Hello Everyone,
Happy Snowy Monday in Connecticut. I love this weather when I look out the
window I see snow falling so beautifully down.
I have this large picture window and sit by it with a cup of tea and look out at the snowflakes no
matter how large or small they are…I feel like I live in a snow globe. You know
those things you got as a child and shook up and let the “snow fall”. This
brings me to this week’s Energy Thoughts.
Well, those snow globes from childhood (yes they still make them today I know, but I don’t have one now…only had it in childhood.), you can look inside them and watch as the snow falls on people, villages, places and things after you shake it up. Appropriate analogy to what it is like when I leave my house for two reasons. First I notice that people see me. I mean really notice me now. I feel like I am in a snow globe. People stare at me not because of my immense beauty, but yes for my immense beauty too. LOL J There is a “soul recognition” happening there. So many more people are awakened and they can’t help, but look at the light of who we are. Light recognizes light—just like the Namaste meaning of: The spirit in me honors the spirit in you.
So pay more attention…you may notice people looking at you
like that…they are not staring to be rude or annoying, but they are staring
because they can’t help themselves; and maybe you are one of those people
staring. J
I also noticed something else recently that everyone is kind
of living like in a snow globe. They are
on display. What does that mean you
wonder? It means that the authentic self I talked to you about
recently is servicing to the top. Those
people who have been hiding behind their “smile”, hiding what they have been undergoing or hiding
their truth is surfacing and on display so to speak. WE can see through them: it is no longer something they can hide—oh not
because they are not good at hiding—it is simply because the energy is all
about truth and authenticity. Anything not in alignment with truth or
authenticity is showing up; therefore, nothing can and remain hidden with those
people living in light. See how this
will appear in your life and remember if you are on display—dress your best!(I
find that running out in sweats and messy hair can’t happen anymore…too many
people see me.)
Now onto a bit about this past weekend’s big,
beautiful MOON! I don’t know about you,
but this full moon was incredibly powerful (okay, yes they always are!) –the strength
of the moon knocked me on my butt this past weekend! After feeling alert and awake with the New
Moon on January 11th, the energy crashed back down to a bit of
stagnation/contemplation in the past week.
Have you found yourself contemplating the what/how/where/when the next
steps are? The energy has been giving you
an opportunity to plan. That is what
energy is about right now—it is about planning/creating/manifesting/building. This Full moon brought with it clarity to the
foggy, decisiveness to the confused and movement to the stagnant. The full moon is helping you to see what
areas of your life that need cleaning up and it is going to make you want to
stay a sluggish for a little while longer.
(not so bad on days like these
snow days…be patient all is in divine and perfect order)
So my words of wisdom to you this Energy Update is to use
this time wisely to maintain your wellness/clarity/balance/calm because life
will be picking up again in the next few weeks.
It is the time to plant
seeds/nurture the ones planted/plan your next steps because when the
sluggishness wears off you will begin to feel the earth moving under your feet
again…at a much quicker pace. In case
you haven’t noticed, you may have felt hesitation and sluggishness the last
week or so, but it hasn’t prevented time from moving at an all time fast
On a funny side note, I was guided to buy a clock for my
home recently because I do not have one…the clock is there as a reminder that
although I am an Arcturian Starseed—I am human too! Sometimes being a starseed doesn’t lend very
easily to being a human particularly at a time we have moved from the “old 3D
earth” to the “new 5D earth reality”.
Oh and yes, the clock is also there to remind me—it is time!