Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Inspirational Snippet: Thanksgiving for Water is Life

Dear Everyone who reads my page, yep even you, the ones who quietly remain behind the scenes without commenting or posting, but observing; I ask you to take seriously this time on our planet. 

We are approaching Thanksgiving  tomorrow and most of us learned in school about the Pilgrims and our first Thanksgiving; we even had school plays depicting it. (And yes, I know all the details are inaccurate depending on where you went to school and who told the history.)  The First Thanksgiving Celebration in America was in 1621 when the first harvest of the pilgrims was successful due to the assistance of the Native Americans teaching them how to cultivate the local land and crops. The true history behind Thanksgiving has become distorted as a result of egoic interpretations of history, but I'd like to emphasize that the most important message of that first Thanksgiving is it was one of the sole representations of harmony between European Colonists and Native Americans.  The celebration showed no distinction between cultures/religions/differences instead the focus was a common bond: celebrating harvest because that is something they did together.  Without the help and support of the Native Americans, we likely would not be here on this land because our American Ancestors would not have survived.   It brings tears to my eyes when I think that we can celebrate this holiday and not recognize the fact that the Native Americans are why the European Settlers survived and yet we don't hold them in high regard. (I am not saying everyone--when I say we, I am referring to the collective because I know in my heart I hold them in high regard--they are, just like everyone on this planet to me, my family.)

Many of you know that  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (and no, not because of the food); it is my favorite holiday because I think of the meaning of celebrating harvest, showing gratitude for a year of growth and hard work, and most importantly, a time to bring people together in unity and oneness regardless of their religion/culture/background etc.  That is my interpretation of what Thanksgiving is.  What is yours?  What do you bring to the table this year for Thanksgiving?  When I ask that, I am not referring to the food you create, the decorations you put out, but what do you bring with you?  Yes, many of you bring gratitude, but that is often from a self interested perspective.  Many participate in donating to food banks/shelters/community kitchens.  Please do not get me wrong, I feel it is very important that you recognize what it is you are grateful for and to give your time to helping others, but this Thanksgiving I ask you to broaden your horizons a bit.  I ask to you think back to the first Thanksgiving, what must that have been like? The Native Americans could have chosen to turn a blind eye to the foreigners (pilgrims/colonists/settlers) and not taught them how to cultivate the land and grow a harvest, but they didn't; instead, they helped them in their time of need.

This brings me to today and what is happening RIGHT NOW.  I ask for you to look deeply at the situation that is happening here in America.  In North Dakota, The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has gathered in protest  as Water Protectors along with several thousand others from every walk of life.  Not only is there the largest gathering of Native Tribes from around America and the world ever, but there are also non-Native American supporters globally joining in to protect the water.  Why are they called Water Protectors?  They call themselves Water Protectors because they are not only trying to protect their water supply, but the planet's water supply.  The are trying to stop the building of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline.  The destruction of the earth and her waters is a very REAL DANGER, one which we have already seen taking place in other parts of our country, our world.   These people are living by their truth--they recognize that we must overcome violence/fear/suffering/pain with peace/love/compassion/truth.  The Water Protectors have been demonstrating their concern through peaceful gatherings and prayer, expressing their First Amendment Rights, but they have been met with some very real violence at the hands of a militarized police force, hired  private contracted mercenaries and a state and federal government turning a blind eye on this.  I don't wish to go into detail, you can always look this up on alternative media because mainstream media is certainly not providing information on what is happening there or you can contact me and I will provide you with resources, but the point of my writing today isn't about the violence.  It is about this Thanksgiving.   

I ask you to look into your heart beyond your family obligations, last minute errands and cooking this Thanksgiving and think of  America's First Thanksgiving  and recognize that these are the people who have helped our Ancestors create the country we are living in now, without them we would not be here. I ask that we as a people do not turn a blind eye on them. I ask that we support them and honor them for what they are doing, for their standing up is for ALL OF US.  By the way, the immediate impact may only appear to affect the Standing Rock Sioux, but the greater implications involve anyone living around the Missouri River or connecting to it; not to mention the greater impact of the earth's water supply. Please provide support to this cause by joining them in North Dakota, or by prayer and/or donation, but by all means by starting the conversation at the Thanksgiving table-it is the most important cause of our time because as the Standing Rock Sioux say: Water is Life.

Let's be thankful for one another and remember we are all in this together.  We all want water.  We all want a safe planet.  We all want to share in the earth's abundance.  Most importantly, we all want to live life fully.   Start the conversation about the Standing Rock Sioux this holiday, you will be surprised not only how misinformed many have been, but how many people can recognize that we are all in this together. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

Love and light,
EstaRa April

Friday, November 4, 2016

Inspirational Snippet: Standing Rock Sioux

I have been pondering so many things this morning and crying.   In my opinion, the greatest failure of our country is not the presentation of the worst political candidates ever in political history (that runs as a close second); it is the failure to protect its people. By the way, Constitutional Law was my favorite type of law when I was in college.

I feel I need to present to everyone what the first amendment is: "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights."-Wikipedia

Our government is failing to uphold the first amendment for its people. Unfortunately, our media, government and many people prefer the drama of the political race than report/address/give attention to the fact that slowly as Americans we have been losing our Rights....I saw losing because they are not just taken away--we have allowed them to be taken away from. (This is an important thing to remember --we are responsible for our reality.) The truth is we have all been guilty for not paying attention to what laws have been created, what rights have been violated, what rights have been taken away and really letting corporations/politicians steal/cheat/lie/etc. It is our responsibility to make things right. This predicament we are in right now in our country is due to all the above. We need to take back control of our government/democracy.

Right now the focus is on Dakota Access Pipeline because of the water---BIG, REAL issue for all of us! Especially if you or anyone you know lives near the MIssouri River. You really don't believe an oil spill can be contained or contaminated water can be contained do you? But the treatment of protestors in North Dakota is even a far greater risk to our lives than you even may be aware. The violence occurring in North Dakota is done by the militarized police on behalf of the state government and corporate interests. Not only are they breaking laws, but they are violating the Bill of Rights, Human Rights. What laws are they breaking, you ask? The company/police are violating laws/injunctions/property of the Native people. They are supposed to protect the protestors even while they are protesting, did you know that? Of course they are--these people are expressing their 1st amendment right and deserved to be treated to protection from harm--that is the law!! The militarized police that is here to serve and protect is being turned on the people and against the people and laws they are supposed to protect and serve. The atrocities (I know a big, strong word, but the only way to explain what is happening there) are REAL---they are showing us that greed/power can do whatever it wants, that those in power are untouchable and could do whatever they want to get what they want-this paves the way for it to happen elsewhere.   Don't let the drama of the media and mainstream venues distract you from the truth--the truth is ALL HUMAN RIGHTS ARE IN DANGER OF BEING VIOLATED--MORE IMPORTANTLY OUR CONSTITUTIONAL FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT HAS ALREADY BEEN VIOLATED. What will you do?

Please take action in some way to help these peaceful people--these atrocities affect all of us--not just the people in North Dakota--but if corporations/government/police get away with this behavior--then what do you think will happen in your area next??? Believe me there will be a time that this type of behavior will infiltrate all parts of our country, if we do not speak up or stop this now.    

The protectors are peaceful and have no weapons--their only weapon is LOVE, their voice and their presence.  I stand with Standing Rock! Do you?

Monday, October 31, 2016

Call to Action: Lightworkers Needed to Support the Water Protectors

Support of Water Protectors...

Water Protectors?  What is that?
Your response to this email may be one of the following:

What are Water Protectors?
I've never heard of this. Why isn't this in the media?
Why are they stopping the Pipeline?
What is Dakota Access?
I Stand with Standing Rock.

Those are just some of the responses that I have heard recently.   I have been following closely the developments in North Dakota since the summer when I first heard about what was happening there and I've been praying, sending love and light the entire time.  While many of us have been distracted by the campaign season and the stress of our lives, there have been major developments.  The Oil Companies are building a pipeline that will affect the drinking water of the Standing Rock Sioux.   This is s result of fracking, the process of extracting oil from our earth for profit. From what I know the false narrative is that this oil is used here in the US, but it profits the oil companies so it can be sold overseas.  Here is a link to  Live Science about FrackingIf you do not understand what this is and why it is happening, I recommend that you look into why Fracking is so bad for our environment, our drinking water and more, I encourage you to do more research for yourself.

So this brings me to the Water Protectors and what is taking place in North Dakota. The Water Protectors (protestors) are trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline from being built on and near their land.  This pipeline will not only impact the lake where they get their drinking water from, but move through the Missouri River.  Do you know how big the Missouri River is?  Do you know how many people rely on that for their water?  There are so many negatives from Fracking in terms of destruction of our water supply.  These peaceful people have gathered together with a larger purpose to bring unity, heal our earth and our waters to make it habitable for all beings.  Thousands have joined in support of the Standing Rock Sioux's protection of the water, including over 500 tribes coming together--this has never happened in the history of America.  What are they doing?  They are expressing their freedom of speech, gathering in peaceable assembly--to protest what is being forced upon them.  No weapons, no violence--just prayer, truth and numbers of people asking to stop harming the land, protect the water and stop profit over people. Instead of being protected by the state and county, the Water Protectors are being peaceful and they are being treated with violence, arrested, jailed and treated inhumanely and illegally while in jail--the oil company is working with the state and county to remove these people from their own land--even though these people have a right to gather on their land and use their voice to protest what is being enforced upon them.  These are violations, human rights violations against these Peaceful People Gathering as is there First Amendment Right to do so.  

You may be wondering why I am interested or getting involved in this at all...well this goes back to what my mission is:  Promoting HOPE--Healing Our Planet Earth one person at a time by turning on the lights.   If you are reading this and you think  it doesn't pertain to you. Please know know that no one on this planet is untouched by the destruction of our earth's resources--it may not affect you just this minute, but I promise the devastation for you in the future is REAL.  We are all here on a mission and that is to evolve humanity's consciousness.  I remember back when I started this path and was growing my light quotient I believed that I didn't have to get stuck in this world and yet, my guides constantly reminded me that I am here on this planet for a reason, in a physical body for a reason and as such I would do my best work by working with the people here.  Unfortunately/fortunately as it may be, we are here residing in a physical reality and are bound by whatever governmental/societal rules we are living under and that my dear light being friends is the reason we need to stand together now to create a Love Revolution!  We are all one people--doesn't matter our language, our skin color, our beliefs, our race and beyond--we are one people and we need to unite together to help one another.  The only separation we have is being imposed upon us--look into your hearts and see your truth as a human, as being of light and recognize that we need to support these people---they are us and we are them.

I wish to make mention that I feel very connected to Gaia (earth), in fact, I am so in tune with her that I experience it intuitively and physically. Each time I learn more about what is happening in North Dakota, I can't help but cry. Their fight is my fight, their fight is our fight. Their pain is my pain, their pain is our pain. Their truth is my truth, their truth is our truth. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED!!
We need to stand up and join the brave warriors at the Standing Rock Sioux's protests.  I live far away from there and it is not easy for me to get there, but I know the threat of this pipeline is real and you should too!  We need to take action now to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux. If you are called and can get to North Dakota to stand in solidarity and support the Water Protectors then do it. If you are not able to go, then here are a few steps you can take right from the comfort of your home and a way to help through an event I have created:
1. Call North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple at 701-328-2200 to leave a message stating your opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline and to violent behavior by the police in dealing with the Water Protectors.
2. Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414 to urge President Obama to take whatever steps necessary to protect the non-violent water protectors.
3. Call the Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903 -- and urge them to deny the permit Energy Transfer Partners needs to cross the Missouri River.

4. Donate to Sacred Stone Camp to help them with supplies--North Dakota is already really cold, but they are heading into winter.  Here are some links for helping the Sacred Stone Camp:  How to Help and Supply List.

5. Join me and others on November 6, 2016 for a Water Ceremony and Fundraising/Donation Event. 

Event Details Below:

When: SUNDAY, NOV. 6 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
WHERE: Jacob's Beach  (weather permitting) 
If it is raining/snowing, we will meet at my office: 821 Village Walk, Guilford, CT

We will connect with the prayer/healing circles taking place in North Dakota at this time in protection of our earth’s water, more particularly I want to not only help raise awareness about what is going on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, in North Dakota, but I want to support them and encourage you to support them or at the very least start the conversation of change.  This is about more than just the water and Indigenous Tribes who are standing up--it's about our people, our water, our democracy and our life.  Water is the life blood or our planet--it is essential to our survival as a human race and slowly the water is being poisoned and contaminated for profit.

This event is a water ceremony that we will hold in support of the Water Protectors. We will connect with the prayer/healing circles taking place in North Dakota at this time in protection of our earth’s water,  We will honor the Earth, her waters and her people. At this time, I would like to collect donations to be sent to Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota to support the thousands (with more arriving each day) of Water Protectors holding vigil, healing and risking their life in peaceful protest to save our earth’s water. What is happening in North Dakota affects all of us.   Donation for Event $25 Cash or Gift Cards for Lowe's, Amazon or Verizon (these are what they are asking for and will be mailed).
Please register for this event---dress weather appropriate and bring a gluten free, vegan dish to share for warming up after the event back at my office.

If you are not able to attend, I will be collecting donations until November 13, 2016 to be sent to Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota --I will have a container at the entry of of my office. 

Call or email  today to register!
203-397-6073 or
See you then.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Full Moon Energy Update & Channel

Happy Full Moon Everyone!

It is a brilliant day of sunshine outside and I am on the cleaning train well at least that is what my mind says, body is slow to start this morning.

Quick Energy Update:

This energy is chock full of opportunities to express/unveil/uncover/anger/frustrate/ get the idea. So what do you do when conflict arises? This is your spirit's opportunity to shine its new abilities and skills for navigating this new timeline and dimensional shift we are in. You are embodying your multi-dimensional suit of "armour" (read: amore) that has been preparing you for just this time. No, it isn't to distract or put ourselves in denial of the truths that are being revealed nor is it an opportunity to get pulled into the drama of this time. It is time to be assertive when need be, discerning always and to remember to think with your heart. Sounds easy, does it not? It is when you have practiced and you are in balance, but astrologically speaking --the energies will work really hard to bring you face to face with your skills for navigation this wave of change we are in. How well do you know your skills? How grounded are you ? How do you bring yourself back into balance? Just a few questions to guide you in the direction of your heart/truth.

"Did you know that your truth/heart will set you free and win all the time in the end? That is what is always guiding you--unfortunately, your guidance system has been shut down by fear. We ask you to rise above your fear. We suggest you look at this time as your time to stand up in your truth and power and use your gifts of manifestation to create the world you are choosing to live in. That is a lot of power in your hands, is it not dear ones? "~Arcturian Masters of Light.

Meanwhile, more globally, the powers that be are doing their best to manipulate what is seen on Mainstream Media. Did you know that we are in a time where prayer/gathering/love/light are met with hostility and prompting violence? I am speaking of the Standing Rock Sioux Water Protectors in North Dakota(also known as protestors) that are being met with weapons as they chant/dance and pray for protection for Gaia (earth) and her lifeblood (water).

Did you know that we are being distracted this coming election season with "reality tv" drama rather than real, vital issues facing our country? I am speaking of direction of the media and their focus on the personal attacks of candidates rather than real issues.

Did you know that there is a whole world out there beyond the earth? There is good, bad and indifferent happening and yet we have been closed to that reality by the powers that be. Yes, I am referring to otherworldly things that are transpiring as we watch the human drama in front of us.  

"We say to you again dear ones, it is your power of manifestation that will create the world you choose to live in. How do you choose, you may be asking? You choose simply by your action or inaction on things that matter to you. We suggest gathering together to create a more profound love on your planet. The energy of the love you create together in large numbers creates massive change on this planet that will ripple out far beyond your human comprehension."~Arcturian Masters of Light.

It is time to recognize that the dream of separation is over. ~EstaRa    

PS.  This means twinflames too!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Energy Thoughts: 10:10 Gateway Brings Major Shift, New Beginnings and Union

Good Day Everyone,

I have been trying to get this blog post out since last Thursday, but my lower back went out and sitting is not my friend.  So let's hope I can get through this at least as much as I can in the next 20 minutes. I am only allowed to sit for ten minutes and then up I have to move and then sit for another ten minutes.   This is part channel and part me.   Channel is italicized.

Greetings Dear Ones,

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message today.  You are exactly where you need to be as you ready yourself to move into another level of ascension on your personal, individual ascension ladder and as your planet moves into a new paradigm.  The groundwork has been laid out over the last several years as to what needs to be deconstructed, reorganized and rearranged.

Well, October is here and along with it the New Black Moon.  Much has been said about the Black Moon  bringing opportunities not yet seen, but it is more than that dear ones.  We are moving into another timeline one that doesn't have the confines, limitations or even structures of the old way of doing things.  This is where we have been asking you to recognize and reside.  This energy is about to change the way things are and have been.  If you take notice, the old way of doing things have left you, have you not noticed the changes, epiphanies and truths coming up in you?  The old ways are no longer accessible when you are in a higher frequency.  Take a breath and step back for one moment and look over the past 6 weeks of transformation.  Do you feel like the same person from 1 month ago, let alone 3 months ago? Okay so I know most of you would say, I am the same, nothing has changed.  Is that true, I ask you?   Do you cope differently? Are you finding that you are handling matters in a different way?  Expressing yourself more or less?  Giving voice and credence to who you are?  Just  a few things to keep in mind.  We have undergone HUGE changes as a human and our light body has been upgraded to reflect that. 

The last several weeks you have been giving the opportunity to try on/embody the new you!  The new multi-dimensional you, expanded light body and all the bells and whistles of the new you.  Some ways of viewing what has been happening is to look over your life over the last several weeks. Have you recognized time shifts?  Like you don't have enough time, but you have accomplished so much?  Have you recognized that you are no longer responding/acting/reacting the way you had in the past?  Have you tried out the new you?  Well, if you say no to what EstaRa is suggesting dear ones, then you haven't been paying attention and have been far less present in your day to day life than you think.  You have changed!! EstaRa has had quite the month of challenges, have you?  Those challenges only brought her closer to her goal and closer to the alignment of her truth.  (Okay so I believe them and feel what they are saying, but I'm open to hearing more.) She is being asked to stay present and focused on what it is she wants and removing herself from people, places and things that do not represent her truth.  Was it hard for her?  Perhaps it would have been if spirit didn't intervene (read: computer, internet and technology problems).    This was all about getting comfortable with the new her.  Much of her experiences required for her to do a do over.  What is a do over? It means that she would make a decision not based on her truth--based on her head and listen to other humans and their advice rather than what her spirit was telling her or not even taking the breath to seek what her spirit was telling her.  So each time she did something--she literally had to do it again.  It caused frustration and stress for her, but in the end it helped her to see that her advice is the best advice. This is practice in her new light body--you can do it over and get it right.  The times we have been in and are in are quite malleable. Nothing is set in stone as of yet, but soon it will be. (read: wish I had paid attention...if you experienced my past month--I felt I didn't have time to breathe, partly because time was moving quickly, but so many things were coming up and at me--at least that is how it felt and I am told--that is kind of how it was. Did you experience that too?)

This month of October is a continuation of the full embodiment of the new you--the new important you. The you that you have been embodying since August.  Many of you feel and believe that all that is happening in your present timeline is by accident or coincidence, but dear ones, you have all chosen collectively to use whatever means necessary to move into a higher dimension and frequency.  Humanity, as a collective,  has decided this long before this time what needed to happen, who the players will be and how it would transpire. Each of you have concurred that the direction of your planet was to be changed and moved into higher frequency. As a result of these decisions, the energy has to be restructured and often that takes destruction and tearing down of systems that have been put/held into place.   It may appear as chaos in your personal lives, the community around you and even globally, but we encourage you to look more closely at the beauty of what is happening for without breaking down there can be no change. (read: this is what I was going through last month personally as were many others.)

Now, if you get comfortable living in this new embodiment then you can start to use this energy to manifest what you desire. If you are not yet comfortable, there is still room for practice.  We encourage you to look at this month as a new time, new energy and one that  has many benefits in a time that is seemingly disruptive to the flow you have been trying to experience.

October 10, is a 10:10 Gateway.  This gateway is concerning the true transition into a new time, new frequency for the planet.  (read: a rebirth of sorts)   When this new frequency comes in, you dear human will be entering the new timeline; anything that is from the past cannot easily reside in this timeline; therefore it will not be able to pass through this gateway.  Read:  old beliefs/patterns/ideas about relationship, your wisdom and power as well as your mission will have changed to adapt to the higher frequency.  You have already begun to do that with the changes that have been taking place within you and now you shall see the changes showing up in your external life in exponential ways I am told.  Many of the first wavers/pathpavers/wayshowers are now evolving quickly up your ladder of ascension where they may have appeared not to be.  With regard to your beloved twinflame, dear EstaRa, as promised he is jumping up to where you are.  This is so for many twinflame couples.  After the 10:10 Gateway, much movement in the energy of union will be available.. (read: I liken my twin's ascension currently to being in mid-jump. lol)    The energy of this Gateway will open up opportunities that have not yet been there and present you with easier steps to move forward.  Learning to navigate all the changes you have been through will continue to make the journey you are on smoother.   "Twinflames are preparing to come together in record numbers over the next several earth months, watch for reconnections, signs, synchronicities to show up in your world.  Each couple has decided how quickly their union will come to pass based on the frequency that they are residing in most of the time.  The higher the frequency the more quickly energy will move for you and your beloved."~Twinflame Collective

We encourage you at this time to watch how this new energy unfolds before you.   All that has been happening in the unseen realms will soon appear in a physical manifestation in your personal lives as well as externally and more globally.  No area of your world will remain untouched.  It is time to see the changes come into full effect.  We ask you to learn to navigate in this new energy field and recognize what may appear to you as mistakes are just one step closer to learning what it is that is leaving you.  You are learning to be the masters as you embody more and more of who you are.    

We love you and are here for you as you traverse through your ascension.
We are the Arcturian Masters of Light.  Namaste.

This message resonates so deeply with me. I love my guides, all of them!  They have been telling me to hold on till the first quarter moon of October; that is, October 7th and the opening of the 10:10 Gateway Energies moving in.  They told me up until that point we will be cleaning out, lining up old vestiges of stuff/ick/yuck/human stuff.  I laugh, but that is truly what is is----I am sure you have your own worlds you can insert there.  I've also been reminded throughout the month of September of several things, but the most important was we have the tools already inside of us to move through any challenges/changes that may come our way.  I was also blessed to receive glimpses of what I was manifesting and boy did it feel good. :) To consciously create your life/experience is not a gift, it is a necessity.  Remove all barriers you have placed between you and that ability--you will be amazed how incredible life will be.

To quickly summarize what has been said above:  Clear/Close/Wrap up all that no longer serves and will not move forward; Prepare for Internal Shifts to Show Outwardly as well as Unseen Shifts to Show up
Externally, New Beginnings, Twinflames coming into Union and Magic Happening.

I will stop rambling and get this out to all of you.  Anyway, I finished and not like I wanted to yesterday, but I am now done

EstaRa April

 Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .