Thursday, November 2, 2017

Quick Energy Update: November 1, 2017

Energy Update:
Happy November!

Happy 11-11 Day. Yes, it is an 11-11 Day. What does that mean? Prepare for the Love train to start moving forward's's coming....

Meanwhile, back in your day to day life, so much energy floating around the ethers waiting and ready for you to pluck it up and put it into play. What am I supposed to do with that, you may be wondering. Well, the energy is all about transformation/shifting/embodiment. That means we are in a pretty, deep, dark place where there is only one way to go and that is through it. We are being given a massive opportunity right now to shift things that have been stuck quickly, smoothly and easily. The universe is preparing you to jump on that love train and embody the energy of union and connection.
This month provides the blueprint for your future to come alive. Are you ready to embody who you are? Are you ready to create from a place of love? Are you ready to drop and let go of old patterns/beliefs and ways of creating?

Remember, we are no longer in the old paradigm, but many of us are still trying to straddle the past with the present/future. (I am seeing and image of one person standing with their feet on two boats--one on one and the water is spreading the boats further apart. See this and realize we can only stay this way for so long before we fall.) Spirit is guiding us to take the plunge and jump into the ocean to make it easier for us to choose the new boat rather than being unprepared and falling in to the change.
Either way, spirit loves you and supports you on this journey.

Blessings for this new month....magic will happen...believe.

EstaRa April #energyupdate #soulstarhealing #estara

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