Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Quick Energy Update for Today

Quick Energy Update:
The mass consciousness of humanity is awakening. It is happening. How do I know? How will you know? Have you been experiencing intense waves of emotions from out of nowhere, particularly when you are interacting with people? Such as anger? Fear? Anxiety? Stress?Have you been wanting to hibernate or once you have been out, want to go to your home or sacred space? These are signs that you are experiencing the awakening of mass consciousness.

The mass consciousness is really waking up--they are beginning to see the injustices at all levels--they may not be aware or as a awake as many of the pathpavers, wayshowers, etc, but they are certainly beginning to feel what they haven't allowed through. There is no more holding back--it is coming in fast and furious to them and hitting their reality like a brick. You will see it in their response time to issues--they may respond slower if they often responded quickly, and those who used to take longer, will respond more quickly. On the surface, it appears as if the sky is falling, to
take a quote from Henny Penny. But the truth is that internal suppression is not being allowed and it comes up as outbursts of anger, breakdown of tears, fits of debilitating anxiety and more. This is the ascension. And don't forget, a simple reminder to be kind and gentle to those just awakening.

How do we get through it?

I recommend establishing a daily routine of grounding, cutting cords, and running light throughout your being and by all means put up a protective bubble around you before you leave your home. I know I have found myself getting angry for no reason and it would be often when I was on the phone or in person speaking with someone. I realized their energy was having an affect on my mood--I literally felt like I could go from zero to sixty; and when it isn't mine, the good news, I can go back down just as quickly. We will get through this together.

If you need some insight or help to get through this time, please feel free to contact me ~EstaRa

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