Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 86: Recovery Mode

Hello World,

I know, I know. It has been 7 days since I last wrote a post. I am in recovery mode. Last Thursday, I got up and had several hours before my clients so I decided a good day to clean. Apparently cleaning requires moving furniture around so I moved furniture and made my living room look different and good, but I hurt my back. Yes, it wasn't the smartest move to make. I thought it was my hip, but it appears to be my back. I feel a pinched nerve in my back. So the last few days I have been in pain and avoiding my blogging and really not doing much of anything since last Thursday with the exception of taking Advil. If you know me, you know that I don't take any medication and Advil kicks my butt and makes me sleepy and unclear so I experienced a spacey weekend.

Yesterday, was my first day back to normal sort of, but I know I need to still take it easy and I am. It hasn't stopped my twin from calling me. He phoned me so much this past weekend. I wanted so badly to speak with him. I was so tempted to phone him, but I had a couple of friends here being supported of me. They watched movies with me and gave me the encouragement to be strong. I have to admit I need that with all this because the one thing I want more than anything is to be talking to this man. I love him.

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