Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Channeled Message: Renewal, Re-creation is Possible

A channeled message to share with you.....4-15-2020

Dearest Ones,

We love you and we are here for you.  This message is brought to you today.  This is the time when all shall be seen.  The possibility of all that we have hoped for.  The veil is thinner than ever before and your heart will be open more.  See the world as we do; a place of peace and love and everchanging beauty.   We ask you to see what we see.  We do not see the collapse of your markets, we see the beauty of all that is.  We do not see the anger, fear and violence as taking precedence; we see the magic of love and hope.   We do not see the lines being divided we see the cooperation of one another.  We are here and we have thousands of you on your journey bringing forward the light of a new day.  Trust this is where you are meant to be for in time you will see how far you have come and what you have received. 

It is not about money and power, life is about living and is filled with the glory of love, peace and trust.  Honor one another for it is now that we can build bridges that have been burned.  It is now that we can raise awareness for how to live one’s life.  It is now, that all is possible.  

The earth is ready to renew herself once again and as she renews herself she is giving you the same opportunity.  IT is never too late to open up to a new day and experience and see it differently.  It is not possible to be in the light and see only pain.  It is not possible to be in the love and feel only sadness.  NOW is the time. What you have all been waiting for is here.  Do not hesitate to trust your inner truth even if it is seen by others differently. Your truth is what is real! 

Behold the beauty of who you are dear souls for you have much to cherish as we cherish your light.  Shine it bright for in time your glow will be the one thing that changes the world faster than any group has.

It is with love and light that we bring you this new message of a new day and hope.  Honor one another for you are all souls here to achieve the same goal in human form: happiness.

The Masters of Light through EstaRa.