Monday, October 26, 2009

Less Drama

So here it is a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Connecticut, by far the best day of the weekend, but to me the best in a week. I can’t believe it! I sit here in the house writing this to you all instead of enjoying the beauty of the day. I wish I could say as I sit here I am doing this because I chose to sit in all day to write, but I didn’t. In fact, there has been no choice to stay home today. Instead, my car broke down keeping me home today. Literally–broke down—yes a 2007 Honda Civic went kaput. How is that possible you ask? I asked the exact same question. And I noticed my reaction is one of humor I laugh because what are the chances, I mean seriously, what are the chances of a Honda not working? I mean I chose this car simply due to the fact that it doesn’t do that—well that is what everyone told me and still tells me even today when so clearly, my car did break down! Oh well, I changed my plans and I am sitting here writing a note.

The other day I came across the following quote by Myrlie Evers , “I have reached a point in my life where I understand the pain and the challenges; and my attitude is one of standing up with open arms to meet them all!”

Isn’t that an amazing attitude to have? What a beautiful life it would be if we all could do that. I have to honestly say that I discovered that I there is much truth and peace in that statement. A few years ago, I easily found that choosing to live life that way made me more present in my day and life was a lot less complicated. It was absolutely incredible.

However, what I found was that some things happened in my life that caused me to become out of balance in my life and my energy. Being human and having so many human experiences happen all at once, it made me overwhelmed which in essence made me want to deal with life’s challenges less and less. As a result, I lost my way a little bit and was reminded to put me first. So often, I forget and jump off the path of healing and so often I am blessed to have my angels, my guides and my life experiences remind me. And, if I am paying enough attention to them I will quickly get back together and if I am not it may take a little longer.

The quote above reminded me to look at my life again. A few things came to my attention this past week ending with the car stuff. I choose to greet the challenges as they come rather than running to avoid them. What I notice though is that I meet a lot of people who choose to run from life and life’s challenges by way of distractions or literally, by way of creating more drama in their life to distract people from what the original situation is. I choose to be happy in this moment by embracing life’s challenges and pain. I choose to take things one day at a time rather than jumping forward or getting angry from the get go. View the world differently and make less drama in my life. What about you?

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