Friday, October 19, 2018

Energy Thoughts: Let the Energy Carry You Forward

Well, well, well, it has been a long time since I have written an Energy Update and apparently, today Spirit feels it is the perfect time to write one, but first let me tell you a bit about what is happening on my end.

Whether you have or have not been following along, my world is getting a little brighter once again.  I began seeing a new doctor in NYC for all the symptoms remaining long after the car accident.  Prior to that I was almost giving up hope, thinking I would never get better, yes me!  And finally, I am making progress so my summer has been consumed with my trek into NYC,  days of recovery following and intensive Physical Therapy that is working in concert with the doc in NYC.  I am very grateful to those of you who have already donated to make this treatment happen- THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  I do ask for your support once again because I need additional appointments with the doctor in NYC. If you are able to help, I would truly appreciate any assistance you can send my way, either through this link April's Gofundme or contact me to send you the doctor's name and info so you can send to him directly. .  

Spent my summer really focusing on healing me and doing things necessary for my well being.  Finished my second Reiki Kids Book will be ready for publishing soon.  Taught my first international retreat in Canada on  Healing, Transformation and Manifestation at the Equinox. I've been waiting for two years to teach this and I am thrilled with the results.  It was well worth the wait and to teach amazing souls gathered together. And now, I am back in Connecticut once again determining my direction for the year ahead.  I sense major changes coming to a timeline near you....for me and for you.

Onto the Energy Update:

It is here again the season for pumpkin spice and everything nice like apple pies,  butternut squash soup, crunchy leaves and more. I don't know about you, but this time always brings me a soothing sentiment.  While it may be a cooler time for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the heat is definitely on energetically.  There is magic to be had this season if we use the energy to our favor.  The world is rumbling with change all around, from geographical changes to changes in the systems that have been long overdue for some significant overhaul.  For instance, the recent chaos in Washington DC has revealed that the Divine Feminine is here; and it is becoming clearer and clearer that she is here to stay.  This experience is a culmination of what started last year after the Eclipses of August 2017.  Did you think  all that hard work over the last year was for naught?   All the trauma and drama that had reared its ugly head was all for your benefit to stop the programs, patternings, cycles and behaviors of the old paradigm. You know the paradigm that states you are not good enough, you are not smart enough, you are not rich enough, and more. Sound familiar?  Those story lines have long been overplayed.  And the divine feminine energy embodies an energy of acceptance, appreciation, love and strength in a way that the pervasive masculine energy has been incapable of until now.  Spirit tells me that we will begin to see progress in all areas in the coming years, but don't hold your breath--some people will still choose the safety (read: clenching to the old ways) of what they were programmed with.  We are meant to evolve and expand our energies past the old ways, but some have chosen not to. Spirit loves them anyway, and so should you.  As we have seen over the course of the last several years, purging and clearing of density has gotten more to the core, shake you to the bottom depths of hell(o) truth which translates to a less favorable path now. 

What is in store for us? You know the ones who have diligently been swaddling their inner child for the nurturing they didn't receive.  The ones who so eloquently have taken up the sword of truth (read: the reluctant warrior of truth) to fight another day, I know, as if we had another choice.  We all chose this particular time to incarnate for the task at hand was never to be an easy one, breaking out of the illusionary game called life on earth is not only riddled with distractions, proverbial relationship/job sandpits on the golf course of life, but many of us feel like we sunk the ball (of life) completely and we are left holding the club. (Like the reference?  MY guides showed me an image of man in bright pink/white/blue plaid pants with a pink shirt, white hat on a golf course holding his club, scratching his head as he looked out over the pond.)    Well, we may have that ball missing, but what we often forget is in that bag that we are carrying is a whole set of clubs (read: tools) and new balls (opportunities) to hit.  Well, September was the final of the final.  Did you feel that?  Did you feel the urgency to clear/release/remove all that you have been carrying? I felt the build up over the last several months and I couldn't wait to release as we entered the new moon of September.  This month sealed the endings and new beginnings for us.  We said good bye to the old even if we are still in the midst of clearing them, you already addressed them--now is just the residual.   As of the 10-10-18  Gateway a  massive influx of energy has been filtering in to each one of us as we restart our systems so to speak.  The next couple of months Spirit is reminding us that we learning to walk again, embracing and embodying our truth and new direction.  Did you even know you had entered a new direction?  Your soul chose it, and well, you are coming along for the ride.  I channeled this message below in July in one of my Energy Body Upgrades, this last one we did on 10-10 brought those words back to us to start speaking daily to claim (read: reclaim) your power in this lifetime.  If you are interested in the Energy Body Upgrades, please contact me --the next one is Wed. Oct. 24.

Divine Power that I am. I recognize I am source creator in my earthbound life.  I choose to unlock the chains that I have come in with to disconnect. I embody the wisdom of my soul and I release the patterns associated with my physical body template and relinquish the power they have over me.  These patterns will be no more. I embrace the divinity of who I am and I stand tall amongst my fellow beings of light.  The time has come for me to step forward as the light that I am. I am now the manifestor and creator of my life. I welcome in my new physical body template, gifts and multidimensional beingness.

I declare now: I  AM.  I AM LOVE.  I AM LIGHT.  I AM SOURCE.  And so it is.

Spirit said to me "this is ascension!  The energy that came in on 10-10 is upgrading to the Heart Chakra--yes everyone experienced it, but the upgrade helped the processing.  For those not on the upgrade, you received the Heart Chakra healing too--Please note that this doesn't always mean you will be more open-hearted right away, sometimes fear will surface, emotions will be high to help move that stuff out that has been stopping you from ascending or will stop you from ascending.  I literally see it as breaking open hearts energetically.

Dear ones, you have successfully graduated to the next level of the ascension path.   We ask you to begin reflecting on your life to determine where you have been powerless and begin to look toward steps to take back your power in those areas/arenas. Your body is in the process of remembering while your soul navigates this part of your journey.  (Read: Sit back and relax, no hands, remember when you used to ride a back and you said, look mom, no hands?  Well, it is time once again to let the nurturing aspect of your soul navigate this part of the journey--I say let, but the truth remains you have no choice really--it is taking over and some may say about time.)   The journey of ascension is different this time around dear ones, remember you have never done this while being incarnated in a body on earth.  You are literally creating a vast potential within humanity's existence--this is what you came here for.  We congratulate you and offer our assistance as you proceed.  Let the energy carry you forward. ~With love, honor and respect we bring you this message.  The Arcturian Elders Master of the Light.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Energy Thoughts: Achieving Boundless Empowerment

Wow, Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone already.  It is hard to believe that summer is on the horizon--half of this year is almost over already.  I don't know about all of you, but since Mercury Retrograde has moved direct and Saturn moved Retrograde my life has gotten dramatically busier and more stress-filled.  

The energy has really amped up with massive outpourings of light from Spirit; which in and of itself is exactly what is needed for all of humanity and our planet, but with it comes the responsibility of embodying more light.   As the energy continues to pour in, it has no choice, but to reveal where the obstacles are in your body, life, relationships and work, to name a few.  Not to forget it does the same thing on a global level too, with regard to the political, financial, healthcare systems in your community, state, country, planet too.  I am sure there are many of you, if not all, that can I identify with those obstacles being revealed whether they are personal or more of global, but I am willing to bet you are experiencing/feeling it in both places.   When I say the light has no choice, I simply mean that its job is to uncover the darkness that has been hidden away, reveal the core obstructions you have been carrying in your life preventing you from being the magnificent light that you are.   

In this time on the planet, it is often said by many new age teachers to pay attention to your thoughts, focus on making them positive, they even go as far as to not talk about anything, but positive things.  I find this to be one of great disservice to everyone and a new way to create distractions.  Have you had a brief encounter with someone who responded with "I'm doing great" when asked how they are, and you didn't believe them?   Why do think that is?  It is because their energy is vibrating at the lower vibration not the one that feels "great".  The philosophy is that you project what you want to be and you are that; that is the problem with focusing on saying/doing only positive things, even when that is not what you are feeling.  That philosophy is a misconception because what you are truly feeling underneath is what goes out to the universe and becomes a self sabotaging answer to what you are wanting to do.   Spirit asks you to "be" with your real feelings so that you can clear/heal/understand them more fully.  This process is how you will truly raise your vibration to the place in which you want to be. 

The empowerment that comes with processing and clearing these old blocks will be boundless and you will experience a massive shift in not only your energy body, but in your manifesting abilities/relationships/careers etc.    Spirit asks you to trust this path that you are on, even if it is uncomfortable.  This is what you have been waiting for all this time, this is the time we have all been waiting for. It is possible to achieve all that you have longed for, don't give up hope when you are so close.

If you follow me on Facebook, you will know a bit about what has been coming up in my life over the last few weeks and understand that this energy is not leaving anyone untouched.  I have been dealing with some serious health concerns for several members of my family; including friends around me.  For me personally, I've been dealing with the trauma of the car accident and the care, or lack thereof, that I had after my car accident. Some of you may remember that I had the car accident over 5 years ago and still suffer with physical issues and financial issues as a result.  I started working part time again just about 2 years ago and haven't been able to move past part time work (only when I am physically able to) due to continuous issues with my neck and back.  However, I've never given up on pursuing ways in which to heal me and recently I have something to feel optimistic about.  I had a consultation with a Functional Neurologist who told me that the situation I am in has been beyond my control.  He affirmed for me that the doctor's really have dismissed some serious issues to my brain as a result of the trauma and concussion due to the accident. I am feeling that this doctor will help me to get out of this horrible situation and help resolve the neck and back issues permanently.  My only concern now is being able to pay him and travel to him--he is in NYC, not covered by insurance, and I am struggling to afford my basic needs on my part time work.   
I am sharing my medical fundraiser that I created to help me. HOWEVER, if you would prefer to pay my doc directly (which is what I prefer) or send money to me, please message me privately and I will be happy to provide the additional information. 

If every person reading this Energy Thoughts were to donate, it would make more of a difference than you can imagine, even if it just $5-$10.

Thank you truly from the deepest part of my soul.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Energy Thoughts: Is it a Bleep or a Leap?

Hello Beautiful People,

I know it has been a long time since I wrote a full Energy Thoughts Update. I have been offering Quick Updates here and there, and a message each day on social media, but I haven't done one of these in awhile.  This morning I had the time to sit down and write what is happening now.  I want to express my gratitude to everyone who shares my work and likes what I am doing, I truly appreciate you.  I love writing these because quite honestly there is always information available, I just don't always have time.  I hope to make more time for writing in my future.   Onto the update.....

We are just coming off a weekend of the Scorpio Full Moon.  This energy coming in pushes us forward to embrace the gifts of renewal of strength and courage as we are ready to move toward our dreams and goals. 

Mercury Retrograde's shadow period is finally letting go of its grip on our life, I don't know about you, but the last two weeks during the Mercury Retrograde period so much schedule shifting/changes happened for me and I feel now we are on the tail end of it with some bumps and bruises to show for it.  I actually have to say that I have been excessively more tired than normal and feel like I have battle scars to prove that I have done the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical work the last few months. Of course, I am still in the recovery times after the Flu Virus wreaked havoc in my life; and the virus has lingered on.   But I don't think it is the Flu Virus that is making me tired, I think it is the constant healing/light infusion that I have been downloading that is creating opportunities for rest as my body works to catch up to my spiritual, emotional and mental shifts taking place within my DNA.  By the way, that is true for all of you too--the only difference may be that some are more aware of what is happening while others may not be.

We entered 2018 with this vast amount of energy shift toward the light.  The light continues to build on our planet, increasingly the light quotient daily  and will continue until we reach mass consciousness shift.  When will that be, you ask. I was hoping yesterday. hahaha  Seriously though, Spirit is certainly trying to move us forward into the direction of our soul's path.  It is like we came into incarnation this lifetime with a blueprint of what role we are supposed to play in the ascension of Gaia (Earth's Spiritual Name), and then coffee, or some other comforting drink, got poured all over it; and now we are arriving at the point where we are just about finished soaking it up carefully with towels, hanging the blueprint on the proverbial clothesline to dry so we can see it our blueprint more clearly.  And if you have been living in the Northeastern part of the United States and other parts of the world that have been getting pummeled with ridiculous weather extremes, you are probably just about now, if not sooner, asking, where's the sun?  I mean this quite literally, and figuratively.  Where is the light?  We need to have the light come out (read: come together).  The light is needed and it needs to be more visible (read: needs to be easier to find one another, and no I am not accepting those that pretend on the surface when it is comfortable to be the light, I am talking about the warriors, the ones that stand in their truth despite all that is happening).  Then, Spirit reminds me of what we may be forgetting is that perhaps we need those special glasses that come with age and wisdom, meaning we need to be at the right age and point in our journey for our awakening.  This thought alone makes me a little crazy because our Timelines have been shaken up, trampled upon, revamped and new ones have appeared; and yet, we are still asking when.   

I feel the last three weeks have reflected a massive change within myself not only on how I view the energy going forward, but on how I have been experiencing it and using it.  As Mercury prepared to go direct, the planet Saturn decided it was time to show and begin its Retrograde motion.  What does that mean for all of us?  Is it over some of you may be hoping.  Well, Saturn is here to help you explore the core parts of yourself that bring up discomfort, fear, and more importantly, require you to heal/clear/release them to get to the next place. (Read: Core lessons you have no choice, but to face and deal with. It is kind of like in the game of Monopoly, when the card says: Do Not Pass and do not collect $200.)  Oh yes, Saturn is the mixer of the pot of thoughts/feelings/emotions/dramas/traumas that make a not-so-happy-meal, but sets you up to know when something is good; like your empowerment to use all the tools in your spiritual toolbox that you have garnered over this journey to create the life you want to be living.  With that being said,  Saturn will kindly give you plenty of opportunities, especially if you miss any, as it will be in retrograde for the next 6 months.

Yes, there are other planetary influences happening too, but I am not an astrologer these are just some insights into what is happening.  I know you all think this is crazy, when will it ever end?   I hear you.  Sometimes, I sit here and twiddling my thumbs, thinking to myself, will it be today?  Will my family get it?  Will my twinflame follow his truth, the good news is, he does know what it is, but when and what will he do with it?  Will our world ever stop fighting about stupid things and look at the bigger picture of what we need to do to relieve the old regime to replace it with light?   Then out of nowhere, I meet someone, speak to someone and in conversation I get to experience their awakening/knowing,  I realize that, "woah, this denotes huge change; and not only with regard to the person I am speaking to--with regard to everything I am wondering about.  The surprises on this journey are endless, but even more than that the twists and turns, could be enjoyable, if we could remember that is all part of the plan.  How do we remember? 

Our mission now is to simply be present in our journey and one way is through surrender.  In the last few weeks, I have found that the  word surrender has taken on a new meaning for me.   No, the definition has not changed, it is still what it says in a dictionary, but I have applied it differently than I have learned or have been taught it means.  Often, the energy of defeat or giving up is worrisome to say the least, but in the Spiritual sense, I think it has a different intention.   (This is particularly important for twinflames to hear.)

Recently, I kept getting the message to surrender, so have several of my fellow spiritual friends; and we did, or so we thought.  We assumed it was to surrender to our journey and it turns out it was and it wasn't.    I discovered that Spirit meant let go.  Let of what you ask? (okay, so maybe you didn't ask, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.)  We are in ta time of great change, and along with it is a time of great power to manifest that which we want to create.  Remember dear hearts, in order to create, things need to come down--do you see the world around you, perhaps within you and those around you coming down?  That is how we begin to rebuild/recreate/manifest anew.  So what does all this have to do with surrendering?   When we want to manifest something, we attach not only to the outcome, but to the way(s) in which we get there or not and that attachment is what causing a great deal of interference.  Spirit is saying to surrender to the journey of manifestation.  This is where the real work comes in, learning how to let go of the how, the why, the when, the where, and even sometimes the what of what it is we are trying to create. When the word surrender comes in to play, many of us subconsciously try to take more control of the things in our life, rather than loosen our grips/hopes/attachments.    It is in learning to let go, that you surrender to complete trust not only with yourself, but in the universe to hear your wish and command it as so.   I have always done this with simple things like my trip to Hawaii, my dining room table,  and pretty much every other thing I have manifested on my journey; but I also recognize, that for me there was very little to no attachment to these things and they just showed up; almost miraculously, but my guides like to remind me that it is simply that I am remember that I am a master at manifesting. This is why I am preparing to teach Manifestation more and more, stay on the lookout for my upcoming classes in May and June where I will offer an opportunity to learn this wisdom more fully.  Yes, it will require work, but not the work you think you must do. 

The one message Spirit keeps conveying is: "Stop taking yourselves so seriously."  It is meant to be a joyous ride through the blueprint, which allowed alternate routes to get where we need to be.  Just like in the game Monopoly there are other ways to get where you are going, sometimes there are bleeps in the path and other times there are leaps in your path.  Ask yourself, am I ready to jump?  This astrological set up is the universe helping you take a deep breath and leap forward.    The karmic clearing Saturn is providing can be viewed a bleep for some and for others as that opportunity to leap.  Either way, my words of wisdom are just BE; be you in the moment, be present in the moment always and in all ways; above all, have fun and find your joy.


Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author.  EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©  For more information like this, please visit my blog: .