Saturday, October 12, 2019

Energy Thoughts: The New Earth Has Arrived 10.12.19

Good Saturday morning to you all.

I have been a bit lax on getting out my Energy Thoughts over the past year--as you know the universe has kicked me around a bit, moved me from my home of 10 years and has wrangled around with my health since, but as much as I'd like to say that has finished, I am definitely not done, but on the upswing.  I have been getting messages that I share on my social media feed--such as Facebook and Instagram.  I am not on Twitter and I am not someone who completely enjoys social media, but I do love seeing friends and family rejoicing in their joys and knowing of their sorrows so that I can be of better service to them.  But I digress, we are here for the Energy Thoughts Update. They are below:

The 10-10 Gateway the other day amplified your energy the last couple of days. Have you felt the energy pushing you? It has added to the upcoming full moon energy tomorrow. Earlier this week, I mentioned you were/will be given many opportunities
to be courageous--are you taking them, making things happen in your life, trusting that you know exactly what to do next without knowing? Yep, I said without knowing! Being okay and open to the unknown is one of the most courageous things you can do. Why? Because you are trusting your soul to provide the next step, then the next step, etc all without a proverbial safety net created by you (read: egoic back up plan, needing to have control hahaha)---you are saying to the universe, I trust my soul and I trust you--I know that you got me. We are now in the in between, literally everything is breaking down around us, within us and all the while simultaneously rebuilding within us and around us. The rebuilding begins when you learn to let go of the past and open up to the power of who you really are.

Let this full moon be a jumping off point for the new you! Are you really new? (read: new energy body, the old templates have now collapsed) Look at you, the world, relationships and even strangers around you with new eyes--things have changed. Everything is different, but if you are continuing to hold the old stories--then not only can you not see, you are setting up an considerable block for yourself. If you are continuing to hold on to the old stories, of you not being good enough, not being smart enough, not being pretty enough, not fit enough, not capable, not worthy enough, not deserving, not loveable, not wanted; (to name a few as I am sure you can fill in the blanks yourself by just reading this)--then you will struggle because there is an inner part to you that is no longer hiding its light. You shine dear one! You Shine and the whole world sees it in you. You don't have anything to do but be the light that you are.  For some this sounds wonderful, but others who are not embracing this new path it doesn't sound so good. If you are not seeing your light and you are not owning your light then that is an internal conflict within who you really are and who you thought you are; and in this energy that cannot be so. The universe/God/your higher self will do everything in its power to help you see who you are. Great, you say! It is great because you have granted permission to the universe to set you free to explore, feel and experience all that you choose, that is, the good, the bad and the indifferent. (read: the universe is going to kick my butt all over this planet if I don't let go and allow my light to shine.)

Remember you always have a choice in this journey. To see your power or not, to live life fully or not--the choice is yours, but there are universal laws that must be understood going forward. As the earth continues her ascension path upward, so too does your path continue upward--and all that is not in alignment with that path for you will show itself, and it won't necessarily be easy unless you are willing to surrender to your own light, discover your beauty, your magic and your truth. Your truth may not be in alignment with others around you and that is ok too! (read: sometimes it is ok to let go of old, outdated relationships. By doing so, you make way for the new and more divine relationships that you have longed for.) Because as you move up through ascension your light will change and grow who you are; it will challenge you to be a better version of your human expression than you were before. This may include some of the same people you have known and it may not--know that, that is okay because your soul is moving you to your tribe; the arena where you will be held in high regard for just being you. Who they are, you will discover are the people who not only embrace your light, but honor it as well. That is how we make the world a better place than we left it--recognizing the greatness in one another, not competition, not greed, nor search for power or search for love. Instead you find that one another will enhance and express that light and love that you are and will not need to look for it outside of yourself any longer.  That, alone is a major shift on this planet, do you not agree?

If you are ready for this journey, but don't know where to begin--well you are not alone and you have help--that is why so many people are lightworkers and have been called to this path long before you--simply for them/us to be pathpavers, wayshowers---and the truths we discovered/are discovering is that we are not meant to do it all alone--we need each other--hmmm that is another major shift on this planet?  We need one another and the earth to survive--no longer are we meant to struggle and do it all by ourselves, the truth is, we were never meant to do it that way, but the human ego had other plans. It is time to tell your ego, sit, back and relax--let's enjoy our soul's navigation...

Dear ones, I simply wish to end this Energy Update with one thought: place your trays in an upright position, we are taking off. Welcome to the ride of your life, the new earth has arrived.

It is with deep love, honor and respect that we, the Arcturian Masters of Light, including dearest EstaRa that we bring you this message today.

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .


  1. I sure do feel this energy...a bit...ok...a lot of turbulence. Thanks for the reminder to surrender ALL the old ;)

  2. It is going to be a ride for sure. Lots of information being downloaded into all of us at this time.
