Thursday, November 10, 2011


Greetings from Sedona, AZ.

It is a magical time…yes it is! As you know I am in Sedona, AZ to celebrate the portal of light known as 11-11-11. This conference is a gathering of all light workers around the globe to welcome in this portal of divine love and oneness. It is a magnificent event that everyone on this planet shall experience if they wish.

The 11-11-11 Portal is about opening and activating fully our divine hearts. It will not only open your awareness to a deeper love and understanding of who you are, your path, but also activate your ability to become fully multidimensional beings. What does that mean you ask? The following is a response I read on a blog by Aros Crystos: Are you separated from the divine heart or part of it? While the answer may seem obvious, remember we have been accepting that we are separated and that fear and lack is normal. If I accept that I am not separated from my divine heart or energy or consciousness, then I must also accept that I have the same qualities and divine powers and love as the divine being, and in that place fear and separation cannot exist. Can the darkness exist in sunlight? No. So in that acceptance, I am multidimensional, which means that I exist on all planes of consciousness simultaneously with no limitation, both outside and within time and space. I am and I am not. If I do not accept this then I live by my own limited mind and understanding and I am always at the mercy of other’s feelings and opinions of me, and birth and death are very real and all that comes with this limited understanding of who I am.

This stargate, portal of light known as a 11-11-11 is equipping you all with the ability to choose where you wish to place your energy. It raises your vibrational frequency to one of divine love. This energy will last all the way through to 12-12-2012. In essence, it will activate divine love within you in a way that your heart/divine love/your truth will shine from the inside out. What does that mean? That means you will shed light on all areas of your life that are in the dark or better put as those areas of your life that are no longer working/no longer in your truth. For some this may be a time of difficulty; but for many light workers it will be the NOW (The time they have been waiting for)….they will begin to see themselves stepping fully into the lives they have desired.

Many of you have asked how to experience this powerful gateway of energy on Friday on the day known as 11-11-11. While I am in Sedona celebrating with other members of the light tribe (that is all of us), it is not necessary for you to be in a gathering (although I would love if some of you do gather together) because it is an individual and collective experience. You will experience individually what the collective is experiencing. But here are some thoughts on how to experience the day.

1. Stay really grounded to Gaia. (My regular students you know who you are and you know what specifically that means for you.) It is important to ground your energy into Gaia—not only on the 11-11-11, but the days before and after to support you through the energetic alignments that will occur.
2. Spend time quietly in meditation connecting with the energy from above (through the cosmic star portal) to the energy below (through the earth star portal) while placing your attention on your solar plexus and heart chakras along with the Great Central Sun (the infinite source of light from above).
3. Use sound to assist you in bringing in this energy by way of toning or chanting.
4. Hold within your energy what you wish the future of the earth to look like. What do you desire to see? Hold onto that vision…you can write it, draw or breathe it. Simply do it.
5. Eat less meat, drink less caffeine to assist you in experiencing the energy that will be transmitted through you on this day.
6. The most important thing to do on this day is to seek within you what you wish to change and what you wish to find that joy that you so desire and deserve in this life. Find your joy, express and live it!

My final thought to you about this unprecedented event on earth on 11-11-11 is that it is a time for a heightened awareness of love. I have been seeing heart shaped everything over the last year …leading me to my “Spread Love Campaign”....allow this event to spread love all over you and the world too!

My guides wish me to tell you one last thing…many beautiful treasures await you on the other side of this gateway, welcome them in and know that you are safe, loved and protected always. All is as it should be.

See you all on the other side.
In love & light,

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