Happy September
As you well know lots has been
happening over the past months—while I was pulled out of it for a bit in human form, it doesn't mean I wasn't experiencing all the energies with you all. I still
have the awareness and it is loud, strong and clear. While my physical body is repairing/recovery
(slower than I like, but is really finally trying to) the information
downloading into me is so much faster than ever before. I can barely keep up with the knowledge I wish to share. I feel for my friends who call me from time to time because they get information downloaded upon them too--but with my verbal flood as I speak with them. Just last night, I had a friend visit me and said, I always get a headache when I come here (not sure it is always, but we will give her the benefit of the doubt lol). I asked her if it felt more like a pressure and she said yes. I said oh that is just you receiving the multitude of downloads from being here in my high frequency, multidimensional energy. Is it a bad thing? No, it is a reminder that when you come to my home and are in my presence your energy is being uplifted to a higher frequency and the head pressure is the result of receiving multiple downloads, essentially it is a symptom of ascension.
So many misconceptions are presenting
themselves to me for exposing the truth and reality of what we are seeing. I ask
that you understand this from a higher perspective, than your human ego mind does; it often reads through information with patterns/behaviors/fears that have placed you in the ego, in the first place.
Put aside your preconceived notion for a moment, and understand that
there are a lot of lies being exposed in the human world at this time, and if
you live in your heart and soul truly letting it guide you, then you will
understand that which I speak of. You are given the tools each and every day to
see more clearly what is truth and what it not.

Many of you know that I have this gift
of looking at pictures and really seeing the people in the pictures. I had been
seeing things for years in pictures, and just assumed everyone else had as well. Until one day I looked at a picture and I was
horrified. It was of a couple who had gotten married a few months
earlier and their three children. (two
of the children from the woman and one from the man.) It was most disturbing to me, because in
the picture, they are all standing next to one another, as a family would for a family portrait, but each of them was
viewable distinctly separate. It made me
feel no connection between any of them, complete separation in their energy (no mingling energies); not even with the couple who
recently got married. I didn’t say
anything to the couple because it is not my place, but it really showed me
clearly how they didn’t belong together and were living a false life. Of course, I assumed the person showing me
the picture saw it too, but again, like much of what I have seen I was the only one
who saw it.(On a side note,
they did file for divorce and are no longer together.) And no, please do not ask me to look at your
pictures because I find that people only want to hear what they want to hear, and
they only want to know what they are ready to know. I digress, as I often do. By the way, my superhuman vision power extends to
television/movies/media/etc.. So I bring this up because now I have found
that it now also extends to the written word.
For example, I may read someone’s post on Facebook, that says one thing,
but it now seems false to me if they are not living it or believing it themselves because what is conveyed to me (as always) is the energy. It extends to any written word again
television/media/etc. I feel like I have
x-ray vision. Now, I have always had
this ability with in person things as far back as I can remember (especially when I noticed how words didn't match the person's energy).
I think some of my friends in high school will remember examples about their friends/boyfriends/life. I also remember many examples of it when I was trying to live a mainstream life in Politics (I thought this was how I could save the world--how wrong I was--instead it made me sick--I've now found how to save the world by being me and sharing that with the world.) I just had that ability to read the person’s
truth not what they were projecting. It
has been truly a struggle for me in a world where people want to believe what
they want to believe (which is often not the truth).
During this time of recovery and physical healing from the car accident, I find that I am
advancing more because I am pulled out of mainstream more than ever before and
my truth is even louder than ever. So that is a little about the advancement of
my gifts that makes it hard for me to “survive” in humanity when many people
are not living their truth. I get struck
with that energy when I walk into a room of people, when I read something on
the computer, watch something on the computer or just look at something. I am
seeing through the illusion that has been hindering humanity for eons. I always
know when the truth is being spoken because I feel it resonating so deeply in
me and throughout my body.
So my question became was this yet another reason for my accident? To remove me from the "human world" while humanity is being pushed to extremes, whether or not those extremes are in alignment with their souls. The answer I received was yes. While recovering, I spent so much time alone in my mind/body/spirit and discovered (yet again) that I can always remember to rely upon my soul no matter
what--one of the many lessons from this accident. I asked then, would I have gotten caught up in
the world of everyone hiding/pretending/fearing/running from their truth that
it would affect my inner truth? The answer I received was yes. It was more important to protect what I know to be true than to have to defend it, while everyone was/is busy defending their truth (or as it sometimes is: their untruth).

There is a misconception about what being the light means. Let us clarify for you. The misconception is this: Being the light means that you are always happy, feeling peaceful and loving. If you believe that then you need to look deeper into the game and see who is pumping that information out to you. That information has been provided by those beings/humans that are not of the light. That would be the complete extreme opposite of what they have convinced you to believe, such as you are a martyr and you are to suffer in this life. Sound familiar? Think about those statements and explore a little deeper. We would like to bring to mind for you a lighthouse. A lighthouse is never placed in calm, smooth waters; instead, it is placed in rough, dark places to often be the only source of light. It does not mean you are meant to suffer. We want all lighthouses to join together and create chain of light across your planet. We understand that being the
light is quite often a difficult job when surrounded by the darkness. It isn’t easy, but then again, you knew that when you came here and that was your motivation for being alive on the planet at this time. In essence, being the light means that not only do you shine the light of your own being in every way, every day (whatever that may mean for each individual--it could be someone teaching about light or someone picking up trash on the side of the road to make the planet greener) ; but it is also carrying with you the power to know there is always a possibility to see/create/be love, peace and happiness in every way, every day. Just knowing that potential makes you a light that helps others to see from different vantage points as well.
Back to EstaRa. I realize it is much easier said than done. As you know this car accident has put me in a
really bad situation financially, but I work hard each day to maintain my
energy so that I don’t spiral
downward into the fear. Some days it is easier than others—the good
news is that I know what I need to do to not spiral down and I do it. Did you know that doing that alone maintains my ability to be a lighthouse? At this time, my guides as you to know what it is that you can do not to spiral downward because the time on our planet will reveal much that is downward spiraling and you are not meant to get caught in it. IF you do not know what keeps you in your role as a lighthouse, then it might be time to see some assistance from me or someone like me.

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring this message to you today.
EstaRa & The Arcturian Masters of Light
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