Friday, August 20, 2010

Money Only Has the Power You Give it.

Dear Ones, Children of the Earth,
You are wondering why you feel so stuck where you are. We are here to tell you that you are not. You have the magic within you to move beyond all that is making you stuck. You don’t have to feel this immobility. We urge you to simply live. Fear of not having enough money is keeping each and everyone of you stuck—you do not need to think of money. You simply need to think about living—what is it you wish to do? Make that decision and the means will always follow.

In your 3-D world it is easy to see only the money issues. Is it not what everyone works for? Is it not always on display? Limit your intake of societal means to control your belief system. Take control of your beliefs and change them if you wish for it is up to you to make your world what you wish it to be. The interesting fact is that you, each and everyone of you create your reality. In so doing, your beliefs are what fuel you. If you wish to create something other than you have, then you must look to your beliefs. There is always evidence out there to prove whatever it is that you wish to believe in. If you wish to think money is all encompassing of your life then that will become your focus and you will live in fear of having enough. You will live with the beliefs of people who fear having enough and it will surround you through all types of media. If you wish to see money as a form of exchange, then you will see that it is possible to find other forms of exchange. You will change your beliefs about money and see the multitude of possibilities and abundance that will come your way. Money only has the power that you give it. Give it less power and you become more powerful and tap in to your energy reserves. Give it more power and you become a slave to the power and you close up your energy reserves.

We wish to tell you that immobility is simply your inability to clarify your desire. It is not without difficulty that you achieve your desire for you are human and you have lessons in which you came into this lifetime wishing to learn. If you are willing to love you above all else, then you will achieve more than you have desired. You will open the gates of heaven here on earth.
Joy loved ones is always an option—the choice is simply to live. We wish you to know that if you feel immobilized—what is it you are not allowing into your existence? What is it that you truly desire?

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message.
The Masters of Light

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Be a Beacon of Love...

Good Morning World, it is a beautiful day temperature wise. I just came in from my outside morning meditation. I love a little sun, some fresh air and nature's songs in the morning. I asked Spirit, do you have a message for today? And the answer was as followed:

Yes dear child--the message today is to simply love--everyone you meet along your day. Spend the day opening to your heart even to people who are angry, cynical, fearful and closed so much to love that they don't even know they are closed to love. For the entire day say what you love. Experience what you do as an ability to love.


One thing to remember is that on this day, you will be tested and yet you will remain in love. As a result your will open to allow more love in. That is all we have for you today.

With love, honor and respect, The Masters of Light.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Channeled 8-9-10: More Money? More Time? More Love?

Hello Everyone,

I have been prompted from my guides to share this following Channel with you all...this was channeled yesterday morning!

August 9, 2010

Dear Children of the Earth,

The time is now. It isn’t yesterday, today or tomorrow. The time is now. For the last several years your channeler has been taught to be present fully present in the moment even while she does her daily routine. We encourage this. Let go of the distractions we say. We see how easy distractions come for all of you especially when you do not know that is what they are for you. You may call it work. You may call it household chores. You may call it responsibilities. We call it distraction from what you would like to achieve. You may wonder why or how it is possible, but it is. Your goal is to live your life fully in light, love and integrity. Truth always prevails unless you are in fear and choose to hide from your truth.

We urge you to take a step into the now at this moment. What is it that you wish? More money? More time? More love? Do not think you can or cannot have it—it is the moment “Now”. Use this “now” moment to get that which you desire.

More money—it is with you and flows abundantly if you let it . Stop focusing on what you may owe and what others may owe you. Know deep within you have it—all that you need.

More time—it is with you and stands still when you learn how to use it. The more you learn to remove distractions the more you learn to slow time. The largest distraction for humans is technology. It is designed to eat up your time if you allow it.

More Love—it is already with you—within you. If you allow it to flow freely from you to others and to yourself you will experience it in a full flow of abundance. You have only to look inside in this moment.

How do you do that you ask? We tell you to simply allow. Allow by quieting your mind and removing the old thought patterns.

Removal of the old thought patterns is simple to do---stop your usual distractions that keep you locked into the old ways of thinking and doing. You humans think escape is for a good reason at times. We tell you it is not. We tell you that the Now should be in your mind. We encourage you to make that your escape: the present moment.

We urge you to make the time at the beginning of your day a quiet inner time. Do not listen the to radio, television or any other sound. Do not converse with anyone until you have had your quiet awareness as it will set the tone of your day as well as set your boundaries energetically.

We wish to teach you about the present if you are ready—tell us and we will show each of you in the way that is best for you.

Your channeler has more to do today so we will stop here. It is with love honor and respect that we bring this message to you. The Masters of Light--Channeled through April D'Amato.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Magic is Yours Now

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to share a simple channel. This one was directed to me, but I am being prompted by my guides to share it with you all for in this message is a message for all of you too! Enjoy and boy is this a beautiful weather day in Connecticut!

Dear One,

It is time to use what you know, dear one. Your journey has brought you here to the place of magic and light. Your power is within you not from outside of you. It is magical at this time and only you know the truth of what is to be--do not get caught up in what others say and get stuck in their words and then ultimately in your thoughts. You know that which we speak of, dear child. The magic is yours now. Behold it is a new day. And we are by your side always, we will not leave your side nor will we let you falter for you have asked up to help you and that is what we must do. You know by the way you feel the choices are good for you or bad for you and that is not to say that your choices are good or bad, but in human terms you like to label things as good or bad. So going with that thought recognize how one choice over another makes you feel and not necessarily how you feel in the moment, but how you feel after. For that is the tale that will tell you how well you are choosing for your life's journey.

Be still in this moment and know we are with you all the way. Dear one, you didn't expect to add the little channel did you? We just felt it appropriate to give you a little more. Trust. Trust you as you know far beyond any question what is right for you. We love you and hold you in the highest respect for you are our sister.

We are your guides and we bring you light always.

Well, this is April back. I wasn't expecting that as they said and I didn't change a thing. What I was coming to write you all was the first six sentences because that is all I had, but I am an open channel and when I get to writing the channel opens more. Blessings to you today.