As you all know, I really try to stick with purely natural products to heal my body. Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to get a burn here or there when I remove something from the oven. Yes, I know I shouldn't be in a hurry or should be paying attention. Either way, I still get burnt from time to time. Growing up my first instinct was to run to the kitchen for ice or cold water and without fail, it would create a blister and sometimes even a scar. I've learned over the years, instead to reach for Lavender Essential Oil which soothes it almost immediately. I really think I put a drop on only once or twice before the burn is gone and no blister. Magic, right? Well, wait until you hear this one.
I did something silly awhile back where I used something on my skin that had gone bad and caused a huge burn and looked like it may leave a massive scar on my inner arm. I quickly reached for Lavender Essential Oil. (It is really important to use an oil that you know is of highest quality and vibration.) I use Young Living's Therapeutic Grade Oils. I placed the pure essential oil directly on the burn 3 times a day for three days until the skin seemed to cool down. Then I reached for my Frankincense Essential Oil and started to put that directly on the burn 3 times a day for 3 days. A friend created a beautiful "salve" made primarily with Frankincense I continued with using that 3-4 times a day to moisturize it. It was cleared up fully, with no scar, in under 2 weeks.
I know we often reach for what the pharmaceutical companies promote through commercials even doctors, but all we need is a little natural magic to heal. You'll be amazed over and over again...just how scar-less your future burns will be.
If you are interested, in buying either of these oils or others, please feel free to contact me at april@soulstarhealing.com. I would be happy to share with you the other numerous ways these oils can replace many of your pharmaceutical and over the counter products. They are pure magic!
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