Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Last Supper

Tonight was our last dinner and gathering together as a group in the King's Hotel. And, yes you guessed it more tomato sauce and rice. I am so ready to go home for real food. I am going to buy gluten free bagels, donuts, etc. hahaha . Some of us are leaving really early in the morning so it really is our last dinner together. We celebrated the trip and laughed a little. I also broke down. Really broke down when dinner was rice and tomato sauce again for me. I need real food and I need to stop having so many acidic foods: tomatoes oranges everyday--OY VEY!!!

My mini meltdown was because my mouth had developed sores from all the food, but I think the meltdown is more than that. A lot of emotions have been whirling around me this entire trip. IT has been incredibly healing and I think that is why I am so reflective. I know there is much more healing to happen for me so I made an appointment for a session with Crealo Ra for tomorrow morning after breakfast. I feel I need to work with him on some of the emotions that I am feeling. Hopefully, this will jumpstart me to feel better when I get home.

We did our last gathering this evening too. We sat in circle for closing out our group. It was incredible that it has been such a short time together, but I really feel my family is here with these amazing souls who have done this journey with me. Ironically, I haven't been the April that I know or that many of you. I am sure you are saying, well of course, because you called yourself "Ra'chel. I believe the reason I needed to be called Ra'chel this entire trip was to emit the vibration of Ra'chel. Emitting that I have received the appropriate healing necessary for Ra'chel. I realize there will be more discoveries as I go on with my days, but for now, Ra'chel is healing.

As we went around the circle, I didn't know what name to call me. I wanted to say EstaRa since it was so clearly the name I heard in the temple yesterday, but boy this would confuse everyone--some know me as April, some know me as Ra'chel (actually most know me on this trip as Ra'chel so throwing in another name right now would not be a good thing to do.) I stayed with Ra'chel.

I am leaving tomorrow and I am going to bed early tonight because Ebron Ra, my dearest friend, Carol is leaving at 5 a.m. and I want to wake up to say good bye to her. Please Angels make sure I wake up ...she is such a very dear and loving soul.


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