things emanating from me and reflected back into their lives. 

So I have some suggestions on how you can begin to live out loud and start it this weekend.
Make a list of what you want to accomplish before you die.  Take a notebook (it could be a simple small notepad) and write down what it is you want to do before you die.  Write it in a list format with a number in front of it.  This is a great exercise that you can keep adding to as you go and best of all you can cross off as you accomplish it.  The trick is in writing it down because that is what creates alchemy and channels the energy into making it happen.  

for example:
1. I want to own a convertible car.
2. I want to go to England.
3. I want to live near the beach. Check
4. I want to learn Hebrew. Check
5. I want to be a published author of several books.
Go ahead, write everything you want to do ....there is no limit to what you can accomplish and do ..if you know what it is you want to do....

Love to you,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Energy Thoughts: Different Yet the Same

Hello New Earth Beings,

Yep--that is what you are or at least transforming into, if you are not already anchoring the energy of the new earth human.  We have been through transformation and change like no other time on our planet and while we are not yet finished with the crumbling/breaking down, I have been seeing glimmers of  a renewal of human consciousness, we are on an energetic cusp.

It has been quite some time since I have last written one of these messages.  As you may know I ended up in the hospital during the holidays for a reoccurring back injury that kept me stuck for quite awhile, but the amazing thing during that time I had such amazing revelations.  First, three months prior to the hospital, I had literally prayed every single night for the proper care to come to me because I knew I had not really done any true recovery for my back since the car accident--I knew that my body was still undergoing some real trauma.  Second, finally I was getting care that I needed since the day of the car accident --now just over two years ago.  Third, confirmation that my physical body was still twisted as it was the day of the car accident and it literally needed someone to help me untwist (the PT in Rehab--was amazing).  Finally, the time away from my home, stuck somewhere set me up to do a lot of physical, mental and emotional release.

Why am I telling you all this?  I am telling you all this because out of those revelations came some truths about this new energy and the newly created earth being. In this new energy, we have some real things to remember when moving forward with our future--from my lessons alone:  Consistent Focus with no attachment is needed on what it is you would like to happen. (My constant prayer for three months prior to the hospital I prayed until it showed up--now some other things showed up, but they were not beneficial--that is the discernment that is needed at this time.) Maintaining faith/trust/belief that you will achieve your dreams. (I never gave up, and yes, there were many times that I wanted to give up.)   We need one another. (I needed someone to physically "untwist me" in order for me to heal.  Quiet retreat is a necessity for releasing what no longer serves, clearing out others energy and  to gain clarity, insight and embodying your full power.   Oh and I must not forget, discernment; I notice that since January hit, I often ask myself, what will bring me closer to what it is that I want?  And the answer leads me to the next step for my journey. 

Since mid-January, I have felt more powerful than ever,. I feel like the two year cycle of transformation that I have been undergoing is finally coming to a close. Is anyone else experiencing this too?    The optimism that has poured into my being is incredible. Not to forget, this improved sense of living in the now.  If you have known me throughout the years I have often lived in the present, but looking back I was a novice then--I am embodying the master now.   I feel the change happening...the momentum is building once again, can you feel it?

If you read my blog or my Energy Thoughts, you will remember that prior to the equinox in September, I wrote: "The changes will begin to pick up pace now, with the advent of the September Equinox, things will really begin to move to a place where it feels like everything is different and yet the same."  And words have never felt truer to me.   Everything looked the same, felt the same, but the power behind my prayers was different--it was more powerful, I was more powerful. I want to emphasize the point that the power of the Equinox energy amplified my prayers for the proper healing to come.  So instead of looking at my experience of the hospital as this horrible negative, I am viewing it as an answer to my prayers.   I can actually say that I am, for the first time in two years, healing!  I want to emphasize the point that the power of the Equinox energy amplified my prayers for the proper healing to come.   I do feel that things are still untwisting for me and the whole of our planet---but even in the untwisting there is optimism like never before.  We as a group, humanity, must hold onto our vision of the future world we wish to manifest.   Don't give up hope if you don't see the first of your manifestations appear because it doesn't mean it isn't being simply means that the universe is gathering up all the power to answer your prayers and move proverbial mountains to bring it to you.

So again what does that mean for you? Quite frankly, it means we need to master this energy and get out of our own way because once we do, this new human is unstoppable and will create magic by way of simply being.  Remember all the talk over the years, I have given you about being?  Well, now is the time to heed that advice if you haven't.

You may wish to read over my post from August and the Lion's Gate because if you remember, as soon as the 8/8/8 Energy Happened, the scales tipped to the side of the "Light".  And as if that energy and power wasn't enough, shortly after the September Equinox hit,  it put us in direct line for new powers of manifestation, but with the caveat of accepting "the truths" about this new energy.  Go back and read my post from August 2014, it will shed more light on this energy of manifestation that I am referring to and used to manifest proper healing for me.  Another layer of cleansing, blocks and release occurred in January/February, but with the onset of March, the energy it building up and creating forward movement once again for another level of ascension and awakening for humanity.  Read: More changes or more challenges depending on what you are doing with this energy currently.   Energy Thoughts: Egyptian Energy Rolling In. 

You all have the power to transform your life, the world around you and manifest all you desire.  Now is the time to take a look at your dreams and see if there are any blocks holding you back--mentally, physically, emotionally or even spiritually and it is time to clear the way because in this new energy it is all about you! You are the creator and you have the power to create, what will you create? Oh and one most important piece I nearly forgot--is love is the point, mover and shaker in these coming times...old energy is washing away (perhaps as quickly as the snow is melting in New England at this time--which is to say it is not!  In case you all don't know we are being pummeled every day or two with snow, ice, freezing rain--nothing has melted yet. ) With that said, we as a collective of humanity are a work in progress. It might not fully look like change outwardly, but believe me--it is happening!  

Love as you know it will evolve to one of Pure, Divine, Unconditional Love and the old ways will just not suffice any longer.  It is really going to be a Love Revolution!  

In love, light, peace & snow,
Earth Star Angel Carrier of the Blue Diamond Light
Elder of Arcturian Masters of Light
High Priestess of Avalon
High Priestess of Mesopotamia
 (Just some newly discovered powerful messages about me!)

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©