Hi Everyone,
A couple of years ago, I channeled a message at the Shekinah Temple in New York about time being circular from the Keeper of Time. I was told to step in the center of the room to demonstrate and I did. As I stood there, I was told time is circular around us because in a 3D world that would make more sense; however, later I received more clarity showing me that time is actually in a spiral around us weaving together timelines, dimensions and spaces; ie past/present/future. The Keeper of Time had me demonstrate how we can easily step into another direction of time while standing in front of the group I was channeling to. I remember I stepped diagonally left and then moved back in center and moved to the right. It was a simple demonstration that with intent and faith you easily can move along the path to the “timeline” that you wish hence why some people can easily access information while others cannot. It is simply about being in the present. The center represented the present and only when one is present can one “control” their movement in time and space. I place control in quotes because it is not control in the sense that the word is often used rather it is more specifically about choice so maybe the word choice is more appropriate here.

While working with the Keeper of Time, I was also told
that time would collapse upon itself –hence the dimensions/ alternate
realities/timelines would appear all at once and it was important for us to
remain in balance to navigate it. This
makes sense as balance, balance, balance that my guides have always emphasized
so often and frequently to my students and clients was because if one is not in
balance in their 3rd Dimensional world how on earth (I love how I
just wrote that) would they be able to balance a mulit-dimensional world? Dear ones, that is what this time is about!
It is happening and has been happening all around us consistently as we merged
in the 11-11-11 gateway (last November of 2011—doesn’t really matter the exact
earth year as I have been just showing you above dates/time/space is subjective
dependent upon your navigation within interdimensional reality.) I
bring this to your forefront because it is now that you must pay
attention. If all timelines are
collapsing then it is imperative that you realize that you may be experiencing
things that have passed by or yet to come along with the present circumstance
in 3D, in addition to the other timelines/dimensions hence much of the full
circle feelings that are coming up for many of you. Many of you have been living in the realms
of light which are meant to be balanced and they are; however, the navigation
has been difficult for many because some have been living a more enlightened
path and ready for the complete shift of all humanity into the
multi-dimensional reality while others/those around us (loved ones or not) have
not. So imagine there is a spider web at
the doorway to your house and you see it so clearly and the person next to you
no matter what cannot see it. The difficulty is that things are
appearing/showing themselves in a way that we are/or not expecting. I will use my twinflame experience: I have been living in a place where my
twinflame and I are and have been in constant contact in the etheric realm for
many years now; but as you all know it
has not manifested into a daily physical living thing as of yet. However, since moving to my new home last year
after the 11-11-11 gateway, I have had moments when it (the dimension) blurs
and I am not sure what is real or not because I am in the reality of it is here
now. How does that work, you ask? For
example, since moving here I have times when I come home from being out for a
period of time, and when I unlock the door to come in, I feel like he is there
waiting for me in another room. Or when
I speak with him on the phone sometimes I forget what he “knows” about us and
what he doesn’t. Ironically or I should say expectantly, he is
doing the same things when I speak with him—sharing things with me that show me
he has moved along his awakening and is with me even when he is not. Even those people around us who are kicking
and screaming to not awaken and stay enmeshed in 3D can’t stop that anymore
than I can make it happen or not. They
are coming along even if it is at snail pace—they are coming along. Sometimes I have my doubts if they (twinflame/family/friends/students/clients)
are coming along on this ascension trail of light because if I choose to see
with only human eyes (3D blinders) then it looks like anything but what I would
like to happen. However, when I allow my
perspective to get larger and see in the multidimensional world (which I have
been in contact and visiting since I was a child—with pockets of running away
from it because my “vision” was very different than everyone around me) I see
the progress—it is slow, but steady…isn’t that what they say about the the
tortoise and the hare? So see they
(twinflames/family/friends/etc) will ascend too. Remember it is not for us to
judge anyone’s journey for where they are, not even our own journey, but it is
for us to focus upon our lives and what we wish to create in these timelines/realities/new
love and light, EstaRa
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