Friday, November 15, 2019

11/15/2019 Energy Update: Claim Happiness

11/15/2019   Energy Update:

This sums up the last week....and then after the primal scream...I survived. Did you? Full moon and 11/11 Gateway has definitely ripped the band aid off the wound so to speak. We all felt it in one way or another...only a few more weeks of Mercury Retrograde. Can you bear it? No? If not, just go slow, take a step back and allow for things to settle and show themselves to you....let it all go....what is important will still be there everything else will find its way out. 

What is interesting is that simultaneously, things I didn't have time to focus on are coming together and working out. Let that be a lesson in letting it all. Are you noticing that too? If not, then you are far to locked up in your head. If you are, then you are definitely straddling a form of soul alignment.

Spirit relays the message again that we can be both beautiful and a mess at the same time--let this Mercury Retrograde period show that to you. Accepting the duality of feelings is part of the process and the will be grateful once you accept this and then see what unfolds for you. This is alignment in physical form; this is mastery. Read the beginning of this paragraph again. I must admit this lesson happens to be a bit trying at times, but once learned life can be filled with beautiful moments that you didn't even know were there. And it takes time to accept this, especially in a society where people are uncomfortable with their own discomfort. However, the more you get comfortable with your own emotions/feelings the more you expand your light and the forerunners (you) will light up the rest of society. Don't accept the words of someone who tells you that you can feel happy 24/7 because being human means you feel it all which includes everything not just happiness. Do accept the words of someone who tells you that you can claim happiness 24/7 because no matter what happens in your life, it is possible to realign and find happiness moment to moment; not quite 24/7 sometimes, but it is achievable.

It is all in mastering emotions/feelings and bringing yourself in divine alignment.

Look for some stuff coming up in January/February 2020 regarding divine alignment with your soul self--been working on it over the last several months. Most of you that I do not offer classes/sessions/homework for things I have not done myself. I must explore and experience myself before I feel it is appropriate to send your way. Stay tuned--much is happening and much is changing.

Sending love to all you beautiful souls today and always.

Happy Friday everyone.

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