Friday, May 1, 2020

Channel: The Magic Within You

Greetings, dear ones.

Welcome to another new human earth day on your planet.  Have you realized yet that you are the ones you have been waiting for?  Have you realized you have locked within you the true magic and hope for a better tomorrow upon your earth?  Have you realized how empowering the energy of love can be when you truly allow yourself to feel it?   We ask you these questions to wake you up to the new energy on your planet for dear ones it is here.  You feel the same, you say?   Well, dear ones you didn’t expect to look in the mirror and see a completely different person now, did you?   We smile at the thought of humans.  Look at your pictures dear ones you are different.  You write that off to age, we understand your human minds far more than you think.  You look younger, you look lighter and you look ready to enter into this new golden age.  Go ahead. Take another look in the mirror we say to you.   And then look again after another month and see the changes within you.   They will become so evident that you may not even recognize yourself ask EstaRa as she has been transitioning for a long time now.   We say to you, do not let the mirror be the only way you look at the changes taking place within you.  Look at your life, the choices you make and how far along this journey you have come.

EstaRa: Please explain the questions:  Have you realized yet that you are the ones you have been waiting for?

Dearest one, you are the ones you have been waiting for.  Do you now understand that no one, no thing will swoop down and save you? Only you can save you.   The time is now to look at what isn’t working and change it.

You say that often.

Yes dear one, we do.  That is because there are many of you who still need to look at what isn’t working and change it.  We will keep reminding you ever so gently as long as we feel it is necessary for those of you upon this planet to drop away what no longer serves you and, dearest EstaRa there are many beings upon your planet that need to hear this message. 

Have you realized you have locked within you the true magic and hope for a better tomorrow upon your earth?  Why do you say locked within you?

Dearest one, it is simply a reminder for each of you to know that within each of you, you have the magic.  We say locked because some of you humans, do not realize that it is simply a matter of unlocking the gifts that lie dormant in your energy.  The shifting of human consciousness is the unlocking of  keys within your DNA and your being.  Once you are unlocked, there is no locking it up again and putting it away.

What gets unlocked?  How do they get unlocked?

The magic within you. (they laugh) You unlock codes that are within your make up that were set into place specifically for this time upon your planet.  The codes were not always locked, but with the heaviness of the energy and the control that was upon your planet codes became locked away only by way of thought and consciousness.  What you think and believe about yourself is the truth.  So in essence dear ones if you believe you are not magical beings then you would not be magical beings.  For too long have you held that belief, but that belief is lifting from the planet as more and more beings unlock the codes within them. 
You, dearest EstaRa, have unlocked the codes within you; however, there is more unlocking to come for you.  With the unlocking of the codes you will see great transition for you and your planet.

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message today.

The Intergalactic Counsel of Light through EstaRa

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Channeled Message: Renewal, Re-creation is Possible

A channeled message to share with you.....4-15-2020

Dearest Ones,

We love you and we are here for you.  This message is brought to you today.  This is the time when all shall be seen.  The possibility of all that we have hoped for.  The veil is thinner than ever before and your heart will be open more.  See the world as we do; a place of peace and love and everchanging beauty.   We ask you to see what we see.  We do not see the collapse of your markets, we see the beauty of all that is.  We do not see the anger, fear and violence as taking precedence; we see the magic of love and hope.   We do not see the lines being divided we see the cooperation of one another.  We are here and we have thousands of you on your journey bringing forward the light of a new day.  Trust this is where you are meant to be for in time you will see how far you have come and what you have received. 

It is not about money and power, life is about living and is filled with the glory of love, peace and trust.  Honor one another for it is now that we can build bridges that have been burned.  It is now that we can raise awareness for how to live one’s life.  It is now, that all is possible.  

The earth is ready to renew herself once again and as she renews herself she is giving you the same opportunity.  IT is never too late to open up to a new day and experience and see it differently.  It is not possible to be in the light and see only pain.  It is not possible to be in the love and feel only sadness.  NOW is the time. What you have all been waiting for is here.  Do not hesitate to trust your inner truth even if it is seen by others differently. Your truth is what is real! 

Behold the beauty of who you are dear souls for you have much to cherish as we cherish your light.  Shine it bright for in time your glow will be the one thing that changes the world faster than any group has.

It is with love and light that we bring you this new message of a new day and hope.  Honor one another for you are all souls here to achieve the same goal in human form: happiness.

The Masters of Light through EstaRa.