Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Past Life as an Egyptian Woman

Just woke up. The group circle hasn't ended yet--DebRa is not back in our room. I am wide awake now, I wonder what time it is. I reach over the clock and only 40 minutes has passed from the time I laid down in my bed and fell asleep. I feel like I slept for hours it was marvelous.

Now as I sit up in my bed, I feel so many feelings. So much has happened in this day...well this whole trip really. Tonight, I kept feeling my lifetime in Egypt. The lifetime I spent a lot of time healing last spring. It was one of my lifetimes as an Egyptian Woman. I think it must have been here in Luxor or not far from here. The vibe here makes me feel it more.

Last spring, this life came to me in full focus. I think I need to preface this post with the fact that I never used to believe in past lives until I started to experience them several years ago now. This particular life came to me in a flash of about 13 different lives I had had when I asked a question about my twin. (I was more doubtful back then---but after Egypt there is no longer any doubt left. By the way, I am saying this for you all as well as for me.) To this day, I wasn't sure why the 13, but now as I type this I am feeling that those particular 13 were the ones that were most similar to the life I am experiencing today. I know that my twin and I have always been in lifetimes together, but not always in the same capacity. So, if you are one that is a little skeptical about past lives don't worry it is understandable as I was a skeptic at first. And, the truth is that a few years ago I only had a glimpse of that life and didn't really know much about it until last year and tonight I keep seeing images of it.

So the life goes a little like this, I was an Egyptian woman of a pretty high family status. I was single and free to walk around the village and the markets. There was a man that I was in love with. He was a Hebrew Slave. He worked very hard in the hot sun alongside many other "slaves". They were digging something from what I could see in the vision/memory. As an Egyptian woman, my attitude was very self assured and I was pretty independent and it appeared could do what I wanted. I was known for sure by all the people in the markets and village. I definitely had status as I was dressed quite well. I was in the market and I saw my love. (We had secret meetings and met several times secretly. I don't know how that happened, but it appeared that way based on what I did see.) On this particular day, I walked over to where he was working. He was a very dark skinned man from working in the hot sun. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. We conversed and as if he forgot himself, he reached his hand up to touch my face as a gesture of love. (His eyes were the same eyes of my twin in this lifetime. I knew instantly it was him.) At that moment, an overseer of the slaves' work came over and used some sort of weapon that was like a staff with a knife on the end and killed him. This is all I had until last year and then last year, I started to get even more information. (I was devastated at the thought of him dying because of loving me, perhaps that is his fear in this life...if he loves me openly he will die? I know that is a very simplified version of what I am saying, but it makes sense, don't ya think?)

All that happened, but what I didn't realize was that I was not only of high status, but I was to marry someone to bring our families together. He was killed for loving me. I also discovered that I was pregnant with our baby and we were planning to escape together and my meeting him in the village was to confirm that that night we would run. When the guard killed my beloved, I was taken back to my palace where I was sent away. I had not only embarrassed my family, but caused more strife because I was not "pure" for this "Holy Union" that was set up for me with the other family. I was sent away during my pregnancy and then when the baby was born, I was not allowed to keep it. They took my baby from me as I could not have a slave's baby especially when I was to marry someone of my class. Oh how I cried at the thought of not only having lost my beloved, but our beautiful creation as well. It explains a lot to me about my life today. I am feeling a lot of sadness and tears. I hear the group coming back from the circle so I must get back to sleep--no time to cry now even though that is truly what I would like to do at this point.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Channeled Message: Rainbow of Light

Channeled live at The Shekinah Temple on Sunday, March 13, 2011

Greetings, Dear Ones.

On this evening of light, we bring you a message. EstaRa mentioned the rainbow of energy that we have brought to you this evening. (I saw a rainbow of energy coming down over the group during meditation being swirled down into the crowns of each person present.) We ask you to surround yourself in the rainbow. The rainbow is meant to protect you as a blanket. The red represents security and stability. The orange represents creativity and nurturing. The yellow represents courage and strength. The green light is truth and healing. The sky blue is the color of expression and your voice dear ones. Your voice must be heard in this time. The indigo light is your wisdom and knowledge that you each can tap into whenever you desire. The violet light is your connection to us and your highest self. That is (your higher self) is gradually becoming a part of you every day. Dear ones we are with you always. We protect you always. We wish to let you know we are here with you. When you go outside this evening look up to the star we are there…we are your brothers and sisters of light. We bring you this message this evening with love honor and respect. We are the Masters of light.

Channeled Message: Balance

Channeled in Middletown, CT on Friday, March 4, 2011 through EstaRa (April D’Amato) and transcribed on this day.

Greetings Dear Ones,

We have a message for you. EstaRa has given you many messages this evening from us. We had to tell her that it is important to tell you to stay balanced. Balance is key in this lifetime of yours. Your 3D is changing rapidly much will be crazy in your terms. However it need not be for you. If you choose it will be light and love that is a path you must choose if you wish. However you may choose chaos and fear that is a path you may choose if you wish to as well. That would be okay we love you still. Many of you are tired. Many of you are tired from your journey it has been a difficult one dear ones. But you would not have been chosen for this journey had you not been warriors of the light before you came to this earth time and space. We tell you this to remind you to activate your light. Activate your light every day and carry it wherever you will go. It is simple to do… calling light into your time and space wherever you go it will follow you and bring to you what you need to prevail in the places that are dark. Many places you travel are dark , dark we tell you is simply lack of light. It is not fearful and is not to be feared. It is just lack of light and you dear ones will bring your light. Do not be afraid dear ones. We know dear ones that many times you are afraid of your own light.

WE will give you a sense at this moment of peace. We ask you to close your eyes and feel within you a peaceful space connect within. We are sending out to you from the heart center of EstaRa, we are sending out to you LOVE. Feel it within your hearts dear one, LOVE. Imagine if you wish a sailboat on the water. The water is rough and restless. But the sailboat goes with the flow of the water. That can be you the sailboat gliding on the ocean of waves that move back and forth rushing but you dear ones will be the peaceful sailboat on the oceans of life. See that at this moment, see you as the sailboat and know inside what that feels like for you. If you allow yourself to feel this at this moment then you will discover that you have all that you need to ride out the storm that we call the final wave of awakening. We call it the storm because it will bring much with it will be quick and it could be destructive but it does not have to be. For some it may be if a solid foundation is not what you have in your life then it can be destructive for it will take away all that is not built upon a solid foundation. It is important that you find within you a solid foundation. It is the key in this storm. The tools you have been learning are all for you to build upon so that you have that solid foundation—again we tell you it is the key in this storm.

You are warriors of light and you will withstand this storm. Your journey is just beginning. Your work has already begun you have the tools within you to withstand any storm that comes upon this earth. There is no need to fear. You are not alone we are with you always. We are watching over your earth we are watching all beings on earth. We are making sure that you are safe and protected. Lightworkers you are loved and are needed now. The earth beings need you now. The earth needs you now. We activate light within each and every one of you. The key word for you this evening is trust in your journey and have faith in all that you are doing. Trust. Too much doubting happens upon your earth look within your answer are there . The doubt only comes from fear. Stay in love==love is balance. Love is light ==Love is what you are. Love is the essence of you.

It is with great love, honor and respect that we bring you this message. We love you dear ones.

We are the Masters of Light.

Channeled Message about Preparation and What is to come.

Channeled Message in Middletown, CT on March 6, 2011 through EstaRa (April D’Amato).

Greetings Dear Ones,

We come to you with a message for your earth day, your day here upon earth. Much is changing in your world. Much will be different much will change. The truth of who you are shall be revealed to each individual upon your planet will discover who they truly are. The discovery will bring much chaos and light. Both qualities will be brought forward. Light dear one is where all wishes to be. Not all knows how to attain the light within themselves.

There is a divine spark in each and every one of you on this planet earth. The dawning of this new age will bring that spark to the surface to be lit from within but to shine without. Each individual’s power comes from within there is no other way to attain it in this life on your earth. Each individual has an ancient divine spark of power. Each individual has a right to this power it seems highly coveted in your lifetime upon earth however it is there, it is for you to grasp . It is for one and all to achieve.

It is necessary in this lifetime for all to receive this light at this time. In five earth days, light will have reached this planet to a high that is not easily achieved it will create a ripple effect that will go outward from each individual lightworker. The time is now lightworkers we need you to remain in balance. Remain Neutral—step away from the emotions. WE know as humans the emotions are your gift but they are also a difficulty for each of you to maintain in balance. The time is speeding up on your earth we tell you that the next year and half in your earth of time will be as if it were a blink of your human eye. It will be at the time and space that we know of. Realize that much will be done and much can be undone. Great changes will come to your planet that no one has been able to predict. The earth evolution has begun. The final stages are being laid out for you.

EstaRa is asking about preparation. She hears the word preparation quite often…you have prepared all your earth lifetime for this moment. This spark on the earth each and every one of you are required to take notice of where you are and step into your power. Step fully into your light now. We tell you to ask for you to ask for light to light your space and bring it wherever you go and call in the light wherever you go. It will require much work for each of you to remain in balance during these next several months of your earth time. Much will be provided that will pull you off balance. Now is the time to be the warrior that you are. The warrior of light is not in battle it is shining when all else is not. It is your job to stay aligned with light even when emotions will pull you off and when your earth 3D will pull you off balance. Much will happen to created your new reality.

EstaRa is asking about the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is collapsing upon your 3rd dimension as that begins to happen things will change more rapidly and pressures will be on for all you 3D beings to change and evolve beyond where you have been. No longer will the old ways of living exist comfortably much needs to change and much has changed dear ones. Much has changed . Much has changed making way for the 5D reality to become 3D reality. Your reality and truth is within you. Where do you choose to put your energy.

We area overlighting the planet every human earth day. WE have been here right alongside each and every one of you. Be prepared dear ones, by staying in light and love while the rest of the world will be in chaos because they choose to hold onto their human 3D fears. Many will opt out of the planet at this time. There will be an increase for mass exits. There will be an increase for mass entry as well.

Sacred Couples will be coming together to create a new world bringing in new beings to this earth space and time. (EstaRa no need to put energy into worry. For you will have that which you desire.) You will be amazed dear ones, amazed at what can happen on your earth. You will be amazed at what beauty you will be bring to this earth and you will be surprised at how soon that will transpire on your earth. Stay present in the moment for that is what will bring you what you wish for. Your light is needed but if you are in emotion you can not shine as brightly as you do when you are balanced and present in your moment. There is nothing you need to do to make it happen…all is happening. All has been happening since august of 2010. Energies that came to the planet in August prepared the way and it culminated on 10-10-10 your portal of time and space.

Your dreams are safe dear ones take in the feeling of peace and know it from within you for that is what you must cling to. Maintain your peace for you for your beloved other half will feel that peace and stay in that peace in spirit. That peace is what will make them come and make you whole again. In the 5th dimension each of you knows your role each of you understands where to go what is happening and what to do. The time is now in your 3D human times and mind the knowledge is beginning to trickle in. It has been a slow process but dear ones in 5 days from now that process will increase. Your earth manifestations will increase at a much quicker space. We just bid you peace and love. You are guided and loved. We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. We bid you a fond day and farewell.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In Search of the Nile...Orbs, Orbs, Orbs

Luxor this city pulls at my heart. Is it because of the time at Edfu or is it because this place feels oddly familiar? I don't know yet. There is now five of us walking through Luxor in search of the Nile. Now you must get the image of this to really understand this blog post and to find the humor that I did (and do now that I am back in the US). There are four Americans and one Roman walking around in a town where the only language really spoken here is Arabic and none of the five people speak Arabic. We are trying to find our way without a map. We changed our plans from shopping at the market where we were going to try our hand at haggling. At first, I was a little disappointed, but as the night went on--I realized what a good idea it was for us not to haggle that evening. I mean we are such spiritual beings, but after all the initiations and experiences we have opened so much more that we were high as a kite on the energy of this place. Haggling would require us to really think and convert money in our mind not to mention knowing the language would be helpful. The conversion to Egyptian pounds is crazy to me: something could be a 450 Egyptian Pounds and really only be about $77 US so you can imagine the confusion with a right brained individual in trying to figure it out. It is times like these that I miss my left brain. hahaha

We are trying to find the Nile. Yes, we know it is the longest river in the world, but it doesn't mean it is the easiest to find. :) So we start walking in one direction and it doesn't feel right.

So we start walking in another direction and it doesn't feel right. So we see a bunch of police sitting around in one area near the Luxor Temple and ask them how to get to the Nile. They nod like they heard us, but then they sent us to the admissions area for the Luxor Temple. They look at us like they know what we asked, but at closer examination they are just smiling at us and haven't a clue as to what we said. We did circle the area for a few minutes before we decided we might as well just walk around Luxor and enjoy the city. I still had some time before my session with Armunkara.

We start walking and find our way to the Nile. It was really a short walk, but because we didn't know where we were going we walked all over the place and it seemed like it took I can imagine what it must have been like to be wandering in the desert in search of the Nile River in ancient times. Finally you reach it, what an incredible sight. I couldn't capture what it looked like because you would have to be there for the breathtaking feeling. The Nile is so alive you can feel it. This is a picture of the Nile at night and you can see the orbs. Luxor is all Orbs everywhere you look.

Our walk gave us a glimpse of the people of Luxor. The children were so beautiful. As people walked they seemed to be on a mission, they hardly seem to notice us (the tourists) walking by. Is it because they are disconnected and don't notice us or is it because you see one tourist you see them all? I wonder if it is a little of both.

On our way back from the Nile to our hotel, I took more pictures of the city. I was in aww of the orbs that presented themselves there. The interesting thing is that the camera was not necessarily needed to see the orbs--you could see some of them with your own eyes. This is a church we were passing by on our way back to the hotel.

When I got back to the hotel I went up to Armunkara's room for my cranio-sacral session. This was amazing not only did I get incredible back relief, but I got visions of the desert. Here is the vision: I was in the desert alone and just looked up and saw sand in the distance. It was sunny, but I wasn't hot. It looked like the sun was about to set. Then, as I look up a man is coming over the sand mountain on a horse riding to me. He was dressed in really cool clothes and a turban. His clothes were more like Indiana Jones than a Middle Eastern Man. This man did not look Middle Eastern. He just looked right at me and was coming to rescue me. Then, my session ended and the vision was over. Hmmm...what do you make of it? (I am now back from Egypt and still don't know what it means...if anyone picks up on it--let me know.)

Now, I am back in my room just wanting to relax and absorb this beautiful energy from Armunkara.
I am staying in the hotel room while everyone gathers for the group circle. I just feel like I need to be laying down in a clean room, comfy bed and peaceful space. Nighty night...sweet dreams Luxor.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Downtown Luxor & Visit to a Mosque

Back now, did you miss me? Betcha didn't even know I was a night. I am in my room by myself everyone is now gathering for our group circle up on the roof of the hotel. Every hotel except our first one we gathered on the rooftops for our circle gatherings. The roofs of the hotels here are great locations--they have bars, swimming pools and lounging areas. So right now everyone is up there and I am in my room relaxing. I opted out of our group meeting tonight because I had the most amazing session with Armunkara and I just feel like javascript:void(0)I need to be in my bed to allow it to integrate and boy it is the first time my back feels some relief since falling a few days earlier.

So let me take you back a bit to my trek through downtown Luxor at sunset.
About seven of us decided to go for a walk and get money from an ATM and then shop. We started out and right away someone offered camels for me. Jeanne was my rescuer and felt bad for me right away because this had now become a regular occurrence for me everywhere I went. Sitting here in my bed now and writing this makes me think I finally realize why I am so "attractive" to the men of Egypt. I feel like my Egyptian vibe is on. I mean I am being called Ra'chel Ra which is my name from many past lifetimes and quite a few of them had been in this part of the world. So there is no wonder that I am being "recognized" if you will. I must be appearing to them as Egyptian Ra'chel and not Italian, Polish and Ukranian April.

So as we were walking there were six women and one man walking with us. The one guy, Jeff was walking next to me and laughing at the several offers of camels. I pulled him aside after the last time he laughed and said to him. "I realize you have a girlfriend on this trip, but while you are walking next to me and men are offering camels for me you are my husband and you do not want to sell me!" We all laughed, but believe me I truly meant what I said.
So we found the ATM finally after walking a few blocks because the first one we came to didn't work. We still needed to exchange this money for American Dollars, but nothing was open because at sundown, Muslims stop working for the sabbath just as in Judaism. It is amazing how similar Judaism and Islam are in their beliefs and customs. I knew it but seeing the shops and banks closing down as they get ready to pray just reminded me.

So, we stood on the city plaza at least that is what it looked like to me which is where the pictures were taken. As you looked around you could see people walking and talking as children played. It was really a busy little area.

We walked up to the steps of a Mosque as Jeff started speaking with a holy man. He invited us in to see what it was like. Most of our group stayed outside and chose not to go in; only Jeff and I entered. I had never been inside a Mosque before and my curiosity always gets me wanting to check things out. Time seemed limited because people seemed to be making their way into the house of worship to begin prayers. The Imam, Prayer leader (kind of like a rabbi or priest) was the one who greeted us. We removed our shoes before entering. It was very simple inside and beautiful at the same time. You could feel the energy of prayers as you walked through. There was no seating only carpets for people to kneel or sit on to pray. The Imam showed us around and explained that there is one God and we all have different ways to pray including Jews and Christians. He made it very clear that he was open minded and didn't think anyway was wrong. He said it was just a way in which to pray to God. He accepted all. I really liked that he said that and felt comfortable with his explanation. It was a quick tour because as I said they were getting ready to pray.

As we made our way out to the other side of the Mosque, the Imam asked for a donation to an orphanage. Always asking for money for doing such things. Some people were offended, but I was okay in giving them money for the orphanage. It is a little intimidating and awkward to have a "holy man" ask you for money, but it is what it is. This is the view of the downtown plaza at Luxor. Look at the amount of orbs that are present.

After we finished our little tour, we decided to continue walking and opted not to go shopping. Two of our group separated and opted to shop while five of us decided we would try and find the Nile. The search is on to find the Nile...


Lemon Mint Tea and A Clean Room Equal Happy Moments

We finally get to the hotel and we are all hungry. We drop off our luggage quite literally, the bus empties our luggage into the hotel and we have plans to go eat at a restaurant for our lunch which is later than lunchtime for us. So we head on out through another market to get to our restaurant. There is something oddly familiar about this Luxor place. It feels amazing.

We drop our bags off and walk down the street through a market place to our lunch. You know after awhile, I feel like a lemming following along. It is hard being in a country where you don't know the language and you have two maybe three people who speak the language and there is a large group of 33 people following along. It is an odd feeling and while I had a sense of comfort with such a large group of beautiful, spiritual beings, it still made for some weird energy going round.
We made our way up to this restaurant which was on a second floor. It looked like we were entering a house at first, but when we got to the second floor you could see the tables set up like a restaurant. Again, a lot of bread! However, the food choices were pretty good considering I was starving at this point.
We are all feeling a little haggard at this point. Well, at least, I was. Luxor has a different energy to me than anywhere else we had been thus far. This place I do feel like I have been before; perhaps not so far back in human history though at this moment, I am not feeling like it was ancient roots. We gather in this restaurant which was waiting for us and they had a menu planned for us. The food was very good there. I had my first drink of lemon mint which was like a fresh lemonade with fresh dried mint on top. It was awesome! And, here you thought I wasn't going to say anything good about the food. :)

We finished up our late lunch and some of us decided that we would try to traverse through the markets of Luxor on our own. We have the rest of the day for ourselves until 8:30 when we are to gather in our group circle. I had to go to an ATM for more money to cover the sleeping train cost and the trip to Alexandria.

I am still achy--oy vey and there are so many stairs to go up--normally wouldn't mind so much, but really?? Tiny elevators with long waits makes you want to do stairs. Booked a session with Armunkara at lunch for a cranial sacral session after we come back from the market.

I am in my room now which is heavenly compared to the last place we stayed at. It is clean!! Oh my I love it here. The room is so clean and we are here for two nights--woohoo!! DebRa just put her suitcase on a wall attached suitcase stand and it just pulled it out of the wall. Oy vey!! Well thank goodness it wasn't me--that is so typically what would have happened to me in the past, but I guess I am well taken care of with the achy back. :) So, I am off to get some money, water and shopping done...
