Friday, October 18, 2013

Energy Thoughts: Anxiously Awaiting or Anticipating

Feeling fiery on Full Moon Friday? This full Moon is chock full of energy--Not to mention a lunar eclipse. Fasten your seatbelts ladies, gentlemen humans, aliens and angels're in for quite a ride.    The momentum has been building since October 1st and now it is time to take action. But wait, Mercury is going Retrograde too!  Wow, what does that all mean for you? Me?  the Planet we are living on? 

Well, my dear souls, it has been a long awaited time for some and a shocking time for others.  Let me start by saying, I've been trying to write this Energy Update all week, but I've been experiencing problems with my computer locking up--not sure if it is the mouse or the computer--let's pray it is the mouse because I can always get a new one.  I've not had a working mouse on my laptop in the last 3 years so I have been using an external wi-fi mouse since (hopefully I will manifest the money for a new mouse soon).   I've been experiencing internet connection issues, cell phone issues and traffic issues: all of which are directly related to Mercury going Retrograde.  Here is the little secret, the planet, Mercury will physically be going retrograde on October 21, but if you look back over the month of October, it has been impacting us since October 1 (well some of us).  How is that possible you say?  Well, that is the magic of these multidimensional times.  

To explain further, I must step back to the Autumnal Equinox (well that is the exquinox that I experience this time of year) a bit.  If you read my channel from the Arcturian Masters of Light called  Equinox Message they spoke in greater detail as to what the Equinox energy was about.  But for a taste, they said, "This time on your planet, this equinox, opens the energetic gateway for the birthing of all that is.  As we mentioned some of you will exit the planet at this time, while others will birth into their new roles."   The Equinox propelled us forward into the new energy, the new timelines, for those of us in higher vibration and frequency; our timelines have changed.  We are now living in the 5th dimensional reality and moving forward in that way as well.

You wonder? Is that possible?  Are you not living on planet earth at this time?  Yes, dear ones it is possible.  The earth has changed its vibration and you have too.  Oh yes, there is still the human 3D reality going on.  EstaRa is well aware of that when she leaves the confines of her home, she tends to get smacked with the energy of mainstream humanity. --Arcturian Masters of Light.

Oh yes, they are right, mainstream humanity is far reaching for many, but for me it only impacts me when I have to interact with it.  I've been living in high vibration and frequency for years now and I have been ridiculed for my sensitivity and my choices to not participate in mainstream  events and functions.  Of course, the ridicule, I was often told, was for my own good and how I need to  make money.  Well, perhaps those people were right--I don't have the money, but I have my amazing energy and my inner truth--to me that is all that matters.  Yes, I love my tangents!  But hey, my guides prompted me to go there this time.  

Back to the energy.  So, with the advent of our "birthing" of the 5th Dimensional Reality, we have been building up in momentum to make it a reality in all dimensions.   Hmmm...what does that mean?  So for those of you who are high vibration/high frequency, your "new reality" exists already (if you are high vibe--you know that--it just hasn't been visible in the physical yet), but you are awaiting patiently (the word I've grown to dislike particularly over the last few years) for your future/new reality to arrive.   In other words, 3D physical reality has to catch up to your 5D reality.   Now, let me clarify for a moment that some of you will understand this and others may not. It simply means that everyone is ascending at a different level; therefore, your vibration and frequency evolves  as you ascend, and as you know, in ascension--everyone is at a different rung on the ladder, and as such, there are different levels of vibration/frequency.

So back to how Mercury Retrograde has been impacting us for the entire month of October.  So think for a moment, if you can get your head around this, you are/have been experiencing the reality before it manifests in the physical 3rd dimension. So, before Mercury "physically" moves retrograde, you've already been experiencing the effects.  Look at it as your Spirit moves faster than your dense physical self. (I know some of you are saying, no great surprise there!)

Now, let's come back to this full moon. Two weeks ago, we experienced our first new moon after we transitioned into 5th Dimensional Energy (after the Equinox) and boy was it loaded.  What you didn't realize at the time was that you really were setting up the blueprint for the future/now/this time.  We've had two weeks of highs and lows thanks to all the energy floating around us because we are in the thick of it now.   As you know, full moons area all about harvesting time; harvesting that which you set out to manifest.  This full moon has energy walloping us with truths, and if you are aware at all, you will notice how they have been appearing for you in your life.  

This particular harvest (full moon) has a twist to it.  Not only is it the first full moon after the Equinox, but we are being blessed (cursed is what some may say/think) with a Lunar Eclipse as well.  OH MY!  Lunar Eclipses are all about opportunities of intense energy/change: read endings and beginnings. But it is not that simple, at least it doesn't feel that way.  Sometimes these things can feel chaotic and torturous, but they also have the potential of feeling liberation and ecstasy.  Remember what I said above, this time has been long awaited for some and shocking for others. It all depends on where your perspective is, and on the work you have or have not done, in terms of aligning with your soul's truth.  This energy is all about prompting/pushing you into where you are meant to be and with this eclipse, things may get truly uncomfortable (especially if you haven't been already feeling it).  Now on the other hand, if you were to embrace this time, you might be more inclined to see that it is simple: choose the path that is in alignment with your true self.  Don't allow your ego to take over and say it doesn't know what your truth is--because everyone just may have been too difficult to face it or change it.  The beauty of this eclipse is that you have no choice but to face it and you will be all the better for it after.

Now is the time to top all the above said energy off with our travel through Mercury Retrograde and what do you get?  You get a month-long magical mix of change/transformation with a little spitting off of dead weight, gathering of new resources and enlightenment as you reclaim your truth in this new dimensional energy.  What? Everything is happening.  Everything is happening.  The next month will provide ample opportunity to transform your physical reality.  The energy of Mercury Retrograde puts things on pause physically, with interference in communication, new projects and generally moving forward. In this case, it is suggested to be viewed as a good thing.

The time on your planet is now!  It has been long awaited for the moment of truth to appear in physical reality.  This time is set for souls to step into who they are without hesitation.  Their truth is what will propel them forward.  Humanity is given the opportunity to play catch up. Everything is happening. Everything is real.  Everything is now. Trust what you know to be truth in your reality for it will be made manifest in the physical. ~The Arcturian Masters of Light.

The words echoing in my mind are "Everything is happening.  Everything is real. Everything is now."  This magical mix of energy is what is prompting all reality to change to that of one's truth.  This time may create havoc because long held beliefs/emotions/feelings/passions/desires having been bottled up for so long will be given a voice, an opportunity to express themselves.    This is the time for that to occur so don't be surprised by you or your loved ones expressing their truth--preferably in a way that is least destructive, but nonetheless expressed.  The agitation has been building internally and, in the etheric, for some three years, but recently it has been more visibly seen.  It may appear as though things slow down during this time and you can't get moving forward, but PLEASE know that is not the case---much is happening in an unseen way.  This retrograde is giving humanity a time to catch their physical reality up to their etheric/spiritual reality.   Or in other words, the physical 3D will begin to reflect your etheric 5D reality.  Long awaited for some, huh?  or as I would like to say: ABOUT TIME!!!!   Literally, humanity will have the month to jump to where they need to be; jumping from the reality they have been listlessly traversing through, to a reality they will thrive and exceed all expectation in. Sounds exciting to me! 

A final note, this time is not meant to be viewed as good or bad.  In fact, my guides emphasize that your view should be focused internally on your soul's truth.  I know, we've been told all this before, but this time it appears that the astrological timing is paving the way for the future we have so wanted to experience. For me, I am no longer anxiously awaiting, instead, I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of my soul's truth.  My question to you is: are you ready to see what you have manifested?  Are you ready to receive your etheric reality into your physical reality?  

In love, 

PS. Please feel free to share, but be sure to give me credit.  Thank you.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Human Emotions

I wanted to share this morning's message I placed on my Soul Star Healing Facebook Fan Page.  As many of you know, each day I place a message from my guides, angels and/or my higher self for your highest and best good.  If you wish to connect with me on Facebook to receive these messages, please click this link:
Today's Message: Imagine sitting on the coastline of a beach, watching as waves of the ocean wash ashore over your feet. Now, imagine that those waves are actually cleansing you/your energy/your thoughts. Dear ones, that is, what your emotions are for; they may be calm/rough/stormy/etc. It is so important to feel your emotions as they are cleansing you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We encourage you to not look at what your media shows as what is "normal" because you will see the "fake happiness" or a magic pill for happiness, but you will not see the true reality of human emotion. Dear ones, that is the beauty of your human experience, you get to experience it all!~Arcturian Masters of Light through EstaRa
So many people are silently suffering through their emotions for the sake of being spiritual, happy, peaceful people.  Really?  Now this a topic I can write about all day long, but i guess you will have to wait for my book to come out. Hahaha  So I will be as brief as possible to get out the point, my guides were trying to make or at least expand upon their words.
First off, let me  start by saying, not everyone is happy or peaceful all the time. It is impossible to be happy or peaceful all the time--the human being is not built that way.  We as a human have emotions/hormones (body chemistry)/stresses/life experiences that evolve to create the person we are, thereby, creating our unique reactions.  Unfortunately, if you are someone who watches a lot of media, compares yourself to your friends or are in an industry promoting a status of any sort; then you may in fact, believe that something  is wrong with you if you are not happy.  Media splashes constantly fake happiness through their advertisements, tv shows or movies even through pharmaceuticals; look at the commercials.  They don't even give you permission to not want to be like everyone else.  I could go on, but I won't because this is a tangent that I can write an entire series of books about.  With all that being said, it is possible; however,  to choose happiness in every moment. (that is completely different than feeling happy all the time.)
Second, the concept of being spiritual has so many connotations with it.  Where did they come from?  Is it misleading on purpose?  Or is it simply an incorrect assessment?  There is this connotation that if you are spiritual you are never angry, never sad, never lonely, never unhappy, never agitated, never unloving.  This goes back to that is not how the human is wired.  Being spiritual is just the opposite of all the "nevers" I just delineated.  Instead, being spiritual  means you are all of it; all of the emotions and feelings that make up the rainbow of human emotion.  The difference is that being spiritual (truly walking the walk and talking the talk) means you feel all of those things at all the appropriate times in your life, but you do not allow yourself to get lost in them because you have an inner compass. Being spiritual means you know how to access that inner guidance system and know that whatever is transpiring in your world, you can handle and you will overcome it.  This was something I discovered many years ago when I started my spiritual journey. I, too, was like many who thought you couldn't feel, but isn't it interesting that the feeling/emotion is what will actually prompt you to go deeper into your spiritual journey.  Unfortunately, too many people today consider themselves spiritual, but do not let themselves go any deeper than where they are.  It is unfortunate, but it is a choice.
And finally, I just want to say embrace those emotions that you are stuffing deep inside by old habits or addictions.  You may not even be aware, but you will be amazed at what you use to "numb" yourselves.  The more you begin to feel, the more you are able to breakthrough to your own guidance system and not need to rely on someone/thing externally.   Use those emotions as a cleansing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies.  You will find that as you do this the easier it is to access your true self and the easier it will be for you to pull away from what the media throws at you.  It is time for each of you to reclaim your power and the first step is to allow yourselves to feel your feelings.  
My wish for you today is that you let go into the emotion that is coming up at the moment so you can discover yourself.  
In love,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Channeled Message: Breakfast with Magdalena & Jeshua Discussing Twinflames

Friday night was the most powerful new moon--hope, you too, were able to anchor those energies.  If you read the previous blog post, you will know how amazing the energy was for me.  We finished our meditation and I have to admit that I was tired; I hadn't slept well the night before.  Magdalena came to speak as well and I allowed her to come through. I was not able to remember it all; so this morning, I had breakfast with her and Jeshua and that is what is below. It is kind of in a question and answer format...I will let you in on a little secret, this is the direct transcript of today's conversation.  I am sending out the pertinent info to my client thanks for being my followers on here. ME that is me asking questions.  With love and light, here is the message from my Breakfast with Magdalene & Jeshua.

Dear Ones, 
I am here with my beloved Jeshua.  We come to you with so much love.  We are very proud of you as we know that the path of love has been difficult for you to stay on, but it will be worth it and you will soon see.  We wish to tell you that all is happening, know that, feel that and believe in that.  Hold your faith and your love in your heart for your beloved other half.   As beloved Chamuel shared with you earlier, the time is now for reunions to occur.  They have begun.  There have been delays and setbacks, but you have kept your faith.  We ask you to forgive yourself for any doubts or fears you may have.  Forgive your beloved for any doubts or fears they may have.  I am here to assist you dear keepers of the feminine energy.  My beloved jeshua is here to assist, your beloved dear keepers of the masculine energy. 

ME: How does the Masculine Feminine Energy work?  I mean I do believe we have both energies within us.  (By the way, I’ve never gotten such a beautiful direct answer)

Dear one, the energy of Masculine and Feminine has always been upon your planet; however, at times, for the evolution of humanity, it was necessary for one to be expressed more than the other.  This last period has been dominated by Masculine Energy which is why we have brought into focus and have been flooding your planet with Feminine Energy.   Every human upon your planet has both the masculine and feminine energy within them, you are correct, EstaRa.  However, for you, the twinflames, the distribution is not equal.  Let us explain this to you more fully. Dearest one, we shall simplify the answer so as to make it easier to comprehend.  
Each human that is not a twinflame has both aspects of masculine and feminine within them.  For example it would be 50 % Masculine Energy and 50% Feminine Energy within them.  Now, explaining it that way will assist you in understanding that, that is the balance point of Masculine and Feminine Energy that is to be achieved within each and every human; but, for most of humanity they have been expressing more of one than the other; therefore, being out of balance.   With the influx of Feminine Energy upon your planet at this time, it is assisting bringing each individual into balance of Feminine and Masculine Energies.    Please understand that one is not better than the other as they are both needed for living a fully satisfying life upon this earth, but also for creation and change.
Now, with the human that is a twinflame, aspects of masculine and feminine are different and meant to be.  In a twinflame relationship whether you are physically together yet or not, one human is the primary carrier of the feminine and one human is the primary carrier of the masculine energy.  This puts those individuals out of balance until their reunion occurs.  So using the simplification of what we explained above: The primary carrier of the Feminine Energy is 75% Feminine Energy and 25% Masculine Energy; whereas the carrier of the Masculine Energy is 75% Masculine Energy and 25% Feminine Energy.  It is necessary for the twinflames to unite to balance out their own Masculine and Feminine Energies.  The flooding of Feminine Energy on the planet is creating the awakening of the Feminine Energy within each and every human (twinflame or not), but this message is about the twinflames.  The carrier of the Feminine Energy has had the greatest awakening to their role as a twinflame in remembering who they are because they are 75% Feminine.  The carrier of the Masculine Energy has had their awakening as well; however, that is why it is slower for them to understand the call of their soul.  They have 75% Masculine Energy which has held them in the prevalent energy on the planet.  It is now that the calling of their 25% Feminine Energy is looking for their other half.  We tell you this, because you, carriers of the Feminine Energy, are what they are being pulled to.  Pull them to you because they are coming.
ME: How do we pull them to us? 
You pull them to you through your heart and radiating love, radiating your divinity through the Feminine Energy you carry.  Open your hearts.  The harshness of the environment in which you live it is sometimes necessary to shield yourselves; that is why we say open your hearts.  Find ways to feel open and loving.  Remember open hearts means open to receiving as well as to giving.  EstaRa, you felt intoxicated with that love the other evening—that is what an open heart is. Being in that space is what will help pull your Masculine Counterparts to you.  
ME: Is there anything else we can do?
We encourage you to pull your beloved to you each day.  Spend 1-3 minutes per day in love with your beloved.   Go to a place in your heart once per day and open your heart to send love to them and receive love from them.  We emphasize that you spend the minimum of one minute to the maximum of three minutes.  Your connection to them this way will interrupt their consciousness and they will distinctively feel you.  We ask you to spend no longer than three minutes because it will interrupt their consciousness.  Longer than 3 minutes will create a distraction for them, and we want them to stay present and focused on what is at hand that they need to do.   In essence, you will pull them out of their body to the etheric and pull them away from what they consciously need to do in the physical to be with you.  
ME: Is this why I was being blocked to my etheric connection with my beloved?
Dear one, you are not being blocked by anyone other than your higher self.  It is the job of each of you to have your essence within you.  With the merging of your souls over the last human years, it was easier to escape to a place of love out of your body, whether you or your beloved other half was aware of it or not.  However, your beloved’s higher self is within him aligning his human self with his mission so that he can manifest the steps necessary for your physical reunion.   Spending too much time with him etherically acts as a distraction to him from what he needs to manifest physically.  Therefore, the deliberate “separation” has been necessary for his soul to grow.  You and he created this for that reason.
ME: Can you explain briefly to others the difference of humans and human twinflames because you mentioned it above?
The human that is a twinflame and the human that is not are no different other than what their mission upon this earth is to be.  Both are meant to be in balance and bring to balance their masculine and feminine energies within; however, the human that is a twinflame will work at balancing their energies as they come together in union because that is the only way they can balance their Masculine and Feminine Energies.  It is necessary for their union to occur to assist the rest of humanity in balancing out their Masculine and Feminine Energies.  Their work will be done through love, through their union and it will emanate outward.
We will state to you that a human that is not a twinflame is a person who is fully capable of receiving and being the love they came here for, but it is not the same.  They are still able to attain the highest possible love relationship with a high level soul mate that may resemble closely to a twinflame relationship, but their mission is not to reunite with their twinflame. 
Thank you, Magdalena and Yeshua.  I am so grateful for your love, guidance and support.
We love you, EstaRa.  Know that you are guided, loved and protected.  We thank you for your dedication and love on this journey that has been so difficult for you.   
EstaRa’s final words:
This is not something easily understood because human words cannot express what twinflame love is.  It is an inherent part of who you are.  To know if you are a twinflame or not, you will know inside of your core, most of us that are twinflames have come into this life knowing they were meant to find their other half from the very beginning.  It is not simply to find love or a relationship. It is to find the other half of your soul.  It exceeds all human boundaries and limits. It is made manifest in every dimension of time and space.  This is a relationship that is not easily comprehended for anyone other than another twinflame.  As a human non-twinflame, to comprehend this, one would have to let go all human reality and see through their soul what twinflames are because it will defy their reality.  

Channeled Message: Archangel Chamuel Open Your Heart to Twinflame Union

Hi Everyone,

I have two friends that I do monthly meditation with here in CT.   Friday night, night was quite powerful, not to mention, it was also the New Moon.  AMAZING energy!   

We sat down and immediately Chamuel and Charity appeared as did Magdalene and Yeshua. I felt so honored and loved.  I was sitting in the portal that I created when I first moved here into this place.  I have not sat there since before my car accident, but my friends moved the chair over to the portal. The energy inside there was so intense.  We were about to ground together and I said I had to stop because Chamuel wanted to speak.  

He came through me and spoke in a matter of fact manner--here is the message that I remember:
            Greetings dear souls.

 I am Archangel Chamuel and I am here with my  beloved Charity.   We congratulate you for you have come so far on this path of love to union with your beloveds.  It is time.  You are in the process of reuniting.    There has never been a more opportune time on this planet than now for twinflames to reunite with their beloved other halves.  Your love is needed on this earth to open the hearts of many.  But first, you must open your hearts and keep them open particularly to your beloved.   Dear ones, you hold the love for your beloved to come to.  Trust and have faith in their ability to transcend their present reality.  

EstaRa will be teaching you a chant that is helpful in opening your heart to the divine love in your beloved. We ask you to sing this to your beloved in light.  (The chant Chamuel is referring to is:  OM  PARAMA  PREMA  RUPAYA  NAMAHA Translation:Salutations to Divine Love in a form that I can recognize.  Inner Connection: I bow to the divine love made manifest in "your twinflame's name”.)  This will connect you to the heart of your beloved. 

It is imperative that you pull your beloved to you.    We would suggest to you to have something as a reminder to connect with your beloved.  When you see this, it will be a reminder to you to think of your beloved for a few moments.  For example: of a memory, a thought or a feeling of your beloved.  This will pull your beloved to you because while they may not comprehend it on a human level; etherically they are receiving your message.  It will show up for them in a way that it will help them re-member who they are and give them the push to move forward.   Just as it often happens to you, by way of their thinking of you.

Finally we wish to say to you to remove all doubt that this union will happen; it is written in your DNA to reunite with your beloved other half.   

I am Chamuel and Charity.

Then, we did the chant that Chamuel recommended and felt our hearts open.  
At the end of the mantra, I was completely intoxicated with love. I mean OH MY GOD--I was in love with love.  I had a vision of me and my twinflame in our home dancing in our backyard under the sun of a beautiful day. It was so powerful and amazing.  I highly recommend chanting and mantras. 
Then our meditative work began as we one by one did what we were guided to do.

We finished and I have to admit that I was tired; I hadn't slept well the night before.  Magdalena and Yeshua came to speak as well and I allowed them to come through, but was not able to remember the channeled message.  So in my next blog post I will post a conversation with Yeshua and Magdalene.