Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sleep: At Night You Come to Us to Heal and Recover

Channeled on May 24, 2010 through April D'Amato.

Dear Children,
Today is a new day on earth as is each and every day. You forget that when you go to sleep you journey with us to a place that makes you whole and complete once again. Each day when you awake you will see that you have a new day. That is why we emphasize how important proper rest is. When you have journeyed with us that means you have been rejuvenated and ready to create a new day. Yes, there are those that think sleep is not necessary, but with proper rest you give your vehicle (physical body) much rest. Honor and respect it as you would one of your cars. When your car is acting up it tells you that it needs to be “healed” you bring it in for healing do you not? Well, the same with your physical being-at night you come to us to “heal” and “recover”. The life on earth can be difficult and trying. It is a time when you unravel all that you are and feel less than whole at the end of your day. It is important to sleep because you come home to visit with your family and we help you remember you are whole and complete just as you are. With this knowledge, you can awake to a new day. Each day can be a different journey if you wish. It is necessary to love you.

We tell this information to help you understand that life on earth can be taxing to a physical body, but it can also be a grand adventure if you wish. There are no rules. The choice is yours ALWAYS! But we tell you that to live a life that is healthy and beyond measure you must feed your soul with only the purest of intent to create the life that you love. It is with intent that we give to you this message. Do you remember you opened the door once upon a time? Do not forget dears ones, once you open the door we are here waiting for you to enter. Many of you have stepped one foot in and one foot out not fully achieving or going exactly the full way in, but you have tested the waters and it feels wonderful, but at the same time it makes you different to the rest of the people around you. They do not know what you do that life can be a grand adventure. For you are the ones who get to make way for the future. Escaping into behaviors of the past is not what is going to manifest all you wish for. Instead, it will prevent you from achieving all that you have.

We tell your channeler often to remember that we are here with you. Sometimes she forgets that she has help. It isn’t the same as human help, but this is the journey she chose long before she came here. She wanted to see how powerful she can become when given a life that has sometimes rendered her powerless. She has the magic within her to bring it all about. As do you dear ones. Let her help you to understand that this is not the same power that has been on the planet for the last thousand years. It is the power within and the power of oneness. The connection to one another will show you how far you have come when you are ready. It is now dear ones that we bring you this part of the message. You are here to play a role in bringing in the new earth. Are you ready to claim your power? Are you ready to step into the role that has been waiting for you? Are you ready to be truly who you are? Are you ready to shine your light? This is not a time to wonder if you have light…you know you do otherwise you would not be reading this.
Your channeler is questioning the words we are providing today. We feel her wondering how such practical information about sleep can come in and how we can then talk about the surreal power of light. She doesn’t see our whole picture until we are done; instead she may get glimpses of what we are saying. But to honor her, we will bring it together in light. Sleep is your way to your power. It is important to get proper rest. If you feel tired you must allow yourself to sleep. Because once you have come home for a visit you will have that memory in the morning and realize that nothing is impossible once you awake. Oh you say, I don’t dream and don’t remember my night, but dear ones when you feel the sense of a fresh start then you know you must have slept and that you have that potential that you felt you lost the day before. Trust us dear ones we make no mistake in telling you that the first of our messages to you this day is sleep. We will continue to give you tools to bring you forward. Are you ready? We ask you again. With pure intent, we ask you to answer silently in your hearts and if you say yes then we will show you your power. Blessed are the dear ones who do not know of their power, but are willing to find it within.

We are the Elders of light. We will continue to work with you channeler as long as she continues to make time for our channels. We will give you tools to navigate the energy of this new earth. The first being sleep. Sleep well dear ones you are surrounded by love. Know that we are there and we look forward to greeting you each night.

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