Friday, November 15, 2019

11/15/2019 Energy Update: Claim Happiness

11/15/2019   Energy Update:

This sums up the last week....and then after the primal scream...I survived. Did you? Full moon and 11/11 Gateway has definitely ripped the band aid off the wound so to speak. We all felt it in one way or another...only a few more weeks of Mercury Retrograde. Can you bear it? No? If not, just go slow, take a step back and allow for things to settle and show themselves to you....let it all go....what is important will still be there everything else will find its way out. 

What is interesting is that simultaneously, things I didn't have time to focus on are coming together and working out. Let that be a lesson in letting it all. Are you noticing that too? If not, then you are far to locked up in your head. If you are, then you are definitely straddling a form of soul alignment.

Spirit relays the message again that we can be both beautiful and a mess at the same time--let this Mercury Retrograde period show that to you. Accepting the duality of feelings is part of the process and the will be grateful once you accept this and then see what unfolds for you. This is alignment in physical form; this is mastery. Read the beginning of this paragraph again. I must admit this lesson happens to be a bit trying at times, but once learned life can be filled with beautiful moments that you didn't even know were there. And it takes time to accept this, especially in a society where people are uncomfortable with their own discomfort. However, the more you get comfortable with your own emotions/feelings the more you expand your light and the forerunners (you) will light up the rest of society. Don't accept the words of someone who tells you that you can feel happy 24/7 because being human means you feel it all which includes everything not just happiness. Do accept the words of someone who tells you that you can claim happiness 24/7 because no matter what happens in your life, it is possible to realign and find happiness moment to moment; not quite 24/7 sometimes, but it is achievable.

It is all in mastering emotions/feelings and bringing yourself in divine alignment.

Look for some stuff coming up in January/February 2020 regarding divine alignment with your soul self--been working on it over the last several months. Most of you that I do not offer classes/sessions/homework for things I have not done myself. I must explore and experience myself before I feel it is appropriate to send your way. Stay tuned--much is happening and much is changing.

Sending love to all you beautiful souls today and always.

Happy Friday everyone.

Monday, November 4, 2019

11.4.19 Energy Update: The Love Train is Coming

Energy Update:

It is official,  Mercury has gone retrograde.  What does that mean in the coming weeks for us?  Lots of changes (read: challenges), opportunities for closure, endings of sorts and healing for all of us, particularly, those of us who pay close attention to what is coming up.  Often people/places/events from the past have a way of showing up during this time for closure. 
Mercury Retrograde is all about reflection and making decisions about going forward, but this particular Retrograde I am being told is about relationships that have left over stuff that needs to be cleared up that has been taking up space in your energy field. Are you ready to release it/them?   It has to do with beliefs around relationships, feelings that have been unresolved, subconscious beliefs that we may be carrying.  One of the themes at this time is about love. Is love real?  What is unconditional love vs. conditional love?  This is a good one to ponder and share with a friend to help navigate what it is. Really allow the opportunity of  this  time to guide through retrograde. 

An example of what happens during this time:   I was just on the phone with a friend regarding this energy.  She shared a brief thought about someone calling her randomly today--they haven't spoken with her in 5 years and didn't leave a message. She made the assumption that it must have been a "butt dial", but I immediately got the message.  There is something that was left undone, something felt unfinished on her end and would benefit from not contacting the person, but revisiting the energy of the "ending" of their communication.  She asked me how and then started to give me some details, and I heard that she would benefit from reflecting on the time long ago when they knew each other well, and what perhaps the feelings/experiences were when the friendship ended because she may have unfinished energy/emotions/baggage attributed to this time, but wasn't consciously aware of it until now   I also had a dream of very dear friend, who is no longer in my life, as a matter of fact he disappeared from my life (so to speak) 10 years ago,  where I felt like we were in a parallel life and I woke up feeling we made peace and I finally released him.  Yes and no, I realized I needed to release him--no because I hadn't though of him anymore, and yes because when I did think of him I felt emotions around it.   I share these examples with you because it isn't always in the physical sense that you get these opportunities showing up.  

It is also a time to recoup, rebalance, revitalize and raise your vibration.  In the midst of a retrograde you ask? Yes!    It is imperative that we do just that! Part of that is to remember some core spiritual beliefs and work on accepting them if you don't already have the as a belief: you are a soul in a human body,  the earth has been masked in a 3 D Illusion, but you are multidimensional and can overcome the negativity and illusions of the 3D reality and you can choose to change your reality with a little help from your soul friends.  Join spiritual groups, but you don't even have to go that far--surround yourself with people who uplift you and share in your joys and encourage to do better.

Some specifics for the Twinflame Journey:  The divine feminine is coming into contact with truths she has been carrying from this lifetime with all the females in her line: how they carried themselves, how they behaved, what their views were in love and relationships with men. She has an opportunity to question them and recognize they are not her truths and leave them behind for her to construct her world differently, from a place of love not programming and fear.    The divine masculine is coming into contact with their behavior patterns of being a masculine on this planet and all the stereotypes that have been built up to protect their egos.  These things came into play simply to cover up their feeling not good enough, with all the expectations placed upon them.  They will begin to face their fear of not being good enough and it will transform them with that rationale and help them see truth where they have been running from.   For the twinflame relationship, rather than seeing these things that show up as barriers/blocks/ and yet another obstacle in your journey--start seeing them as the gift of union.  The universe is always providing opportunities for you to grow and learn and come into union.  What one twin does effects the other--so my beloved divine feminine beings of light you have the power of awakened memories and energies to support your mission to union and while it may seem burdensome to take on the task of daily holding your union in high regard despite the fear, negativity and disappointment you have endured, it is your gift that will navigate you forward.   (My input here is that...if we are dissatisfied with some aspect of our life and not only the TF journey/union then there is work to do still on our self.  You are probably thinking: WORK?!!!??? how much more can I do?  I am going to invite you to view this a little differently:  This is the fun stuff/work of recreating you from false assumptions and beliefs you have carried about yourself, or have taken on due to family, culture, etc.  Where do I need work, you ask?   Some people have financial issues, career issues either stuck in on or needing one, family issues, etc.  I invite you to look this as more of an opportunity to create divine alignment in your life rather than working to get together in union.

Now as if Mercury Retrograde is not enough of a time period of shifting and changing, we are also entering a time of the 11-11 Gateway. Yep, it is opening soon.  This gateway is and always has been magical for all beings on the planet, twinflames or not.  In 11-11-11, I was gifted with many experiences that showed me the truth of what love can do on this planet, in our lives and in our relationships.  My guides channeled to me it is the time of the LOVE TRAIN, will you be on it?  Or will you run from it?   This is a question posed to all of humanity during this time of year.  It is about oneness an celebration of unity.  Oneness does not mean we become robots or enslaved to being the same, but what it does define is the knowing that no matter what we look, who we are, where we come from, what culture/race/gender etc we are the same inside and we are meant to treat each other with love and kindness not separation and fear.  This is getting very long so I will stop here and plan to write a little more about this particular gateway soon. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Energy Update: It is not time for "Business As Usual"

10.16.19 Energy Update.

Now that the full moon has come in fully and anchored a huge vibrational shift, you may be feeling many different things. A sense of urgency and feeling of movement--needing to move: your body, your location, your relationships, your truths, etc. This is the energy that is here to disrupt business as usual, so to speak, and assist you to make necessary changes in your life. (read: force you --at least that is how it will feel for some).

There is a magnetic pull to alignment that has been released out upon the planet. The alignment is essential to go forward on your path at this time. The more in alignment you are the more the pathways will open, the less in alignment you are the more difficult it will be. 

The divine masculine energy has been undergoing massive transformation from within over the last couple of years, and well, now the energy is making it impossible to keep those changes under wraps. Will you see them? Maybe and maybe not. Recognize your divine masculine has been very enmeshed in the 3D reality. The universe keeps providing opportunities to unplug them--are they becoming unplugged? Yes, they are. Are they ready to reveal themselves to you and all of humanity? For some, you will see massive transformations at this time in their realities, for others, they are like a pressure cooker waiting to explode. Explosion could mental, emotional, physical or spiritual--depending on their lessons on this journey.

The divine feminine energy is being called upon to pave the way forward. This has been an ongoing calling for unity and awakening. This is the energy the planet has been crying out for. Recognize that your divine feminine is feeling pulled in many directions now depending upon where she is on the journey. For some they will be laying new ground and finding new directions, for others they are feeling low levels of depression because they are yet to let go of what has been holding them back. It is time to find one another and come together for yourselves, but far more about coming together for the greater good. If you find a tribe, recognize if it is authentically your group, if it is not--move on. If it is it will uplift you in the new energy way--not the old energy. The old energy will maintain the "business as usual" not allowing for heart focused/intuitive energy to be front and center.

The focus over the last several years is to break away from a world where masculine energy prevails and feminine energy is rising. If you are still playing the "game" the way you always had--then it is time to come back into your heart dear ones and recognize the steps you must make to go forward. The heart is the way, it always has been--it just got a little convoluted by fear/money/power/greed/control etc that was/has been running rampant around our planet.

You are the greatest gift you can give yourself at this time. You may think making the world all about you is selfish (well that is the old language of fear of being powerful). Selfish is when you focus from your head on your material/external needs, but for most of humanity--focusing upon yourself is self love, self preservation, self care and ascension. If you frighten enough people to think they must be martyrs--then they lose sight of their beauty. We will leave this discussion for another day as EstaRa must end this channel now.

With love, honor and respect, we bring this message to you today. ~ The Arcturian Masters of Light Through EstaRa.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Energy Thoughts: The New Earth Has Arrived 10.12.19

Good Saturday morning to you all.

I have been a bit lax on getting out my Energy Thoughts over the past year--as you know the universe has kicked me around a bit, moved me from my home of 10 years and has wrangled around with my health since, but as much as I'd like to say that has finished, I am definitely not done, but on the upswing.  I have been getting messages that I share on my social media feed--such as Facebook and Instagram.  I am not on Twitter and I am not someone who completely enjoys social media, but I do love seeing friends and family rejoicing in their joys and knowing of their sorrows so that I can be of better service to them.  But I digress, we are here for the Energy Thoughts Update. They are below:

The 10-10 Gateway the other day amplified your energy the last couple of days. Have you felt the energy pushing you? It has added to the upcoming full moon energy tomorrow. Earlier this week, I mentioned you were/will be given many opportunities
to be courageous--are you taking them, making things happen in your life, trusting that you know exactly what to do next without knowing? Yep, I said without knowing! Being okay and open to the unknown is one of the most courageous things you can do. Why? Because you are trusting your soul to provide the next step, then the next step, etc all without a proverbial safety net created by you (read: egoic back up plan, needing to have control hahaha)---you are saying to the universe, I trust my soul and I trust you--I know that you got me. We are now in the in between, literally everything is breaking down around us, within us and all the while simultaneously rebuilding within us and around us. The rebuilding begins when you learn to let go of the past and open up to the power of who you really are.

Let this full moon be a jumping off point for the new you! Are you really new? (read: new energy body, the old templates have now collapsed) Look at you, the world, relationships and even strangers around you with new eyes--things have changed. Everything is different, but if you are continuing to hold the old stories--then not only can you not see, you are setting up an considerable block for yourself. If you are continuing to hold on to the old stories, of you not being good enough, not being smart enough, not being pretty enough, not fit enough, not capable, not worthy enough, not deserving, not loveable, not wanted; (to name a few as I am sure you can fill in the blanks yourself by just reading this)--then you will struggle because there is an inner part to you that is no longer hiding its light. You shine dear one! You Shine and the whole world sees it in you. You don't have anything to do but be the light that you are.  For some this sounds wonderful, but others who are not embracing this new path it doesn't sound so good. If you are not seeing your light and you are not owning your light then that is an internal conflict within who you really are and who you thought you are; and in this energy that cannot be so. The universe/God/your higher self will do everything in its power to help you see who you are. Great, you say! It is great because you have granted permission to the universe to set you free to explore, feel and experience all that you choose, that is, the good, the bad and the indifferent. (read: the universe is going to kick my butt all over this planet if I don't let go and allow my light to shine.)

Remember you always have a choice in this journey. To see your power or not, to live life fully or not--the choice is yours, but there are universal laws that must be understood going forward. As the earth continues her ascension path upward, so too does your path continue upward--and all that is not in alignment with that path for you will show itself, and it won't necessarily be easy unless you are willing to surrender to your own light, discover your beauty, your magic and your truth. Your truth may not be in alignment with others around you and that is ok too! (read: sometimes it is ok to let go of old, outdated relationships. By doing so, you make way for the new and more divine relationships that you have longed for.) Because as you move up through ascension your light will change and grow who you are; it will challenge you to be a better version of your human expression than you were before. This may include some of the same people you have known and it may not--know that, that is okay because your soul is moving you to your tribe; the arena where you will be held in high regard for just being you. Who they are, you will discover are the people who not only embrace your light, but honor it as well. That is how we make the world a better place than we left it--recognizing the greatness in one another, not competition, not greed, nor search for power or search for love. Instead you find that one another will enhance and express that light and love that you are and will not need to look for it outside of yourself any longer.  That, alone is a major shift on this planet, do you not agree?

If you are ready for this journey, but don't know where to begin--well you are not alone and you have help--that is why so many people are lightworkers and have been called to this path long before you--simply for them/us to be pathpavers, wayshowers---and the truths we discovered/are discovering is that we are not meant to do it all alone--we need each other--hmmm that is another major shift on this planet?  We need one another and the earth to survive--no longer are we meant to struggle and do it all by ourselves, the truth is, we were never meant to do it that way, but the human ego had other plans. It is time to tell your ego, sit, back and relax--let's enjoy our soul's navigation...

Dear ones, I simply wish to end this Energy Update with one thought: place your trays in an upright position, we are taking off. Welcome to the ride of your life, the new earth has arrived.

It is with deep love, honor and respect that we, the Arcturian Masters of Light, including dearest EstaRa that we bring you this message today.

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Energy Thoughts: Ending of the Ending, Beginning of the Beginning

Hello Beautiful Beings of Light,

It has been some time since I have written, and perhaps even longer since my last Energy Thoughts Update, but I'm still here.  Stayed tuned  new updates about me, Soul Star Healing to come out soon.  Onto the Energy Thoughts and Channel...

Greetings dear ones. 

We are here with a message for you today.  You have entered the transitioning time from the old paradigm energy to the new paradigm energy and it is just beginning to open each and every one of you to a higher light of consciousness.  You are reaching new ground.  The past earth year of 2018 was a stripping away for many, for some it was quick, short and painful for others it has been long, arduous with glimmers of hope thrown in, but for all of you, you have left behind a denser version of you and are ready to enter a more luminous path. 

What does that mean in human language, you ask?  It means that for some the band aid was pulled off quickly and it was painful while going through it, but it was short lived. For others, it was a slower process of peeling back the layers to reveal truths to you.  Quite often truths you have been hiding from yourself.   This has spun humanity into a massive critical stage of transformation--no one has been untouched. 

The time has come for each of you to illuminate your truth and your path with your own light, you emanate brightly dear ones. We love seeing you shine as your light bodies are now coming fully online.  (read: your time has come to shine)  This is only the beginning of the beginning  as we have told EstaRa when she asked what is actually happening at the end of 2018?  We have channeled to dearest EstaRa for a number of years preparing her for the what was to occur in 2019, its a year of significance for all of humanity and that it would signify the beginning of the new beginning simultaneously as humanity enters the ending of the ending paradigm.  (read: the tearing down, destruction of old programs, thoughts, patterns, systems that humanity has been enslaved to are self-destructing as each person lights themselves up from within, the truth before them cannot be contained/hidden any longer. )   The systems of humanity that have kept you down literally can no longer be maintained and are quickly revealing their weaknesses, allowing for their collapse/restructuring to occur. Revelations have been coming into your realities, dear ones, but now you too will experience/acknowledge the wisdom of these revelations from a higher perspective and a new found internal compass. (Read: it will be as if your intuition kicked on or kicked in to high gear for some--don't be surprised when you start to attain information to things in various ways that you had not before.)

We wish to impart to you that each and every one of you are essential to the uplifting of human consciousness.  Every being on the planet has come during this incarnation for the purpose of purging humanity of its errant programmings, raising up humanity's conscious awareness and to allow their soul to this particular ascension.  It is not by accident that you are living the life you are living, though some of you may disagree with us.  We urge you to look at the life you are living to discover the underlying message that is waiting right there inside of you showing your pathway home.  Home for some is simply within soul families, soul tribes, twinflames and/or a multidimensional accessibility to your galactic home or simply to your soul's mission: we ask you to trust what your inner compass is guiding you to, but first you must shed the personality and ego role that you have chosen to play in this incarnation.  For some of you, this appears to be the greatest of challenges and we love you for the work you are doing to get there.  For others, it is the challenge of staying heart centered even after feelings of guilt, shame, broken heart, betrayals, broken trust and self destructive behaviors. 
(read: human potential is greatest when they are able to recognize the role their ego and personality play and learn to navigate with it--not destroying it, accepting it and learn to use it alongside with your soul's truth.)

We are in the transitioning time, the in-between so to speak,  and haven't landed just yet.  That is what this year is about still, but there are many more glimmers of hope.  We will continue to see the deconstructing, breaking down of the earth's governing systems because it isn't finished. You may say what?  But seriously, have you not seen what is happening in the world today? Change is not happening fast enough; those tied to the old paradigm are in a losing battle, but apparently they have not gotten the memo yet that the energy is no longer supported.  Meanwhile, as we enter this year, the first new moon today, January 5th marks a new opportunity for you to evaluate the path ahead, for some it will open new doorways and for others it will expand their current pathway and allow movement more freely. The extra energy provided by the Partial Solar Eclipse today will amplify the energies of shift and you will feel it within your being.  Do not be afraid of this energy, welcome it!

It is not your job as a human to seek and/or worry what your mission is, it is your privilege to allow your heart to guide you in the direction of your mission as it will reveal itself to you.  During your earth year of 2019, you will be given ample opportunity to expand your heart consciousness and discover the new ever evolving you.  Your heart has become an multidimensional portal to all your gifts past, present and future.   This year ahead will provide you with the openings to what it is you want to create.  

(Read: As a whole humanity, will begin to see glimmers of  new creations/evolution overlaying the tearing down energy.  While we are still in the deconstruction, we are also seeing new possibilities growing out from under the surface of confusion.  Look to open your heart, your intuition and let the energy of flow lead you forward because it will. )   

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring this message to you today.
We are the Arcturian Masters of Light.

The most important reminder for the year ahead is to learn to trust your intuition.  Spent time practicing, playing and using your super power, YOUR SUPER LUMINOUS WISDOM! You have all that you need and more just inside of you, but it is up to you to learn to use, navigate, expand and empower yourself with it--so get into one of my classes, they will be popping up across the state in the next month! 


PS:  Below is a snippet of  a channel I began prior to my abrupt illness, move and stressful situations in the last few months. 

"It Is time to BREAK the Karmic Cycle of the “Have” and “Have nots”.  The powers that be have reincarnated to come and do it again!  It is necessary to bring them into a mirror image of their soul so they can see what they are doing.  People are reliving the same karmic patterns to make these karmic patterns cleared and make restitution for their soul.  The only way to break the pattern is to cut karmic ties and cords with the past.   It will take an extreme amount of change  to end this cycle, but it is possible and the beings of light are assisting to make that change happen simultaneously while the current conditions are difficult."

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .