I have to preface this report with an apology, I have been trying to get this out for three days now and here I am in hopes this will work out well. The Solstice Energy has fully arrived. Have you felt the relief yet? If not, hang in there--it is coming. Has anyone else felt completely exhausted? Yikes--that is why I haven't been able to get this out sooner, that coupled with being busy. The last few days of being fully in the Solstice Full Moon Energy (Saturday through Tuesday) I started to feel the exhaustion, severe exhaustion--not to mention unusual sleep patterns. Now the full moon always causes some restlessness or sleeplessness, but this was different. When I couldn't sleep, thoughts were riding through me like mad--the thoughts were all over the place as if I was tapping into everyone that I am connected to in some way. Usually when I have trouble sleeping, I don't have any thoughts and wonder why I am awake. This time I felt lots of reasons to be awake. During that time as the exhaustion came in full force, it was as if a valve was being released and so too was the pressure and tension. The last two weeks an incredible amount of tension/emotion was building up. Anyone feel it? The emotions flooding in, most recognizable was anger, frustration, fear, but there was also some joy, love and excitement too! So finally last evening after the immense exhaustion, I felt an opening up of energy and a lightening up. I woke up this morning refreshed and raring to go, write I mean. We are in a very malleable stage of this journey right now, with everything being reshaped to fit us right now.I have been feeling a big shift coming in...a reset of sorts...feeling like July might be magic.
So here is what my guides have to say:

What does all that mean?
Well, if you notice we are in a completely different place than where we were last summer. Stop for a moment and think about what life was like 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago. Life is different, eh? Far different or just subtly different? I know for myself, the energy has opened up more to new possibilities, but boy was it a bumpy ride over the last year at times. That ride was courtesy of all the healing/clearing work I have done on myself. Waves of emotions that reverberate back and forth between me and my twinflame and just learning to navigate in this new lightbody and energy. (Side note: Yes, I have done more twinflame work in the past year than I ever dreamed I would be doing--that is where my journey took me. Think about where your journey took you through the last year.) Last year around this time, I channeled some information from my guides about the collapsing of timelines as well as the opening of new ones and closing of old ones. You can view them here:
Clearing Soul Lineage Part 1
Choosing Your Timeline Part 2
How far have you come since last summer? Take a look at where you are now? Do you recognize how how some timelines have closed for you completely? I know for myself I closed a lot of timelines, released a lot of the past in many ways I have not thought I would nor realized I had to. Click here for a good example, particularly with regard to Twinflames.
Back to the energy at hand, this solstice energy has opened up new timelines that were not accessible before now. All that you went through (read: suffered through) over the past year particularly is what has led you up to this point. Look back once again to 3, 6, 9, 12 months ago, take a deep breath and take in where you were then and where you are now, and I don't mean geographically. (smiling) Notice how different the thoughts may be that are coming in? Notice how different the choices are that you have been/are making? Do those choices look more different than you thought they would? Are you noticing you are moving in a new direction or a more focused direction?
We as a planet and her inhabitants are completely different than we were a year ago. There is massive transmutation and change occurring within and around each of us as well as within and around the planet on a daily basis. The upheavals as horrible as they may be are literally a voice for change/healing/transmutation to occur.

We are all children of the earth and we are all bestowed with the same gifts. The only difference is that some of us remember that we are powerful, love-filled beings while others have forgotten who we are and why we are here. This auspicious time on the planet is making way for ALL to REMEMBER. Allow this energy to penetrate your illusions and shine the remembrance of your soul's light and truth upon you. The following days will unlock the door to your newer potentials...as Mars Retrograde begins to loosen its grip June 29th as it begins to move direct. The new timelines are now open and ready for you to remember. The time has come for you to steer in the way of your soul's truth, really we don't have much of a choice. The universe and all the planetary shifts over the last several months has made it abundantly clear that it will do what it must to reveal your inner God/Goddess at all costs.
It is so.
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