Monday, November 4, 2019

11.4.19 Energy Update: The Love Train is Coming

Energy Update:

It is official,  Mercury has gone retrograde.  What does that mean in the coming weeks for us?  Lots of changes (read: challenges), opportunities for closure, endings of sorts and healing for all of us, particularly, those of us who pay close attention to what is coming up.  Often people/places/events from the past have a way of showing up during this time for closure. 
Mercury Retrograde is all about reflection and making decisions about going forward, but this particular Retrograde I am being told is about relationships that have left over stuff that needs to be cleared up that has been taking up space in your energy field. Are you ready to release it/them?   It has to do with beliefs around relationships, feelings that have been unresolved, subconscious beliefs that we may be carrying.  One of the themes at this time is about love. Is love real?  What is unconditional love vs. conditional love?  This is a good one to ponder and share with a friend to help navigate what it is. Really allow the opportunity of  this  time to guide through retrograde. 

An example of what happens during this time:   I was just on the phone with a friend regarding this energy.  She shared a brief thought about someone calling her randomly today--they haven't spoken with her in 5 years and didn't leave a message. She made the assumption that it must have been a "butt dial", but I immediately got the message.  There is something that was left undone, something felt unfinished on her end and would benefit from not contacting the person, but revisiting the energy of the "ending" of their communication.  She asked me how and then started to give me some details, and I heard that she would benefit from reflecting on the time long ago when they knew each other well, and what perhaps the feelings/experiences were when the friendship ended because she may have unfinished energy/emotions/baggage attributed to this time, but wasn't consciously aware of it until now   I also had a dream of very dear friend, who is no longer in my life, as a matter of fact he disappeared from my life (so to speak) 10 years ago,  where I felt like we were in a parallel life and I woke up feeling we made peace and I finally released him.  Yes and no, I realized I needed to release him--no because I hadn't though of him anymore, and yes because when I did think of him I felt emotions around it.   I share these examples with you because it isn't always in the physical sense that you get these opportunities showing up.  

It is also a time to recoup, rebalance, revitalize and raise your vibration.  In the midst of a retrograde you ask? Yes!    It is imperative that we do just that! Part of that is to remember some core spiritual beliefs and work on accepting them if you don't already have the as a belief: you are a soul in a human body,  the earth has been masked in a 3 D Illusion, but you are multidimensional and can overcome the negativity and illusions of the 3D reality and you can choose to change your reality with a little help from your soul friends.  Join spiritual groups, but you don't even have to go that far--surround yourself with people who uplift you and share in your joys and encourage to do better.

Some specifics for the Twinflame Journey:  The divine feminine is coming into contact with truths she has been carrying from this lifetime with all the females in her line: how they carried themselves, how they behaved, what their views were in love and relationships with men. She has an opportunity to question them and recognize they are not her truths and leave them behind for her to construct her world differently, from a place of love not programming and fear.    The divine masculine is coming into contact with their behavior patterns of being a masculine on this planet and all the stereotypes that have been built up to protect their egos.  These things came into play simply to cover up their feeling not good enough, with all the expectations placed upon them.  They will begin to face their fear of not being good enough and it will transform them with that rationale and help them see truth where they have been running from.   For the twinflame relationship, rather than seeing these things that show up as barriers/blocks/ and yet another obstacle in your journey--start seeing them as the gift of union.  The universe is always providing opportunities for you to grow and learn and come into union.  What one twin does effects the other--so my beloved divine feminine beings of light you have the power of awakened memories and energies to support your mission to union and while it may seem burdensome to take on the task of daily holding your union in high regard despite the fear, negativity and disappointment you have endured, it is your gift that will navigate you forward.   (My input here is that...if we are dissatisfied with some aspect of our life and not only the TF journey/union then there is work to do still on our self.  You are probably thinking: WORK?!!!??? how much more can I do?  I am going to invite you to view this a little differently:  This is the fun stuff/work of recreating you from false assumptions and beliefs you have carried about yourself, or have taken on due to family, culture, etc.  Where do I need work, you ask?   Some people have financial issues, career issues either stuck in on or needing one, family issues, etc.  I invite you to look this as more of an opportunity to create divine alignment in your life rather than working to get together in union.

Now as if Mercury Retrograde is not enough of a time period of shifting and changing, we are also entering a time of the 11-11 Gateway. Yep, it is opening soon.  This gateway is and always has been magical for all beings on the planet, twinflames or not.  In 11-11-11, I was gifted with many experiences that showed me the truth of what love can do on this planet, in our lives and in our relationships.  My guides channeled to me it is the time of the LOVE TRAIN, will you be on it?  Or will you run from it?   This is a question posed to all of humanity during this time of year.  It is about oneness an celebration of unity.  Oneness does not mean we become robots or enslaved to being the same, but what it does define is the knowing that no matter what we look, who we are, where we come from, what culture/race/gender etc we are the same inside and we are meant to treat each other with love and kindness not separation and fear.  This is getting very long so I will stop here and plan to write a little more about this particular gateway soon. 


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