Thursday, February 14, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Love is the Answer

Good Morning Everyone,

I am so excited because this is the LOVE DAY!!!  My favorite. It is a day that people tend to freely express their love for another.  (My personal opinion is that it should be everyday that express their love for another, but unfortunately, in our society it has been limited to days, perhaps it is our puritanical background? Hmmm...not sure ,but either way, I do believe that is changing...why I say/show love all the time when I feel so moved and I don't wait for a special day.)  I digress, so i will come back to today's snippet.  It is short and simple.

This past fall, I was walking on Hammonassett Beach as I always do, I grabbed a shell I found and played in the sand as I walked down the beach: wrote spread love, drew some hearts, wrote love and finally I wrote in really large letters: LOVE IS THE ANSWER.   Continued my walk with one of my students and we found a place to sit and meditate overlooking the water. Now as most of you know, writing in the sand with a shell/stick or in chalk on a sidewalk/road is not unusual for me, I try to spread a little love everywhere I go so no surprise there. (on a side note--you should do it too: for two reasons you will feel so good to know that you are bringing not only a smile to someone else, but love to them too and it just feels good to spread love wherever you go--you are helping to create our new earth in love.)  When I finished meditating, I saw a man wave over to me.  I didn't know him. He shouted something, but I could not understand what he was saying. So I got up and started walking to him.  He walked to me and said, "It was you who wrote, Love is the Answer?"  I said, "Yes."   He asked, "What was the question?"  I replied, "that is the answer to every question."  He smiled and said, "have a great day."  I bid him the same and went back to my student. 

It wasn't until I got this morning heard those words in my head that it hit me how right I was and how profound that brief chat was.  Love really is the answer to every question. For example: Does it mean if you ask what color shirt should I wear today?  The reply would be love.  No what it means, is that go to the place of love inside of you and answer from there.  So for today, being Valentine's Day most people will want to wear red because red symbolizes love on Valentine's Day, but if you really went inside of you, you may discover that you do not like read and that you love BLUE.  If following my thought process, you would wear Blue instead because from a place of love that is what you feel.  Okay that was a very simplistic question, but you get my point, do you not?  Now, take some time to practice this in your day today with EVERYTHING!  And make this your mission to see LOVE IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING.

Happy Valentine's Day!  From my heart to yours I wish you love and beauty in every corner of your day.

My wish for you today is to see in your life that LOVE IS THE ANSWER.

Love to you,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Open Your Heart

Good Morning World.  I was prompted by my guides to send out today's message of love that I posted on Soul Star Healing's fan page on Facebook.

Today's Message: Open your heart today to love. Love is always there and never abandons you. Faith in that will allow you to see the opportunities as they come your way. Love comes in many ways, it can be a person, a new adventure, an idea or a dream coming true. ~EstaRa

When you remember to remain open to life's opportunities, you begin to see how they transform you. Yes, you may be thinking that your heart is open, but if you do not allow yourself to receive love from others or gifts of the heart from others than your heart is not fully open.  I was told by my guides several years ago that my heart was not fully open. I couldn't believe they said that, but then they clarified for me that it is not fully pen if I don't allow myself to receive gifts, love or compliments from others.  It was something I had to work on to realize that I am worthy. And, boy did the universe ever show me how worthy I am with the beautiful beings in my life.

Others may be thinking that when I open my heart, I've gotten hurt and I don't ever want to hurt that deeply again.  Unfortunately, if you don't open your heart you, you will never be able to feel love that deeply again either.  There are so many reasons why we close our heart and often is comes down to feeling the fear or pain (emotions) that is associated with being an open heart.  But dear ones, you are meant to have an open heart and each experience truly does make you stronger.  I know, I know you've all heard that one before.  The truth is that it really does make you stronger and fulfills the path of Enlightenment that you are on.  Without those experiences, you would not grow and you would successfully complete earth school.  A while back I saw a bumper sticker on a car that I totally loved:  The bumper sticker said:  "Life is the School and Love is the Lesson".  I love that quote and love that sticker!  (By the way, if you come across that bumper sticker in your journey--I'd love one. Please send it my way.)It is such a deep and profound truth, we often forget, we are simply a soul that has come to earth to learn in this human vehicle that we call a body.  It helps us to remain open to love when we recall that simple fact.  I would suggest writing that up on the wall somewhere you can see it will make all the difference in your world.

My wish for you today is to Open YOUR HEART.

Love to you,

Monday, February 11, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Say Loving Thoughts

Inspirational Snippet: Say Loving Thoughts

Hope all my New England friends are safe, warm and at peace.  This blizzard really hit us harder than expected and I have been living out of town at my parents this past weekend knowing the snow would bury me under feet of  snow--I don't own a shovel at my apartment so it was a good decision. The pleasure of being psychic is that you get a heads up and grateful I did.  Anyway, I am hoping to get my schedule back to normal tomorrow.
Onto the snippet:
"We are what we believe we are."   -A quote by  Benjamin N. Cardozo

I always teach my students that we are what we say, think and believe.  We create our reality with our thoughts, words and beliefs. I chose this quote because we are so often our own worse critic and treat ourselves most unlovingly. Today's snippet is a reminder to think about how you talk to yourself. Here are some good questions to ask:  How do you typically define yourself? Do you tell yourself and others that you are slow and methodical, that you have two left feet, that you are lazy, or unimaginative or that you can’t hang on to money?

In our unconscious self talk, most of us rarely say positive things about ourselves. Today, sit back and think about how you talk to yourself, what you think to yourself and what you have accepted as a truth.  List the positive and the negative ways you describe yourself. Then look over your list and contemplate how those definitions limit your ability to be cosmic in your outlook and performance.  Then rewrite how you would like to be described and start to own that list instead.  Use all the loving language you can to describe you, your life and what you wish for.

My wish for you is to say loving thoughts to yourself.

Love to you,

Friday, February 8, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Fall in Love with Yourself

I wrote an article several years about about how it was the first time that I truly saw the physical beauty of who I am. As you all know, I have been on my path for a long time and I found the fountain of youth, the key to happiness and the releasing of stress in your is falling in love with yourself.  It is what makes everything in life seem easier, lighter and brighter.  I've been on this journey of healing for years and the first major experience of falling in love with me was just prior to my 32nd birthday. (Mind you that I had worked a lot on loving me unconditionally without judgment--you know that voice in our head that negates all the positive things we say or do about ourself--I was able to quiet it!).  I couldn't wait to celebrate being me and being alive. How truly magical and amazing it is for me (and can be and is for you)!  What I found was that the journey of loving oneself has a great deals of trials and tribulations, but ecstasy and joy as well.  I also find that the more I love myself, the more I discover to love about myself.  Since, I fell in love with me, I realized there is so much more to love and every year or so I find a new reason to fall in love with me.  For example, last year I found a love for painting and I was so proud of my ability.  You maybe asking why does that make me fall in love with me? It shows me how much I have grown: I was intimidated by a blank canvas and the idea that it had to be perfect so I never did it.  And now, that I don't have that judgment that things have to be perfect, I just paint and I love what I create.

Onto a quote that I found several years ago and I love...

"The time will come, when, with elation, I will greet myself arriving at my own door, in my own mirror. And each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, "Sit. Here. Eat. Relax." I will love again this stranger who is my Self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back my heart, to itself, to this stranger who has loved me all of my life. Whom I ignored for another, but who knows me by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs and the desperate notes. Peel my self-image from the mirror. Sit. Here. Now. Feast on my life. Fall in love again with my self and with all of life." ~ Derek Walcott

My question for you is have you fallen in love with yourself lately?  I can answer you honestly that I have...the love of yourself is a lifelong romance that only gets better and better. I can't wait to discover something new for me.....what new thing will you discover about yourself if you took the time to look?  And if you are just beginning the journey and are ready to begin that romance, what do you think it will take for you to fall in love with you?

My wish for you today is to begin the romance of falling in love with you, and see the magic you can and will discover that is YOU!!!

Love to you,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Muddy Boots = Love

How much love do you have in your life?  Do you know there is so much love around you?  Are you aware?  Today, I wish to make a suggestion to you to invest in love.  Invest at least 15 minutes today into reflecting upon all the love you currently have in your life.  Ponder it deeply.  See the love that is there...the love that you want there or don't want.   Don't want, you ask?  What I mean is--that sometimes the people we want love from they are
incapable to giving it or they don't love us.  We tend to focus on that "lack" as a society, rather than focus on the "abundance" of love that we have.  I am sure you are still wondering where is she going with this.  I want "so and so" and "so and so" does not love me.  Bear with me a little longer.  Look around you and recognize today all the love that is given to you without even asking for it .  This is the love we often take for granted because it is so abundantly there.

For example, the mother who makes chicken soup and tells you that she is sending you home with a big container with it when you don't really need it.  But that soup was made for love for her family and she wants to give it to you so that you can experience love.  Or the father, who tells you, you should get your tires checked every once in awhile for the air.  It isn't because he to blame you for not taking care of the car, but he wants you to know that he loves you and cares for your well being.   Or the child, who comes home from school when you are tired and wants to tell you every single detail of their day even when you are not in the mood.  Listen with ears to the abundance of love that child is pouring out on you.   Or the child who comes running in with the muddy boots, with a rock they found they wanted to give to you--that rock is the expression of love carried in from those muddy boots holding that child you created in love.  Or the friend for no reason, brings you by some oranges because she bought too many or had extra--those oranges contain the bonds of love and friendship.   Or the friend, who answered in the moment you needed her to. The love is there.

These are just some examples of love that surrounds you all day, every day in many ways, but unfortunately, with life happening so fast, we seldom recognize it and take it for granted.   Now, does that make sense?  I am sure it does.  Believe me, if you invest the time today to see/feel/acknowledge the love that is there, you will be basking in love.  It is there....just notice it and allow it to come into your heart--I promise you you will be more love-filled than ever.

My wish for you today is to reflect upon the love that already surrounds you.

Love to you,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: When the Heart is Open

Inspirational Snippet: When the Heart is Open

“As one can see when the eyes are open, so one can understand when the heart is open.”--Hazrat Inayat Khan The Bowl of Saki

This makes beautiful sense to me, does it to you?  I know the first part of the quote speaks to us in terms of seeing what is.  Often we choose to see what we want to see and many times it is a narrow focus.  Many times we live in denial of what is which leaves us little room to change it.  When our eyes are open, willing to see, we can change everything.

The second part is perhaps a little harder to comprehend so I am going to try and help you through it.  How many times do we use the phrase “I don’t know” to describe our situation to someone, to respond to what we are feeling or what we say to ourselves when we can’t figure it out?  Do we do that because we sincerely do not know?  If that is the case, then our heart is not really open because when our heart is open we always know loud and clear what it is we know.  My feeling is that we all have our hearts open enough to know what it is we know. (some more than others)   I think we tend to use that phrase.  It gives us permission to stop feeling—but in stopping the feeling we don’t get to feel all of our feelings and hence it closes our hearts.   The next time you are inclined to say “I don’t know”  take a moment before responding and check in with your heart to “feel” what it is you do know.  Give yourself permission to know.  It may not be something you share or it may be.  Either way,  honor your heart by listening to it. That is the gift of having our heart open.  That is the way to more understanding in your life. That is how you open your heart.

My wish for you today is to open your heart.

Love to you,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Choose Love

Those of you that are aware of energy shifts and changes will know that Sunday will be the New Moon--which next week will establish New Month--New Beginnings....and know that it is full of potential and love. Remember it is never too late to change, express and be the love that you are.  It is best to share it with like-minded souls and if you don't have many surrounding you now--then now is the time to reach out to the world around you and find them...take a class, join a group and reach out for others that are just like you.

Today's affirmation came to me when I was thinking about something that happened and how I chose love over perhaps a reaction from fear of the situation.  Out of frustration and anger, we tend to make decisions and comments based on that moment. It is too easy to react from that place of "reaction" (anger, frustration). In talking to a friend it helped me to remember that I should react always from a place of love when I make a decision/comment/response, but in that moment, it seems sometimes easier to let the frustration of a situation affect me. The interesting thing is that I do know so well the difference of reacting from love or fear:  I could  feel the energy of frustration affect me: it shortens my breath and my mouth gets tighter. It is too easy to react from this place when we are confronted with something that upsets us, but it is best to take notice of our bodily reaction, sense our feelings and take a deep breath. Allow yourself to fully breathe three deep breaths; and your energy will shift to the vibration of what we want that much quicker which is a place of love.

The affirmation I wish to share with you is:

I live and choose from a place of love.

My wish for you today is to say this affirmation and remember to choose love.

Love to you,

Monday, February 4, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Love Is You

To me February is the month of love---it uses symbols of the hearts, the color red and Love being expressed to one another.  I call February the month of love and therefore will send you messages of love: love for yourself, love for one another, how to express, how to feel more and just simply some good tips for loving you, the earth and every living thing in it.  I apologize for the delay in starting the month of love messages, but I was incapacitated for several days and am just now getting back so bear with me....

The first message I wish to share with you is again from my favorite book, Emmanuel's Book III:

"Let me remind you, Love is not something to be earned.  It cannot be judged, meted out, or taken away.  Love is something that you are."

Reread that above quote.  Let it fall softly into your being and let it be a reminder as to who you really are.  The love in me honors the love in you.....

My wish for you is to re-member when you are simply you are love.

Love to you,