Yep--that is what you are or at least transforming into, if you are not already anchoring the energy of the new earth human. We have been through transformation and change like no other time on our planet and while we are not yet finished with the crumbling/breaking down, I have been seeing glimmers of a renewal of human consciousness, we are on an energetic cusp.
It has been quite some time since I have last written one of these messages. As you may know I ended up in the hospital during the holidays for a reoccurring back injury that kept me stuck for quite awhile, but the amazing thing during that time I had such amazing revelations. First, three months prior to the hospital, I had literally prayed every single night for the proper care to come to me because I knew I had not really done any true recovery for my back since the car accident--I knew that my body was still undergoing some real trauma. Second, finally I was getting care that I needed since the day of the car accident --now just over two years ago. Third, confirmation that my physical body was still twisted as it was the day of the car accident and it literally needed someone to help me untwist (the PT in Rehab--was amazing). Finally, the time away from my home, stuck somewhere set me up to do a lot of physical, mental and emotional release.

Since mid-January, I have felt more powerful than ever,. I feel like the two year cycle of transformation that I have been undergoing is finally coming to a close. Is anyone else experiencing this too? The optimism that has poured into my being is incredible. Not to forget, this improved sense of living in the now. If you have known me throughout the years I have often lived in the present, but looking back I was a novice then--I am embodying the master now. I feel the change happening...the momentum is building once again, can you feel it?
If you read my blog or my Energy Thoughts, you will remember that prior to the equinox in September, I wrote: "The changes will begin to pick up pace now, with the advent of the September Equinox, things will really begin to move to a place where it feels like everything is different and yet the same." And words have never felt truer to me. Everything looked the same, felt the same, but the power behind my prayers was different--it was more powerful, I was more powerful. I want to emphasize the point that the power of the Equinox energy amplified my prayers for the proper healing to come. So instead of looking at my experience of the hospital as this horrible negative, I am viewing it as an answer to my prayers. I can actually say that I am, for the first time in two years, healing! I want to emphasize the point that the power of the Equinox energy amplified my prayers for the proper healing to come. I do feel that things are still untwisting for me and the whole of our planet---but even in the untwisting there is optimism like never before. We as a group, humanity, must hold onto our vision of the future world we wish to manifest. Don't give up hope if you don't see the first of your manifestations appear because it doesn't mean it isn't being simply means that the universe is gathering up all the power to answer your prayers and move proverbial mountains to bring it to you.
So again what does that mean for you? Quite frankly, it means we need to master this energy and get out of our own way because once we do, this new human is unstoppable and will create magic by way of simply being. Remember all the talk over the years, I have given you about being? Well, now is the time to heed that advice if you haven't.
You may wish to read over my post from August and the Lion's Gate because if you remember, as soon as the 8/8/8 Energy Happened, the scales tipped to the side of the "Light". And as if that energy and power wasn't enough, shortly after the September Equinox hit, it put us in direct line for new powers of manifestation, but with the caveat of accepting "the truths" about this new energy. Go back and read my post from August 2014, it will shed more light on this energy of manifestation that I am referring to and used to manifest proper healing for me. Another layer of cleansing, blocks and release occurred in January/February, but with the onset of March, the energy it building up and creating forward movement once again for another level of ascension and awakening for humanity. Read: More changes or more challenges depending on what you are doing with this energy currently. Energy Thoughts: Egyptian Energy Rolling In.

You all have the power to transform your life, the world around you and manifest all you desire. Now is the time to take a look at your dreams and see if there are any blocks holding you back--mentally, physically, emotionally or even spiritually and it is time to clear the way because in this new energy it is all about you! You are the creator and you have the power to create, what will you create? Oh and one most important piece I nearly forgot--is love is the point, mover and shaker in these coming times...old energy is washing away (perhaps as quickly as the snow is melting in New England at this time--which is to say it is not! In case you all don't know we are being pummeled every day or two with snow, ice, freezing rain--nothing has melted yet. ) With that said, we as a collective of humanity are a work in progress. It might not fully look like change outwardly, but believe me--it is happening!
Love as you know it will evolve to one of Pure, Divine, Unconditional Love and the old ways will just not suffice any longer. It is really going to be a Love Revolution!
In love, light, peace & snow,
Earth Star Angel Carrier of the Blue Diamond Light
Elder of Arcturian Masters of Light
High Priestess of Avalon
High Priestess of Mesopotamia
(Just some newly discovered powerful messages about me!)
Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author. EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©
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