Saturday, January 5, 2019

Energy Thoughts: Ending of the Ending, Beginning of the Beginning

Hello Beautiful Beings of Light,

It has been some time since I have written, and perhaps even longer since my last Energy Thoughts Update, but I'm still here.  Stayed tuned  new updates about me, Soul Star Healing to come out soon.  Onto the Energy Thoughts and Channel...

Greetings dear ones. 

We are here with a message for you today.  You have entered the transitioning time from the old paradigm energy to the new paradigm energy and it is just beginning to open each and every one of you to a higher light of consciousness.  You are reaching new ground.  The past earth year of 2018 was a stripping away for many, for some it was quick, short and painful for others it has been long, arduous with glimmers of hope thrown in, but for all of you, you have left behind a denser version of you and are ready to enter a more luminous path. 

What does that mean in human language, you ask?  It means that for some the band aid was pulled off quickly and it was painful while going through it, but it was short lived. For others, it was a slower process of peeling back the layers to reveal truths to you.  Quite often truths you have been hiding from yourself.   This has spun humanity into a massive critical stage of transformation--no one has been untouched. 

The time has come for each of you to illuminate your truth and your path with your own light, you emanate brightly dear ones. We love seeing you shine as your light bodies are now coming fully online.  (read: your time has come to shine)  This is only the beginning of the beginning  as we have told EstaRa when she asked what is actually happening at the end of 2018?  We have channeled to dearest EstaRa for a number of years preparing her for the what was to occur in 2019, its a year of significance for all of humanity and that it would signify the beginning of the new beginning simultaneously as humanity enters the ending of the ending paradigm.  (read: the tearing down, destruction of old programs, thoughts, patterns, systems that humanity has been enslaved to are self-destructing as each person lights themselves up from within, the truth before them cannot be contained/hidden any longer. )   The systems of humanity that have kept you down literally can no longer be maintained and are quickly revealing their weaknesses, allowing for their collapse/restructuring to occur. Revelations have been coming into your realities, dear ones, but now you too will experience/acknowledge the wisdom of these revelations from a higher perspective and a new found internal compass. (Read: it will be as if your intuition kicked on or kicked in to high gear for some--don't be surprised when you start to attain information to things in various ways that you had not before.)

We wish to impart to you that each and every one of you are essential to the uplifting of human consciousness.  Every being on the planet has come during this incarnation for the purpose of purging humanity of its errant programmings, raising up humanity's conscious awareness and to allow their soul to this particular ascension.  It is not by accident that you are living the life you are living, though some of you may disagree with us.  We urge you to look at the life you are living to discover the underlying message that is waiting right there inside of you showing your pathway home.  Home for some is simply within soul families, soul tribes, twinflames and/or a multidimensional accessibility to your galactic home or simply to your soul's mission: we ask you to trust what your inner compass is guiding you to, but first you must shed the personality and ego role that you have chosen to play in this incarnation.  For some of you, this appears to be the greatest of challenges and we love you for the work you are doing to get there.  For others, it is the challenge of staying heart centered even after feelings of guilt, shame, broken heart, betrayals, broken trust and self destructive behaviors. 
(read: human potential is greatest when they are able to recognize the role their ego and personality play and learn to navigate with it--not destroying it, accepting it and learn to use it alongside with your soul's truth.)

We are in the transitioning time, the in-between so to speak,  and haven't landed just yet.  That is what this year is about still, but there are many more glimmers of hope.  We will continue to see the deconstructing, breaking down of the earth's governing systems because it isn't finished. You may say what?  But seriously, have you not seen what is happening in the world today? Change is not happening fast enough; those tied to the old paradigm are in a losing battle, but apparently they have not gotten the memo yet that the energy is no longer supported.  Meanwhile, as we enter this year, the first new moon today, January 5th marks a new opportunity for you to evaluate the path ahead, for some it will open new doorways and for others it will expand their current pathway and allow movement more freely. The extra energy provided by the Partial Solar Eclipse today will amplify the energies of shift and you will feel it within your being.  Do not be afraid of this energy, welcome it!

It is not your job as a human to seek and/or worry what your mission is, it is your privilege to allow your heart to guide you in the direction of your mission as it will reveal itself to you.  During your earth year of 2019, you will be given ample opportunity to expand your heart consciousness and discover the new ever evolving you.  Your heart has become an multidimensional portal to all your gifts past, present and future.   This year ahead will provide you with the openings to what it is you want to create.  

(Read: As a whole humanity, will begin to see glimmers of  new creations/evolution overlaying the tearing down energy.  While we are still in the deconstruction, we are also seeing new possibilities growing out from under the surface of confusion.  Look to open your heart, your intuition and let the energy of flow lead you forward because it will. )   

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring this message to you today.
We are the Arcturian Masters of Light.

The most important reminder for the year ahead is to learn to trust your intuition.  Spent time practicing, playing and using your super power, YOUR SUPER LUMINOUS WISDOM! You have all that you need and more just inside of you, but it is up to you to learn to use, navigate, expand and empower yourself with it--so get into one of my classes, they will be popping up across the state in the next month! 


PS:  Below is a snippet of  a channel I began prior to my abrupt illness, move and stressful situations in the last few months. 

"It Is time to BREAK the Karmic Cycle of the “Have” and “Have nots”.  The powers that be have reincarnated to come and do it again!  It is necessary to bring them into a mirror image of their soul so they can see what they are doing.  People are reliving the same karmic patterns to make these karmic patterns cleared and make restitution for their soul.  The only way to break the pattern is to cut karmic ties and cords with the past.   It will take an extreme amount of change  to end this cycle, but it is possible and the beings of light are assisting to make that change happen simultaneously while the current conditions are difficult."

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .

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