Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Quick Energy Update: Unseen Revealed

Quick Energy Update:

We are in the Eclipse Sandwich--we are now in the middle of it and just entering the Solar Eclipse Energy. Take a deep breath, there is more to come. It seems endless does it not? The continuing clearing and purging possibilities are endless during these times. It makes for very chaotic energy, but the beauty is once you let go of some of the deeper, darker fears/patterns/behaviors/beliefs that have been long buried and "unseen" you will be done with them and come out on the other end sparkly and fresh.

Yes, I know sparkly and fresh may not be what you are looking for, some of you just want quick rinse. hahaha Unfortunately, but fortunately, this is a profound time of healing. I mention the "unseen" barriers coming up for clearing and release. The most important take away is that you are given the opportunity to clear away all these "unseen" blocks/barriers that you had to love. What does that mean? It means you didn't even know you had these blocks, but recognizing them and clearing them is instrumental in you letting love in. Twinflames, particularly, this is a key of sorts to open the door to divine union. Many of you have been waiting for this to happen--well the key is here. How do you wish to proceed? Turn the key unlock the door to all kinds of revelations about who you are, what motivates you and what prevents you. You can work through those emotions in a real physical, mental, emotional and spiritual way which involves greater magic or you can choose to ignore the key. The choice is yours--it always is! Dare I say, this is the easy way? Doesn't sound easy, does it? My personal feeling is it is definitely a lot easier than heading through another round of trauma to kick up this stuff and add another layer down to work through. Just my opinion here.

Last evening after several days of emotions/tears and true releasing, I asked my guides to lead me to
what is happening with this Eclipse. It is uncovering deep familial and ancestral wounds, patterns, fears etc. Need I say more? Family stuff from this life, previous life, your family's life, and their previous life. We often talk about timelines merging, overlapping--well this eclipse is a true expression of that with your family stuff. I highly recommend that you honor where you are at with this energy.

How to survive guide: (I laugh as I heard those words just now from my guides.) These are their quick tips.
1. Eat lightly--heavy foods will add to the heaviness of movement of emotions
2. Drink Extra Pure Water--stay hydrated as you are clearing away all that no longer serves you.
3. Get Outside--even if 10 minutes of fresh air and sun.
4. Breathe Consciously throughout your day. (we usually leave it up to our bodies, right now--let's not trust our bodies will breathe well through this.)
5. Plow through the thoughts/memories/fears through writing/creative expression.

Okay...see you all in the ethers and on the other side of this eclipse. ~EstaRa

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Q&A: Do Both Twinflames Have to Understand the Journey?

A new question from one of my followers:

My question is do both twins need to understand about the twin flame journey in order to come into union?  He’s more of the bury his head in the sand type guy and pushes all feelings aside.  I do feel like he is working on himself and hopefully can come to see in himself what I see in him, but I doubt he knows about twin flames. 

Thank you for your email.  To answer your question, no it is not necessary for both twins to
know about the twinflame journey in order to come together.  Is it helpful if they knew and understood--I am almost certain it is.   But the truth is that on a human level it is not necessary for both twinflames to know about the journey.  The twinflames that are not aware of the twinflame journey definitely feel a strong connection to their beloved; they may consider it something different than what they may have experienced before or they may feel the person is their soul mate--either way they often recognize the connection.   One person in the relationship will inevitably discover the twinflame journey to help them navigate through the relationship here on earth--so that you could find guidance and clarity.  And really,  one person understanding the journey will do the work that is necessary to remove blocks to the union.  Just please know that healing comes in layers--it is never just one time and you are done--sometimes the same issue comes up a few times for full clearing because it is reflected in both your realities.  

Don't worry about whether your twinflame knows you are twinflames--he doesn't need to know and if he is in the runner phase---probably better he doesn't know right now. :)  I jest, but the reality is that it is often a concern of the more aware twinflame. It is really more of a superficial fear:  Why?  We tend to think it will make the process go faster which we can't make it go faster or slower--we go at the pace that will bring us most into an alignment.  We also feel the sense of urgency in this timeline.  Just know that all is in divine and perfect order--ie: alignment.

As an aside, I've told my twin who we are--I've told him just recently the word twinflame--he said it sounds crazy and dismissed it. Yet, he has always understood our connection, as a matter of fact, he was the first one to comment on our magnetic connection.

Blessed Journey to Union

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Energy Thoughts: Dress Rehearsal Has Ended

Good Morning Everyone,

Well--snow day yesterday and blue skies and sun today! Today feels magical already, I don't know what is in store, but perhaps something big--but it feels good. The energy feels lighter than I have felt, waves of light have been pushing down upon the planet since the 15th of January. When waves of light come in, does it all get better you ask? Or you may be asking why doesn't it get better?
The quick short answer is: Light shines upon darknesss. It reveals what has been hidden. The more light that enters, the more that becomes unveiled.  Do not fear the waves of light that may make things uncomfortable, it is only bringing up that which needs to be seen/heard/felt.  It even shows us the dust bunnies hidden away in the corner. 

A lot has transpired over the last couple of weeks, in fact, so much so that the world appears upside down.  The actions taken in the last couple of weeks have been extreme and have catapulted us into drama and fear as the energy. While this discomfort is playing out on a grander scale such as in the United States and more globally, it is necessary at this time.  Why does it have to be this way?  My guides explain as this:  Would you feel a pebble fall upon your head?  Would you notice it? Not likely. As a matter of fact, pebbles have been dropped upon your head and just brushed off as if they would not make a mess.  A mess they have made as you have had to step over them, work around them and move them, but they have never been gone. (read: continuation of more of the same--no change.)    Unfortunately, the proverbial brick had to be dropped on their head.  (read: an extreme Presidential Administration doing outrageous action that are not in alignment with the American Constitution, but also out of alignment of the new paradigm we are trying to create as a unified planet.)

What is happening/playing out in America is in direct relation to the fact that for so long people (read: Americans particularly with regard to this post) have been in a slumber some of it most certainly induced by society/media/powers that be, but a larger part is due to the fact many have not begun to look inside for their power. They have often been programmed to look outside for their answers and have aligned their truth to that which is in their physical reality when in fact, their internal truth is what is real.~Galactic Federation of Light  (read: the vast majority needs/needed a wake up call.) 
The extreme is being played out right now and it is up to us to make it into a balance.   If we didn't
have this extreme, would there be any reason to wake up, take action and make changes.   The last several years we have been undergoing a massive shift on this planet; we are moving into a higher dimensionsional reality and shifting human consciousness from where is has been trapped (fear/violence/control/manipulation) to one where all beings can live in harmony  (love/peace/compassion/unity).  The dress rehearsal is over, we are being called to play our part.  Step up dear ones, step up.

Our suggestion for you at this time dear ones is to come into balance individually first.  (read: this is why the emphasis is on making you a priority and learning to navigate you more broadly)  Once you have mastered living as human in balance, then you can help others.  We ask you to look into your hearts, discern your truth from the earth energies, and go forward from there; for your reality will show you a different view. ~Galactic Federation of Light    

(read:  Do what you can to maintain your vibrational frequency and increase it as much as you can.  Clear yourself daily.  Check out this post for more information on daily clearing.  Surround yourself with like minds.    Learn some form of quieting your mind, traditional meditation is simply one way.  There are many ways to bring ourselves into a balance.)  

We have a choice right now on this planet, we are creating our direction in every breath we take, every decision we make, every thought we think and every feeling we feel.  Check this post out for more information from the Arcturian Masters of Light.  Yes, we have that much power, our interconnectedness has been growing since 2011 and it will continue to ripple outward more vastly in the coming years.  We can choose to do the same things that has played out over and over again on our planet: such as violence, anger, fear, etc.  Remember that is only one way to move forward because we most certainly have gleaned some bits of light and wisdom from those past experiences to choose differently.  No matter what we choose, we do so by our actions. Not only is our voice louder when we are together, our unity is what can turn darkness into light. 

No more dress rehearsal, put on your best love warrior, light bearer tools and step forward.  The love revolution is on.

With Love,

 Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .