Thursday, July 8, 2010

From the Gulf

Hello from Fort Myers, Florida.

Last week, I planned with a friend a very, very last minute trip to Fort Myers Beach. I am still here as I write this, but I have to be honest, I have not wanted to work. It has been probably the most relaxing time away in years that I have taken. I am so grateful for this opportunity.

I wanted to share my experience with you all a little. From the moment, the plane landed, I felt an overall low level depression that was spread throughout the area. The oil spill has not touched this area physically, but clearly the energy of the oil spill has hit the area on top of the already slow economy. At first glance, the feeling is that one of hopelessness. But stepping into the community a little closer, you find that the area is bountiful with nature, the ocean is powerfully beautiful and people are extremely friendly here that there is hope for an area fearful of what may come their way if the oil spill is not contained.

With the thought of coming here, many people thought why would you want to go to Florida in the middle of summer. I intuitively felt that the weather would be a lot cooler than it was at home and guess what? Connecticut is 101 while Fort Myers registered at 84 degrees. Guess who picked the right time? Was it really a last minute trip or one planned by the universe? I felt like I was meant to be here at this time. It is a well known fact in the universe with the light beings that just to be in your light in an area will pour love, healing and light into Earth at that one spot. I had that opportunity on Saturday...I will catalog my meditation in my next blog...for now I am off to catch some Florida sun.

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