Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A New Journey of Healing Begins...

 I begin a new journey of healing...here starts my story.


Dear Friends,

It has been a few months since I sent out an email to you all. As you know I have been going through a lot of health issues in the last few years and unfortunately, that has not changed. 

At about age 28, I remember walking out of a doctor's office and hearing a voice say, "if you don't change your life now, you will not live to be 40."  I was working at the State Capitol in Hartford, CT and running campaigns on the side, both political and labor related.  I worked way too many hours and was under way too much stress for my sensitive soul and was sick all the time.  I heard those words and immediately I changed. I quit my job, left my Masters program, and created a new world for me; focused on my self-healing that led me to opening my business and experiencing adventures in learning, growing, helping and healing myself and so many others.  It has been a journey of discovery and love, and I've loved every minute of it.  

As some of you know, I have never completely recovered from injuries and exhaustion since my car accident.  I kept feeling something was wrong, and did everything I could holistically to function, continue my work and bring love to the earth.  If you have known me and followed me for some time,  I have suffered severe fatigue the last several years and was told by doctors that it was simply because I was in pain.  

I turned 49 on March 1st, and on March 31st I underwent another surgery for the removal of a lymph node in my neck for a biopsy. 

I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

I was shocked, but not totally surprised since I knew something was not right.  This surprised my doctors, as well, as I've been told over-and-over again that I look healthy and so young for my age.  I have to say that one doesn't just wake up one day having Advanced anything; no I believe I have had this at least the last 20 years, if not my entire life.  I credit my healing and holistic lifestyle for the years I believe I have been in and out of remission.  Why do I think I have had it for many years?  Well, I have experienced the particular symptoms since my 20's and the crazy thing is that this dis-ease is usually diagnosed through blood work 20 years before symptoms show, and it is usually diagnosed in 70 year olds.  When I was a child, we lived in an area where chemicals were being dumped in the nearby river and we drank the well water.  Yes, a story similar to Erin Brockovich; and my parents tried to fight the chemical company--they worked hard to get the Freedom of Information Act passed in the State of Connecticut back in the late 1970's, but it wasn't enough - the company still dumped enough to affect families in two towns. I was sick the majority of my life--if you grew up with me, you know I missed ridiculous amounts of school--it appeared I didn't have a good immune system, but I disagree.  I have an amazing immune system because I am still here at 49 years old even after all that I have been through physically.

I share this news with you for many reasons.  I have to.  You are the people in my life that have brought such love and light into my world; and supported me through all my challenges.  I have always been transparent with you and I don't want to stop that.  I also want you to understand why it has been so hard for me, particularly in the last several years, to maintain my business fully.  I just haven't been feeling 100%.

And yes, I am scared, but I am also hopeful.  I find myself wavering between paralyzing fear, a realization of relief that I know what is wrong with me and optimism that if I can keep myself in and out of remission over the last many years, without the assistance of doctors,  then I can do this now with the help of the right healing team.

With all that being said, I am taking some time off from my business, not taking on new clients and not teaching any classes at the present time.  However, I still want to work  and will continue to pick up sessions in a few weeks with my current clients, through shorter, sessions because it is really good for my mental health and it is what I love to do, helping people.  I ask for understanding if I have to cancel, reschedule appointments as I have really worked a very limited schedule and it is has become more and more limited in the last year.

If you are wondering how you can help?  Here are some ideas:

1. Check out my new website, it has options for you to buy my prerecorded meditations, light language activations, my books, sprays and more.  These will help you to heal too! 
Click here:  www.soulstarhealing.com

2, If you are a healer please send healing to me, or better yet join a Healing Circle that my dearest friend Marcia is putting together to help me heal. It will be a weekly opportunity to connect at the same time.  You can contact me and I will add you to the group. 

3. Want to cheer me up? I need that too!  Please send cards, inspirational thoughts, whatever you feel to me at April D'Amato, PO Box 465, Groton, CT 06340. 

I thank you all for listening and supporting and loving me throughout the years. While this is a difficult diagnosis, I really need your inspiration, love, healing and continued support of me and my business.

In love, light and service of humanity,
EstaRa  April

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Energy Thoughts: Stop, Look and Listen to Your Heart

This morning I was conversing with my guides about the energies of 2021. The words of Winnie the Pooh came into my mind loud and clear "Did you ever stop to think and forget to start again?"

The overall energy is that we are getting clear about what it is we want to create in our world, and more globally. Spirit is asking you to STOP and think about where you are going and what direction you are moving in. The past year was like no other we've experienced in recent times that did stop us from going about business as usual, but that only broke us from patterns temporarily. When the world is free to move around once again, will we go back to those previous patterns? Will we have learned anything new? Will we have discovered a new path that we are heading towards? Are we allowing fear to come into play? Are we allowing joy to lead the way? These are just a few of the questions Spirit has asked us to ponder. 
The past year was like no other for me as much as it was for you; however, I had the added stress of
health issues and experiencing three major surgeries in less than one year. The first surgery healed a long time issue of not being able to walk--and boy did I utilized the call of nature and the pressure to social distance as an opportunity to walk. It made it possible for me to stop and think about what it is that I am doing. Last summer, I opened my mind and heart to many potentials and different directions to go in. I was getting clearly that we as a collective are beginning again--look ahead of you and notice there is a clean slate. I chose to follow ideas that flowed to me and I am moving in that direction. Then I was faced with a surgery that I had planned, but with some complications. Then I was faced with a surgery that I had no choice to wait on--one that I knew I would likely ultimately need, but thought I could wait another year. Instead, I realized it was a matter of
urgency---not without a great deal of emotion I decided to do the surgery. I am still recovering and it may be awhile before I feel completely ok again. But it has once again asked to me to determine the direction that I am heading in and to see all alternatives. It has encouraged me to look beyond what is right in front of me and dream. It is asking me to see the possibilities laid out in front of me, there are many more than I dreamed. It has asked me to look at the road of my journey over the last twenty or so years leading me in this direction and perhaps my whole life. It is asking me to stop, look around my reality and listen to what my heart is saying. Spirit is asking you to do the same.
I am not quite sure just yet what will be, but what I do know is that we are on the path to becoming a united people in love. Oh yes, it doesn't look that way, but it is and can be a reality. It requires releasing the old way of being and recognizing that anger, violence, jealousy, fear, inequality and resentment have no place in an evolving society. We as a people are changing --we are entering a new paradigm. Yes, it is easy to claim that it has something to do with the changing of the people in powerful places, for example, in the US, an Inauguration took place for a new president, but that is not it. It has more to do with the changing of human consciousness which requires humans to be conscious. Weird isn't it? We think because we wake up every day and live our life acquiring the "right things", eating the right way, making ends meet and sometimes beyond that we are doing it right. Well, guess again that is what Spirit is calling you to look at and reflect on. Yes, you are living, (read: surviving), but are you a joyful, love filled being? Or are you too tired, too stressed to actually be present with your life, your decisions and yourself? 

We are creatures of habit and even more so we don't like to experience change easily. We resist it as we go, but as Star Trek's most famous saying goes "Resistance is Futile". Change is happening all the time, but now it is happening on a grander scale that is rippling throughout humanity. It is happening within you and around you. Will you partake in it to create the world you want to live in or will you just allow the world to lead you? If you are a lightworker, truly a lightworker than you know your job is to stand up in your power and be an example of light for others. 
Step away from what you have been going about doing --whether it is just this past year or it has been years and determine if this is who you really are. You ask how? Spirit says, the first question to answer is, no matter your circumstances, what do you feel every day? Do you even know how you feel? Step into that question and really allow yourself to go there, be honest. How do you feel? Content? Fearful? Worried? Excited?
Back to the energy of this new year. The first few months of this new year, is all about taking the time now for reflection because once the new earth officially gets underway around the equinox, things will happen (read: move forward faster) and you will need to know which way to go. It is not only important to recognize the direction we wish to move in, but we also must recognize the energy we are putting out into the world. If we are moving fast and we don't reflect--perhaps our energy will be haphazard (read: lots of stops and starts and misdirection) and we are not in conscious creation. If we are moving slowly, or for some, not moving at all, what is it we are stuck in (read: what fears are coming up? Afraid of failure or is it fear of success? These are the things that we ultimately get stuck in with the help of old outdated, past programming we've come to accept about ourselves.)
Spirit is guiding you now to take a few moments in the next several weeks to be in the present with your current world, current circumstances, current choices and the life you are currently living. Presence is key--my guides have often channeled this many times throughout the years, but now it is no longer about practicing --it is about being. Soon it will be about taking action and making things happen. Are you ready? Set go, wait, stop and think, but this time start again may mean a new direction or an improved version of the old one. Only proceed down the path you are on if it feels intuitively right for you and if it doesn't get ready to create the life you've always dreamed of the universe and all its magical energy is on your side going forward. Remember that blank slate I spoke about above? Well, what you choose will have all the support you need coming your way to fulfill your mission and your life on Gaia.


Friday, May 1, 2020

Channel: The Magic Within You

Greetings, dear ones.

Welcome to another new human earth day on your planet.  Have you realized yet that you are the ones you have been waiting for?  Have you realized you have locked within you the true magic and hope for a better tomorrow upon your earth?  Have you realized how empowering the energy of love can be when you truly allow yourself to feel it?   We ask you these questions to wake you up to the new energy on your planet for dear ones it is here.  You feel the same, you say?   Well, dear ones you didn’t expect to look in the mirror and see a completely different person now, did you?   We smile at the thought of humans.  Look at your pictures dear ones you are different.  You write that off to age, we understand your human minds far more than you think.  You look younger, you look lighter and you look ready to enter into this new golden age.  Go ahead. Take another look in the mirror we say to you.   And then look again after another month and see the changes within you.   They will become so evident that you may not even recognize yourself ask EstaRa as she has been transitioning for a long time now.   We say to you, do not let the mirror be the only way you look at the changes taking place within you.  Look at your life, the choices you make and how far along this journey you have come.

EstaRa: Please explain the questions:  Have you realized yet that you are the ones you have been waiting for?

Dearest one, you are the ones you have been waiting for.  Do you now understand that no one, no thing will swoop down and save you? Only you can save you.   The time is now to look at what isn’t working and change it.

You say that often.

Yes dear one, we do.  That is because there are many of you who still need to look at what isn’t working and change it.  We will keep reminding you ever so gently as long as we feel it is necessary for those of you upon this planet to drop away what no longer serves you and, dearest EstaRa there are many beings upon your planet that need to hear this message. 

Have you realized you have locked within you the true magic and hope for a better tomorrow upon your earth?  Why do you say locked within you?

Dearest one, it is simply a reminder for each of you to know that within each of you, you have the magic.  We say locked because some of you humans, do not realize that it is simply a matter of unlocking the gifts that lie dormant in your energy.  The shifting of human consciousness is the unlocking of  keys within your DNA and your being.  Once you are unlocked, there is no locking it up again and putting it away.

What gets unlocked?  How do they get unlocked?

The magic within you. (they laugh) You unlock codes that are within your make up that were set into place specifically for this time upon your planet.  The codes were not always locked, but with the heaviness of the energy and the control that was upon your planet codes became locked away only by way of thought and consciousness.  What you think and believe about yourself is the truth.  So in essence dear ones if you believe you are not magical beings then you would not be magical beings.  For too long have you held that belief, but that belief is lifting from the planet as more and more beings unlock the codes within them. 
You, dearest EstaRa, have unlocked the codes within you; however, there is more unlocking to come for you.  With the unlocking of the codes you will see great transition for you and your planet.

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message today.

The Intergalactic Counsel of Light through EstaRa

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Channeled Message: Renewal, Re-creation is Possible

A channeled message to share with you.....4-15-2020

Dearest Ones,

We love you and we are here for you.  This message is brought to you today.  This is the time when all shall be seen.  The possibility of all that we have hoped for.  The veil is thinner than ever before and your heart will be open more.  See the world as we do; a place of peace and love and everchanging beauty.   We ask you to see what we see.  We do not see the collapse of your markets, we see the beauty of all that is.  We do not see the anger, fear and violence as taking precedence; we see the magic of love and hope.   We do not see the lines being divided we see the cooperation of one another.  We are here and we have thousands of you on your journey bringing forward the light of a new day.  Trust this is where you are meant to be for in time you will see how far you have come and what you have received. 

It is not about money and power, life is about living and is filled with the glory of love, peace and trust.  Honor one another for it is now that we can build bridges that have been burned.  It is now that we can raise awareness for how to live one’s life.  It is now, that all is possible.  

The earth is ready to renew herself once again and as she renews herself she is giving you the same opportunity.  IT is never too late to open up to a new day and experience and see it differently.  It is not possible to be in the light and see only pain.  It is not possible to be in the love and feel only sadness.  NOW is the time. What you have all been waiting for is here.  Do not hesitate to trust your inner truth even if it is seen by others differently. Your truth is what is real! 

Behold the beauty of who you are dear souls for you have much to cherish as we cherish your light.  Shine it bright for in time your glow will be the one thing that changes the world faster than any group has.

It is with love and light that we bring you this new message of a new day and hope.  Honor one another for you are all souls here to achieve the same goal in human form: happiness.

The Masters of Light through EstaRa.

Friday, November 15, 2019

11/15/2019 Energy Update: Claim Happiness

11/15/2019   Energy Update:

This sums up the last week....and then after the primal scream...I survived. Did you? Full moon and 11/11 Gateway has definitely ripped the band aid off the wound so to speak. We all felt it in one way or another...only a few more weeks of Mercury Retrograde. Can you bear it? No? If not, just go slow, take a step back and allow for things to settle and show themselves to you....let it all go....what is important will still be there everything else will find its way out. 

What is interesting is that simultaneously, things I didn't have time to focus on are coming together and working out. Let that be a lesson in letting it all. Are you noticing that too? If not, then you are far to locked up in your head. If you are, then you are definitely straddling a form of soul alignment.

Spirit relays the message again that we can be both beautiful and a mess at the same time--let this Mercury Retrograde period show that to you. Accepting the duality of feelings is part of the process and the plan...you will be grateful once you accept this and then see what unfolds for you. This is alignment in physical form; this is mastery. Read the beginning of this paragraph again. I must admit this lesson happens to be a bit trying at times, but once learned life can be filled with beautiful moments that you didn't even know were there. And it takes time to accept this, especially in a society where people are uncomfortable with their own discomfort. However, the more you get comfortable with your own emotions/feelings the more you expand your light and the forerunners (you) will light up the rest of society. Don't accept the words of someone who tells you that you can feel happy 24/7 because being human means you feel it all which includes everything not just happiness. Do accept the words of someone who tells you that you can claim happiness 24/7 because no matter what happens in your life, it is possible to realign and find happiness moment to moment; not quite 24/7 sometimes, but it is achievable.

It is all in mastering emotions/feelings and bringing yourself in divine alignment.

Look for some stuff coming up in January/February 2020 regarding divine alignment with your soul self--been working on it over the last several months. Most of you that I do not offer classes/sessions/homework for things I have not done myself. I must explore and experience myself before I feel it is appropriate to send your way. Stay tuned--much is happening and much is changing.

Sending love to all you beautiful souls today and always.

Happy Friday everyone.

Monday, November 4, 2019

11.4.19 Energy Update: The Love Train is Coming

Energy Update:

It is official,  Mercury has gone retrograde.  What does that mean in the coming weeks for us?  Lots of changes (read: challenges), opportunities for closure, endings of sorts and healing for all of us, particularly, those of us who pay close attention to what is coming up.  Often people/places/events from the past have a way of showing up during this time for closure. 
Mercury Retrograde is all about reflection and making decisions about going forward, but this particular Retrograde I am being told is about relationships that have left over stuff that needs to be cleared up that has been taking up space in your energy field. Are you ready to release it/them?   It has to do with beliefs around relationships, feelings that have been unresolved, subconscious beliefs that we may be carrying.  One of the themes at this time is about love. Is love real?  What is unconditional love vs. conditional love?  This is a good one to ponder and share with a friend to help navigate what it is. Really allow the opportunity of  this  time to guide through retrograde. 

An example of what happens during this time:   I was just on the phone with a friend regarding this energy.  She shared a brief thought about someone calling her randomly today--they haven't spoken with her in 5 years and didn't leave a message. She made the assumption that it must have been a "butt dial", but I immediately got the message.  There is something that was left undone, something felt unfinished on her end and would benefit from not contacting the person, but revisiting the energy of the "ending" of their communication.  She asked me how and then started to give me some details, and I heard that she would benefit from reflecting on the time long ago when they knew each other well, and what perhaps the feelings/experiences were when the friendship ended because she may have unfinished energy/emotions/baggage attributed to this time, but wasn't consciously aware of it until now   I also had a dream of very dear friend, who is no longer in my life, as a matter of fact he disappeared from my life (so to speak) 10 years ago,  where I felt like we were in a parallel life and I woke up feeling we made peace and I finally released him.  Yes and no, I realized I needed to release him--no because I hadn't though of him anymore, and yes because when I did think of him I felt emotions around it.   I share these examples with you because it isn't always in the physical sense that you get these opportunities showing up.  

It is also a time to recoup, rebalance, revitalize and raise your vibration.  In the midst of a retrograde you ask? Yes!    It is imperative that we do just that! Part of that is to remember some core spiritual beliefs and work on accepting them if you don't already have the as a belief: you are a soul in a human body,  the earth has been masked in a 3 D Illusion, but you are multidimensional and can overcome the negativity and illusions of the 3D reality and you can choose to change your reality with a little help from your soul friends.  Join spiritual groups, but you don't even have to go that far--surround yourself with people who uplift you and share in your joys and encourage to do better.

Some specifics for the Twinflame Journey:  The divine feminine is coming into contact with truths she has been carrying from this lifetime with all the females in her line: how they carried themselves, how they behaved, what their views were in love and relationships with men. She has an opportunity to question them and recognize they are not her truths and leave them behind for her to construct her world differently, from a place of love not programming and fear.    The divine masculine is coming into contact with their behavior patterns of being a masculine on this planet and all the stereotypes that have been built up to protect their egos.  These things came into play simply to cover up their feeling not good enough, with all the expectations placed upon them.  They will begin to face their fear of not being good enough and it will transform them with that rationale and help them see truth where they have been running from.   For the twinflame relationship, rather than seeing these things that show up as barriers/blocks/ and yet another obstacle in your journey--start seeing them as the gift of union.  The universe is always providing opportunities for you to grow and learn and come into union.  What one twin does effects the other--so my beloved divine feminine beings of light you have the power of awakened memories and energies to support your mission to union and while it may seem burdensome to take on the task of daily holding your union in high regard despite the fear, negativity and disappointment you have endured, it is your gift that will navigate you forward.   (My input here is that...if we are dissatisfied with some aspect of our life and not only the TF journey/union then there is work to do still on our self.  You are probably thinking: WORK?!!!??? how much more can I do?  I am going to invite you to view this a little differently:  This is the fun stuff/work of recreating you from false assumptions and beliefs you have carried about yourself, or have taken on due to family, culture, etc.  Where do I need work, you ask?   Some people have financial issues, career issues either stuck in on or needing one, family issues, etc.  I invite you to look this as more of an opportunity to create divine alignment in your life rather than working to get together in union.

Now as if Mercury Retrograde is not enough of a time period of shifting and changing, we are also entering a time of the 11-11 Gateway. Yep, it is opening soon.  This gateway is and always has been magical for all beings on the planet, twinflames or not.  In 11-11-11, I was gifted with many experiences that showed me the truth of what love can do on this planet, in our lives and in our relationships.  My guides channeled to me it is the time of the LOVE TRAIN, will you be on it?  Or will you run from it?   This is a question posed to all of humanity during this time of year.  It is about oneness an celebration of unity.  Oneness does not mean we become robots or enslaved to being the same, but what it does define is the knowing that no matter what we look, who we are, where we come from, what culture/race/gender etc we are the same inside and we are meant to treat each other with love and kindness not separation and fear.  This is getting very long so I will stop here and plan to write a little more about this particular gateway soon. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Energy Update: It is not time for "Business As Usual"

10.16.19 Energy Update.

Now that the full moon has come in fully and anchored a huge vibrational shift, you may be feeling many different things. A sense of urgency and feeling of movement--needing to move: your body, your location, your relationships, your truths, etc. This is the energy that is here to disrupt business as usual, so to speak, and assist you to make necessary changes in your life. (read: force you --at least that is how it will feel for some).

There is a magnetic pull to alignment that has been released out upon the planet. The alignment is essential to go forward on your path at this time. The more in alignment you are the more the pathways will open, the less in alignment you are the more difficult it will be. 

The divine masculine energy has been undergoing massive transformation from within over the last couple of years, and well, now the energy is making it impossible to keep those changes under wraps. Will you see them? Maybe and maybe not. Recognize your divine masculine has been very enmeshed in the 3D reality. The universe keeps providing opportunities to unplug them--are they becoming unplugged? Yes, they are. Are they ready to reveal themselves to you and all of humanity? For some, you will see massive transformations at this time in their realities, for others, they are like a pressure cooker waiting to explode. Explosion could mental, emotional, physical or spiritual--depending on their lessons on this journey.

The divine feminine energy is being called upon to pave the way forward. This has been an ongoing calling for unity and awakening. This is the energy the planet has been crying out for. Recognize that your divine feminine is feeling pulled in many directions now depending upon where she is on the journey. For some they will be laying new ground and finding new directions, for others they are feeling low levels of depression because they are yet to let go of what has been holding them back. It is time to find one another and come together for yourselves, but far more about coming together for the greater good. If you find a tribe, recognize if it is authentically your group, if it is not--move on. If it is it will uplift you in the new energy way--not the old energy. The old energy will maintain the "business as usual" not allowing for heart focused/intuitive energy to be front and center.

The focus over the last several years is to break away from a world where masculine energy prevails and feminine energy is rising. If you are still playing the "game" the way you always had--then it is time to come back into your heart dear ones and recognize the steps you must make to go forward. The heart is the way, it always has been--it just got a little convoluted by fear/money/power/greed/control etc that was/has been running rampant around our planet.

You are the greatest gift you can give yourself at this time. You may think making the world all about you is selfish (well that is the old language of fear of being powerful). Selfish is when you focus from your head on your material/external needs, but for most of humanity--focusing upon yourself is self love, self preservation, self care and ascension. If you frighten enough people to think they must be martyrs--then they lose sight of their beauty. We will leave this discussion for another day as EstaRa must end this channel now.

With love, honor and respect, we bring this message to you today. ~ The Arcturian Masters of Light Through EstaRa.