Inspirational Snippet: See Your Truth
I was prompted by my guides to share a message to the children of earth and expand a bit upon it.
“Everyone has the ability to see beyond the human eye, but not everyone chooses to access it. There has never been a better time to truly see. Dear ones to truly see means seeing the truth in you and the world around you. Are you ready to see with clearer eyes? We want you to know that you can now.” ~Arcturian Masters of Light
Everyone often wonders, how can I access my intuition? How can I develop it? EstaRa I want to be like you or be you. (I do appreciate that many people see value in me and my work; however, please do not choose to be me, do not want to be me...please choose to be a more aware, healed version of you—that is what I did.)
The quickest easiest way to access your intuition and maintain that is to work on yourself. Looking at the message above. See your truth. Not the truth that you wish to share with the world because it is good or makes you look good. See the truth in you that many do not know, and really, get real with yourself. It is time to look at all the untruths you have been living and seek to understand why? Seek to know what makes you tick, so to speak. I promise you that it is worth the journey. Believe me, I didn't wake up one day and say, wow I am psychic. Like you I came to Earth knowing that I was special, but growing up and being bombarded by other people's ideas of what is good, true and acceptable shut me down. The one thing that really helped me to wake up was to look at my life and get serious about changing it. I needed to truly look at me naked in the mirror of life to see all of me, and understand why I was holding onto the lessons, choosing to not learn them, or even more choosing to not see them. For starters, I had to see that I have/had the responsibility for what I bring into my life, and it is/was my responsibility to change my life. Once I was able to see me fully and my life more clearly, I was then able to see what I wasn't able to see before: everything is changeable. I encourage you to look inside yourself before you try helping others on their journey because I promise you really see you and your life more clearly; then your ability to see beyond the human eye becomes more open and vibrant. This is is what starts to really develop your intuition and "sight" to help others.
It may seem mystical , magical and unattainable to develop your gift of intuition, but dear ones it is a gift that each and every one of you have. The magic is when you stop listening to the world outside, bombarding you with ideas of what is good, true and acceptable; and you start listening to the voice inside of you instead. Unfortunately during this time, there are many people jumping on the bandwagon of the new age—it is cool to be psychic or a healer (and many ego-based people think oooh there is money in it –not true if you are really called to do your work—yes you live abundantly, but it isn’t the money that makes you abundant, it is the discernment you learn and gift of truth that you see.
My wish for you today is to see your truth.
Love to you,
Twinflame Sidenote: The more you see yourself--the more your twin can see him/herself. Part of the journey of a twinflame is to see each other, but we must see ourselves first to allow our other half to see themselves. Just as we need to see lessons, heal, take responsibility for our choices so too do our twinflames. What better way to help them than to do it ourselves.
This is my soul's journey of healing, love and light. On my path, I encounter many opportunities for self healing. I only hope I can impart some wisdom to you along the way as I journey through this life.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Energy Thoughts: Timelines Are Now Open
Good Day Everyone,
I have to preface this report with an apology, I have been trying to get this out for three days now and here I am in hopes this will work out well. The Solstice Energy has fully arrived. Have you felt the relief yet? If not, hang in there--it is coming. Has anyone else felt completely exhausted? Yikes--that is why I haven't been able to get this out sooner, that coupled with being busy. The last few days of being fully in the Solstice Full Moon Energy (Saturday through Tuesday) I started to feel the exhaustion, severe exhaustion--not to mention unusual sleep patterns. Now the full moon always causes some restlessness or sleeplessness, but this was different. When I couldn't sleep, thoughts were riding through me like mad--the thoughts were all over the place as if I was tapping into everyone that I am connected to in some way. Usually when I have trouble sleeping, I don't have any thoughts and wonder why I am awake. This time I felt lots of reasons to be awake. During that time as the exhaustion came in full force, it was as if a valve was being released and so too was the pressure and tension. The last two weeks an incredible amount of tension/emotion was building up. Anyone feel it? The emotions flooding in, most recognizable was anger, frustration, fear, but there was also some joy, love and excitement too! So finally last evening after the immense exhaustion, I felt an opening up of energy and a lightening up. I woke up this morning refreshed and raring to go, write I mean. We are in a very malleable stage of this journey right now, with everything being reshaped to fit us right now.I have been feeling a big shift coming in...a reset of sorts...feeling like July might be magic.
So here is what my guides have to say:
The energy of the last several months has placed many beings into a place (read: pressure cooker) (read: forced) clearly which paths are available to them. For many, the path they have been on is not working, or the path they are on needs adjustments to make it work. The energy build up prior to the Solstice was to amplify that which needs altering and adjustments for both individuals and the planet. (read: we are being pushed/forced/kicked to stand up in the direction we wish to go in.) The exhaustion EstaRa referred to was as a result of many humans continually resisting their soul's truth. As empathic beings you not only experience the energy of another, but you amplify the energy as well. (The vision they are showing me is a group of people standing together in a bubble, and when one person in the bubble moves, everyone feels it as a push, tug or ripple.) The time you are currently in is one of discovery. As a human you are now entering the opportunity to navigate this new energy which allows movement and change from the new light body that you are donning. There is much to finish/complete/let go over the next few months as you embark upon your true path. With the advent of the Solstice Energy a re-balancing of all energies will/has occurred. It will create an energetic reset and will put each person in the optimum place for selecting their timeline. This energy has opened up pathways that have not yet been available, exposing new opportunities and new timelines that will appear as a result of the energetic work and clearing you have personally done and collectively done. You are the creators. Your earth is no longer maintaining its old structure and grid, instead it is now allowing you to create as you go, dear ones to establish a new structure within her. We wish for you to create consciously and collectively for the good of all upon your planet. We ask you to recognize your power as creators. You are choosing your timeline by way of the choices you
are making in each and every moment of your existence on this planet in
the NOW time. --The Arcturian Masters of Light
What does all that mean?
Well, if you notice we are in a completely different place than where we were last summer. Stop for a moment and think about what life was like 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago. Life is different, eh? Far different or just subtly different? I know for myself, the energy has opened up more to new possibilities, but boy was it a bumpy ride over the last year at times. That ride was courtesy of all the healing/clearing work I have done on myself. Waves of emotions that reverberate back and forth between me and my twinflame and just learning to navigate in this new lightbody and energy. (Side note: Yes, I have done more twinflame work in the past year than I ever dreamed I would be doing--that is where my journey took me. Think about where your journey took you through the last year.) Last year around this time, I channeled some information from my guides about the collapsing of timelines as well as the opening of new ones and closing of old ones. You can view them here:
Clearing Soul Lineage Part 1
Choosing Your Timeline Part 2
How far have you come since last summer? Take a look at where you are now? Do you recognize how how some timelines have closed for you completely? I know for myself I closed a lot of timelines, released a lot of the past in many ways I have not thought I would nor realized I had to. Click here for a good example, particularly with regard to Twinflames.
Back to the energy at hand, this solstice energy has opened up new timelines that were not accessible before now. All that you went through (read: suffered through) over the past year particularly is what has led you up to this point. Look back once again to 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago, take a deep breath and take in where you were then and where you are now, and I don't mean geographically. (smiling) Notice how different the thoughts may be that are coming in? Notice how different the choices are that you have been/are making? Do those choices look more different than you thought they would? Are you noticing you are moving in a new direction or a more focused direction?
We as a planet and her inhabitants are completely different than we were a year ago. There is massive transmutation and change occurring within and around each of us as well as within and around the planet on a daily basis. The upheavals as horrible as they may be are literally a voice for change/healing/transmutation to occur.
Dear ones, over the last several earth years, a process began to unfold upon your planet. At first it was not visible because few noticed what was transpiring and few channeled of it. EstaRa has channeled about this time several earth years ago. (I recall the first time I channeled about this time was 10 years ago, and all this time leading up, I was wondering when I would see it and if it was real information.) The process we speak of dear ones, is the process of deconstruction of the physical reality of the earth. (read: old paradigm) You dear human are in the grips of the literal breaking down, tearing open of your earth systems. (read: destruction of the societal, political, financial systems,etc.) We understand dear ones that during this phase of transformation, the earth appears to be a place of anything, but peace and balance. We wish to inform you that everything is in divine and perfect order. Everything that is happening has been agreed upon and created collectively by the inhabitants of the planet in a higher dimensional state. It is up to each of you to forge the way forward and you choose how that will appear. Your DNA is encoded for this time on earth to awaken the aspects of you that are most needed to take action at this time. Some of the inhabitants on your planet are not dealing well with the sudden, constant change and transformation occurring, and have therefore chosen to no longer remain in this vibrational frequency. This earth evolution has been coming for a long time. (read: some have not awakened yet and have continued to buy into the programming that has been at play on our planet) As the planet and her inhabitants continue to resonate with the vibration of love, peace, harmony and truth, several of the old timelines of destruction will disappear. (read: big shift, reset...wait for it, wait for it...a timeline jump if you will.) Many timeline potentials have already disappeared while new timeline potentials have begun to appear.~The Arcturian Masters of Light
We are all children of the earth and we are all bestowed with the same gifts. The only difference is that some of us remember that we are powerful, love-filled beings while others have forgotten who we are and why we are here. This auspicious time on the planet is making way for ALL to REMEMBER. Allow this energy to penetrate your illusions and shine the remembrance of your soul's light and truth upon you. The following days will unlock the door to your newer Mars Retrograde begins to loosen its grip June 29th as it begins to move direct. The new timelines are now open and ready for you to remember. The time has come for you to steer in the way of your soul's truth, really we don't have much of a choice. The universe and all the planetary shifts over the last several months has made it abundantly clear that it will do what it must to reveal your inner God/Goddess at all costs.
It is so.
I have to preface this report with an apology, I have been trying to get this out for three days now and here I am in hopes this will work out well. The Solstice Energy has fully arrived. Have you felt the relief yet? If not, hang in there--it is coming. Has anyone else felt completely exhausted? Yikes--that is why I haven't been able to get this out sooner, that coupled with being busy. The last few days of being fully in the Solstice Full Moon Energy (Saturday through Tuesday) I started to feel the exhaustion, severe exhaustion--not to mention unusual sleep patterns. Now the full moon always causes some restlessness or sleeplessness, but this was different. When I couldn't sleep, thoughts were riding through me like mad--the thoughts were all over the place as if I was tapping into everyone that I am connected to in some way. Usually when I have trouble sleeping, I don't have any thoughts and wonder why I am awake. This time I felt lots of reasons to be awake. During that time as the exhaustion came in full force, it was as if a valve was being released and so too was the pressure and tension. The last two weeks an incredible amount of tension/emotion was building up. Anyone feel it? The emotions flooding in, most recognizable was anger, frustration, fear, but there was also some joy, love and excitement too! So finally last evening after the immense exhaustion, I felt an opening up of energy and a lightening up. I woke up this morning refreshed and raring to go, write I mean. We are in a very malleable stage of this journey right now, with everything being reshaped to fit us right now.I have been feeling a big shift coming in...a reset of sorts...feeling like July might be magic.
So here is what my guides have to say:

What does all that mean?
Well, if you notice we are in a completely different place than where we were last summer. Stop for a moment and think about what life was like 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago. Life is different, eh? Far different or just subtly different? I know for myself, the energy has opened up more to new possibilities, but boy was it a bumpy ride over the last year at times. That ride was courtesy of all the healing/clearing work I have done on myself. Waves of emotions that reverberate back and forth between me and my twinflame and just learning to navigate in this new lightbody and energy. (Side note: Yes, I have done more twinflame work in the past year than I ever dreamed I would be doing--that is where my journey took me. Think about where your journey took you through the last year.) Last year around this time, I channeled some information from my guides about the collapsing of timelines as well as the opening of new ones and closing of old ones. You can view them here:
Clearing Soul Lineage Part 1
Choosing Your Timeline Part 2
How far have you come since last summer? Take a look at where you are now? Do you recognize how how some timelines have closed for you completely? I know for myself I closed a lot of timelines, released a lot of the past in many ways I have not thought I would nor realized I had to. Click here for a good example, particularly with regard to Twinflames.
Back to the energy at hand, this solstice energy has opened up new timelines that were not accessible before now. All that you went through (read: suffered through) over the past year particularly is what has led you up to this point. Look back once again to 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago, take a deep breath and take in where you were then and where you are now, and I don't mean geographically. (smiling) Notice how different the thoughts may be that are coming in? Notice how different the choices are that you have been/are making? Do those choices look more different than you thought they would? Are you noticing you are moving in a new direction or a more focused direction?
We as a planet and her inhabitants are completely different than we were a year ago. There is massive transmutation and change occurring within and around each of us as well as within and around the planet on a daily basis. The upheavals as horrible as they may be are literally a voice for change/healing/transmutation to occur.

We are all children of the earth and we are all bestowed with the same gifts. The only difference is that some of us remember that we are powerful, love-filled beings while others have forgotten who we are and why we are here. This auspicious time on the planet is making way for ALL to REMEMBER. Allow this energy to penetrate your illusions and shine the remembrance of your soul's light and truth upon you. The following days will unlock the door to your newer Mars Retrograde begins to loosen its grip June 29th as it begins to move direct. The new timelines are now open and ready for you to remember. The time has come for you to steer in the way of your soul's truth, really we don't have much of a choice. The universe and all the planetary shifts over the last several months has made it abundantly clear that it will do what it must to reveal your inner God/Goddess at all costs.
It is so.
Twinflame Message: Heal Past Relationships, Clear Subconscious Connections
I was channeling my Energy Thoughts today and during my channel, I wrote the following, which prompted me to create this post:
"Well, if you notice we are in a completely different place than where we were last summer. Stop for a moment and think about what life was like 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago. Life is different, eh? Far different or just subtly different? I know for myself, the energy has opened up more to new possibilities, but boy was it a bumpy ride over the last year at times. That ride was courtesy of all the healing/clearing work I have done on myself, waves of emotions that reverberate back and forth between me and my twinflame and just learning to navigate this new energy and new light body. (Sidenote: Yes, I have done more twinflame work in the past year than I ever dreamed I would be doing--that is where my journey took me. Think about where your journey took you through the last year.)
So, I did just that! I thought for a moment through the last several months and brought myself to last July and realized in that instant something powerful happened; I had consciously closed down one timeline. Today as I am writing to you, I recognize what I healed and closed was a subconscious block/obstruction between me and my twin. Let me explain. Before meeting our twin, we are have likely been in intimate love relationships with others. Each time we interact with someone a cord is created, but when we are in romantic relationship with someone and share intimacy that not only the thickens the cord, but creates an energetic exchange where you receive a part of them and they receive a part of you. This bond stays in tact until it is severed/broken consciously. We travel with the same souls for many lifetimes so it makes that soul connection stronger and the bond tighter. Many times it is done through a grieving process, consciously releasing the other person or by natural separation if done in a healthy exchange. Other times, even long after the ending of a relationship, the connection is not completely released; either because an aspect of one or the other doesn't let go or and aspect of both of you don't want to let go. This is a very simplified explanation to help you understand how the subconscious energy works.
Before meeting my twinflame, I had three relationships where I truly felt a connection on the soul level and experienced what I consider real love for them. Looking back now, none of them compare to my connection with my twinflame, (whom I just smile about as I write this), but it doesn't mean I didn't feel the love and feel a connection on the soul level that was beyond most of my other relationships. Last year I was visiting a friend that was away and staying about four hours from where one of those men lived; I will refer to him as J. I didn't realize that we still had a strong connection, yes I had fond memories of being with him, but I didn't realize what that meant. I hadn't spoken to J in nearly 10 years, but as soon as I crossed the line into the state he lived in, my antenna were up and I could feel him. As I continued to drive through the state, I got the sense that he felt me there too. My entire trip I had this awareness of J and it really superseded me feeling my twinflame, in other words, the connection literally blocked me from feeling my twin. I started to remember all the times I spent with him and would even dream of him at night. I remember I could feel him come into my room at night. Yes, this was all energetically. (and if you think this is crazy--believe me have I got stories for you!) I was puzzled, and yet a bit intrigued, it got me a little giddy and curious. His energy was all around me, and his name kept showing up everywhere and all the "good" memories were pouring in. Finally, on the last day of my trip I couldn't take it anymore and decided to call him. I didn't have his phone number because it has been so many years, but voila, his phone number came pouring back in to me and I called him. We chatted for about 15 minutes and he recognized my voice right away. While we were talking, I realized that it was easy to talk with him again, as if time hadn't passed. I also knew that if we were closer geographically, we would definitely have met somewhere. Thinking back now, it still surprises me the connection I still had with him; there was still a place in each of us that was familiar. That familiar place was home to our soul connection which is why it was so comfortable, you can always get a glimmer of home with a soul mate, but until you meet your twin you aren't quite sure what home is.
I hadn't realized at the time what was happening--or did I? I think I may have had a thought of it , but as I
recall it now, this experience with J ultimately set me free from not only that old timeline, but set me free to unite fully with my twinflame when the time arrives. One of the things we don't recognize enough is that our subconscious energy really does play a role in our life (and union if you are a twinflame). Relationships are our greatest teachers in our life on this planet; that being said, we are not always aware the effect those relationships have on us long after the physical relationship has ended. I physically had moved on and so had this person, but energetically, we still shared an energetic tie/cord to each other. It is so evident now to me why I experienced feeling J from the moment I crossed into the state he lived in. To break the energetic tie, it required me to speak with J one last time and having the universe and my twinflame send me the clearest of messages. When I say clear messages, I mean indisputable messages that my twinflame is going to do this! Before I called J, I asked spirit to help me understand and guide me because I didn't understand why I hadn't felt my twinflame and why I was feeling J so strongly, to be honest I was questioning/doubting my twinflame. Yes, that still happens from time to time. At the end of the conversation with J, he said, "Bye for now." I was in shock--that is how my twinflame has always ended our conversation. I walked to sit down on a bench and just cried. I cried because my twinflame was not with me and because our contact had been far and few in between, but that message was clearly from him. I knew in that moment I would never hear from J again and that my twinflame made it clear to J as well that I belonged to him. It was extremely powerful, but it also allowed me to grieve that part of me; the part of me that experienced love/pain/happiness/sorrow etc in various timelines with that soul known as J. I wiped my tears, walked into a restaurant to have lunch, but first headed into the bathroom. Then I heard it, I heard our song. It was playing and I started to cry again, this was from him. Our song is "How Deep is Your Love", okay he may not know that this is our song, but it is! And in that song are the following words; "We belong to you and me." It confirmed that he let J know etherically that we belong to each other. When you live multidimensionally there is no separation and etheric is just as real as physical. Here is a blog post from the past where this song came out of nowhere while I was in Egypt at the Temple of Divine Marriage: Signs.
After that time, I don't have J run through my mind, not even occasionally, except for the writing of this post. I acknowledge now that I feel free and I have set J free too. As I was typing this, it occurred to me that there may be one more person that I need to clear from--this is the frustration and beauty of healing, it seems to never be done, but it is possible to do! I am getting ready to go home from this life with my twinflame and I want to clear out anything that can obstruct that. I digress and can continue to talk about my journey and how I know one of my greatest missions is to come here to find twinflame, reunite and take him home with me to another land, place, reality.
The reason I wrote this post is so that you can look at your life and experiences to clean up anything/anyone that may still be connected to you that could be causing a block or interference between you and your twin unknowingly. How will you know, you ask? I encourage you to make a list particularly of the people you have had an intimate, romantic relationship with. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted and perform a grounding and breathing exercise so that your energy is at its optimum and as clear as you can get it. Now read the first name and be still with it. What comes to mind for you? What thoughts come in? Do you feel anything in your body? These are few steps to determine if you have an emotional/mental/spiritual/physical charge with them. The charge doesn't have to be loving like it was with mine, it could also be anger or any one of the emotions we feel. If you experience something, then you likely may have a cord/tie to that individual or they have a tie to you; and subconsciously they are still there. This is not always easy to discover on your own and may need assistance. Ask your favorite healer to help you with this exercise or feel free to schedule some time with me if you think this may be a block you are experiencing.
"Well, if you notice we are in a completely different place than where we were last summer. Stop for a moment and think about what life was like 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago. Life is different, eh? Far different or just subtly different? I know for myself, the energy has opened up more to new possibilities, but boy was it a bumpy ride over the last year at times. That ride was courtesy of all the healing/clearing work I have done on myself, waves of emotions that reverberate back and forth between me and my twinflame and just learning to navigate this new energy and new light body. (Sidenote: Yes, I have done more twinflame work in the past year than I ever dreamed I would be doing--that is where my journey took me. Think about where your journey took you through the last year.)
So, I did just that! I thought for a moment through the last several months and brought myself to last July and realized in that instant something powerful happened; I had consciously closed down one timeline. Today as I am writing to you, I recognize what I healed and closed was a subconscious block/obstruction between me and my twin. Let me explain. Before meeting our twin, we are have likely been in intimate love relationships with others. Each time we interact with someone a cord is created, but when we are in romantic relationship with someone and share intimacy that not only the thickens the cord, but creates an energetic exchange where you receive a part of them and they receive a part of you. This bond stays in tact until it is severed/broken consciously. We travel with the same souls for many lifetimes so it makes that soul connection stronger and the bond tighter. Many times it is done through a grieving process, consciously releasing the other person or by natural separation if done in a healthy exchange. Other times, even long after the ending of a relationship, the connection is not completely released; either because an aspect of one or the other doesn't let go or and aspect of both of you don't want to let go. This is a very simplified explanation to help you understand how the subconscious energy works.
Before meeting my twinflame, I had three relationships where I truly felt a connection on the soul level and experienced what I consider real love for them. Looking back now, none of them compare to my connection with my twinflame, (whom I just smile about as I write this), but it doesn't mean I didn't feel the love and feel a connection on the soul level that was beyond most of my other relationships. Last year I was visiting a friend that was away and staying about four hours from where one of those men lived; I will refer to him as J. I didn't realize that we still had a strong connection, yes I had fond memories of being with him, but I didn't realize what that meant. I hadn't spoken to J in nearly 10 years, but as soon as I crossed the line into the state he lived in, my antenna were up and I could feel him. As I continued to drive through the state, I got the sense that he felt me there too. My entire trip I had this awareness of J and it really superseded me feeling my twinflame, in other words, the connection literally blocked me from feeling my twin. I started to remember all the times I spent with him and would even dream of him at night. I remember I could feel him come into my room at night. Yes, this was all energetically. (and if you think this is crazy--believe me have I got stories for you!) I was puzzled, and yet a bit intrigued, it got me a little giddy and curious. His energy was all around me, and his name kept showing up everywhere and all the "good" memories were pouring in. Finally, on the last day of my trip I couldn't take it anymore and decided to call him. I didn't have his phone number because it has been so many years, but voila, his phone number came pouring back in to me and I called him. We chatted for about 15 minutes and he recognized my voice right away. While we were talking, I realized that it was easy to talk with him again, as if time hadn't passed. I also knew that if we were closer geographically, we would definitely have met somewhere. Thinking back now, it still surprises me the connection I still had with him; there was still a place in each of us that was familiar. That familiar place was home to our soul connection which is why it was so comfortable, you can always get a glimmer of home with a soul mate, but until you meet your twin you aren't quite sure what home is.
I hadn't realized at the time what was happening--or did I? I think I may have had a thought of it , but as I
recall it now, this experience with J ultimately set me free from not only that old timeline, but set me free to unite fully with my twinflame when the time arrives. One of the things we don't recognize enough is that our subconscious energy really does play a role in our life (and union if you are a twinflame). Relationships are our greatest teachers in our life on this planet; that being said, we are not always aware the effect those relationships have on us long after the physical relationship has ended. I physically had moved on and so had this person, but energetically, we still shared an energetic tie/cord to each other. It is so evident now to me why I experienced feeling J from the moment I crossed into the state he lived in. To break the energetic tie, it required me to speak with J one last time and having the universe and my twinflame send me the clearest of messages. When I say clear messages, I mean indisputable messages that my twinflame is going to do this! Before I called J, I asked spirit to help me understand and guide me because I didn't understand why I hadn't felt my twinflame and why I was feeling J so strongly, to be honest I was questioning/doubting my twinflame. Yes, that still happens from time to time. At the end of the conversation with J, he said, "Bye for now." I was in shock--that is how my twinflame has always ended our conversation. I walked to sit down on a bench and just cried. I cried because my twinflame was not with me and because our contact had been far and few in between, but that message was clearly from him. I knew in that moment I would never hear from J again and that my twinflame made it clear to J as well that I belonged to him. It was extremely powerful, but it also allowed me to grieve that part of me; the part of me that experienced love/pain/happiness/sorrow etc in various timelines with that soul known as J. I wiped my tears, walked into a restaurant to have lunch, but first headed into the bathroom. Then I heard it, I heard our song. It was playing and I started to cry again, this was from him. Our song is "How Deep is Your Love", okay he may not know that this is our song, but it is! And in that song are the following words; "We belong to you and me." It confirmed that he let J know etherically that we belong to each other. When you live multidimensionally there is no separation and etheric is just as real as physical. Here is a blog post from the past where this song came out of nowhere while I was in Egypt at the Temple of Divine Marriage: Signs.
After that time, I don't have J run through my mind, not even occasionally, except for the writing of this post. I acknowledge now that I feel free and I have set J free too. As I was typing this, it occurred to me that there may be one more person that I need to clear from--this is the frustration and beauty of healing, it seems to never be done, but it is possible to do! I am getting ready to go home from this life with my twinflame and I want to clear out anything that can obstruct that. I digress and can continue to talk about my journey and how I know one of my greatest missions is to come here to find twinflame, reunite and take him home with me to another land, place, reality.
The reason I wrote this post is so that you can look at your life and experiences to clean up anything/anyone that may still be connected to you that could be causing a block or interference between you and your twin unknowingly. How will you know, you ask? I encourage you to make a list particularly of the people you have had an intimate, romantic relationship with. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted and perform a grounding and breathing exercise so that your energy is at its optimum and as clear as you can get it. Now read the first name and be still with it. What comes to mind for you? What thoughts come in? Do you feel anything in your body? These are few steps to determine if you have an emotional/mental/spiritual/physical charge with them. The charge doesn't have to be loving like it was with mine, it could also be anger or any one of the emotions we feel. If you experience something, then you likely may have a cord/tie to that individual or they have a tie to you; and subconsciously they are still there. This is not always easy to discover on your own and may need assistance. Ask your favorite healer to help you with this exercise or feel free to schedule some time with me if you think this may be a block you are experiencing.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Energy Thoughts: Avoidance is Futile
Have you noticed the last couple of
months, the universe, your spirit nudging you in a direction that perhaps you
were not planning on? Many have been blindly following outdated beliefs,
patterns, ancestral karma that has kept them stuck going in one direction as if
that was all that was possible. These same people have struggled to stay the
path because that is what they believed they were supposed to do, but in recent
months the energy has opened in an unexpected way for some. Twinflames, read
the time has come for the opportunity to meet, connect and/or reunite with your
As this energy continues to bubble
up to the surface, you will have an unique opportunity to see more clearly what
your truth is if you can let yourself get past the anger/frustration/fear.
Those have been the great motivators of the past and old paradigm, but in this
new energy the real currency is in love and truth! If you notice much truth
is/has been revealed over recent months and will continue to be revealed both
personally and globally. Your heart has been longing to give you answers and
you have been able to avoid the call for sometime, but avoidance like
resistance is futile in this energy--this energy is here to break down all the
barriers you have to love and truth. It will keep pushing upon you until you
surrender to it. It is time to identify why you stayed stuck for so long and
release that for good. It is possible. This Solstice Energy is coming in and
when we are on the other side of it, the flood of light and love pouring through
this planet and every living being will be fast and furious, as it opens up all
the pathways you have been nudged upon.
We encourage you to be open. We
encourage you to feel: cry/scream/tantrum to get that energy moved up and
out--that is the only way to make this energy coming in smooth. If you think it
is not spiritual to cry/scream/tantrum/yell/curse, then my dear ones, you have
been suppressed from the very parts of you that would like to express
themselves. This planet has the opportunity to share many facets of the human
experience with you, and to not allow yourself to experience it is another way
in which you will have chosen old programming of suppression. WE encourage you
to explore your feelings, expand your wisdom, but most of all feel your way
through to the other side. Humans only get stuck in emotion when they do not
allow themselves to fully express or feel it. When you allow yourself to
surrender to the feelings/emotions, then you release them. It is time to
surrender to the parts of you that are writhing to express themselves.
Once over the hurdle of this
Solstice energy, a great deal of energy will have been transmuted and released
for all of humanity and a path will open up wider than before, but we know you
will not necessarily see it this way dear ones, until long after it has been
done. We are with you supporting and loving you on this journey. You are not
alone. We love, honor and respect you.
We are the Arcturian Masters of
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Channeled Message: Philadelphia
Channeled through EstaRa May 5, 2012 in Hotel Room in Philadelphia, PA. This is the first time this channel has been released in full.
By now many of you should know that I support and have supported Bernie Sanders for President now since September. If you go back to some of my earlier posts, search for Lightworkers for Bernie, you will understand why and how I came to this. With that being said, there is a Democratic National Convention being held in Philadelphia in July. My intention is to go to Philadelphia in support of Bernie Sanders, but also as a Representative of the Light.
Back in 2012, I was guided on a mission to travel to Philadelphia. The only clear instructions I received was to be there on 5.5.12 (555) and I was guided the whole trip from three days before I left (with little to no sleep) until I returned home after the journey was complete. You can read more about my journey in 2012 in this blog, search the posts under Philadelphia. Recently, I was guided to look up my channel from 5.5.12 in the afternoon and it took me days to find, buried in my documents folder to understand why that trip, mission was so important in 2012. It occurred to me that the work we performed in Philadelphia (again some of the specifics are below, but the other blogposts will give you more details), has a direct correlation to what is happening now/today in our government, and why a Bernie Presidency is possible! The light has been preparing this path for sometime, truly long before my mission in 2012, but wow I love this! I am giving you this little background to understand the channeling I am about to share below. At the time of this mission, I was guided not to make this channel public. I have now been given the go ahead to share. It is also laying the foundation for what work I will be coordinating, performing with the assistance of other lightworkers in July. The energy is already starting to pour in. Hope you can feel it too.
Okay onto, the channel:
EstaRa & The Galactic Federation of Light
By now many of you should know that I support and have supported Bernie Sanders for President now since September. If you go back to some of my earlier posts, search for Lightworkers for Bernie, you will understand why and how I came to this. With that being said, there is a Democratic National Convention being held in Philadelphia in July. My intention is to go to Philadelphia in support of Bernie Sanders, but also as a Representative of the Light.
Back in 2012, I was guided on a mission to travel to Philadelphia. The only clear instructions I received was to be there on 5.5.12 (555) and I was guided the whole trip from three days before I left (with little to no sleep) until I returned home after the journey was complete. You can read more about my journey in 2012 in this blog, search the posts under Philadelphia. Recently, I was guided to look up my channel from 5.5.12 in the afternoon and it took me days to find, buried in my documents folder to understand why that trip, mission was so important in 2012. It occurred to me that the work we performed in Philadelphia (again some of the specifics are below, but the other blogposts will give you more details), has a direct correlation to what is happening now/today in our government, and why a Bernie Presidency is possible! The light has been preparing this path for sometime, truly long before my mission in 2012, but wow I love this! I am giving you this little background to understand the channeling I am about to share below. At the time of this mission, I was guided not to make this channel public. I have now been given the go ahead to share. It is also laying the foundation for what work I will be coordinating, performing with the assistance of other lightworkers in July. The energy is already starting to pour in. Hope you can feel it too.
Okay onto, the channel:
Greetings Dear Ones,
We gather you together in this location for a journey far
greater than you are aware. The details
are of little importance to you as your only requirement is to be. Be
love. Be light and Believe in the
greater possibilities of your soul’s mission.
We ask that you remain clear and present in the moment as
you move through this city known as brotherly love. The mission that brings you to Philadelphia
will assist in transforming your earth
in a greater way than you can humanly
understand, but we will give you this information: the country that you are in was created to be
a new world for many; however, in the creation much was lost. This world was to be a place where anything
can happen and dreams could be made possible; however, as you have surely seen
much in your new world was created haphazardly by way of creators not remaining in their
heart, but rather in their head from egoic concern. The
decisions were believed to be based in fairness, but dear ones in your human time
period upon creation of your United States, love was not the motivator. Love for the earth you live upon, love for
the life you create, love for one another is the key to changing the way in
which the world evolves. As we often say
to you all eyes are upon earth, the truth dear ones in your world is that all
eyes are upon your United States for this is a creation of the rest of the
world. That is why it was called the new
world upon discovering the land here.
This new world was to be created by the people of the time who wished to
change the direction in which the rest of the world was going; however, along the way the intention was no longer
pure and it was lost. Therefore you have
created from your heads rather than your hearts.
The mission to spread love must be taken very seriously as
everyone on this planet needs to awaken to their inner path which is one of
Tonight your mission is to bring
your energy of love to the land here in Philadelphia. It is not by accident that you are here on
this auspicious human calendar day. You
will have access to the energy that is much needed for the many people who will
walk upon the areas that you do. Your
energy of love will have a direct impact
on those walking the steps you will have walked, but those people will receive
the love from your footsteps and carry that love back to the places they spend
most of their time. We ask you to view
it as a simple, drop, pick up, carry on and drop mission. Hence we show you at this moment EstaRa in
your higher dimensional view. (There is an image of us walking and laying the foundation
with lights, codes and necessary energy and it is left behind to lay in the
foundation for each person to pick up as they walk by. So it is as if we are dropping light and then
someone comes along and picks up their necessary piece through their feet and
up into their body to light a part of them that will be carried back to the
areas/locations they need to go and drop a piece of that light there while allowing the
remainder of that light within them to activate. It is a really cool image.)
We ask you to remain clear in this moment and see how much
your love and joy impact the earth around you.
We ask you to anchor your love here in the hotel as it will affect the
energies of people coming and going over periods of time. As you sleep more energy will be anchored
through your physical body into the rooms you are staying in. You will then prepare your bodies throughout
the night to perform the work you will do tomorrow.
Do we have enough people on this mission, you ask? Dear one, realize that you are meant to be
three and were meant to be three from the very beginning. It is the pyramid of light--the triangle
power that we have shared with you previously.
You have several assisting you to make up the energy that you feel you
lack, but know dear one the appropriate energy is being channeled through each
of you. You EstaRa are the anchoring
point of the pyramid and carrying most of the energy which is why we required much
of you on this journey. Your mission is
two fold—clearing of your energy in preparation of the final human merge with
your twinflame and bringing the code keys necessary to light up this land that you
call Philadelphia. We ask that you stay
love centered in all that you do over the next 24 hours particularly.
You are a triangle of love and if you are understanding of
the free mason energy you will understand that you are truly mean to be an open
triangle for receiving and depositing energy.
The free mason energy is an open triangle, but dear one it is a
triangle. You are liberating more than
you know for this period in your human history.
We will speak more to this later.
And so it is.
EstaRa & The Galactic Federation of Light
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Nurture those (Twinflame) Dreams
Happy Sunday and Happy June!!
It is quite the energy shift, can you feel it? With Friday's Energy, I immediately felt a bit of a relief from the hefty energy of transmutation. This morning I woke up feeling good and welcoming the rain (we are expecting in CT) that just started to downpour in the last few minutes--it is quite magical. Almost a purification of sorts as we enter fully into this new moon energy. I am feeling the rain here is reflective of nurturing our plants for future growth and harvest--it is symbolic of our manifestations and desires. This new moon brings great energy for change and transformation; it provides an opportunity to nurture those dreams. With the solstice coming in a couple weeks, there will be a wiping the slate clean which will roll out a new pathway for clarity. Get ready I see big things coming in--and yes that means more Twinflames Awakened, more Twinflames coming together and more LOVE coming to GAIA.
I just uploaded a New Moon Reading for Twinflames. Check it out below:
Love and Blessings, EstaRa
It is quite the energy shift, can you feel it? With Friday's Energy, I immediately felt a bit of a relief from the hefty energy of transmutation. This morning I woke up feeling good and welcoming the rain (we are expecting in CT) that just started to downpour in the last few minutes--it is quite magical. Almost a purification of sorts as we enter fully into this new moon energy. I am feeling the rain here is reflective of nurturing our plants for future growth and harvest--it is symbolic of our manifestations and desires. This new moon brings great energy for change and transformation; it provides an opportunity to nurture those dreams. With the solstice coming in a couple weeks, there will be a wiping the slate clean which will roll out a new pathway for clarity. Get ready I see big things coming in--and yes that means more Twinflames Awakened, more Twinflames coming together and more LOVE coming to GAIA.
I just uploaded a New Moon Reading for Twinflames. Check it out below:
Love and Blessings, EstaRa
card reading,
energy thoughts,
new moon,
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Inspirational Snippet: Change Your Perspective to Love (Especially for Your Twinflame)
Today's Message: (Definitely Twinflame Appropriate)
I came across this message I wrote several years back as I was cleaning out my computer--(trying to make room for some additional memory) and it screamed out to me to share with you all.
"People need loving the most when they deserve it the least." - John Harrison
Hmmm..imagine if just once we didn't take personally what someone says or does and we just continued to love them. I wonder how much that would change us and change them? Okay, it sounds difficult at best when feelings are involved and we feel hurt, but that is always a choice too, ya know--to allow ourselves to feel hurt. (Believe me this is a hard one for me to digest at times too.) But what if the next time someone says something hurtful or makes a choice that really makes you feel icky---what if you treated the situation as if that person were a child who when sent to get the “paper” meaning newspaper, brought you a piece of plain paper instead of the newspaper? You wouldn’t stop loving that child, would you? It was a simple mistake. You would probably laugh or give them the opportunity to try again. It is not always easy to change our perspective—that I know for sure, but if we try to step away from the emotional reaction in that moment, we can change not only our reaction, but perhaps the direction of where we were headed in that situation.
So my thoughts for you today are: Try this in your life. Change Your Perspective. GIVE the person who “pushes” your buttons, who acts impulsively, who acts without conscience, who speaks without thinking, who reacts out of fear: LOVE. Love them and know they are just like us trying to navigate through their life and these times of change to the best of their ability at this moment. Often when someone does something that hurts another –there is no intention to cause harm, they are just behaving the way they are in that moment because that is all they know. Quite often it is such an unconscious response. Like a child not necessarily comprehending that “paper” could have more than one meaning. I suggest that for one day you just try this…Show Love even when you don’t feel it…it will change your life….LOVE LOVE LOVE

For example, I had an experience recently with my twinflame. I will share in hopes it helps you understand not only the above comments, but also our role as a twinflame. The plan was for him to call me on a specific day and time because there was something we agreed on doing. Needless to say, he did not call. Now when he did finally call my reaction was/is never what he is expecting, but he is already on defense from his previous experiences in this life. Initially when I didn't receive the call I felt hurt and disappointed, but I asked Spirit to help me to understand this experience, feel it and take it away from me for two reasons: I didn't want to perpetuate the disappointment and lower my vibration and I didn't want to amplify this energy to be sent to him (remember your twin whether in contact or not, FEELS EVERYTHING you say or do).
As I sat with this, I discovered two things: he didn't want to call me because I expected him to (this is his way of gaining control in his life) and he also wanted to manipulate the energy so that he could create a guilt for himself. Why you ask? Hmmm...well at first over the years, I had not understood this and I had struggled with his behavior, but as time as gone on and I have opened to what was really going on and seeing him more than just the love of my life hurting me because by no means do I think he does this intentionally.
I gained clarity into the whole situation by just staying in balance not disappointment or frustration--basically I CHOSE LOVE. So what did I gain, you may ask: He chose not to call me to feel in control. It was as if he said, I am not going to meet your expectation of me, I am in control. It came to me that this is a behavior of rebellion for him. Is he rebelling against me? No, in fact, I know that is not the case. However, my feeling is that throughout his life he has failed to meet the expectations that others have placed upon him, whether reasonable or not, (more likely unreasonable) and how others reacted (particularly his family to him from a very young age) really created damage to him. So, he is just programmed to not follow through in fear that he won't meet the expectations so "let me take control and do what I want, you are going to yell at me anyway" attitude. This is why he is often ready for a fight when I am simply just saying hi. Now this brings me to the guilt part. My twinflame has had a mis-perception of what love is, means, feels like. What does that mean? His wires got crossed with regard to what love is. (again at a young age because it is in childhood where we develop patterns, beliefs,etc that only get compounded upon as we grow up.) Guilt is a powerful emotion that invokes in him that he must love someone if he feels guilty. My feeling is that at a young age the people he was closest to in his family dynamic often made him feel guilty and he interpreted it as this must be what love feels like. Remember we don't come in with all the knowledge of human dynamics--yes we come in with love, but then the family dynamics, attitudes, behaviors quickly get placed upon us and we "forgot" that purity of love. With me, he doesn't automatically feel guilty, but he does love me. So he needed/needs to recreate the guilt feeling so that his "love" for me makes sense. He has to unlearn that love and guilt feelings are not the same. This is the crossed wires.
Children learn at a very early age how to react, behave and deal with life circumstances, as a matter of fact, it becomes completely ingrained into the patterns of who they become. This programming is completely capable of being unlearned and changed, but each individual must come to terms with understanding this. As a twinflame, we can help our twin to undo this pattern, again whether we are in contact with them or not. It is as simple as self discovery within us. To some degree, I have/had this same belief of love and guilt--often synonymous with Conditional Love, but I have overcome most of it. Clearly, there is still some there left for me to see the pattern within him. To undo this pattern, is to do just what I did. Recognize his behavior, try to understand the place it is coming from remembering to love your twin unconditionally.
I know this is truly a deep topic for twinflames and likely a common thing that is not easily seen on the surface. On the surface, it appears he was being selfish, and yes, you can view it that way especially if you see his need to be in control, but digging a little deeper, he was just preparing for failing even before he did and the thing is to help him learn that he may not fail. Choose to respond to him with love has and does make a difference in our communication, but occasionally depending on what is happening in his life, he may revert back to old programming, and we just work again to heal it.
I hope to share more of my relationship wisdom with you, but please know that while this pertains to twinflames, but it can be useful in other relationships too.
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