Sunday, July 18, 2010

Channeled 7.17.10: Downtime

Hello everyone,

This channel came yesterday when I was sitting outside writing in my journal. I have left out the part that was directly for me as that may not be of interest to you, but the rest is for the children of the earth.

July 17, 2010

Dear Children,

We love you and are here for you. Now a lesson for the children of the earth: downtime. It never looked so good. Making a choice to take care of you is all that downtime is when you look at it simply. But it is so much more—it is the opportunity for us to commune with each and every one of you. We are able to download codes to awaken your DNA. We are able to bathe you in a bright white diamond light and refresh you.

Did you know that is what happens when you are alone and quiet? Ever wonder why you choose to stay alone and away from the noise and into nature you go? That is how you assist us. Oh your human self craves it, yet not fully understanding why, but your spirit knows that which we speak—all of you—all you lightworkers. If you allow yourself to listen to the quiet voice inside you—you will know and you will respond by cancelling events that are not necessary, choosing to sit in nature, turning off the sound distractions that you have become so accustomed to hearing and just letting yourself be.

If you don’t listen to your inner knowing and keep yourself busy with mindwork and fluttering around you will wear yourself out. You will find you do not fell wellness. You will find that you feel you lost your connection, but you mustn’t ever think your connection to spirit ever ends.

We teach to you today about downtime because for your Channeler she is learning it too! For your channeler it is summer and an appropriate time to find downtime—you earth beings look for excuses to have downtime and to have fun—there is no need to make excuses, but if you must then make the sun shining on a summer’s day the perfect excuse and because it is your summer—others will find it acceptable too!

On another note—sleep for your channeler has been broken up—we ask you to get up and work again—and you other lightworkers—we do come to you. Work you ask us what that means for each of you it is a different meaning, but inside you will know what means. We come to you at night at least that is what is what you think because we are with you at all times. It is simply the upgrading of your system that keeps you awake at night—why not take the time and make use of it. Night time is when your mind is at its quietest for most of the humans. We promise you that you will not be tired if you allow your body to respond to the energy as it comes—you get tired when you push against the energy. For example: it is night time therefore that equals sleep, but we tell you it simply may mean it is nighttime therefore it equals work for some. Look in your spirit it always knows what it is meant to do.

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message today.

The Masters of Light,.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Meditation in the Gulf

It is Saturday afternoon, July 3rd, and I join others in a call to heal the earth. I belong to a monthly group who sends healing into Mother Earth. I have never done this specific meditation anywhere other than in Middletown, CT.

I truly believe it was by no accident that I am here in Fort Myers Beach, Florida (the Gulf side) for this meditation. I had just come in from the swimming pool and truly it was probably the first time in years that I had the opportunity to swim in a pool with no one in it...amazing and you get to be a kid too. I have to say this trip has definitely brought out the kid in me and boy do I love it!! Maybe that is what I am supposed to do while I am here.

Okay, back to the meditation. So I decided to lay down for this meditation. As it began I felt waves of light (energy) going out the sides of my body in both directions like continuous radio waves as I began to go deeper into the meditation. I felt my eyes closed so I opened them in the meditative state and felt me swimming and realized I was in the ocean. I felt something around me and I looked on either side of me and discovered that I was swimming along side dolphins. Then I looked down at me, I too, was a dolphin. It was so powerful and beautiful. Here I am swimming with dolphins I thought along the coastline of the beach. As we swam out the back of us, we trailed gold light up and down and around the coast of the North American Continent, but continued on to trail gold light along the coast of every continent on earth. It was so amazing and completely beautiful.

Then, everything seemed to go black like darkness it wasn't the brilliance of the ocean any longer. I heard a voice speaking in a language that I did not recognize nor could make out. Then I realized that voice was coming from me. (I hadn't a clue as to what I said, but I could feel like I was conversing with someone and it felt appropriate.) Then as I feel like I visited somewhere else--home perhaps? I couldn't tell you as I don't remember, I just remember I came back.

As I came back into my body to ground, I felt myself developing roots. Now usually when we ground we are standing and the visual of my roots are from my feet or if we are sitting the visual is from the base of my spine, but I was laying on my bed and the roots came out of each and everyone of my chakras. I felt portals of light pour through the front part of my body out the back part of my body onto my bed into the floor and floors of this building I am staying in down into the earth beneath us and it poured down, but as it hit the earth it spread outward North, South, East & West. It felt absolutely incredible as I began to come back. I felt me anchor my light to Fort Myers Beach...I felt it was the reason I came here.

Now, the next day there was a storm that poured through here that I felt the light I poured in brought it upon us due to the incredible outpouring of love and light that was anchored into the earth. It was the most incredible feeling. Now you may say they were expecting thunderstorms, but I have on high authority that what happened was just what was needed and I helped it. It feels good to know that I am doing my part upon the earth even if I do it kicking and screaming sometimes too!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

From the Gulf

Hello from Fort Myers, Florida.

Last week, I planned with a friend a very, very last minute trip to Fort Myers Beach. I am still here as I write this, but I have to be honest, I have not wanted to work. It has been probably the most relaxing time away in years that I have taken. I am so grateful for this opportunity.

I wanted to share my experience with you all a little. From the moment, the plane landed, I felt an overall low level depression that was spread throughout the area. The oil spill has not touched this area physically, but clearly the energy of the oil spill has hit the area on top of the already slow economy. At first glance, the feeling is that one of hopelessness. But stepping into the community a little closer, you find that the area is bountiful with nature, the ocean is powerfully beautiful and people are extremely friendly here that there is hope for an area fearful of what may come their way if the oil spill is not contained.

With the thought of coming here, many people thought why would you want to go to Florida in the middle of summer. I intuitively felt that the weather would be a lot cooler than it was at home and guess what? Connecticut is 101 while Fort Myers registered at 84 degrees. Guess who picked the right time? Was it really a last minute trip or one planned by the universe? I felt like I was meant to be here at this time. It is a well known fact in the universe with the light beings that just to be in your light in an area will pour love, healing and light into Earth at that one spot. I had that opportunity on Saturday...I will catalog my meditation in my next blog...for now I am off to catch some Florida sun.