May you have a day full of blessings and of love with your family and friends. Today, try and remember who you are, why you are here and what your mission on the planet is—to be love, live love and act love.
Be sure to make up your own gratitude list, but here goes mine:
- I am grateful for all the friends that have been supportive, loving and kind to me on this journey, particularly since my car accident.
- I am grateful for Dr. Kara Fitzgerald who actually listens, hears and understands my health issues that have been neglected by traditional medicine--I'm finally getting better!
- I am grateful that my body is healing (albeit slowly).
- I am grateful that I am still in my apartment—if this is not a miracle—I do not know what is!
- I am grateful that I am finally receiving proper care for my back.
- I am grateful that my twinflame has grown stronger, has more courage and is empowered to speak his truth to me.
- I am grateful that my dreams are coming true.
- I am grateful that my family is growing spiritually.
- I am grateful that my landlord has been so helpful.
- I am grateful for all the spiritual empowerment that has happened for me.
- I am grateful for all my guides, angels, Galatic spiritual team that has helped me to clear and make my path much smoother and beautiful!

Finally, I am grateful to all of you who have been with me on the this journey and have had the courage to go forward on your own journey and sharing with me along the way. May blessings fall upon you! :) Love to you all!! Oh and deep gratitude for those of you who have courage to comment and share a message with me.
Onto a Channel from my beautiful Team of Light, The Arcturian Masters of Light....
but first here is a quote I came across and wanted to share it with you….
“There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light
of even one small candle” Robert Alden
This is to you all my dear souls of light, even in those moments
that you felt that it nearly impossible to be the light in your
families you are the light. It doesn’t matter that there is just
you---you are the light of the world and you must be the light.
In a world that seems so dark, we tell you to turn off your
televisions, turn off your radios and tune into your own frequency
for in that frequency you will find light, love and empowerment.
It is far easier to tune in than it is to turn off that which
distracts you, but we say that you can do it. We also say that
you can easily transform your life if you give the pure intention
to do so. It is the time now to step into the grace and beauty
that is truly you. No, dear ones we do not think you should be
fearful of what is to come. Instead we ask you to be expectant
of what is to come for you are the creator Gods of your journey.
What do you wish to create next? Where do you wish to create next?
You can be that one candle wherever you are. You do not need to
be a healer, a teacher or an intuitive to shine your light…you
need only to shine and be that candle wherever you are because
as the quote says with even a small candle glowing it is not darkness.
EstaRa loves the quotes she finds…only she fails to remember
sometimes much of what she finds is just another way of saying
what she already knows, feels and teaches. She is ready to take
you all upon your path of light. Be willing to hear her and listen
for her wisdom grows and knows no bounds. It is with love, honor
and respect that we bring you this message today.~ We are the Masters of Light
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