Monday, July 21, 2014

Energy Thoughts: Huge, Rapid Transformation Begins

Good Monday to you!

I started writing this energy update last week, but never quite got around to finishing it.  Do you feel it? We are in transition still, but this time I feel we will begin to see the fruition of long awaited movement.  Have you been feeling stuck and in immovable molasses? That is how I would describe how it has felt for me especially in the last week or so.  Last Wednesday afternoon, I began to feel a shift coming in and a wonkyness to the energy. The wonkyness felt to me like a cloud/fog where you know you are moving forward, but you can't quite see what's ahead yet, so you move along slowly. Now, as I type this, I am laughing and thinking, "slowly?"  The last few weeks, as Mercury began moving direct, seem to have flown by and yet, I can honestly say we have been being cautious, moving slowly forward with a touch of risk taking here and there, for good measure.

Well, with the advent of this past week, that is beginning to all change, the wonkyness has dissipated and I feel clarity getting ready to settle in. I get this image of a feather slowly, but softly falling onto the earth. It is a softening of the energy as it begins to integrate into our day to day lives.  What a pleasure for energy to be gentle for a change?

From my last report, my guides told me that July 18th would be a significant day.  Did anyone experience something significant or understand what the meaning is?  Personally, I had  no profound signs/messages, but I did have a beautiful day with some beautiful people; helping a friend with her wedding vows and helping another friend find inspiration at an Arts Festival (the friend at the Arts Festival--very talented--she just needs a kick in the butt.) But nothing spectacular on the EstaRa/April front.  But now that it is Monday, I can look back over the weekend and can tell you that I feel the wonkyness gone, I was extremely productive on Saturday and Sunday and today, well I have a list of to do's. (That is if I get my butt out of the house and start doing them, but first I felt I should be writing this to all of you!) 

Over the next several weeks fully into the month of August, I feel rapid change will take place.  Can you see the distinct differences between those people locked into 3rd Dimensional Reality (you will see these people, spinning their wheels or running the hamster wheel) and those embracing the new paradigms of the 5th Dimensional Reality (you will see these people grounded with moments of bliss and lightness)?  I have and it seems the separation of belief systems is stronger, forcing each of us to choose our truth.  I can clearly tell you that I made my decision long before 2012 arrived and I knew that my truth is in the new paradigm.  It is our soul's truth, whether we know/believe it or not!   The new paradigm begins with healing ourselves.  Long ago, I wrote the following sentence and I meant it back in 2004, but it is something people would be more receptive to hearing in 2014.  Read and think about it.  (It is listed in all my brochures.)

My belief is that healing for our planet and its inhabitants must  begin individually; we must look within to heal ourselves for if we do not know what peace within is then how can we know what world peace is."
 That is exactly what the shift is about.  Shifting from looking outside yourself for all the answers to knowing that all answers are inside you!  The new paradigm will change the way you see everything:  relationships/love/career/money/peace/truth.  This new energy brings enlightenment where your world will be enlightened and enlivened with the source of all that is:  LOVE!  We are in a most important time on this planet, where the few (wayshowers/path pavers/first wavers) become the many and transform the very way humanity will coexist with other species on and off planet.  Humans you are "growing up" and realizing that fighting  for your toys (materials/money/power/land) is no longer how you will play. The vision I am seeing is two little boys fighting in a sandbox over the dump truck, really? Apparently, that is how humanity is viewed from other worlds; as if we are children fighting over toys like a two year-old would.  Do we really want to live that way?  Now, we can't blame ourselves fully for we were taught that by our parents (ancestors through the systems put in place). There were and are several "systems" (religion/government/financial/societal) in place to make sure we know the game we are playing and what our role is.  But what we can and should take responsibility for is that we are growing up, and with that comes growing pains (that is the changes we must make to feel whole and complete within ourselves).  We have to wake to our truth.  Remember as a child you thought you knew everything? Now, remember that you realized you didn't and you had to figure things out on your own?  Well that is what the awakening is.  It is time to see that we no longer have to play that game, the sandbox is big enough for both of us, we can share the dump truck; and hey, we may even build a better place to live too!   The old rules no longer apply. (and when they do, it is only because we have bought into them and still believe in them.)  In the new paradigm, we see that war is not the answer, peace is; we see that hate is not the answer, love is; we see that separation is not the answer, unity is. The tenants of our new paradigm are peace, love and unity.  Sounds like an old hippie saying, well get used to it, the new hippie's are here and they are not using drugs to get their answers, instead they are using their hearts!  When one's words/thoughts/feelings/truths are backed by the heart, know that nothing is impossible.  

We are in a time of huge, rapid transformation where anything can happen. While some may err on the side of caution when I say "huge, rapid transformation", I will choose to err on the side of "I EXPECT MIRACLES".   My advice to you is to keep shining and keep believing in your dreams and the possibility of the impossible coming to you now. Dreams do come true when you least expect prepared! You may find out find out someone is getting divorced/married/quitting their job/moving out of the country/leaving the financial security behind.  You may even see people who you never thought would believe, let alone be open to "xyz", start talking about "xyz".  Just a few examples of the unexpected coming to fruition. Remember when you were a kid and your mom told you to always have clean underwear on because you never know. (in my case, it was if there were a car accident --why? I don't know. By the way I had a car accident, and well, it really doesn't matter because the last thing you are thinking about is whether or not you have clean underwear on. lol) While you can't really prepare for shocks/surprises, you can put on your clean, best panties for this endeavor in expectation of the best to come, because this is the time of truth/love coming to you unexpectedly/or expectedly for some and you'd want to be prepared, right? lol

In love, laughter and light,

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Inspirational Snippet: Clarity is Coming

Good Morning, 

I was prompted by my guides to share Soul Star Healing's facebook message to the children of earth and expand a bit upon it.

“Today's Message:  Everyone has an inner compass called intuition and for those of us that are awakened, and have been for some time, it is set on high at this time. You will begin to see more clearly over the next several months the truths that have been hidden. The discovery will uncover societal/financial/governmental truths on a local and global scale.  You will also uncover the beliefs/parts of yourself that you have kept hidden or are/were in denial of.  This is the first step in creating our new reality/paradigm; exposing the hidden truths. Trust your inner compass above all else, but know that is not to be confused by what your head holds as truth for many times there is a conflict between head and heart.  The heart is what your soul expresses to you as your inner truth, so I suggest listen carefully to what your heart is pulling you too!"~EstaRA

Everyone often wonders, how can I access my intuition?  How can I develop it?  It may seem mystical , magical and unattainable to develop your gift of intuition, but dear ones it is a gift that each and every one of you have.  The magic is when you stop listening to the world outside bombarding you with ideas of what is good, true and acceptable and you start listening to the voice inside of you.

The quickest easiest way to access your intuition and maintain that is to work on yourself.  Using my guides message from above.   See your truth.  Not the truth that you wish to share with the world because it is good or makes you look good.  See the truth in you that many do not know and really get real with yourself.  It is time to look at all the untruths you have been living and seek to understand why?  Seek to know what makes you "tick" so to speak.  I promise you that it is worth the journey.  Believe me, I didn't wake up one day and say wow I am psychic.  Like you I came to Earth knowing that I was special, but growing up and being bombarded by other people's ideas of what is good, true and acceptable shut me down.  The only thing that ever helped me to wake up was to look at my life and get serious about changing it.  I needed to truly look at me “naked in the mirror of life” so to speak to see all of me and understand why I was holding onto the lessons and choosing to not learn them or better choosing to not see them.  For starters, I had to see the responsibility I had for what I brought into my life and the responsibility I had to change my life.  Once I was able to see me and my life more clearly, I saw that everything became changeable.  Look inside you before you try to help others because I promise once you see you and your life more clearly; then you can see everything and everyone more clearly.

Question everything about the world you live in and begin to see what takes place.  With an quiet mind, open heart and the ability to see more clearly you will start to see the truths that others are expressing too from personal to global perspectives.

My wish for you today is to use your inner compass and follow your truth.

Love to you,


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Energy Thoughts: Trail of Light

Good Morning/Evening Everyone,

It is true!!! Mercury is ready to move direct!!! Hooray. I'm ready to throw a celebration.  FINALLY!! This has felt like the longest Mercury Retrograde ever.  Does anyone have any proof that this Mercury Retrograde has lasted longer than previous ones? I'd love that to be the reason it felt so long! hahaha  Unfortunately, it has been just as long as every Mercury Retrograde, but this one has seemed to be so long because of the intensity of the astrology within this Mercury Retrograde.  Did you feel this too? 

I have to apologize to you all for not getting an Energy Thoughts out to you sooner, well actually, since Mercury went retrograde.  It seemed near impossible for me to get anything in the form of writing done.  I had almost too much going on in my head to be able to grab a hold of a thought long enough to write about
it.  But I have to say that this past Saturday, I awoke with a shifting in my energy and I was saying, "I can feel it, I can feel it--Mercury is getting ready to move forward."  Of course, you have to shout it out the way I did: "I can feel it, I can feel it" in slow motion, sounding quite like you are under water with a deep, masculine voice because while I was feeling the shifting, it was only slightly then.  Now, here we are on July 1st, and it is moving and I feel a flow coming in.

Right before Mercury decided to go retrograde, I was ready to move forward, no, leap forward is more accurate; but then the energy was anything but a leaping type of energy.  It felt as if we were fighting through heavy molasses the whole time.  It was a lot of stops and starts and completing of tasks that were unfinished.  I think even if it didn't seem like it, it was a time of putting closure to many things.  For example, I had a lot of very vivid dreams of many people in my past, especially romantic relationships.  It felt like a final release happened with them so that I could move past those limits/beliefs I held while I was in relationship with them.  When I think about it, I think how profound that is.  I mean just because I moved on from the relationship and thought I healed the emotion/pain and was able to love again doesn't mean that all the limits/beliefs that were present were really released.  Now, I can say that I cried/grieved and allowed myself to know that there are no limits and the beliefs I hold now are much more in alignment with who I am now than who I was back then.  I used relationships as the example because astrologically, relationships were front and center, particularly romantic ones and isn't that one of the ways we learn our biggest lessons?   Now, not only were there relationship beliefs/paradigms up for completion/healing/closure, but so too were other things in your world. Did you notice similar patterns in your world?  If you didn't, look over the past few weeks and see what was brought up to you through others, through experiences or through your dream time.  On a side note, I feel confident that reunion is near for me and my beloved twin flame because I know he truly is undergoing the same things. I love you, my dear sweet man and I believe in you!

Now onto this energy we are experiencing.  We are just about to move forward, but their may be a little drag in your step. About a week and half after Mercury begins forward motion, things don't move as quickly as we like, but I feel that once we get through the next few days, we will gradually begin to notice the changes/decisions/truths that people have come to.  Imagine that, how close we are to the 4th of July in the United States where we celebrate Independence/Freedom.  I think you are going to start to see many people begin to stand up and celebrate their own independence and freedom.  This year is like no other we have had. There have been many things happening on the political/societal/financial/relationship front impacting us directly and yet no action has been taken or so it seems.  There has been a bubbling up of energy over the last months since we began 2014. And here we are, half way through the year and this second half is going to be like fireworks.  I mean many of us, if not all, have been ready for the changes since January 2014 hit and we started to gather the momentum to move forward, but then we got slammed astrologically. With the eclipse sandwich energy squeezing us in April and then a breather, of sorts (or just a holding of breath perhaps for some?)  until Mercury went retrograde a few weeks ago.  I think you will begin to see action taken by many as well as you will begin to see challenges and changes surface for nearly everyone. Breathe, I know that one last line freaked you out, right?   Challenges and changes?  Perhaps read it as: changes are challenging?  Changes, even good ones, can be a bit uncomfortable for a time while everyone settles in.  So, please do not read this to be all bad. Remember, everything is perception!

The beauty of Fourth of July is the fireworks, right?  The sound they make, a crackling then a pop?  Well, we (humanity) have been crackling for some time and they are ready to pop (embody their soul's truth).  This energy is going to help you pop out of where you are/what you have been doing/who you have been into where you are meant to be, doing what you came here to do and being who you truly are.  While we have been undergoing this internally over the last several months, the time has come now to share this wisdom/change/truth that has been cultivating within us, externally. Oh yes, surprising for some, hence why I use the word fireworks to describe and for others it will feel like, it is about time.  Oh and the funny thing my guides shared with me today was that it may seem random and all over the place to just your average run of the mill human of the 3D kind, but us multidimensional ones, we know better and it isn't random at all.  As a matter of fact, it is divine timing. (Yes, I know I don't often like that phrase either--I chalk it up there with Patience, but I digress.)  As these beautiful firecrackers (human soul's setting fire to their truth), light they will sparkle and flow and leave a trail of light behind them to light the way for others to "pop". Remember those beautiful sparklers you played with when you were a kid?  It left a trail of light.

 Well, you can be that kid again, you can be the one holding the sparkler, but that sparkler is you!  You shine bright each time you live authentically/love someone/love yourself/choose happiness/choose peace/embody your spirit/live your truth/expand your consciousness! (oh there is so much more, but you get the point, right?)  Well, that is what is going to happen --as each person sparks/lights up they will shine and leave a trail of light wherever they go. That beautiful light you embody will spark others to step into their truth/power/love/gifts to transform their realities too!  See how important you are to this journey we call life?  See how important you are to this planet we call earth? YOU, ME, WE are who we have been waiting for.  Promise me, and yourself that you will take steps each day to live your authentic/light-filled/love-sharing selves. 

Oh before I go, and yes, I am well aware that I ramble, but hopefully you don't mind and you find some usefulness/wisdom in my ramblings.  My guides did tell me today that July 18th is going to be a powerful day. I don't know exactly what that means, but it didn't feel bad.  It was simply a message they conveyed to me so I am sharing it with you.  Perhaps when the firecrackers really start popping?  ;-) 

In love,

Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©