Welcome Home Beautiful Beings,
You are in the stretch of time where magic happens. You are now entering a miraculous time where all dreams are possible,
but you must focus, focus, focus on what it is you would like to
experience going forward. This sounds easy enough, does it not? It
sounds like a simple knowing of that which you wish to experience will
be granted to you. Dear ones, you are both correct and incorrect. Have
you cleared up your karmic timelines? Have you cleared out what no
longer serves you? Have you worked on getting clear about what it is
you want as opposed to what it is you no longer want to experience? There are numerous opportunities for your advancement as a soul. ~Galactic Federation of Light (Read: more opportunities to clear out.)
is another eclipse season on the horizon coming up for us now with
this weekend's New Moon. There is a part of me that wants to say get
ready, get set, go--but with Mercury Retrograde appearing on short order we may not see
the likes of fast moving anything until surely a few weeks after our
upcoming Equinox on September 23. My guides mentioned opportunities for
advancement above? Remember eclipses bring up vast ways
to release, release, release. It is like the sandwich of energy between
the eclipses will prompt you to clear out faster and really determine
your new path. This eclipse feels a little different to me in that it not only brings an influx of energy for clearing, but an influx of energy for alignment with your soul's truth. Influx of possibilities that you were not able to see until now. (read: I am so excited for these times!!) Remember the focus on clearing from previous Energy Thoughts was so that you can bring not only what you desire, but without obstructions and karmic patterning interfering.
Currently many humans are experiencing a rawness of heart. Their hearts have been broken/ripped open for upgrade and clearing. It may have felt/feels torturous as you uncover the heart that has been so closed for receiving love or the fear that has kept those walls up, but it was/is a necessary part of your journey. For if your heart is not open, you will not awaken and see the truth that is in front of you. This journey is not meant to be difficult, it is meant to be lived in wonder and traveled through smoothly--that is what all this clearing is about. We have an opportunity on our planet at this time like no other to clear karma forward and back for us, our ancestors, descendants beyond the confines of this time, space, dimension and reality.
Let's stop a moment and talk about Karma--it is not what
you have been led to believe--it is not the law if you do good it will
come back to you. It is not that simple and yet it is. Sometimes karma
is taught this way because it is easier to understand from a limited 3D perspective, but we are growing beyond that, are we not? Karma is
patterns that have been carried forward from a previous time and space that directly impacts and individual. Okay so what does that mean? There is no good or bad
karma--there just is karma. We as humans try to categorize everything
as good or bad. When you view from a higher self perspective, you will
see karma is a pattern or behavior that has been carried out through a
previous life experience (if you do not believe in past lives--but if
you are reading this--I can't imagine that you don't. lol) or from
previous incarnations. The pattern may very well be beneficial to you
and your family line, but it also has the potential to not be. Why do I bring in the
family line? Because families create karma and pass that on within their
DNA. If so, what does that mean? It means we need to clear for us and
our family line the "karma" that we deem as impacting us negatively.
There is so much for
you to receive in this time as we are entering upon the Golden Age on
earth that
has been spoken of through the galaxy. Your earth is being
crowned with magnificent light creating an energy of balance throughout
the planet. It is up to you dear ones to determine if this is right for
you at this time in the choices you make. We don't wish to
frighten or startle you, but dear ones your future and the future of
earth is in your hands to create. You are the creators--the little Gods
on the planet who came in knowing that their light would be turned on
just in time for this evolutionary period. It will require strength and courage to face the future of what you will create together on your planet. Yes, there have been
opportunities to not experience this outpouring of light from the
cosmos, but the decision to go forward with the raise in humanity's
vibration/consciousness was made during the Harmonic Convergence. You
are now at the point in humanity's evolution where the road will begin
to be smoother for you. It is imperative that you view the world changes from the place within your higher self for it may not appear as it is smoother from your human perspective. ~Galactic Federation of Light
Expect some
dramatic changes to take place globally as well as individually after the advent of the Equinox. It
appears that the last several months, the clearing of timelines has
placed you personally right where you need to be. It has opened up some new
global timeline potentials that weren't yet available until now. This
eclipse period will help you once again narrow your timelines to those
fall within the vibrational alignment you are now in, as a result of
several months of clearing/altering/transforming. (read: sloughing off
of energy that no longer serves you to raise your vibrational frequency.) It is time to harmonize your energy for what your soul
wishes to create. Try not
to resist what is being cleared from you (read: taken away) ....allow it to go
graciously (read: surrender) so that your world could open up more fully
to your truth (read: your desires). The desires you carry now are
necessary for the "rebirth/recreation" of the planet and must be in
vibrational harmony and alignment with the other "players" on the
planet. As hearts continue to bust open, the world is raw and ready for a new beginning. Do you see
yourself finding that new beginning or do you see yourself stagnating?
Either way, it is happening and you are on the cusp of massive change and what the
re-building of this earth will be in the future.
Expect to see your personal views
expand out globally and massive opportunities for change will start
pouring in around you. Which will you take up? Which will be your
mission? You may have been riding this wave for sometime in hopes of
carrying out the mission you are currently on. Maybe your mission
is now changing to a new direction /new potential--with new
timeilines opening up after the Equinox, you may be pulled some where you hadn't thought of
or hadn't thought possible. How do you know what is right for you? Try
it on and see how it feels...if it feels comfy and welcoming then you
may have just found your new way...if you are facing resistance, struggle and frustration
then perhaps it isn't the one you are meant to be on...only you will
The more open your heart, the less resistance, the more you live in love, the less the mind limits you. The higher the vibration you are the lighter your energy is and the more synchronized your movement will be. We encourage you to look within yourself for what brings you pleasure, what brings you happiness and what helps you expand yourself in love. No one can tell you what you are meant to be doing in this new energy. (read: what makes your inner child dance/sing/laugh/play/happy? Ask
that question and you your inner child will guide you to your new
direction if that is what must happen.) This transformation of human consciousness and advancement hasn't
been done on your planet in this way--there is nothing written as to how it
will go forward. Many people rely on the words of wisdom from your
earth bound religions, well dear ones, that information is
obsolete as we are in a different time where that information is limited in its scope of your human evolution. (read: it no longer
applies ) Get ready the world is a bout to get A LOT more exciting as you
and your fellow humans gather together to take back your power as
individuals. It is your time and there is nothing but you that can stop
you.~Galactic Federation of Light
We have been getting downloaded with love energy,
particularly divine feminine energy over the last several years, but
the last several months it has been more focused and intense than ever. It has been pelting onto the planet to create heart openings for all. With the rawness of an
open heart, everyone is ready to find their way. That include twinflames! Yes, even the ones that seemingly look impossible--it is time!! Notice, if you will, the friendlier hearts of people coming into your
circle. You are ready to connect with others like you and expand/explore
new possibilities for this earth planet you live upon. For as long as I have had my business, I have always said that in order to create world peace--one must know and understand peace within themself. Well the time has come for those who have been embodying the new energy, as wayshowers/guides/teachers/path pavers, to take their rightful place in a more vocal/global way and get on with the restructuring/rebalancing/recreating of what life upon earth means. The energy of a "Love Revolution" is on...are you ready
for the wave of love?
With highest regard for all of humanity during these times,
EstaRa April
Feel free to share this energy update as long
as you give credit to me as the author. EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©
This is my soul's journey of healing, love and light. On my path, I encounter many opportunities for self healing. I only hope I can impart some wisdom to you along the way as I journey through this life.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Energy Thoughts: Venus Direct, Eclipse Season, Mercury Retrograde Oh My
Hello Everyone,
It's been awhile since I last posted an Energy Thoughts, but if you read the last two you I wrote, you will understand why. So much has been happening over the last couple of months with each and every one of us. Here in the US we have been experiencing summer time and really quite perfect weather here in CT, but it doesn't mean the universe isn't rocking our personal worlds and creating transformation because my dear friends, it really is. I've been enjoying the sun's great energy with all the magnificent sunshining weather days and lots of rainbows across the state being captured. But I also have experienced the shifting of energy (read: exhaustion, lack of sleep, irritability) due to the massive Energy Flares that have been hitting our planet (read: Light Bombs landing in our auric fields! hahaha Well, sometimes that is what it feels like). Want to know more about solar flares and how to ride the wave of them? Check out my post called: Objects Are Closer Than They Appear. It will provide you with information to help you navigate the huge transformational energy known as solar flares.
Back to now and what is happening. So much has transpired in the last couple of months and my previous blogposts prepared you for what was to come (if you haven't yet read them, it is really important that you do so that you can understand what is happening to you and those around you.)--And come to us the energy of transformation did! Have you had things bubbling up over the past few months? Have you had vast ideas and goals about moving forward, but for some reason the energy hasn't allowed it to come up to full fruition yet? Well, you're not alone. The energy has confused some, plagued others and gave rise to magical happenings for others. Have you noticed a green light on things that you have been wanting to do, but then the energy appeared to be blocking that next step forward? Or others have gotten so wrapped up in the tiny details that they forgot there is a bigger picture involved. This is why I encourage you again to read the previous blogs --particularity the last two to understand what was/is happening. It will provide you with a great deal of insight and a sense of comfort and understanding--even my guides asked me to send this the last two posts out to everyone to understand the changes that are happening.
Onto now, we are entering the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde, have you noticed? For example, the last several days I've had some computer glitches (read: a mess at times), people from my past looking me up and re-connecting with me --always a sure sign Mercury Retrograde is a afoot. Mercury will not go retrograde until September 17th, but those of us in high vibration begin to feel it sooner. A suggestion from my guides is that you would do best if you could prepare for Mercury Retrograde. How do you prepare, you ask? It doesn't have to be rocket science just know that it is so; and recognize that there may need to be room for schedule adjustments, electronic failures, people from the past showing up and some difficulties getting your ideas across or an overabundance of words to get your ideas across. The real trick is learning to stay balanced, grounded and in your truth when all those things are to be juggled. If you look at the Mercury Retrograde experience from a higher perspective, as my guides do, you will see that it is rather humorous what humans do when faced with some of the things I've described above, particularly with regard to allowing it to create drama in your life--the key is don't let it. (Fruitflys have been wreaking havoc in my house---the crazy thing is that I don't have fruit out/nor any other food out---I let the little buggers irritate me yesterday...an example of what my guides suggest we don't do! hahaha)
So much is happening and I am trying to keep the words to a minimum here, but you know me with a computer, blast of energy and major transformations--one never knows what is to come in this Energy Thoughts.
Venus is moving direct...OMG I am so happy!! This is real heart opening change moving us forward on our path. I mean have you experienced any profound and deep heart openings over the last few months? I know I certainly I have witnessed many it with people in my life, through clients to friends to strangers, and even my twinflame. Yes, I haven't mentioned him much of late, but the truth is that he is always there and I am always loving him. This beautiful man and I have not been in constant contact like we once were, but for good reason--transformation has truly begun in both our lives. I have placed my focus, much of 2015, on healing my physical body as I have undergone some vast health issues (some of which you may be aware of due to the car accident and some you may not know about) suffice it to say that they have really impacted my ability to move forward, but that is quickly changing as well; while he, my beloved twinflame,he has brought his attention to where it needed, his life, to create the change he wants/needs. Oh the divine plan! So back to Venus moving direct ..relationships/relationships/relationships...the time has come for real change in relationships--the final curtain, so to speak, in relation as to what to do; and decisions will be made or at least put into action in the coming weeks/months. (read: the decisions have long been made, but the plan hadn't been fully executed because the little things that kept popping up as mentioned above got in the way.) With Venus being retrograde, it has provided a tremendous opportunity for each of us to have heart openings. Did you notice that? I've been performing Energy Body Upgrades and Alignments which are designed for helping you to be more in
alignment with your soul's truth and highest good for your life plan.
And the last several have been really focused in the heart chakra clearing/updating/repairing it since May. I asked my guides why?
"Dear ones, the last eclipse season (was in April) placed each of you in a preparatory phase for the opening and healing of your heart chakras. The breaking down of your barriers and walls to love began shortly after, and since your heart has experienced a great deal of change. The human heart is represented as love, but human earth love has been distorted for some time. The result is that humans need to remember love and re-learn ways of experiencing it on the planet which for some may be quite difficult while others may have already begun that part of their journey. Much of humanity has been stifled and unable to fully give or receive love due to the planetary constrictions placed upon it. EstaRa mentioned above with Venus moving Direct the focus for many will be on realigning themselves with regard to relationships, shifting them to meet the requirements of their soul's mission on this journey. ~Galactic Federation of Light (Read: Your soul will be guiding you for this one, if you allow it. A readjustment to your life will follow as you listen to your soul/heart's truth. You will either move out of a relationship that no longer works, move into relationship with a higher frequency than you are used to or your current relationship will undergo several shifts and adjustments to raise it into a vibrational alignment.)
We finished the last Eclipse Sandwich, I mean season, around April and the shifting and openings began in May. During the last few months, The Energy Body Upgrades were used to lessen the impact of the heart openings/transformation which could have been/was emotionally, mentally and physically painful. (If you would like more information about the Energy Body Upgrades, please feel free to contact me.)
I, myself, feel as if my heart is more open than it has ever been--I attribute that to a few things--the tremendous healings I've been doing on myself, my daily routine of clearing and the fact that my beloved twinflame's heart is now open. Click here for a little snippet specific for twinflames at this time. With the planet Venus now moving direct you will see a sense of urgency within relationships; people will leave, clear up old agreements and refocus on love, the kind of love that most people have been taught to think doesn't exist--but it is dear human, it is! Expect vast, surprising changes happening all around you with regard to relationships.
I will stop here and once again, this Energy Thoughts will be broken down into two because there is so much information coming in fast and furious--and well there is so much happening on this planet at this time!
In love and light,
EstaRa April
Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author. EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©
It's been awhile since I last posted an Energy Thoughts, but if you read the last two you I wrote, you will understand why. So much has been happening over the last couple of months with each and every one of us. Here in the US we have been experiencing summer time and really quite perfect weather here in CT, but it doesn't mean the universe isn't rocking our personal worlds and creating transformation because my dear friends, it really is. I've been enjoying the sun's great energy with all the magnificent sunshining weather days and lots of rainbows across the state being captured. But I also have experienced the shifting of energy (read: exhaustion, lack of sleep, irritability) due to the massive Energy Flares that have been hitting our planet (read: Light Bombs landing in our auric fields! hahaha Well, sometimes that is what it feels like). Want to know more about solar flares and how to ride the wave of them? Check out my post called: Objects Are Closer Than They Appear. It will provide you with information to help you navigate the huge transformational energy known as solar flares.
Back to now and what is happening. So much has transpired in the last couple of months and my previous blogposts prepared you for what was to come (if you haven't yet read them, it is really important that you do so that you can understand what is happening to you and those around you.)--And come to us the energy of transformation did! Have you had things bubbling up over the past few months? Have you had vast ideas and goals about moving forward, but for some reason the energy hasn't allowed it to come up to full fruition yet? Well, you're not alone. The energy has confused some, plagued others and gave rise to magical happenings for others. Have you noticed a green light on things that you have been wanting to do, but then the energy appeared to be blocking that next step forward? Or others have gotten so wrapped up in the tiny details that they forgot there is a bigger picture involved. This is why I encourage you again to read the previous blogs --particularity the last two to understand what was/is happening. It will provide you with a great deal of insight and a sense of comfort and understanding--even my guides asked me to send this the last two posts out to everyone to understand the changes that are happening.
Onto now, we are entering the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde, have you noticed? For example, the last several days I've had some computer glitches (read: a mess at times), people from my past looking me up and re-connecting with me --always a sure sign Mercury Retrograde is a afoot. Mercury will not go retrograde until September 17th, but those of us in high vibration begin to feel it sooner. A suggestion from my guides is that you would do best if you could prepare for Mercury Retrograde. How do you prepare, you ask? It doesn't have to be rocket science just know that it is so; and recognize that there may need to be room for schedule adjustments, electronic failures, people from the past showing up and some difficulties getting your ideas across or an overabundance of words to get your ideas across. The real trick is learning to stay balanced, grounded and in your truth when all those things are to be juggled. If you look at the Mercury Retrograde experience from a higher perspective, as my guides do, you will see that it is rather humorous what humans do when faced with some of the things I've described above, particularly with regard to allowing it to create drama in your life--the key is don't let it. (Fruitflys have been wreaking havoc in my house---the crazy thing is that I don't have fruit out/nor any other food out---I let the little buggers irritate me yesterday...an example of what my guides suggest we don't do! hahaha)
So much is happening and I am trying to keep the words to a minimum here, but you know me with a computer, blast of energy and major transformations--one never knows what is to come in this Energy Thoughts.

"Dear ones, the last eclipse season (was in April) placed each of you in a preparatory phase for the opening and healing of your heart chakras. The breaking down of your barriers and walls to love began shortly after, and since your heart has experienced a great deal of change. The human heart is represented as love, but human earth love has been distorted for some time. The result is that humans need to remember love and re-learn ways of experiencing it on the planet which for some may be quite difficult while others may have already begun that part of their journey. Much of humanity has been stifled and unable to fully give or receive love due to the planetary constrictions placed upon it. EstaRa mentioned above with Venus moving Direct the focus for many will be on realigning themselves with regard to relationships, shifting them to meet the requirements of their soul's mission on this journey. ~Galactic Federation of Light (Read: Your soul will be guiding you for this one, if you allow it. A readjustment to your life will follow as you listen to your soul/heart's truth. You will either move out of a relationship that no longer works, move into relationship with a higher frequency than you are used to or your current relationship will undergo several shifts and adjustments to raise it into a vibrational alignment.)
We finished the last Eclipse Sandwich, I mean season, around April and the shifting and openings began in May. During the last few months, The Energy Body Upgrades were used to lessen the impact of the heart openings/transformation which could have been/was emotionally, mentally and physically painful. (If you would like more information about the Energy Body Upgrades, please feel free to contact me.)
I will stop here and once again, this Energy Thoughts will be broken down into two because there is so much information coming in fast and furious--and well there is so much happening on this planet at this time!
In love and light,
EstaRa April
Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author. EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©
Channeled Message: Twinflames Will Set the Planet Free
Greetings Beloved Twinflames,
Here is a little snippet for Twinflames that came out of one of my channeled Energy Thoughts.
Notice if you will, that your twinflame's heart once open cannot be closed again during this time, this period on the planet--this is the time we, as twinflames, have been waiting for.
Dear Ones, This time on the planet is what you as twinflames have been created for. Your mission on this planet is one to awaken humanity from its slumber with regard to love, relationships and marriage. It is more vast than any being on earth can imagine. The carriers of the Twinflame Energy have been given the mission to reconnect and reunite in physical union. For this union to occur you will be required to perform energetic clearing of those belief systems that have been embedded in your planets template. (Read: You will clear out religious, cultural, familial, societal baggage and more Many of us have already been performing this part of our mission and will continue to do so.) In union, you will send a vibrational frequency out to your planet and its inhabitants that will amplify the evolution of humanity's consciousness with regard to love amongst other truths that will be revealed within each twinflame's union. For each twinflame couple has its own blueprint for their union and mission. EstaRa &; EtaRa are Carriers of the Blue Diamond Light, It is their responsibility as Carriers of the Blue Diamond Light to unite in physical union. Once union commences fully they will be downloaded with the codes to unlock their next steps on the journey. The union is far more than the romantic love that each twinflame feels and longs for. Each Twinflame couple will be signaled for union building up to and on the advent of the upcoming Equinox. This energy will bring more Twinflames together in union. The Twinflame connection has never been meant to be lived solely in other dimensional experiences; as an earth human it is meant to be lived in your physical reality. ~Galactic Federation of Light
If this is your mission on the planet, (only you will know that answer, no one else can provide that to you, for if you are a twinflame you will have a sense of knowing) you will have begun to remember or "awakened" to the memory over the last several years. The huge wake-up call was put out around 11-11-11, but long before that twinflames have been waking up. I remember when I was five years old that I came back here to find my other half. (The word twinflame came to me in the last several years, but the feeling/memory/truth has always been known.)
The last several months have created numerous opportunities for all of humanity to break open their hearts. EstaRa likes to use that term, break open their hearts. It is rather fitting for the experiences that many have encountered over the last several months. The planet Venus has direct impact on relationships on your earth. As such with it in a retrograde motion it has created ample experience for you and your beloved to explore the truth of your soul; true meaning of love, relationships with your self and others. This energy is leading your twinflame to union with you. It may not appear so at present because as the energy of Venus begins moving direct, it may bring about a quick influx of confusion or sense of urgency for your twin to get things in order, particularly those twinflames that have been stuck more deeply in the 3D matrix. ~Galactic Federation of Light
If you are reading this, then you are the more spiritually awakened one. Have you noticed that? One twinflame is more aware, awake to their mission and path? And the other one, has seemed to drag their feet within the 3D illusion? It was set up this way so that you both could do a vast amount of clearing for humanity. The twinflames have taken on some of the darkest paths, beliefs, karma to act as a catalyst for change on the planet--for in their choosing to clear and transmute those things that have held back humanity, they will set the planet free.~Galactic Federation of Light (read: clearing karmic drama and trauma) It may benefit you to view the twin caught up in 3D as having taken on a deeper, darker shadowy side. In exchange for them taken on so much of the darker energies to transmute, recognize that they must be extricated by you, but here is the secret--you can't go kidnap them from their current reality. (I know, I know if you are like me, you have been ready, willing and able to do so for the past several years. If not planned the steps to do so. hahaha sorry--had to add some twinflame humor) Instead, you have/had to bring your focus on you/your journey/your clearing which seems the opposite of trying to "make it work".
The trying to make it work is the old paradigm of energy. Have you gotten caught up in that? I know I sure did from time to time after meeting my twinflame. Trying to force the energy to manifest what I desire? Does that sound/feel familiar? Well, it is like the "kidnap" energy I mentioned above--it doesn't work that way. (Though, isn't it what we have been taught on our planet? If we martyr ourselves, sacrifice ourselves and put others needs before our own then we are a good person--especially within terms of relationships. Those beliefs don't work, do they? Oh yes, you can belittle yourself so much that you can manage to stay in an unhealthy, unhappy relationship, but does it work? My flat out easy answer is NO! It created the relationships/marriages that we have seen that surely don't work, the old paradigm of beliefs, and that is what we are here to change as twinflames.)
So it may seem that all the work you are doing/have done on you has been futile with regard to your relationship with your twin, especially if you have not noticed real physical change as of yet. I was told by my guides that I must continue to do my journey and move forward, even when it appeared that I was moving forward without my twin; they promised me that he would jump to where I am energetically. I know, I know seems so difficult to comprehend when you are in it and so hard to do as well. I remember I was almost afraid to continue to grow because I thought I would grow so far beyond him and you know what I am discovering? I am discovering that the more I have grown--the more he has grown too. He may not be beside me yet, but he is certainly within my line of sight and will surely be beside me. Each of us must step into what we are meant to do. Each of us must explore our past and present beliefs and clear and transmute anything that no longer holds true for us on our journey or in the new paradigm of love. It is our job to raise ourselves in vibrational alignment with the truth of our soul/our mission as twinflames. This raising of our vibration is what gives/gave them permission to shift within the very core of themselves. This is what will bring them to us!
I know, it is scary to say the least especially if you have been going at it the old paradigm way like a bull in a china shop. I know for myself, I long so deeply for my beloved to be here in my arms that I would forgo all other human things to just be with him, but even that dear friends is not a reality that can be held as truth on this planet nor for our mission. No, it is more imperative that we learn what our baggage is and clear it out, so we can be free to love one another without that cumbersome baggage. It sounds simple and it is that simple. For many of us, we have been on the path a long time, but only in recent years have the tools and knowledge been readily available for us to use to clear out the karma keeping us from union.
A final thought for you all: To be a twinflame at this time on the planet is magnificent because the time is coming for us to join together if you haven't already--and nothing will stop the union and nothing will stop the change that will be created.
In love and light,
Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author. EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©
Here is a little snippet for Twinflames that came out of one of my channeled Energy Thoughts.
Notice if you will, that your twinflame's heart once open cannot be closed again during this time, this period on the planet--this is the time we, as twinflames, have been waiting for.
Dear Ones, This time on the planet is what you as twinflames have been created for. Your mission on this planet is one to awaken humanity from its slumber with regard to love, relationships and marriage. It is more vast than any being on earth can imagine. The carriers of the Twinflame Energy have been given the mission to reconnect and reunite in physical union. For this union to occur you will be required to perform energetic clearing of those belief systems that have been embedded in your planets template. (Read: You will clear out religious, cultural, familial, societal baggage and more Many of us have already been performing this part of our mission and will continue to do so.) In union, you will send a vibrational frequency out to your planet and its inhabitants that will amplify the evolution of humanity's consciousness with regard to love amongst other truths that will be revealed within each twinflame's union. For each twinflame couple has its own blueprint for their union and mission. EstaRa &; EtaRa are Carriers of the Blue Diamond Light, It is their responsibility as Carriers of the Blue Diamond Light to unite in physical union. Once union commences fully they will be downloaded with the codes to unlock their next steps on the journey. The union is far more than the romantic love that each twinflame feels and longs for. Each Twinflame couple will be signaled for union building up to and on the advent of the upcoming Equinox. This energy will bring more Twinflames together in union. The Twinflame connection has never been meant to be lived solely in other dimensional experiences; as an earth human it is meant to be lived in your physical reality. ~Galactic Federation of Light
If this is your mission on the planet, (only you will know that answer, no one else can provide that to you, for if you are a twinflame you will have a sense of knowing) you will have begun to remember or "awakened" to the memory over the last several years. The huge wake-up call was put out around 11-11-11, but long before that twinflames have been waking up. I remember when I was five years old that I came back here to find my other half. (The word twinflame came to me in the last several years, but the feeling/memory/truth has always been known.)
The last several months have created numerous opportunities for all of humanity to break open their hearts. EstaRa likes to use that term, break open their hearts. It is rather fitting for the experiences that many have encountered over the last several months. The planet Venus has direct impact on relationships on your earth. As such with it in a retrograde motion it has created ample experience for you and your beloved to explore the truth of your soul; true meaning of love, relationships with your self and others. This energy is leading your twinflame to union with you. It may not appear so at present because as the energy of Venus begins moving direct, it may bring about a quick influx of confusion or sense of urgency for your twin to get things in order, particularly those twinflames that have been stuck more deeply in the 3D matrix. ~Galactic Federation of Light
If you are reading this, then you are the more spiritually awakened one. Have you noticed that? One twinflame is more aware, awake to their mission and path? And the other one, has seemed to drag their feet within the 3D illusion? It was set up this way so that you both could do a vast amount of clearing for humanity. The twinflames have taken on some of the darkest paths, beliefs, karma to act as a catalyst for change on the planet--for in their choosing to clear and transmute those things that have held back humanity, they will set the planet free.~Galactic Federation of Light (read: clearing karmic drama and trauma) It may benefit you to view the twin caught up in 3D as having taken on a deeper, darker shadowy side. In exchange for them taken on so much of the darker energies to transmute, recognize that they must be extricated by you, but here is the secret--you can't go kidnap them from their current reality. (I know, I know if you are like me, you have been ready, willing and able to do so for the past several years. If not planned the steps to do so. hahaha sorry--had to add some twinflame humor) Instead, you have/had to bring your focus on you/your journey/your clearing which seems the opposite of trying to "make it work".
The trying to make it work is the old paradigm of energy. Have you gotten caught up in that? I know I sure did from time to time after meeting my twinflame. Trying to force the energy to manifest what I desire? Does that sound/feel familiar? Well, it is like the "kidnap" energy I mentioned above--it doesn't work that way. (Though, isn't it what we have been taught on our planet? If we martyr ourselves, sacrifice ourselves and put others needs before our own then we are a good person--especially within terms of relationships. Those beliefs don't work, do they? Oh yes, you can belittle yourself so much that you can manage to stay in an unhealthy, unhappy relationship, but does it work? My flat out easy answer is NO! It created the relationships/marriages that we have seen that surely don't work, the old paradigm of beliefs, and that is what we are here to change as twinflames.)
So it may seem that all the work you are doing/have done on you has been futile with regard to your relationship with your twin, especially if you have not noticed real physical change as of yet. I was told by my guides that I must continue to do my journey and move forward, even when it appeared that I was moving forward without my twin; they promised me that he would jump to where I am energetically. I know, I know seems so difficult to comprehend when you are in it and so hard to do as well. I remember I was almost afraid to continue to grow because I thought I would grow so far beyond him and you know what I am discovering? I am discovering that the more I have grown--the more he has grown too. He may not be beside me yet, but he is certainly within my line of sight and will surely be beside me. Each of us must step into what we are meant to do. Each of us must explore our past and present beliefs and clear and transmute anything that no longer holds true for us on our journey or in the new paradigm of love. It is our job to raise ourselves in vibrational alignment with the truth of our soul/our mission as twinflames. This raising of our vibration is what gives/gave them permission to shift within the very core of themselves. This is what will bring them to us!
I know, it is scary to say the least especially if you have been going at it the old paradigm way like a bull in a china shop. I know for myself, I long so deeply for my beloved to be here in my arms that I would forgo all other human things to just be with him, but even that dear friends is not a reality that can be held as truth on this planet nor for our mission. No, it is more imperative that we learn what our baggage is and clear it out, so we can be free to love one another without that cumbersome baggage. It sounds simple and it is that simple. For many of us, we have been on the path a long time, but only in recent years have the tools and knowledge been readily available for us to use to clear out the karma keeping us from union.
A final thought for you all: To be a twinflame at this time on the planet is magnificent because the time is coming for us to join together if you haven't already--and nothing will stop the union and nothing will stop the change that will be created.
In love and light,
Feel free to share this energy update as long as you give credit to me as the author. EstaRa (April D’Amato). ©
Galactic Federation,
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