Inspirational Snippet: Balance
was prompted by my guides to share this channel from 2011, the
information in this channel is very appropriate for these times.
Channeled in Middletown, CT on Friday, March 4, 2011 through EstaRa April and transcribed on this day.
Greetings Dear Ones,
have a message for you. EstaRa has given you many messages this evening
from us. We had to
tell her that it is important to tell you to stay
balanced. Balance is key in this lifetime of yours. Your 3D is changing
rapidly much will be crazy in your terms. However it need not be for
you. If you choose it will be light and love that is a path you must
choose if you wish. However you may choose chaos and fear that is a path
you may choose if you wish to as well. That would be okay we love you
still. Many of you are tired. Many of you are tired from your journey it
has been a difficult one dear ones. But you would not have been chosen
for this journey had you not been warriors of the light before you came
to this earth time and space. We tell you this to remind you to activate
your light. Activate your light every day and carry it wherever you
will go. It is simple to do… calling light into your time and space
wherever you go it will follow you and bring to you what you need to
prevail in the places that are dark. Many places you travel are dark ,
dark we tell you is simply lack of light. It is not fearful and is not
to be feared. It is just lack of light and you dear ones will bring your
light. Do not be afraid dear ones. We know dear ones that many times
you are afraid of your own light.
WE will give you a sense at this
moment of peace. We ask you to close your eyes and feel within you a
peaceful space connect within. We are sending out to you from the heart
center of EstaRa, we are sending out to you LOVE. Feel it within your
hearts dear one, LOVE. Imagine if you wish a sailboat on the water. The
water is rough and restless. But the sailboat goes with the flow of the
water. That can be you the sailboat gliding on the ocean of waves that
move back and forth rushing but you dear ones will be the peaceful
sailboat on the oceans of life. See that at this moment, see you as the
sailboat and know inside what that feels like for you. If you allow
yourself to feel this at this moment then you will discover that you
have all that you need to ride out the storm that we call the final wave
of awakening. We call it the storm because it will bring much with it will be quick and it could be destructive but it does not have to
be. For some it may be if a solid foundation is not what you have in
your life then it can be destructive for it will take away all that is
not built upon a solid foundation. It is important that you find within
you a solid foundation. It is the key in this storm. The tools you have
been learning are all for you to build upon so that you have that solid
foundation—again we tell you it is the key in this storm.
are warriors of light and you will withstand this storm. Your journey
is just beginning. Your work has already begun you have the tools within
you to withstand any storm that comes upon this earth. There is no need
to fear. You are not alone we are with you always. We are watching over
your earth we are watching all beings on earth. We are making sure that
you are safe and protected. Lightworkers you are loved and are needed
now. The earth beings need you now. The earth needs you now. We activate
light within each and every one of you. The key word for you this
evening is trust in your journey and have faith in all that you are
doing. Trust. Too much doubting happens upon your earth look within your
answer are there . The doubt only comes from fear. Stay in love==love
is balance. Love is light ==Love is what you are. Love is the essence of
It is with great love, honor and respect that we bring you this message. We love you dear ones.
We are the Masters of Light.
Love to you,
This is my soul's journey of healing, love and light. On my path, I encounter many opportunities for self healing. I only hope I can impart some wisdom to you along the way as I journey through this life.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Q&A: Why Clear Your Energy Field and Feel Your Feelings?
Hello Everyone,
I've decided to put together some blogs based on questions I receive. I receive so many daily and you all wonder why I don't get back to you right away? hahaha Well, that is because I am very thoughtful in my answers and try to respond to everyone. :) So I will be likely posting more blogs to be sure the information gets out because I often get the same question asked of me more than once and well I think the guidance should be shared. Onto the questions:
There seems to be more Dark Energies than before, why?
Dark energies take on many forms interdimensionally. With all the fear on the planet, much of the dark energies are running rampant. They are flying around many of us at this time. Due to much of the Energy Shifts that are occurring, more energy is being freed up from your field--kicked up to the surface for you to release and let go of permanently. Don't be fearful or upset, in fact, be happy--this is a massive opportunity to let go of things that have been holding you back in this life, perhaps lifetimes. This is why it is really important to clear your energy field of all negativity and raise your vibration.
Why Clear Your Energy Field and Feel Your Feelings?
They feed off Fear. Fear creates negative emotions, and those negative emotions are quite appetizing to the realm of darkness.
What does that mean?
It means that if you are not feeling your feelings, it is time to start feeling them; particularly if you have become adept at stuffing feelings then this is something you will need to pay attention too. Suppressed feelings/emotions creates an opening and a way that astral entities, dark energies, negative beings find their way to you--the energy hangs inn your aura like a cloud and it attracts these beings. You know how we see a lighthouse and think of it as a beacon of light? Well, negativity/pain/anger/frustration/suffering/sadness and drama act in the same way, they draw those particular beings to you. For example: are you familiar with the phrases: "Never Let Them See You Sweat", "Boys Don't Cry" or "Good Girls Don't Get Angry". Just a few examples of where we may have learned to suppress our feelings.
The emotions reside in your auric field waiting to be felt; meanwhile
dark energies are drawn to you and amplify the feelings. For example: You may be wondering why you
can't get out of your own way? Well that
is because the dark entities are there making sure you continue to feel what you are feeling so you will continually feed the entities hanging around. Or if you find that
something that on the surface wasn't really a big deal, but it has spiraled you into a angrier place--the same thing applies. These entities love to create havoc in your life because it keeps them fed and they are always hungry for more I like to say.
How can I help this ?
Here are few things to do:
1. Grounding: I recommend to perform a daily grounding to help clear your energy and connection to Gaia (earth). It will strengthen your connection to Gaia and help you be more present in your life.
2. Cut Cords: At bedtime, I would ask that you call on Archangel Michael to help cut cords between you and all the people you interacted with in your day. I would say to really spend the time on this especially if there was any kind of upsetting moments with anyone in particular. Remember we exchange energy with everyone we meet and I feel that it would be beneficial to not leave attachments there that can get in the way. Cut cords even with people you thought of, particularly if it was upsetting in anyway. And, if you are a twinflame, by all means cut any cords of negativity between you and your twin daily. Unfortunately, our thoughts and words are not always out of love and if you are on this twinflame journey then you will know that which I speak of. It isn't that we are speaking out of anger--more often than not we are speaking out of frustration for not hearing from our twin, etc. An example would be: What is his problem? Believe me your beloved hears this and it registers somewhere in his/her energetic field.
3. Feel your Feelings: Every time you feel an emotion recognize that just because you squash it or push it away, doesn't mean that it isn't in your field waiting to not only be felt, but to feed any negative entities that may be hungry so to speak. This is an easy task once you get into the habit of it; however, if you are one who has spent a great deal of time suppressing the pain and emotions then you it might feel a little heavier than normal, but the result is the same--you will be free of that emotion.
4. Raise Your Vibration: This will make it easier for you to move through these feelings/emotions/habits that much easier. Run light through your energy field every day. Meditate. Receive Light Infusuions/Energy Body Upgrades.
Here is something I wrote several years ago about Emotions, but I feel it bears repeating now:
I love this quote because it speaks to something I often speak we are supposed to feel our feelings. We are given such a beautiful array of emotions; therefore that alone tells me we are supposed to allow ourselves to feel otherwise we would not be given the emotions even the ones we call Anger, like Jealousy, like Fear....on the other end of the spectrum we are also given emotions that appear to some as too good to be Bliss, like Freedom, like Safety, like Worthy...I could go on and on with all kinds of emotions, but the simple truth is that it is okay to feel our feelings. It is okay to be in the moment with what we feel.
What is not okay is if we stay stuck in those feelings and not allow ourselves to feel the others. Sometimes people only want to feel the happiness because that way they can project that (but know speaking as an intuitive being in touch with her truth and her feelings--what is really projected is what they are trying to hide--truth is always seen)..Sometimes people want to feel only that one feeling so much so that they reach for distractions, addictions to "maintain" that feeling, but in truth they are doing a disservice to themselves and others around them for many reasons, not just the obvious. Some may feel that it is okay because it helps them through their "troubled times", what it is really doing is prolonging the inevitable and keeping the person stuck. Some allow themselves to get numb and not allow themselves to feel anything but a minimal amount of emotion that is often disguised as a low level of depression. It is an interesting conundrum that people experience when it comes to depression...they can feel sad for a long time as they work hard not to feel that which is inevitably present or they can feel sad for a short time while working through that situation/emotion. I know I am simplifying it, but the truth is that it can all disappear when the emotions are expressed and not suppressed.
A final thought about the quote above, when the author states: "it is important to know what you focus on will grow". That is truth, but what I'd like to connect for you is how that refers to not allowing yourself to feel. It takes all kinds of energy and "skill" at avoiding something, does that not mean you are focusing on it? To me that means you put more focus on it than if you simply allowed the emotions to come through you. If the emotions come through, they are felt, released and done with. Emotions are an expression of who you are in any given moment...we are all of it...the good, the bad and the indifferent.
This is just a brief bit of information to help you along on your journey. Obviously this topic is much more detailed and vast than I can go into here, but please know I would be happy to help you on your journey. Feel free to contact me for a Healing/Clearing Session or to purchase a Grounding Meditation that includes running light. Or purchase an Energy Body Upgrade/Light Infusion that I offer twice a month. You can contact me at
With Love,
I've decided to put together some blogs based on questions I receive. I receive so many daily and you all wonder why I don't get back to you right away? hahaha Well, that is because I am very thoughtful in my answers and try to respond to everyone. :) So I will be likely posting more blogs to be sure the information gets out because I often get the same question asked of me more than once and well I think the guidance should be shared. Onto the questions:
There seems to be more Dark Energies than before, why?
Dark energies take on many forms interdimensionally. With all the fear on the planet, much of the dark energies are running rampant. They are flying around many of us at this time. Due to much of the Energy Shifts that are occurring, more energy is being freed up from your field--kicked up to the surface for you to release and let go of permanently. Don't be fearful or upset, in fact, be happy--this is a massive opportunity to let go of things that have been holding you back in this life, perhaps lifetimes. This is why it is really important to clear your energy field of all negativity and raise your vibration.
Why Clear Your Energy Field and Feel Your Feelings?
They feed off Fear. Fear creates negative emotions, and those negative emotions are quite appetizing to the realm of darkness.
What does that mean?
It means that if you are not feeling your feelings, it is time to start feeling them; particularly if you have become adept at stuffing feelings then this is something you will need to pay attention too. Suppressed feelings/emotions creates an opening and a way that astral entities, dark energies, negative beings find their way to you--the energy hangs inn your aura like a cloud and it attracts these beings. You know how we see a lighthouse and think of it as a beacon of light? Well, negativity/pain/anger/frustration/suffering/sadness and drama act in the same way, they draw those particular beings to you. For example: are you familiar with the phrases: "Never Let Them See You Sweat", "Boys Don't Cry" or "Good Girls Don't Get Angry". Just a few examples of where we may have learned to suppress our feelings.

How can I help this ?
Here are few things to do:
1. Grounding: I recommend to perform a daily grounding to help clear your energy and connection to Gaia (earth). It will strengthen your connection to Gaia and help you be more present in your life.
2. Cut Cords: At bedtime, I would ask that you call on Archangel Michael to help cut cords between you and all the people you interacted with in your day. I would say to really spend the time on this especially if there was any kind of upsetting moments with anyone in particular. Remember we exchange energy with everyone we meet and I feel that it would be beneficial to not leave attachments there that can get in the way. Cut cords even with people you thought of, particularly if it was upsetting in anyway. And, if you are a twinflame, by all means cut any cords of negativity between you and your twin daily. Unfortunately, our thoughts and words are not always out of love and if you are on this twinflame journey then you will know that which I speak of. It isn't that we are speaking out of anger--more often than not we are speaking out of frustration for not hearing from our twin, etc. An example would be: What is his problem? Believe me your beloved hears this and it registers somewhere in his/her energetic field.
3. Feel your Feelings: Every time you feel an emotion recognize that just because you squash it or push it away, doesn't mean that it isn't in your field waiting to not only be felt, but to feed any negative entities that may be hungry so to speak. This is an easy task once you get into the habit of it; however, if you are one who has spent a great deal of time suppressing the pain and emotions then you it might feel a little heavier than normal, but the result is the same--you will be free of that emotion.
4. Raise Your Vibration: This will make it easier for you to move through these feelings/emotions/habits that much easier. Run light through your energy field every day. Meditate. Receive Light Infusuions/Energy Body Upgrades.
Here is something I wrote several years ago about Emotions, but I feel it bears repeating now:
"Feeling things is a human right. There
are people living today that suppress
feelings as a part of their daily life. A healthy lifestyle begins with a
healthy mind. We are humans with an enormous wide range of feelings, it’s
important to know what you focus on will grow. Always prioritize your feelings,
know that you are important." --Ben Arion
I love this quote because it speaks to something I often speak we are supposed to feel our feelings. We are given such a beautiful array of emotions; therefore that alone tells me we are supposed to allow ourselves to feel otherwise we would not be given the emotions even the ones we call Anger, like Jealousy, like Fear....on the other end of the spectrum we are also given emotions that appear to some as too good to be Bliss, like Freedom, like Safety, like Worthy...I could go on and on with all kinds of emotions, but the simple truth is that it is okay to feel our feelings. It is okay to be in the moment with what we feel.
What is not okay is if we stay stuck in those feelings and not allow ourselves to feel the others. Sometimes people only want to feel the happiness because that way they can project that (but know speaking as an intuitive being in touch with her truth and her feelings--what is really projected is what they are trying to hide--truth is always seen)..Sometimes people want to feel only that one feeling so much so that they reach for distractions, addictions to "maintain" that feeling, but in truth they are doing a disservice to themselves and others around them for many reasons, not just the obvious. Some may feel that it is okay because it helps them through their "troubled times", what it is really doing is prolonging the inevitable and keeping the person stuck. Some allow themselves to get numb and not allow themselves to feel anything but a minimal amount of emotion that is often disguised as a low level of depression. It is an interesting conundrum that people experience when it comes to depression...they can feel sad for a long time as they work hard not to feel that which is inevitably present or they can feel sad for a short time while working through that situation/emotion. I know I am simplifying it, but the truth is that it can all disappear when the emotions are expressed and not suppressed.
A final thought about the quote above, when the author states: "it is important to know what you focus on will grow". That is truth, but what I'd like to connect for you is how that refers to not allowing yourself to feel. It takes all kinds of energy and "skill" at avoiding something, does that not mean you are focusing on it? To me that means you put more focus on it than if you simply allowed the emotions to come through you. If the emotions come through, they are felt, released and done with. Emotions are an expression of who you are in any given moment...we are all of it...the good, the bad and the indifferent.
This is just a brief bit of information to help you along on your journey. Obviously this topic is much more detailed and vast than I can go into here, but please know I would be happy to help you on your journey. Feel free to contact me for a Healing/Clearing Session or to purchase a Grounding Meditation that includes running light. Or purchase an Energy Body Upgrade/Light Infusion that I offer twice a month. You can contact me at
With Love,
dark energies,
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Energy Thoughts: Through Frequency, Thought and Vibration.
Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year! It is 2017 and we are on the brink of new beginnings. I say brink because we are still in the same energy we have been in --clearing, removing and shifting. It has been sometime since I have written an
Energy Update and provided my thoughts to everyone. I have been undergoing
tremendous change and transformation. I
know, I know some of you are thinking, "who hasn't?"
In case you haven't noticed much from me other than the
basics to keep me afloat that is because I have been in deep transformation. The last few years have been intensive focus on healing my physical body from the injuries of the car accident of 2013. I have been on a bit of a hiatus since just
before Thanksgiving and I have been busy so to speak: I have
been infusing myself with light, upgrading my DNA and activating light codes. It has been not only
a trying time, physically, mentally and emotionally, but has been giant
leaps into spiritual advancement for me. I thought I was a powerful, kickass
spiritual warrior before; well I say to you 2017--look out cause here I
come. My journey has always been so full of
healing, evolving, transforming that I didn't always recognize it, it just was; but in the last three months so much has transpired internally for me that I can't wait to share with all of you. Which brings me to what is happening on Planet Earth at this time.
I have not made a large presence through email or social media because of my hibernation mode which is coming to an end quickly. Last week something finally shifted in me, but I have felt the push of closure! The push to clear/clean/remove/close things. Five bags of recyclables, three bags of trash and two bags of items to donate. This is symbolic of the final purging of all that surfaced in 2016 as Mercury has gone direct on on January 8th. (And yes I know, we are still in the shadow period over the next few weeks.) 2016 was a year of many ups and downs and massive planetary upheaval which paved the way for great transformation. If you were on board with change, spirit made it possible in a speed bumps ahead kind of way and if you weren't on board, then you may experienced more of the
dramatic roller coaster ups and downs; either way you changed! Give yourself a pat on your back---it was hard work (read: it still is with the exception it is gonna be a little more smooth if you paid your dues of clearing/releasing/closing chapters.) If you remember 2016 was a nine year, the perfect time for closings and endings. The first few months of this year is/will be offering similar opportunities for closure with an overlapping energy of new beginnings, directions and openings. This first three months will provide ample opportunity for you select the next direction. The purge is still on.
dramatic roller coaster ups and downs; either way you changed! Give yourself a pat on your back---it was hard work (read: it still is with the exception it is gonna be a little more smooth if you paid your dues of clearing/releasing/closing chapters.) If you remember 2016 was a nine year, the perfect time for closings and endings. The first few months of this year is/will be offering similar opportunities for closure with an overlapping energy of new beginnings, directions and openings. This first three months will provide ample opportunity for you select the next direction. The purge is still on.
You are entering a time of no time. You are entering a time of no thing or
nothing. In this space is where you will have the power to create magic and love. It is a space where nothing exists and everything
exists. This is the place of true power.~~Arcturian Masters of Light
My guides have been providing me with a great deal of information on just being. They told me, us back in September to focus on ourselves--we are the priority. They told us again in October and finally in November I started to really heed their warning. Of course, it was a clear nudge to do so--no disputing that. Why was that? I asked them to clarify.
My guides have been providing me with a great deal of information on just being. They told me, us back in September to focus on ourselves--we are the priority. They told us again in October and finally in November I started to really heed their warning. Of course, it was a clear nudge to do so--no disputing that. Why was that? I asked them to clarify.
Dear one, we ask you to make you a priority first and foremost always. For during this time upon the planet of vast change and transformation it is imperative that one must find balance and inner peace and remain there. Your task as a human light being at this time is to create the new earth. We have given you information about your upgraded light embodiment over the last human earth year and we asked you to begin to work with that frequency and stay in the focus of keeping you in balance despite where the energy externally may be going. This was to ensure you could ride the coming waves of energy that are affecting your planet at this time and act from love. The energy waves will ripple throughout humanity in the coming weeks and months for change is imminent. Some of you are ready to experience great change and others are on the brink.~~Arcturian Masters of Light
For the last week of 2016 and the first weeks of 2017, I have felt we are in the stage of breathing that when you inhale, that moment just before you exhale. Do you know what I am talking about? That moment where you've inhaled as much as you can and you pause just before releasing. So in essence, we are in the pause. We are not yet ready to exhale, but that is the next move that we are about to make. And exhale we will, but what will be the exhale? That is just it--we don't know and yet we know it is exactly what we have been cultivating the last few months of 2016. (read: for many of us we have been cultivating this exhale for a long time.) There are doors to timelines that have been closing down for several months last year and into this year. But there are also new timelines opening up that were not there before and new ones are added every day. We are creators and yet we forget to create; at least consciously create that is.
It is with every thought, feeling and intention that you choose your path forward. The time for practicing is nearing its end, dear ones, it is time for you to take action on the things you most value and love. The time is now to create from love. If you are focused on fear, then you will bring more fear, if you are focused on drama, you will bring more drama, if you focus on peace, you will bring more peace, if you focus on love you will bring more love. This is how you create in this energy. Dear ones, you have the tools accessible to you at all times, we encourage you to use them wisely. ~Arcturian Masters of Light
This reminds me of a message I channeled last fall where I felt that our creation energy needs to be brought into focus and away from the scattered energy around us. One of the most important things that we need to understand is that if we are surrounded by people,places and things that are scattered, out of balance or even out of alignment with us; it helps to remember that it does still affect us--to some degree we are absorbing that energy too and it can influence us. Our energetic fields are interconnected with one another in any given moment and we will take on their energy if we are not protected. (read: safely tucked away into our sanctuary of peace, love and balance--that we have created in our heart energy.) Now as I type this, I am feeling it important to clarify a few things. First, heart energy is not emotional heart energy--not the feeling of being in love, but it is recognizing we are love and love is a state of being that can't be taken away nor is it a state dependent upon another. Second, we as humans tend to create haphazardly without focus and often from a place of lack or fear. We often wonder why we end up with what we do. We do not necessarily realize that we do this, but let's take an extreme example for a moment to make a point. Ex: Someone praying to God for assistance--it is as if it is their last hope. If it is their last hope, they are likely coming from a place of fear/lack not love. Another example: Much focus in recent years has been on creating financial abundance for self, (not a bad thing) but the focus should be on the highest good for all. Often our focus on financial abundance is out of necessity, fear or lack; therefore, we tend to create more of those things than financial abundance. Third, look more closely at you with new eyes. What are you holding onto that needs to be let go of? This energy creates blocks/obstacles to what you are trying to create not to mention stagnation. Put yourself to work on you! Clear the clutter, the gunk the stress and frustration physically, mentally, emotionally and yes, even spiritually. Finally, look at what you are choosing to create in your life and recognize the perspective you are in. The perspective is we already have the love, the money, the health, the truth, the peace, etc that we need---we just simply need to remember it and access it.
It is with every thought, feeling and intention that you choose your path forward. The time for practicing is nearing its end, dear ones, it is time for you to take action on the things you most value and love. The time is now to create from love. If you are focused on fear, then you will bring more fear, if you are focused on drama, you will bring more drama, if you focus on peace, you will bring more peace, if you focus on love you will bring more love. This is how you create in this energy. Dear ones, you have the tools accessible to you at all times, we encourage you to use them wisely. ~Arcturian Masters of Light
This reminds me of a message I channeled last fall where I felt that our creation energy needs to be brought into focus and away from the scattered energy around us. One of the most important things that we need to understand is that if we are surrounded by people,places and things that are scattered, out of balance or even out of alignment with us; it helps to remember that it does still affect us--to some degree we are absorbing that energy too and it can influence us. Our energetic fields are interconnected with one another in any given moment and we will take on their energy if we are not protected. (read: safely tucked away into our sanctuary of peace, love and balance--that we have created in our heart energy.) Now as I type this, I am feeling it important to clarify a few things. First, heart energy is not emotional heart energy--not the feeling of being in love, but it is recognizing we are love and love is a state of being that can't be taken away nor is it a state dependent upon another. Second, we as humans tend to create haphazardly without focus and often from a place of lack or fear. We often wonder why we end up with what we do. We do not necessarily realize that we do this, but let's take an extreme example for a moment to make a point. Ex: Someone praying to God for assistance--it is as if it is their last hope. If it is their last hope, they are likely coming from a place of fear/lack not love. Another example: Much focus in recent years has been on creating financial abundance for self, (not a bad thing) but the focus should be on the highest good for all. Often our focus on financial abundance is out of necessity, fear or lack; therefore, we tend to create more of those things than financial abundance. Third, look more closely at you with new eyes. What are you holding onto that needs to be let go of? This energy creates blocks/obstacles to what you are trying to create not to mention stagnation. Put yourself to work on you! Clear the clutter, the gunk the stress and frustration physically, mentally, emotionally and yes, even spiritually. Finally, look at what you are choosing to create in your life and recognize the perspective you are in. The perspective is we already have the love, the money, the health, the truth, the peace, etc that we need---we just simply need to remember it and access it.
Over the last couple weeks, I have skimmed through Facebook and one after another I saw posts of sadness and loss, posts of angst over the last year and posts of trepidation as we enter into into another year (particularly the presidential inauguration this year); and interspersed here and there are posts of hope and anticipation. I want to emphasize to you that at this time it would benefit you and all other beings to focus on hope and anticipation--this is is what is so needed now. We are completely in charge of what we are creating. Yes, we all are. And how do we create it, through frequency, thought and vibration. Come together with like minds to create the new earth from a place of love.
With Love, Light & Blessings,
energy thoughts,
Energy Update,
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