Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Energy Update: You are Leader in Walking the Path of Light

Good day Evening Everyone,

I have had the most incredibly difficult time in sleeping last evening. It is the second time this has happened since we have entered this month of August.  There is so much energy flying around that it is keeping us awake, alert and ready for what is to come. What is to come you ask?  It is more of what we have been seeing I am told.  The massive awakenings are continuing--the pull on the heart strings, the suffering we are witnessing, the doubt in humanity's compassion-- to name a few.  These are trying and scary times for so many.  This time on the planet has put many lightworkers on guard, and ready to pounce to our readiness-- to our rightful place to herald in the new paradigm showing the way.  We are being prompted now to take our roles as healers, teachers, peace promoters, guides, light bearers, leaders and sources of love. As as my guides have said on numerous occasions over the last several months, the dress rehearsal is over--now is the time to step into your mission/role in support of humanity's transition out of the old and into the new.

We have been doing our job in the background lighting up the pathways making the truth come to light. And yes, sometimes the truth appears darker than the light. It isn't that the truth is darker than the light, it is simply that we can finally see it.   Right now, I am going to share words that I wrote on January 3, 2016 below because they bear worth saying again:

 Something that hit me really hard recently about why there is so much anger/hatred in our world towards other people of different religion/gender/race/path/beliefs—I thought to myself how can anyone hate/torture/kill/degrade another human being. (I am being kind with my words today.)   Why is it that so many are so violent and so willing to follow along with violence? I often channel/teach/explain that all we want as humans is to feel safe and loved; thinking about that, I realize that the reason people behave in such way is that ultimately—they hate themselves.  I know hate is a strong, passion-filled word, but it is a strong, passion-filled response so many people have in their life whether is from anger/resentment/regret/trauma/pain/suffering/guilt/shame/fear etc.  Ultimately, it is what individuals feel toward themselves either out of feeling inadequate/unloved/unworthy in the eyes of their loved ones/society etc., feeling unsafe/insecure because of past trauma, feeling overwhelmed by what they have no control over and feeling fear of how to survive. 

 Since I work in energy, I can tell you that most of this is actually part of the person’s experiences on the planet in this lifetime, but it can also be part of their ancestral karma/DNA, geographical karma (their ethnicity/culture/country of origin), soul karma—these are the patternings/behaviors/experiences that they have come to learn about/overcome/change and create anew.   With that being said, I believe it is our job, the people who are awake and aware on the planet at this time,  to step up and change/transmute/clear/release those patterns for all of humanity. It cannot be done alone and it cannot be done if we don’t all choose to be the light that we are.  Yes, it is one thing to shine your light for all of humanity to see in your individual-ness, but it is time for us to come together and stand hand in hand and walk together for truth/love/harmony/peace/balance/freedom for all inhabitants of the planet. 

 I believe we must start locally; and,  I believe that there  is a revolution on the rise, but it need not be a fight/violence filled/chaos, as we have learned from our mistakes as humanity, have we not?  From a Spiritual Perspective we need more love, light and connection to one another.  From a Human Perspective we need more love, light and connection to one another.  Then how does that happen?  We stop letting the prevailing energy out there be one of anger/violence/separation; instead we accomplish this through peace, education, healing and by all means standing together raising one another up human to human.  

 What I wrote then is just as important now, if not, more than it was then.   We are at a time when humanity is seeing the rise of possibilities and we, the lightworkers, as leaders among us, are being given the opportunity to create in a new way of being, and we are asked to bring healing to the mass consciousness with all the tools we have been given. It is now that the rise of the Divine Feminine is imperative.  When I say rise of the Divine Feminine, it does not imply that women must take over and be in power--it is not a literal gender thing, nor is it to be one-sided.  That is to say, our focus (humanity's focus) must be on the qualities of the Divine Feminine--we must embody those aspects of us that have been trampled upon and downplayed over the last several thousand years.  It is time for the qualities of cooperation, forgiveness, intuition, compassion, understanding, communication and connection (read: union) to come into play.

What we are witnessing, is the unraveling of the dark template/qualities of the Divine Masculine playing out on our planet. That is to say we are seeing clearly the imbalanced energy of the Divine Masculine without his Divine Feminine.  What does it look like you ask?  It looks like the world we increasingly have been living in: competition, authoritarian control, violence, self-centered dominance, separation, suppression and thoughtless action.

Why do we need to know this?  Because this is where the lightbearers must take their stand and not face darkness with more darkness; we need to use light to combat/undo/release the darkness. We need to give the Divine Masculine permission to let go of what they have erroneously been upholding.  I want to clarify something for those of you who are not aware--when I talk about Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, I am not referring to genders--I am referring to the energy that is expressed by the human individual on the planet at this time. It bears saying that each of us have both of those aspects within us, but one plays a more predominant role in our lives.  For more information on this topic, particularly with regard to Twinflames, please see my blog posts entitled:  Breakfast with Magdalena &Jeshua  and  Message on Relationships .

With accessing more of the Divine Feminine energy and the tools of creation, balance and harmony it is possible to assist the Divine Masculine out of the dark path that he has been treading down and bring in more light to assist him onto his path of ascension.  This is a necessary step for all of humanity to find peace and create the earth they have been wanting collectively.  We do not say that you are meant to dismiss what has been occurring on the planet in your world, instead, we ask that you observe it from a different perspective and feel into how you can best be of service to humanity now from a new way.  Divine Beloveds we are with you, and we ask you to behold the mission ahead, for in that, your union will emerge.~Galactic Federation of Light  

This has gotten to be a longer writing that I expected so I think quite possibly, I will be picking it up again very soon.  We have a lot going on at this time with regard to energy.  Be prepared, Be in love,  Believe you have the power to change.   If you are a twinflame stay tuned there is more to come for you from last evening's writings, check it out Here.


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