Monday, August 28, 2017

Energy Update for Monday, August 28, 2017

Quick Energy Update:

Are you feeling it? The energetic hangover from last week's Eclipse. I feel a little more worn and little more tired, but catching the wave and riding with its twists and turns; and there are many; not gonna lie, but I feel like they have been a little easier to handle than previously. This learning to navigate and go with the flow does not come naturally--it has taken years of shifts, including ups, low. Picture: A ride in the backseat of a NYC or Egyptian taxi, as you are tossed around. Yep, that is how it feels. I am sure some of you can relate to all these times leading up to this moment; and now, I am reminded of what my guides said recently, "dress rehearsal is over". We need to employ those tools that we have learned along the way. It is time for everyone to stay the course in what you know to be your truth, roll up your sleeves and get out your spiritual toolbox and see all that is available to you. We have a vast amount of tools at our ready, we are the pathpavers and the wayshowers.
downs, sideways and back of learning to go with the f

Now, I speak to those slowly awakening from their slumber or still learning to navigate the energy. Are the fears and extremes subsiding or are you caught up in it?

We are halfway in the cycle of Mercury Retrograde. Yep, only half way--it feels like we have been in a perpetual Ground Hog Day, does it not? I mean, we keep rehashing some of the same things/thoughts/beliefs/fears/doubts over the last couple of weeks that we thought we finished and yet, there they are again? Why you ask? Simple answer is those are the things that are left unfinished. Time to revisit those things and move right into them and through them---this is the beauty of the time we are in. It is a crucial point in humanity's ascension, these are amazing opportunities being provided for us to break through limitations/fears/outdated beliefs. Look for teachers/healers/guides that can assist you in taking the next steps forward--the time is now.

I'm here if you need me, just message me or email me. It is with love that I offer this to you.

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