Hope you are all enjoying the amazing season of fall especially, those of us in New England---the leaves are finally really falling and disappearing off the trees this last week despite the temps being up in the 70’s. Imagine that? A mini weather miracle—if you told someone two months ago that it would be impossible for the temps to be in the 70’s and yet, here we experienced it. I was preparing classes for this fall/winter and I remembered last year around this time I really wanted to change the direction in my life and physically heal, so I committed to a 45 day Clearing Negativity Challenge and I offered it out to my clients and students as well to be part of this experience.
I am not sure how it all played out for all my students who took this class, but I can tell you this—several said it left them with a foundation and huge shifting in their personalities, choices and life. For me, it was a tremendous experience! Yes, I ended up in the hospital during Christmas time and didn’t come home until February—all due to my back. So on the surface, it looked like a horrific experience, but what you may not know is this. I prayed for several months before for my body to heal and receive the proper care that I was not given for nearly 2 years at that point. Doing this clearing class, not only did I shift my energy big time, my prayers were answered and started to get proper care for my body; 2015 has been a year of profound physical healing for me. I am not finished with full recovery yet, but I am so on my way!!! I attribute the massive transformation to the online class that I offered. It was one experience that in leading this class—I was also held more accountable to myself to do and live and be conscious of my thoughts and feelings day to day, which by the way, is not always easy for healthy times, but when you are in constant pain—it was quite the challenge! Why am I telling you all this? Well, I have decided as part of my gratitude to all of you, I am offering out a similar class to all of you this year, but it is more about self love which includes finding peace, releasing negativity, remembering who you are and more.
So my gift and offer to you is to join me on this journey of 45 days to release negativity in your life. This will take us to year's end where we will close the year by way of letting go of the past and beginning a new year from a transformed, new personal power within us. I am offering two ways for you to enjoy this opportunity: First, for free you can follow my personal journey of self discovery on my blog at: www.aprildamato.blogspot.com where I will make some posts with updates/experiences I'm having for the next 45 days (I have to admit to all of you I am not consistent with my blog because of other events that are taking place in my life), beginning Monday, November 16th to Wednesday, December 31st. OR you may choose to have messages delivered directly to your email which will include tools for removing negativity in your life, tools to refocus yourself, tools for letting go, tools for falling in love with you as well as intuitive messages and shares for your journey. The email option is more personalized and focused on tools for transforming you from now until the end of the year for a small fee of $33.00 Click here to Buy Now. The choice is yours and I hope you join in one of the two ways. The timing is perfect for the new year—believe me I’ve experienced the magic last year! (If you know me and have seen me lately—you will be amazed at the physical healing transformation I’ve made and I attribute it to the class last year along with making way for proper care to come my way!
45 Days of Transformation, Inspiration & Magical Treats!
Monday,November 16 (Receive at Your Preferred Time)
Take this opportunity to begin a new year by preparing your body, mind, spirit for the 45 days before. This email will include tools for changing your thoughts, tools for refocusing yourself, tools for letting go, tools for self love and more. This email class will provide you with all you need to prepare to manifest magic in the new year. Are you ready to hold a positive attitude, stay focused on your plans and recharge your batteries? Now is the time. Energy Exchange: $33.00
This is the time on our planet to make magic happen---let's start with us so it can spread like wildfire.
In love and light,
EstaRa April
RSVP to this invite by emailing me at april@soulstarhealing.com or check out my website at: www.soulstarhealing.com
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