Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Moldavite, Metorites & Mission in Michigan

Channeled Message about my mission in Traverse City, MI.  Message channeled through EstaRa on Sunday, May 21, 2012 in Traverse City, MI.

Dear EstaRa,  

We are with you every step of this journey.  You are not alone and you have been guided every step of the way.  There is much that you are doing without realizing it in your waking hours.  Your journey began before you arrived in Michigan.  You are bringing and anchoring muliti-dimensional light into each area you have been which creates a portal of healing and love energy.   The light that is being transmitted through you will have a positive impact on the places you have been.  As you anchor your light, you are able to unlock codes and keys within the earth that have been locked for some time.  You have been able to replace old energy with new energy.  There will be many changes occurring on planet earth in short time dear one and you will then understand why our mission has been as such.

Your work yesterday was in a sacred geometric pattern in how you walked from place to place.  You began to connect with nature for the grounding that was necessary for you to carry on your work in that day.  It is imperative dear one for you to realize that while it may have seemed like you had fun and laughed, each step that you walked you carried the essence of love and light and anchored it in the locations that were necessary.   You created triangles of life in the ways in which you walked carrying the vibration of triangles and pyramids within you.   It is the work that you did that will assist the beings that inhabit the earth in this area to wake up fully to who they are if they so choose.  Your energy is providing them with the choice to move forward into the fifth dimensional earth or remain in the third dimensional energy.  It is always the choice of each individual on a higher level to determine where they will place their energy. You have provided a sacred space for those that choose to awaken to be the carriers of vibration for assistance to others.  Of the people you have met on your path and spoke with yesterday, you transmitted codes of light that were keys into their awakening.   It was a necessary component to their journey.  You have long before you incarnated this time have made these agreements.

Your journey to the sacred labyrinth was to unlock the energy of the land there.  It has been weighted down and you have assisted the family who lived there by planting your energy of love and light.  The laughter that you brought will carry into the people who live on that land.

The most healing of your journey was at the bay where many gather.  While you may think it was the most healing for your bodies, it was the most sacred work you had done yesterday.  Remember dear one we tell you that by just Be-ing you are working.  Your BE-ing provides a great deal of healing to a location in that space particularly you anchored many codes and unlocked many keys.  You opened the energy portals to transmit the energy of healing, light, love, awakening, transition, movement and strength.  You truly are the light of the world and you pave way for much transformation to take place.  It was a necessary part of your journey. 

Was I being blocked from being here on Friday? 
Yes as that was not your mission.  Your mission was to anchor the light along your path through the state of Michigan.  As you stopped for your hugging of trees, you have transmitted energy to the place that as people step there they will take with them the necessary codes of awakening and transformation that they will become carriers of that vibration even if they are unaware they will carry the vibration and deposit it each step of their way.  Your mission involves the depositing of vibration and transfer of love and light codes for others to access as necessary.  It is an honor for those to be in your presence for they receive the most potent light and love from you even when you think nothing has transpired.  

We will close with your mission continues, but we have planned a route of fun on this trip and that is a necessary component to your journey EstaRa.  You will have assisted your student well in your teachings to be light.

May I ask one last question? 

What was with the crystal Moldavite and the Meteorite I held?  I have never had that reaction before.
Dear one, you got to taste a piece of your home.  It opened gateways for you to reach high above the earth and allowed you to be the starseed that you are you became starbound the opposite of your daily life being earthbound as the ground crew for the stars.  Dear one, your home is amongst the stars and we allowed you to have a taste of home.  Did it not make you light?  Did it not make you feel free?  Did it not allow you to float beyond all time and space?  Did it not make you feel joy?  Did it not make you know the difference?
It is with love honor and respect that we bring you this message today.  We will continue to guide you on this journey. In short time, dear one, you will know….

We are the Galactic Council of light. 

Who are you? We are made up of theAndromedans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Sirians, Antarans.  Our mission is to assist Earth in her ascension by way of assisting the beings that traverse her planet.  And so it is.

(As an aside, my experience with moldavite and the meteorite was an incredible travel through the stars--it took me several hours to become grounded in my body for this was a phenomenal experience.)

Monday, May 21, 2012

To Michigan I Go

I left Wednesday night for my trip to Michigan.   The days going up to this trip, I have been feeling great resistance to coming here this time.  I felt so much emotion.  I have been resisting this trip more than normal.  I am resisting so I do not know what is in store for me...I feel something good, but still resistance. It is like I have experienced in the past, "I resist that which is good for me".  So we shall see what it holds in store for me...

On my drive from my home to my folks house, I cried.  I kept crying--I felt like it was replay for Egypt...the same emotion overwhelmed me and just now I am realizing that I left early Jan to go to Egypt and I hadn't talked with my twin flame since early Nov which was two months at that time.  Here it is May when I am leaving for Michigan and I hadn't had any communication with my twin flame (humanly that is) since March.  I am sure that has something to do with it. I also feel like my twin knows that I will not be "home" and he senses it and doesn't want me to be too far away either.  Anyway, the emotion was quite overwhelming.

When I got to the airport, I had a little more time than usual which was really welcoming for me.  I mean I got to experience a little bit of peace in the airport before traveling out.  My guides reminded to anchor my light wherever I went on this trip.  When I got on the plane, this woman sat with me and we talked from the moment she sat down to the moment we landed.  It was such a pleasant trip, but mind you I had been up since 4 a.m. that morning--packing and cleaning my house.  My home looked perfect when I left for my trip.  I was really tired so my second leg of my flight,  I felt the need to just sleep, but instead I read the whole flight. It was incredible--a book really captivated me.

Once I arrived, the emotion got better, but my twin flame, called and hung up on me a few times which reassured me that he loved me, but also drives me a bit batty.   Anyway, I got here safe and sound.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sleepless in CT

It is the wee hours in the morning of May 15, 2012.  It is so hard to believe that it is May.  Just the other day, I heard someone on the radio say it is May and the weather will be.   I thought to myself no it is not it is February.   I mean it feels like we have only just started this new year; but the amount of stuff we have accomplished since the new year is tremendous.  To think if it only feels like February time wise, that means all that we have accomplished since January first till now is equivalent to fitting it into a time span of only a few weeks if I feel it is February.  Not sure if that makes sense, but imagine it this way---each week is equivalent of one month of life lived on earth (one month of stuff crammed into one week). 

I am sleepless this morning.  I have been up for the last few hours not able to sleep, at first I thought it was because it was too warm, but I realize I have so much going on inside of me. I am leaving for my trip back to Michigan tomorrow and I am resisting it so much. Apparently, this is not a normal trip for me.  The only time I feel the resistance I am feeling is when the trip's hold something lifechanging in store---by the way, the lifechanging is usually something good and positive; yet like I have said many times--I tend to resist that which is good for me as many of us do.  I started to pack yesterday and boy I tore my home apart--cleaning so much more than just my closet--I started the kitchen and tomorrow (today) I will tackle the living room before I leave for work as I will be working all day today.  I guess it is a clearing and perhaps a preparation of sorts--clearing out space. 

Meanwhile, I am really going through lots of emotions and healing at this moment especially with regard to my twinflame. I feel some of my resistance is because I fear I am leaving my twin behind; in many ways: spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Yet, I also know on some level that he is never really behind me --he is always there right beside me. (As I write that I realize I really don't allow myself to feel the pain as much as I need to---because I have always had this gift of seeing both sides--sometimes I think it is a curse of being a Pisces--I always used to say that the symbol of Pisces: two fish in opposite directions was because we were so indecisive, but the truth is that we see both sides and it isn't always easy to choose which one is "right" in terms of what others think.  As I type this, I get such clarity that the "right" way is what brings us closer to the love of self.  (Take that as a lesson that the right way for anything and everything is the way in which brings us closer to self love...what a beautiful lesson!)  For me this morning, some tears need to come because I am missing him (my twinflame) so much.  He called and hung up on me last night 4 times.  I don't understand it, why doesn't he speak when I answer?  I want to shout out to him that I love him and accept him just as he is, but I have done all that and wonder sometimes if it is futile because he has to believe it himself for himself.   I am so close to calling his phone to listen to his voicemail just so I can hear his voice, but instead I am blogging all of this to you so that I don't succumb to doing that.  I need his voice, I need his arms around me and I need to hear him tell me he loves me.  I feel really needy right now...I need his love...I need your love my beloved man.

Now I swear I am such an interesting dichotomy because while I feel all of the above, I also know that the smoother road is here and the journey to him is getting shorter and no longer is an uphill path.  I see him in my sight.  I remember visualizing his path to me (during meditation) and he was so far off in the distance I could barely make it out.  Now at this moment I see the path and honestly, he is there only steps away...what a beautiful image to end this blog on...he really is only steps away (the image I get is like in a movie when someone is standing looking at their love who is standing a small distance apart like across a street, but instead it is a path with light behind my beloved twinflame). 

FYI--posting this blog at 5:55 a.m.  It is no surprise to me...been seeing that number everywhere....that is our number even if isn't. It is the number that I see when things are about to change....well I'm ready, what are ya'll waiting for?  Bring it on...bring my twinflame to my doorstep...I'm ready and waiting.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Dream On

So on our drive home from Philadelphia, my friends and I sang...okay well I rocked it out whether they liked it or not--my spirit did! hahaha  I love singing when I am doing long car rides it is so refreshing and releasing to sing out the lyrics of all kinds of tunes. I mean we belted out some good ones together.  Then we were struggling to find a song I remembered singing when I was a child, do you all remember Glen Campbell?  Rhinestone Cowboy.  One of my favorites as a little girl.  Then it got me to thinking of another Glen Campbell song, "Country Boy" which led us to remember other artists from our childhood.

Then my twin flame's energy etherically whispered in my ear, what about the other song you would listen to over and over again and cry to?  I nearly forgot about that song.  I used to listen to it all the time and wore out my parent's 8 track (I know someone of you reading this will not remember what that is or even have the faintest idea of what that is, but bear with me) and then I transferred it to casette tape and wore that out too! My twin whispered to me, that song was from me.  OMG--it felt so right and made so much sense now because in case you didn't know my twin is 15 years older than me.  Here are the lyrics, but below that is the video.

Lay your head down on my shoulder
I won't let the night get colder
I'll protect you, I'll be keepin'
Trouble far from where you're sleepin'.

Until you wake in the mornin'
You've got the world to yourself.

Dream on
Dream about the world we're gonna live in one fine day
Dream on
Spent the night in heaven I'll be here to light your way.
Someday tomorrow we'll smile
But little girl in the meanwhile
Dream on.

You're a princess chains around you
I'm a hero who just found you
'Til a brand new day must wake you
Let imagination take you

Go where the music is playing
I'll be along in awhile.

It is okay if you cry too...I cry now, but with tears of happiness and is amazing to is so comforting to know he was with me all those times as a child...I always felt him since I was 7.  If you remember,  I have always known that I have come back to be with him since I was 5.  I just knew I was "born too late" that he was already here before me.  I think I have spent my life looking for him (heck I know I have spent my life looking for him).  Anyway, this song came out when I was 7 and I listened to it over and over again all through my early 20's (till I killed the tape with my over listening).  Anyway, it just affirms for me that he was with me all this time and I feel so blessed.

Philadelphia Mission: Last Stops

After Independence Hall, we still had to go to two more places...Franklin Square at the Fountain and Penn's Landing.  Boy, I have to tell you that I was ready to go to sleep.  So we made our way to the park, Franklin Square.  Amazing we looked for a space and our second drive around it, we found the perfect space and thanks to my friend, she can parallel park--woo hoo. (As most of you know it would take me ten minutes to try to park and then realize it wasn't going to happen; to later then see that I should have parked there because it was a perfect space for me. hahaha)

When we got to the park, we saw this incredible fence around the you see that?  Do you see the heart?  Love it!  So my students were guided to walk around the fountain 3 times to spread their light prints (my play on footprints) and I had to walk the perimeter of the park to carry the light to the surrounding areas.  It was interesting I could see the energy of the fountain absorbing the light and spreading it outward. It was really nice.

Then we made our way to the Carousel and took a go round on it...I felt like a kid...twin flame's arms around me as I rode the horse on the carousel.

We had one last stop to make and that was over to Penn's Landing.  I was beat by this point and hungry.  So I could barely move so much for my back feeling better, but then again I hadn't slept, did a ton of walking and all the sitting from driving? hmmm....lesson learned (put a check in that box for me).

We parked the car and got out walked over to the water and placed energy and light into the water.  The water there really needs love as we overlooked an area where we saw bottles and garbage in there,  It is really sad that in this day and age that people still throw their trash out in the water, beaches, forests, parks and just in nature period.  How can someone consciously do that?  I don't understand.  Then again,  this is all coming from a girl who was part of the group starting recycling at CCSU back in the day.  hahaha

Phiadelphia Mission Day 2: Independence Hall

We made our way over to the Liberty Bell.   We had to go through security which took forever or at least it seemed as such.  Our job was to stand around the liberty bell in a triangle and send energy to it.  The message I received was that the energy we sent into the liberty would radiate outward to each person as they walked by and viewed it.  It would send out the energy necessary to activate each individual.  After that we made our way over to Independence Hall.

Mind you, when we arrived at the Visitor's Center, we had to pick a tour and get tickets (no it didn't cost anything, but they made us get a ticket for the tour).  We are not able to tour this building on our own.  They were really adamant that we had to arrive 15 minutes early before our scheduled tour.  So, we made our way over and had to go through security again.    Interestingly, we made it just in time to get to a tour right before the scheduled one we had tickets for; and lo and behold, the tour guide had the same name as my twin flame. Really?  Big Surprise!  Not!.    It made us all laugh.  My twin definitely made his presence made known even if he was not there in person. Our "tour guide" asked us where we were all from?  People announced different countries and different parts of our country.  I announced that we were the delegates from New England--one from CT, RI and MA.  Too funny.

We made our way over to the building and saw the Supreme Court room first.  It was really powerful to be in there and I reminded everyone to call in who they needed to assist them.  It was preparation for the  and the guidance we received was to call in the signers and prepare them for our connection to them in the Signing Room.

We were brought into the Signing Room.  When we were in there each of us was to connect with the signers of the Constitution and see them actively signing the constitution and do the work. We did this individually while the "tour was going on".  As we connected, each of us experienced our things with connection.  When I connected with each signer, I was able to get pulled back in time and see what it was like when all the men gathered in this room. As each member of this delegation sat down to sign this document, I visualized what they were feeling and what their vision was. It was as if time stood still while this happened because I know on human time I wasn't there too long, but in spirit time I felt I was back in time for so long.  

Each signer felt such a release and relief.  It was incredible the connection we had.  When we left the building, I was exhausted at this point....ready to collapse.  And I did on the bench for a few...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Roses, Butterflies and a Twinflame Message too

I was laying on the bench in the Rose Garden in Philadelphia.  I loved the roses and the sweet smell of the white ones in particular.  This whole journey to Philadelphia (as you may know if you have been reading along in the blog), my wonderful twinflame was with me all the time.  The whole time his energy made it clear that he was here with me.  He talked to me for the majority of the journey and even helped me to places I was going. 

When I was in the Rose Garden, I saw this butterfly fly way above and over me.  I said I think it is an orange butterfly.  (In a dream a few weeks ago, my twinflame told me he would send me orange butterflies.)  Then I said to my twin can you bring one closer to me and his energy said no, but I can do this.  The next thing I knew several butterflies were flying overhead.  I loved it.  He said he loved me and wants to shower me with roses.  His energy said he hoped I knew just how much he loved me and how close we are to coming together. I felt him and loved every moment and didn't want it to end.

The amazing thing is that everywhere we went this day there was an example of love.  A couple sneaking a kiss in the "Merchant Exchange" building, another couple intimately talking near the bank, a couple just got engaged in the rose garden and then we saw a wedding. I feel like I was not only surrounded by my twinflame, but was surrounded by love and seeing all those signs showed me how close I am to having just that the love I have been wanting to have with my twinflame. 

Thank you my twinflame for the love you showed me on Sunday,

Philadelphia Mission Day 2: Roses & Rejuvenation

Earlier in the day, I was guided to circle this on the map of places we must go to and this was one of them.  The time was right to head to the Rose Garden.  When we got there, I told each person to stop and smell the roses. I literally smelled each rose type as I walked by.  They smelled more beautiful than I even thought. We separated and I went to lay on a bench to give my body a rest (because my back is still in recovery).  I just lay there and I started to get messages about why we were there.

My guides channeled to me as everyone walked around: "We thank you all for the work you have done thus far.  This journey to this sweet smelling rose garden is our gift to you.  There is no work for you to do here.  It is for you to recharge, rejuvenate and clear for the final mission to Independence Hall."   I was so grateful to receive the message.  And just laid back and rested for awhile longer.  (Then, I got a beautiful message from my twinflame...check out the post entitled "Roses, Butterflies and a Twinflame Message too".

I gathered everyone over and shared with them the message from my guides.  We spread a little love in this garden....chalked "Spread love" and "hearts" along our path this day.  Our final task, was laid before us to go to Independence Hall to release the founding fathers of the constitution and to balance the "masculine energy" there with our "feminine energy".

 It was truly amazing.    We made our way over to the Liberty Bell first.

Philadelphia Mission Day 2: After Lunch to the Bank We Go

For lunch, we made our way over to the City Tavern where people gathered together to discuss politics, business and money in their time.  It was where most of the discussions took place over independence and the establishment of the new government.  We were guided to go here to have lunch and ground light.  As my guides made it clear to me, our job on Sunday was to anchor the light (energy) I spread the night before with the three of us.

While we were waiting for our food to come, we each got feelings, visions and sensations of the things that took place there.  The energy stays.  Our waiter at the end of the meal provided us with some history.  He told us that this is not the original building, but what we all felt was confirmed.  It doesn't matter that it was not the original building as it still held the energy of what transpired there.

When we finished up lunch, we made our way over to the First Bank.  We were guided to walk over to the bank and walk around the area bringing energy and settling on the front steps.  I laughed because everywhere we went there was just us and then others would be drawn over to where we were (I joked like moths to a flame---lol).

We did some energy healing there and connected with the banks and placed energy into the building and they headed out toward the Rose Garden...

Philadelphia Day 2: Merchant Exchange

Our next destination was onto the Merchant Exchange. (Now mind you, I have no idea what anything looks like since I didn't really look at the map or look anything up online (I didn't have time).  So we started walking and I got pulled to view this amazing was all cobblestone designed like a sunshine's rays coming out from this round magnificent building.   It was breathtaking and I look up and see these Lions on the building "protecting it".

I walked over to where I saw a sign and it read that it was Merchant Exchange. My inner compass guided us to exactly where we needed to go.  I kept getting pulled to look at the statue of the lion. It appeared alive.  It was very amazing. I could see the lion's energetic aura around it. My students and I connected with the lion and it was happy that we had come there.  

We were guided to walk over to the steps and sit on them.  As we approached the steps, one of my students  found a key (literally)  a key waiting there for her.  I feel like the key was something she was meant to find.  Meanwhile, one of my other students kept seeing "keys" everywhere she looked on the way down to Philadelphia.  Even the historic signs had a key on them.  A connection to what my guides said prior to my arrival in Philadelphia: that I hold the key codes necessary to unlock the area.  It all resonated for me.

I asked each of my students to connect with what they felt for the area to find out what it spoke to for each of them.  When I connected, I received the message that the merchant exchange (aka the first stock exchange) was set up to help businesses have the sufficient amount of money to get started and stay in business.  It seems that it wasn't supposed to become about making money and trading stocks.  The intent has gotten skewed because it was meant to be all about supporting one another.

I am sharing portions of our adventure because some of it is not meant to be posted....thank you for understanding, but there is some good stuff.  So keep reading...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Philadelphia Mission Day 2: Visitor's Center

So we made our way out to Center City.   We found a place to park and my internal guidance system was turned on.  There really was no need for a map the whole day, but I did try to use it.  Each time I tried to use it, I couldn't figure out where we were going--I was getting all turned upside down.  My guides suggested that I just listen to my inner compass.  So I did.  (I did ask one of my students to follow behind and look at the map the map to confirm my inner compass--and she did!)

We first parked near a place (don't have the pictures yet) where the sign said, be sure to check the ID of the person taking your keys. (I laughed so hard and told my student Tracy to be sure to check the ID...she didn't and I told her--let's say a prayer that our car is there when we return; otherwise, it is a long walk home to Connecticut.  But seriously, didn't realize we couldn't trust the car park people and Tracy said--he had a car park jacket on?  I laughed and said--if I stole a jacket I could have one on too! lol)  This is the parking lot--beautiful--

So off we went.  We started following my inner guidance and as I walked I started to recognize the neighborhoods.  I saw an alley that pulled me to view it.  It was filled with dumpsters and looked creepy and by night it would probably be creepy.  I recognize the building from my "work" the night before. I was there.  The building had a Fleur di Lis.  There is great meaning as to why that was there and I was brought to it.(There is a connection to the Magdalene & Yeshua bloodline--whole other story--one day I will write more about this.)  Everywhere I walked this day, I recognized it from the "work" I performed the night before--

We were first guided to the Visitor's Center (remember from my Egypt trip how hard it was for me to find a bathroom that was clean and I could use?  Well...let's just say I love America. We had very clean potties on this trip!! Hooray! I digress, but if you haven't read my posts from Egypt trip you would know how truly monumental this was.)  Anyway, I grabbed a map of the historic district and began circling the places we needed to go to. (I had originally typed up the places we needed to go to and then I couldn't find it.  I found it later and confirmed the place I needed to go to and I was correct with one special edition and that was the Rose Garden).

After our bathroom break, we were guided to go into the gift shop.   It was just our job to carry our light through the gift shop.  The channel from the night before:

You will have access to the energy that is much needed to the many people who will walk upon the areas that you do.  Your energy  of love will have a direct impact on those walking the steps you will have walked, but those people will receive the love from your footsteps and carry that love back to the places they spend most of their time.  We ask you to view it as a simple, drop, pick up carry on and drop mission.  Hence we show you at this moment EstaRa in your higher dimensional view. (Image of us walking and laying the foundation with lights, codes and necessary energy and it is left behind to lay in the foundation for each person to pick up as they walk by.  So it is as if we are dropping light and then someone comes along and picks up their necessary piece through their feet and up into their body to light a part of them that will be carried back to the areas they need to go and drop a piece of that light there while allowing the remainder of that light within them to activate them. It is a really neat image.)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Philadelphia Mission Day 2 Begins

So last night, I did not sleep a wink ok maybe just a wink.  When we got back to our rooms, I was planning to take a bath, but that was not going to happen. I was just so darn tired and couldn't fathom putting my foot over the tub to get in and then the thought of having to get out and go to bed? OY!   So instead, I was a good little girl I went to bed.  I didn't sleep until like 12 something.  And, I promise you I did not sleep. I was working all night long.  For me to tell you what I did, I can't...but I remember "traveling" all over Philadelphia last night while I was supposed to be sleeping.  When I woke up this morning, it was 4 a.m. and I just lay there feeling the downloads continue from the moment I put my head on the pillow the night before about 10 p.m.  I then allowed the downloads to continue and took a bath about 5 a.m. so that I could enjoy the fact that I had a whirlpool tub, but also so that I could feel relaxed as my body felt much like a train ran through it last night (but just so you know a train didn't! hahaha).  I definitely felt much work being done on me in many ways last night...not just assisting the earth but with regards to Merging with my twinflame....(fyi the previous blog post for more information). 

I was told that I did all the "sewing" I came to do last night while I lay in bed whether I was "sleeping" or not. I do have recollection of walking up and down the streets of Philadelphia; particularly in the historic district.  Our mission continues today as we get ready to go out and ground and anchor love.  It is necessary for our footsteps to traverse the places where so many people will walk and access that energy as guided from last night's channel...

Onward we go....

To be Fully Merged with my Twinflame or Not to be? That is the Question

I woke up this morning to the warmth of  my twinflame's etheric embrace around me.  He woke me to tell me that now we share the same solar plexus and the same heart.  It is so beautiful. I felt it....I felt like last night it happened even if I don't know exactly what happened because as I know I have mentioned I am a multitasker even in the etheric realm.

I laughed and thought, "Do I really want to be merged at the solar plexus?"  I don't want to lose my courage, but I laugh because the truth is that I know my twin is more empowered and ready than ever before. I truly feel it. I want to buy him another yellow tie (to match the one he wore the first night that I ever met him in person.) to represent the empowerment of his solar plexus.

I love that we have the same heart--one case you do not remember I bought a bag (my new handbag that I use almost everyday) that says One Love...there it is...

I love it and it has a new meaning to me today.  I love you, my dearest man. I think I feel closer to us uniting than ever....

We are fully merged in many dimensions. I think the only thing left is here in human life....that is why I ask the question if we are fully merged? I mean, I feel we are and yet he is not present with me as I type this. I mean he should have been here in my bed when I woke up this morning--humanly not just etherically. Not that etheric is a bad just is...

I long to welcome him home in my arms...and I feel it is so much sooner than later.....can it be when I return home to Guilford?  when?  where? how?  Just some questions I am putting out to the need to answer I just know it is so.....

Get Back in Your Body

After the bath encounter with my twinflame, he has started to call me again, but much more consistently and repeatedly.  It makes me realize that he too feels me as much as I feel him. It is quite incredible really. So, this past week, I have felt him so close by me.  I have had many messages from friends confirming my twinflame's love and presence for me.

I feel him so empowered and so ready to emerge.  Then on Wednesday, I was experiencing the feeling of it being soon (our human physical reunion).  Then I had  been given a message that we would merge and that the 5-5-5 Stargate was going to be very meaningful for me and my twinflame.  I was told that I need to just "be"--really hard to do when you are a guide, teacher, healer and nurturer for a living (but as I type this today--I want to tell you I GET IT!!).  I started to carry on my day just as I normally would, well on Thursday during the day I felt energy running through my body all day. I kept feeling out of body and ungrounded all day long.  It was like I couldn't stay in it.  I clearly felt my twinflame in my presence the whole time.   I kept thinking "Get Back in Your Body".

I was about to teach a class and I grounded one last time thinking okay...I am in and the class started and once again I was out of body. I asked my guides to assist me for the class, but I was really not in my body.  After class ended, I walked myself to my bed and laid there for about 20-30 minutes and felt energy running through me. It was like waves of heat running through each one of my body parts. It was very much like sexual energy running through me.  Then I got up, ate my dinner (thinking that would ground me some more because I still had a client) talked with my client and was ready to collapse again.  I went to bed really early because I could not keep my eyes open.  That night, I felt my twinflame with me the whole night. It was the most amazing experience ever, but I had no other recollection and that began my sleepless nights--I was awake all night as energy was being downloaded into my body.

When I woke up the energy was still running through me. My face had changed, I was hot all day and waves of heat ran through me and my face looked red (still does).  I felt like the Merge I was told would happen on 5-5-5 already began.  I remember looking in the mirror on Friday and saying I look different. I feel like my body has completely upgraded and changed. (Amazing!!)   I feel like my twin was with me the whole time too going through it as well...

Then again I was being upgraded all night on Friday night and had to be up to leave for my Philadelphia trip on Saturday ...was up at 4 (again less than 4 hours of sleep) continues...

Bath Encounter with my Twinflame

So the twinflame story continues,  much has been happening of late energetically.  I had the most beautiful talk with my twin on Saturday, April 28th.  I was trying to connect with my twin's higher self for one week and well that wasn't happening. Quite honestly, I would just fall asleep.  It  is what it is, but I forget sometimes that I am a mulitasker on many levels and in many ways and my attention was on the Philadelphia Mission. 

So finally, last Saturday night, I decided to take a bath and with the assistance of God/Goddess and Magdalene/Yeshua, I was able to call in my twinflame to my bathtub.  He sat in the tub with me.  He was in front of me and we engaged in conversation about many things one being that he loves me and to please wait for him as we are so close.   It was so beautiful and so real for me.  (Yes, I had my eyes closed to see him as he was not humanly in my tub, but boy I felt like he wasy.)  At one point, I raised my hands up to touch his face and his head. I could literally feel his face under my fingers and feel his hair on the top of his head. It was so incredible I cried.    (by the way, this is my catch up post ....that is, catching you up on the Twinflame stuff)  He told me that he is never far from me and that he always there with me.  I was so blessed and grateful and he said just to know that he is there and soon he will humanly be there too...

I went to sleep that night in his etheric arms, nonetheless, in his arms....

Mission: Philadelphia Day 1

We got to our room and I really wanted a nap, but instead I was awake the whole time and channeled a message about the work to be done here....and mind you, all I have been informed recently that this 5-5-5 energy has to do with me and my twinflame...separate information to be shared on that.  I feel like I have not slept in days because quite honestly, I have not.  Anyway, I digress once again--onto the channeling.

Channeled through EstaRa on May 5, 2012 at 5:05 p.m. in Philadelphia, PA

Greetings Dear Ones, 

We gather you together in this location for a journey far greater than you are aware.  The details are of little importance to you as your only requirement is to be. Be love.  Be light and Believe in the greater possibilities of your soul’s mission.  

We ask that you remain clear and present in the moment as you move through this city known as brotherly love.  The mission that brings you to Philadelphia will assist in transforming   your earth in  a greater way than you can humanly understand, but we will give you this information.  The country that you are in was created to be a new world for many; however, in the creation much was lost.  This world was to be a place where anything can happen and dreams could be made possible; however, as you have surely seen much in your new world was created haphazardly by way ofcreators not in their heart, but rather in their head.  The decisions were believed to be based in fairness, but dear ones in your human time period upon creation of your United States, love was not the motivator.  Love for the earth you live upon, love for the life you create, love for one another is the key to changing the way in which the world evolves.  As we often say to you all eyes are upon earth, the truth dear ones in your world is that all eyes are upon your United States for this is a creation of the rest of the world.  That is why it was called the new world upon discovering the land here.  This new world was to be created by the people of the time who wished to change the direction in which the rest of the world was going; however,  along the way the intention was no longer pure and it was lost.  Therefore you have created from your heads rather than your hearts.  

The mission to spread love must be taken very seriously as everyone on this planet needs to awaken to their inner path which is one of love.  Tonight your mission is to bring your energy of love to the land here in Philadelphia.  It is not by accident that you are here on this auspicious human calendar day.  You will have access to the energy that is much needed to the many people who will walk upon the areas that you do.  Your energy  of love will have a direct impact on those walking the steps you will have walked, but those people will receive the love from your footsteps and carry that love back to the places they spend most of their time.  We ask you to view it as a simple, drop, pick up carry on and drop mission.  Hence we show you at this moment EstaRa in your higher dimensional view. (Image of us walking and laying the foundation with lights, codes and necessary energy and it is left behind to lay in the foundation for each person to pick up as they walk by.  So it is as if we are dropping light and then someone comes along and picks up their necessary piece through their feet and up into their body to light a part of them that will be carried back to the areas they need to go and drop a piece of that light there while allowing the remainder of that light within them to activate. It is a really neat image.)

We ask you to remain clear in this moment and see how much your love and joy impact the earth around you.  We ask you to anchor your love here in the hotel as it will affect the energies of people coming and going over periods of time.  As you sleep more energy will be anchored through your physical body into the rooms you are staying in.  You will then prepare your bodies throughout the night to perform the work you will do tomorrow. 

(Do we have enough people on this mission? ) Dear one, realize that you are meant to be three and were meant to be three from the very beginning.  It is the pyramid of light--the triangle power that we have shared with you previously.  You have several assisting you to make up the energy that you feel you lack, but know dear one the appropriate energy is being channeled through each of you.  You EstaRa are the anchoring point of the pyramid and carrying most of the energy which is why we required much of you on this journey.  Your mission is two fold—clearing of your energy in preparation of the final human merge with your twin and bringing the code keys necessary to light up this land that you call Philadelphia.  We ask that you stay love centered in all that you do over the next 24 hours particularly.  

You are a triangle of love and if you are understanding of the free mason energy you will understand that you are truly mean to be an open triangle for receiving and depositing energy.  The free mason energy is an open triangle, but dear ones it is triangle.  You are liberating more than you know for this period in your human history.  We will speak more to this later.

And so it is.

Mission: Philadelphia

It has been since Earth Day that I last wrote a post. I know much has transpired since I last wrote and at some point I plan to catch each of you up on that part of my life.  (I have been doing what is necessary to keep me balanced and feeling well. My back was really bad for a bit of time there, but now I am well on my way to recovery thanks to an amazing chiropractor and acupuncturist.  I feel so loved, cared for and safe.  To sit and write was not going to help my back since it required me to just be and relax. Anyway, onto today's blog.)

During my acupuncture session one day, I had a meeting of the minds so to speak with Ben Franklin and the original signers of the constitution of our United States (for those of us living in America) and it was enlightening to say the least. Each day thereafter, I was given bits of information on Philadelphia.  I must say even as the intuitive I am I ignored it a little because quite honestly, I am being guided to take my next trip to Michigan and that is in May so I thought Philadelphia can wait until June when I return from Michigan.  However, as I taught a workshop with my students, clarity began to come in and I shared with them what I knew to be true.  During that following week, I was awoken each night with a message about what needed to be done in Philadelphia and finally one night I woke up and channeled a bunch of information as to what needed to happen on our trip and when it needed to happen. I was up for hours trying to figure out the logistics.  I was told to let it go and allow.  The people called to go would go and it would work out.

I was guided to schedule the trip for May 5, 2012--the auscpicious date of the 5-5-5- Stargate Portal.  The energy is for clearing.  So here I am on my on May 6, 2012 writing to you.  I am in the hotel to finish up our work here in Philadelphia. It is quite amazing how the work seems to get done without any "work" being done. 

I was given information that we would be provided with what to do as we do it.  The first part of our journey was to leave really early in the morning (I don't usually sleep on these trips as I am working and more aware and conscious of the work I am doing in different dimensions).  Truthfully, today I woke up after 4 hours of "sleep" and feel completely unrested like I had only a half hour of sleep.  

Our first mission was to drive to a location picked by my guides as we were driving.  They said to get off the exit for Waterloo, NJ.  We got out and at the end of the turns we were guided to make was a "state park".  We were guided to do some work to connect with the water and the land there.  In addition, we connected with the Ramapough Lenape Tribe in Mahwah, NJ to assist them with their issues of the water there. It was a beautiful experience and a beautiful message channeled from my guides. (No, I didn't record it..I know I am disappointed too, but it was beautiful.) 

Then we headed here to Philadelphia.  So here we are on Mission: Philadelphia.

The mission: 
Go to Philadelphia (the historic district) to clear old Karma and release the original signers of the Constitution from their contract.    I have been given the Mission to “Sew together the threads of time” as I carry the vibration of the “Sacred Needle”.   It is necessary for a group  to gather and spread Sacred Geometry as we walk the path of the old, bringing in the energy of the new.
It is a women only trip for the reason that  the Divine Feminine Energy must be brought to this place to perform the work that is to be done.  Not negating male energy for this trip is meant to balance the “male energy” of the country’s forefathers. 

Onward we journey,  I will post the channel next blog...