Thursday, May 31, 2018

Energy Thoughts: Achieving Boundless Empowerment

Wow, Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone already.  It is hard to believe that summer is on the horizon--half of this year is almost over already.  I don't know about all of you, but since Mercury Retrograde has moved direct and Saturn moved Retrograde my life has gotten dramatically busier and more stress-filled.  

The energy has really amped up with massive outpourings of light from Spirit; which in and of itself is exactly what is needed for all of humanity and our planet, but with it comes the responsibility of embodying more light.   As the energy continues to pour in, it has no choice, but to reveal where the obstacles are in your body, life, relationships and work, to name a few.  Not to forget it does the same thing on a global level too, with regard to the political, financial, healthcare systems in your community, state, country, planet too.  I am sure there are many of you, if not all, that can I identify with those obstacles being revealed whether they are personal or more of global, but I am willing to bet you are experiencing/feeling it in both places.   When I say the light has no choice, I simply mean that its job is to uncover the darkness that has been hidden away, reveal the core obstructions you have been carrying in your life preventing you from being the magnificent light that you are.   

In this time on the planet, it is often said by many new age teachers to pay attention to your thoughts, focus on making them positive, they even go as far as to not talk about anything, but positive things.  I find this to be one of great disservice to everyone and a new way to create distractions.  Have you had a brief encounter with someone who responded with "I'm doing great" when asked how they are, and you didn't believe them?   Why do think that is?  It is because their energy is vibrating at the lower vibration not the one that feels "great".  The philosophy is that you project what you want to be and you are that; that is the problem with focusing on saying/doing only positive things, even when that is not what you are feeling.  That philosophy is a misconception because what you are truly feeling underneath is what goes out to the universe and becomes a self sabotaging answer to what you are wanting to do.   Spirit asks you to "be" with your real feelings so that you can clear/heal/understand them more fully.  This process is how you will truly raise your vibration to the place in which you want to be. 

The empowerment that comes with processing and clearing these old blocks will be boundless and you will experience a massive shift in not only your energy body, but in your manifesting abilities/relationships/careers etc.    Spirit asks you to trust this path that you are on, even if it is uncomfortable.  This is what you have been waiting for all this time, this is the time we have all been waiting for. It is possible to achieve all that you have longed for, don't give up hope when you are so close.

If you follow me on Facebook, you will know a bit about what has been coming up in my life over the last few weeks and understand that this energy is not leaving anyone untouched.  I have been dealing with some serious health concerns for several members of my family; including friends around me.  For me personally, I've been dealing with the trauma of the car accident and the care, or lack thereof, that I had after my car accident. Some of you may remember that I had the car accident over 5 years ago and still suffer with physical issues and financial issues as a result.  I started working part time again just about 2 years ago and haven't been able to move past part time work (only when I am physically able to) due to continuous issues with my neck and back.  However, I've never given up on pursuing ways in which to heal me and recently I have something to feel optimistic about.  I had a consultation with a Functional Neurologist who told me that the situation I am in has been beyond my control.  He affirmed for me that the doctor's really have dismissed some serious issues to my brain as a result of the trauma and concussion due to the accident. I am feeling that this doctor will help me to get out of this horrible situation and help resolve the neck and back issues permanently.  My only concern now is being able to pay him and travel to him--he is in NYC, not covered by insurance, and I am struggling to afford my basic needs on my part time work.   
I am sharing my medical fundraiser that I created to help me. HOWEVER, if you would prefer to pay my doc directly (which is what I prefer) or send money to me, please message me privately and I will be happy to provide the additional information. 

If every person reading this Energy Thoughts were to donate, it would make more of a difference than you can imagine, even if it just $5-$10.

Thank you truly from the deepest part of my soul.

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