Hello Everyone,
Buckle your seatbelts, we are in for quite the ride! This week the energy is building like water in a dam and once Mercury goes direct, it will feel like the opening of the floodgates. This can have many meanings for each individual undergoing life's changes at this time. I was reading a comment that someone on Facebook had posted, it said, "Something's Gotta Give." Then, I went to look for a movie to watch on HULU, as that is my only source of entertainment, as I do not have television. The first movie that popped up for me was Something's Gotta Give. As I type this, I have a vision of a dress that is too tight and is busting out at the seams, personally I like the visual of the dam holding back the waters. That "something's gotta give" is this new moon energy of Saturday, March 1st (my birthday--hmmm how magical). And it is
giving--giving us the opportunity to set the tone for the next several
months. This is only the beginning of two months of mass energy pushing forward.
I would like to say that all is good and all will be great, but truly it depends where you are on your path to ascension. Some of you will coast (more like slammed) through to a new beginning; seeing all that you have desired popping up like daffodils as things begin to manifest for you in your physical world. Yes, I do believe that what you have been holding onto as your truth, even to the dismay of others, will begin to manifest itself into your physical reality. For myself, I'm holding out for the miracle of physical healing to my body (I still believe it is possible) and because I am in the business of making miracles happen, I know it will. I'm also expecting the reunion with my twinflame to appear in ways I couldn't even imagine. The next couple of days is your opportunity to think about your miracle. What is the miracle that you have been holding onto/waiting for/expecting? This energy feels promising for those of us living in our hearts; of course, during the next couple months you will need (be required/expected) to remain in your hearts no matter what transpires. Don't think it's a challenge? It may be for some. For others, I'm sure you have had your practice. Either way, spend time quietly every day to make room for your heart to balance all else.
On the other hand, others may experience the floodgates opening in ways that their feelings begin to emerge from suppression, placing their heart/soul's truth front and center. With the heart/soul truth front and center, these people will be required (forced) to learn to navigate through their hearts. What decisions/choices does that take you to? When energy like this is being felt, it makes way for all kinds of chaos to appear in your world and the outer world as well. I looked up the word, chaos, for all of you wondering what the real definition is and yes, it is what you thought: complete disorder and confusion. Now if you've been trying real hard to suppress your feelings/emotions/desires or making yourself fit/stifled/stuck with where you are, you may really begin to feel this way because a new moon in Pisces is all about heart/soul truth.
Wherever you are on the spectrum of experiencing this new moon energy,
one thing is for sure--no one is immune. Everyone will begin to
experience a little of this moon's magic for better or for worse. I know that doesn't sound so optimistic, but it is all perception, dear ones.
What does this mean in real terms? There are things that most people don't tell you...there is a whole
energy that has kept humanity blocked for sometime, and will continue to do so, if it is allowed. This is the old paradigm, which has no basis any longer in this energy; except that it is only being supported by those who do not question. Question everything, I say!
For example let's talk about the movie, the Secret. It points us in the direction of the old paradigm, not the new. Yes, the law of
attraction--oh everyone loved that movie, The Secret. I saw it long
before it became popular and I remember thinking, but what about the
feelings? Feelings are the navigation tool and they have to match the words. It isn't as simple as saying what you want and it will
manifest; you need to bring yourself into alignment with what it is you desire. You can say, "I am happy." or "I am abundant." or even "I am healthy." all that you want, but until you feel that it is a real possibility (and you work at clearing your energy/karma/lessons regarding those things) then it doesn't happen. Unfortunately, it creates a self -sabotaging cycle where you beat yourself up not knowing how to change that or worse, you wonder what you did wrong. In the old paradigm, focusing solely on things outside of yourself (ie saying what you want) gives your power away because you haven't learned to match the feelings with the words. Old paradigm likes to keep you powerless; leading you to believe you have no power to create the world you want. I want to tell you that you've done nothing wrong! You are powerful beyond all measure! You've come here to learn, clear and pave the road for a new consciousness. But in order to do so, you must pave the way from your heart (new paradigm) not your head (old paradigm). So if you have some clearing/karma things to be handled to flow from your heart then get on it, if you are not already. Once you begin, the process will run smoothly and miraculously. This is how you bring yourself into alignment with that which you desire.
The beauty of the coming months is that the time is now for manifesting the new earth/your physical reality/the paved road. Those of us that have been doing the growing (work/clearing/craziness) are ready and have gotten/are getting the visions of the future world we intend to create. I know for myself, I've had ideas/inventions/inspirations/visions of the new earth I intend to create since 2005, but as I was often told, the time is not right (my guides often told me). And here we are, nearly 10 years later and Spirit is finally giving me and others the go ahead. But it isn't a full blown go ahead so much as it is a green light followed up with a caution flag. If you know auto racing at
all (I used to, in my past life in this lifetime.) then you would know that the two flags together would
mean you are going forward, but with caution. You as a driver are definitely not
going very fast, but fast enough to continue on. That is a perfect analogy for going forward in this energy because before you rebuild something, the old has to be broken (destroyed); therefore, caution is recommended because you don't want to rebuild on a weak foundation. Instead, you want to rebuild the foundation too!
No matter the human chaos around us, it is always possible to stay safe/balanced/at peace within. Remember this as you go forward and see the changes that will begin to take place in your world, externally or internally.
With deepest love, honor and respect,
This is my soul's journey of healing, love and light. On my path, I encounter many opportunities for self healing. I only hope I can impart some wisdom to you along the way as I journey through this life.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Energy Thoughts: It's All About the Heart, Baby!
Hello, my fellow beautiful beings of light.
We've now been under the spell of Mercury Retrograde for the last couple of weeks. Only one more week to endure the energy of stagnation. Are you feeling it? Are you having some electronic issues? I've had several which is why this email never gets out there. Are doubts and fears creeping up? Are you second guessing your decision to stay and make it work whether it be in a relationship or career? Are you seeing that your truth from two weeks ago is the same as your truth currently or are you seeing a whole new truth? What are you noticing that is different. What are you noticing that is the same strong urge you've been having? Thanks to Mercury all this rethinking/reworking is happening within the realm of humanity at this time.
I have to laugh, I have been trying to get this Energy Update out to you for several days now. I thought that I would be lucky enough to get it down, but oh no--the universe has had other plans--I felt stuck and unable to do it. Not only does my internet seem to need a reboot every morning, but I myself have been in the goo with ideas. I mean the thoughts/ideas/information has been floating around me/in my head/auric field (thanks to Aquarius air energy--those air signs got to love them for ideas), but it feels as if I have been in a tornado of thoughts/ideas and yet they have had no where to land as of yet due to Mercury Retrograde. It is almost like building up of a storm that will soon set itself down in March, charting a new path for many of us. A good example is that I've even been in the middle of writing four books, yes four, but the kicker is that I have not been able to stick with one of them because it all varies on the way the energy flows in that moment that I sit down to write. .Sound familiar?
This energy that we are in is equivalent to a murky swamp of sorts. More like murky swamp of emotions for some, ideas for others. All wound up around confusion/lack of direction/focus and waiting for a place to settle (like I just mentioned above). I bet you are wondering/asking/even pleading to get some clarity. Unfortunately, we are in this swamp for the next several days. Can we wade through it to make it to the other side of the shore or are we just embarking on a journey that will go no where? I think that best sums up the view of life at this time. Last minute re-engineering of our thoughts/reality is taking place in these last days of Mercury Retrograde. Yes, the universe is giving you yet again the opportunity to clear/release/let go of/get pulled out of what is not your truth. Are you ready for this stream of egoic clearing because Pisces energy is all about the heart/soul connection? If you are not living it/following it/exploring it (the heart, that is) then you are not fully ready to merge into wholeness and the universe will slam you once again. It is time to make that decision about your life that you have been contemplating, that your heart is leading you to. It might be a bit more difficult to access the logic of it as Mercury moves through Pisces, but then again in this new paradigm there is very little room for logic to take place. It is all about the heart, baby! (hahaha--yes, those were the exact words in my head!) When you are in the Pisces energy, it is easy to want to distract/daydream because that is where your heart and your spirit take you to a place where your eternal truth lies far beyond the boundaries and limits of this third dimensional realm you have come too know, love/hate and appreciate. But no need to fear, your angels are guiding you and if you ask, quiet your mind, you will get the intuition that you have longed to receive.
Today, seems like a day that I can be verbose, but it will suffice it to say that until next week when Mercury moves forward, expect the unexpected from yourself and others. Oh and don't judge, simply love it! For me, it will be just in time for my birthday on March 1st which this year, a miracle is about to happen---I've turned that corner--I've always known it inside of me, the possibility and the truth...now it is time for it to happen.
For a Mercury Retrograde time is moving quickly by which I can honestly say I am very grateful for---big surprises, momentum and love move forward soon enough!
With Love,

I have to laugh, I have been trying to get this Energy Update out to you for several days now. I thought that I would be lucky enough to get it down, but oh no--the universe has had other plans--I felt stuck and unable to do it. Not only does my internet seem to need a reboot every morning, but I myself have been in the goo with ideas. I mean the thoughts/ideas/information has been floating around me/in my head/auric field (thanks to Aquarius air energy--those air signs got to love them for ideas), but it feels as if I have been in a tornado of thoughts/ideas and yet they have had no where to land as of yet due to Mercury Retrograde. It is almost like building up of a storm that will soon set itself down in March, charting a new path for many of us. A good example is that I've even been in the middle of writing four books, yes four, but the kicker is that I have not been able to stick with one of them because it all varies on the way the energy flows in that moment that I sit down to write. .Sound familiar?
This energy that we are in is equivalent to a murky swamp of sorts. More like murky swamp of emotions for some, ideas for others. All wound up around confusion/lack of direction/focus and waiting for a place to settle (like I just mentioned above). I bet you are wondering/asking/even pleading to get some clarity. Unfortunately, we are in this swamp for the next several days. Can we wade through it to make it to the other side of the shore or are we just embarking on a journey that will go no where? I think that best sums up the view of life at this time. Last minute re-engineering of our thoughts/reality is taking place in these last days of Mercury Retrograde. Yes, the universe is giving you yet again the opportunity to clear/release/let go of/get pulled out of what is not your truth. Are you ready for this stream of egoic clearing because Pisces energy is all about the heart/soul connection? If you are not living it/following it/exploring it (the heart, that is) then you are not fully ready to merge into wholeness and the universe will slam you once again. It is time to make that decision about your life that you have been contemplating, that your heart is leading you to. It might be a bit more difficult to access the logic of it as Mercury moves through Pisces, but then again in this new paradigm there is very little room for logic to take place. It is all about the heart, baby! (hahaha--yes, those were the exact words in my head!) When you are in the Pisces energy, it is easy to want to distract/daydream because that is where your heart and your spirit take you to a place where your eternal truth lies far beyond the boundaries and limits of this third dimensional realm you have come too know, love/hate and appreciate. But no need to fear, your angels are guiding you and if you ask, quiet your mind, you will get the intuition that you have longed to receive.
Today, seems like a day that I can be verbose, but it will suffice it to say that until next week when Mercury moves forward, expect the unexpected from yourself and others. Oh and don't judge, simply love it! For me, it will be just in time for my birthday on March 1st which this year, a miracle is about to happen---I've turned that corner--I've always known it inside of me, the possibility and the truth...now it is time for it to happen.
For a Mercury Retrograde time is moving quickly by which I can honestly say I am very grateful for---big surprises, momentum and love move forward soon enough!
With Love,
Energy Update,
mercury retrograde,
self love
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Empower Your Child’s Intuitive Nature
Michael always reminds me to trust what I know to be true in my heart. It is often a very difficult thing for us to
do when what we know in our heart conflicts with what we may experience outside
of ourselves. Trusting their inner
guidance is a natural instinct for our children, but the problem comes from the
messages children receive about what they think, feel and say by the actions of
those around them. The messages often
teach children to doubt themselves and even more to ignore that inner guidance.
The message is that children are often not fully heard.

have even more pressure than we had when growing up. It would be really useful for children to
learn how to use their inner sense of guidance to help them make choices in
their life. You may be wondering, how
can I help to teach my children to their intuition? To empower your child’s intuitive nature, it
is important to let them know that what they feel inside is what matters; here
are some ways you can practice listening to your child:
- Practice giving your child your full attention each time they have something to share. The key is to be fully present as they speak.
- Allow your child to express themselves fully without interrupting them even if you don’t agree with what they have to say. The key is to set parameters around how they speak to you; such as calmly and slowly.
- Set up a “date” with your child for them to speak with you. This will alleviate the times that life may get in the way. Perhaps before dinner or before bed. The key here is honor their spirit by making sure you keep the date.
- Teach your child to listen to their heart even if people disagree with them. The key is that what they feel, think or know is more important than someone else’s opinion.
- Lead by example for your children. The key here is to make sure you too are getting fully heard as well.
of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to listen to them and let
them know they are being heard. I
noticed recently that when I am talking with my friends we have gotten to be
way too comfortable with one another that we fail to give each other our
undivided attention. I have been making
a point over the last several years to be more present in my life which
includes giving my undivided attention when being the listener in the
conversation. I have even gone as far as
telling the person that I am speaking with to call me back when they have a
more convenient time to speak. Think
about a time in your life when you have not been listened to; even as an adult
it doesn’t feel good to not be heard. Start
listening today!
self love
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentine's Day Message on Relationships
Happy Love Day to you all!
Just in time for Valentine’s Day
2014, a message about relationships in
this new energy. The following is a
conversation I had with my guides as a result of a conversation I had with a
client awhile back. I feel this
information pertains to all of humanity not just the client so I’m sharing it
with you—the timing has not been right to share, until now.
Conversation with my Guides:
Guides: What kind of relationship do you want? Do you want old paradigm or new paradigm man?
What does that mean?
Guides: Old paradigm is more of the
same where people select each other based on physical, material means rather
than soul, spiritual connection. In the
old paradigm, there is always an imbalance in energy. People are unhappy, but they stay in the relationships
because of old paradigm beliefs. That is to say that the belief that being in a
relationship is not about you, when in fact, it is all about you. There is a prevalent belief among humans that
you do not need to be happy or in love to be or stay married. New paradigm means you choose from the heart
and know what you want. You realize that relationship is about you. You choose to be with someone because you want
to be not because you have to be in relationship. In the old paradigm there are limits as to
what can happen. In the new paradigm
there are no limits to what can happen. As more and more people evolve into who they
are, it becomes more evident that old energy does not work with the new energy;
instead it creates problems in current relationships as each individual seeks
to express who they really are.
Guides: She needs to change up her dating method. (Client is dating again.) She must ground herself daily into the new energy. This is to say that she needs to bring her spirit into the physical realm so that her choices come from her spirit not her head or old expectations of relationships.
Me: Ground your energy and bring
into physical what you have learned? (I asked for clarification)
Guides: She needs to become more
What? She is female.
Guides: She is female, but it is imperative that she
embrace her divine feminine energy, that is who she is. She has expressed masculine energy more so
because that is what has been considered acceptable on the planet; it is the
old paradigm. Masculine Energy is all
about being Proactive, Taking Care of what Needs to be done, Pushing forward,
Independence, Get things done.
Me: Okay?
Guides: Feminine Energy is about being open and
Guides: Yes, humans think the word
vulnerable implies weakness or inability to stand up for oneself or inability
to be empowered. Unfortunately, women
have learned to be more masculine in this earth experience than they are meant
to be. It has been a patriarchal society
for so long that women feel that it is necessary to take on the attributes of
being a masculine energy when in reality it perpetuates what is not wanted and
keeps both men and women locked into a reality that they no longer wish to
experience. Women are not meant to be
competitive, fast forward or fixers.
Feminine energy is all about cooperation and love. It is about strength and empowerment from
their gifts of being who they are.
Me: How does it pertain to
relationships? (Since that is what we were discussing—sometimes I have to bring
my guides around to the point –they are like me/they are me so we ramble---so
much to say!! lol)
Guides: To be more feminine in this time on the earth
means to be more open to receiving love and be more vulnerable. (This pertains
to men and women---everyone has both masculine and feminine energy inside of
Me: (Again I asked for
clarification. They informed me that one
of the things that my guides wanted me to share and know as a result of my car
accident was to be open to receiving and asking for help when I need it. More
on that below.)
Guides: Be vulnerable. It is that simple. Be who you are in every moment. No fixing it for others, no pretending you
can do it all alone, no doing it all alone.
Simply be who you are as you are in any moment. If you are happy, be happy; if you are sad,
be sad. Simply being more of who you
are…means being who you are in every moment that you are. It does not mean you are weak, it means you
do not hide who you are. The power is in
being you in every moment; that is what we mean by vulnerable.
Me: hmmm. I love it.
I was thinking hmmm…human terms:
Wonder what that all means. For
all you women who try to be strong, be on your own, do it all yourself, accept
a relationship that is not making you happy keeping that stiff upper lip--you
are expressing a masculine vibe. For
those of you (men and women) who want a relationship in the new paradigm, you
will want to express your feminine energy to attract your counterpart. It means asking for help when it is needed.
It means you do not have to do it all alone.
It means you can need another person.
It means it gives your human masculine counterpart a job, something for
them to partner with.
Guides: It isn’t that masculine energy comes in to
save you, but yes it does. It means that
you get to express your feminine self.
Being you at any and all given moments, shows your vulnerability—it
shows who you truly are. That is what is
attractive to your masculine counterparts, of the new paradigm, to see you, as
you are. If you have it all taken care
of, then there is no need to cooperate with another.
Me: Any last thoughts about relationships?
Guides: The new paradigm is all
about bringing love to the forefront of your human reality. If it is not love, the
relationship will not last nor may not even begin. The intention with which one goes forward in
a relationship is set within their consciousness; therefore, as their
consciousness expands so too does their ability to manifest the perfect,
balanced love relationship for them.
On a personal note, my beloved
twinflame (who I will refer to as twin throughout this note) has had the
opportunity to see me in a way that he has not.
This car accident rendered me vulnerable. It didn’t make me helpless or
weak. It simply allowed me to be where I was in how I was. Of course, I had
plenty of people telling me how I should be and I didn’t listen to one—I chose
to be where I was during the whole time and as a result I definitely feel I
climbed several steps up the ladder to ascension these past months.
Back to twin, he has always seen me
as ok. Whenever something would go
wrong, his words to me were “I know you are ok, you are always ok.” Meanwhile I felt like I was anything but ok
during those times—the truth was I was always the strong one and could do it
all on my own. Show my vulnerability,
are you crazy? I used to think that isn’t
happening, I would get hurt and open to getting hurt. What I didn’t realize was that I was closed
to getting hurt, but closed to letting love in.
I was closed to needing help, but closed to receiving the love I needed/wanted
too! This car accident showed me that I
was not meant to be closed—I was meant to be where I was at that moment and this
time period definitely gave me a lot of practice. I also gave him the opportunity to be the
masculine vibe. It never occurred to me
that I hadn’t allowed him to be the masculine vibe until this past year when he
stepped in and was able to do something for me. It made him feel really good about himself
(like he is the man because he helped me, but not in a macho way, a good way)
and allowed him to show me his love.
Now, it was much easier for me to be
vulnerable because I wasn’t exactly in the place of I’m okay and I can do it
all by myself. I even allowed him to
hear me cry (something I was afraid would push him away); instead he stayed and
listened to me. I treasure those moments because in those moments I allowed him
to love me and allowed me to really feel the love he has for me. This
new paradigm energy is about giving because you want to and can; and receiving
because you deserve it and you allow it.
Those are the simplest lessons we can take from this life.
It makes me think back to a story
about a friend. Many years ago she told me that her husband had never seen her
without make-up—she would wake up early and put it on before he would see her. Really?
I thought it was ridiculous even back then; but what is more ridiculous is
how truly sad it is how she limited herself. Love is all about acceptance and that is what
this energy is all about. Accepting you as you are, but even more accepting
others as they become more of who they are. Oh yes, that leaves room for lots
transitions and changes, but dear ones that is what you came here for.---to
change the world and move into this new paradigm with a love relationship that
matches it. By the way…it is simply all
about remembering not discovering because you already know all of this deep
down inside you. You just forgot.
With Love and remembrance,
Happy Valentine's Day!!
christ consciousness,
self love,
trust yourself,
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Healing Burns with Essential Oils

As you all know, I really try to stick with purely natural products to heal my body. Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to get a burn here or there when I remove something from the oven. Yes, I know I shouldn't be in a hurry or should be paying attention. Either way, I still get burnt from time to time. Growing up my first instinct was to run to the kitchen for ice or cold water and without fail, it would create a blister and sometimes even a scar. I've learned over the years, instead to reach for Lavender Essential Oil which soothes it almost immediately. I really think I put a drop on only once or twice before the burn is gone and no blister. Magic, right? Well, wait until you hear this one.
I did something silly awhile back where I used something on my skin that had gone bad and caused a huge burn and looked like it may leave a massive scar on my inner arm. I quickly reached for Lavender Essential Oil. (It is really important to use an oil that you know is of highest quality and vibration.) I use Young Living's Therapeutic Grade Oils. I placed the pure essential oil directly on the burn 3 times a day for three days until the skin seemed to cool down. Then I reached for my Frankincense Essential Oil and started to put that directly on the burn 3 times a day for 3 days. A friend created a beautiful "salve" made primarily with Frankincense I continued with using that 3-4 times a day to moisturize it. It was cleared up fully, with no scar, in under 2 weeks.
I know we often reach for what the pharmaceutical companies promote through commercials even doctors, but all we need is a little natural magic to heal. You'll be amazed over and over again...just how scar-less your future burns will be.
If you are interested, in buying either of these oils or others, please feel free to contact me at april@soulstarhealing.com. I would be happy to share with you the other numerous ways these oils can replace many of your pharmaceutical and over the counter products. They are pure magic!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Energy Thoughts: Guidance from the Heart
I know it has been months since the last Energy Thoughts I
had written. There is so much that I
have witnessed and experienced over the last few months. First let me begin by saying, so glad 2013 is
over! Oy Vey (words from my twinflame),
what a year it was! 2013 was anything
but easy! Like most people I endured a
great deal of pain, change and struggle, and while mine was due to the car accident
others had a collision with their reality.
The course that they were on was getting a shift/correction.
2013 is over and we are glad of it, but unfortunately for
some the energy will carry into 2014 for wiping slates clean especially if you
didn’t heed the call in 2013 to clean house and for some that was literally. All the steps you did not make forward in
2013, its okay because the beginning of 2014 is all about guiding you now to
make those steps. Unfortunately, the
longer you wait the more your feet are in taffy. (As I am typing I am getting a visual of
someone standing on blue taffy trying to get their foot off the ground, but
they can’t they keep getting stuck. Yes,
the visual thing is a gift that has expanded post accident—and well, my
twinflame is really awakened now because he is having intuitive experiences and
he is all about the visual so with his etheric unblocking I see more now
too!) The words that come to mind as I
type this are Don’t Hesitate! Don’t wait
a second longer to do what you’ve been wanting to(must) do. Be
sure of it, but most of you have been tossing the ideas around for so long that
it is almost a done deal—oh well it would be if you step into it in the
Since the advent of 2014, I have been feeling like there is
an inner me, ready to run!! Ready to fly high and move faster, meanwhile an
outer me is still not physically healed, but my optimism is coming back again
(hadn’t seen it in quite some time).
Does it sound familiar? That
there is an inner part of you ready to move (run) forward? This is how the other half is living if you are not from the category
above “awaiting the right time” to step out of the taffy. For us folks, waiting and ready to run (the
image I am being shown is that of a baton race.
The runner at the start line waiting to get the baton is ready, leaning
forward waiting, waiting, waiting even
be held back with someone’s hand hold them back at their chest/heart. Hmmm what an image. I see it as being very
much the heart is ready to move forward, but something has arrived/happened yet
for you to fully go forward with your heart’s desire). Well if this isn’t an image I have
seen/experienced over the last 4 years of my life. Hahaha Anyway, I feel like this Mercury Retrograde is
about keeping us true to our heart—not jumping the gun so to speak. (More about
Mercury Retrograde next Energy Update.) As I’m writing, I’m getting the message
for you to allow your head to navigate what your heart has always known…or
allowing others to navigate what your heart has always known. I like it better
that way—hahaha
Energy Update,
mercury retrograde,
self love,
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