Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Last Night in Aswan

We bid farewell to Aswan tonight. I called home and found out that there was this massive snowstorm...a Noreaster occurring. They sounded so cold and stuck inside that I was so grateful to be in this hotel that I thought was icky.

When we got back from the Papyrus Museum, a few of us decided to have a cup of tea. Yes, you guessed it...boiled mint--it was definitely my favorite Egyptian food..yes I know it is a beverage, but by now you must know that the food choices for me were really slim to none. Even if I wasn't gluten sensitive the amount of bread they served us was way over the top. We sat outside overlooking the beautiful Nile at Sunset. Here is the view that we saw sitting down having our tea.

It was beautiful and yes a cool night again. We gathered up in a circle to share our experiences of the day. I still felt quiet again this night. I did share in circle, but I feel emotions building up within me like there is more happening to me energetically than I know. My back was a little achy still from the fall today and tonight as I sat in circle I had a little difficulty in focusing because my legs kept getting restless. Now, I am sitting in my room trying to figure out how to upload some blogs to post, but oh well not sure that will happen. The interesting thing is that since the train ride I think we finally opened up a little and bonded with one another more. In the circle, we all seemed to share a little more. It is beginning to feel like I am really with my soul family. I love them. I have been looking for a soul family for sometime and I think I have found them.

Okay, DebRa is back in the room and she is tired and wants to go to sleep too. We are waking up early again--Big Surprise (I know, not April's schedule of wake up whenever and go from there. hahaha) No instead early day and our luggage has to be outside the door by 6:00 a.m. to get taken down to the bus. We are off to our new location in Luxor by way of the Temple of the Crocodiles and the Temple of Edfu (I am soooo looking forward to the Temple of Edfu--it is also known as the temple of divine marriages and we all know what that means--twinflames. Twinflames!!) Okay enough excitement for tonight, my eyes are watering and no I am not crying it is from being way too sleepy. Good night to la la land...see ya there

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