Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Channeled Message: Time & Messages

Channeled Live through EstaRa at the Energy Empowerment Group on Friday, March 18th at 9:20 p.m.

Greetings Dear Ones,

We come to you this evening with a message for you. EstaRa has asked us to be brief this evening. EstaRa has been asking for peace and for quiet moments because the days have seemed to move faster. Dear ones, time is moving faster. Time will continue to move faster. We tell you this so that you can prepare to know time does move much more quickly now. It will only begin to move faster so finding your balance and space within you that you have those quiet moments is how you will manage your time here upon the earth. It is very easy for you human beings to get caught up in the pace of your human lives but it is imperative that you stay in your center always.

We ask you to trust in the messages that you are receiving for each of you every day. We are here to help you all. Each of you know that which we are speaking of this evening, the messages are coming to you every day in every way. For they are here to help you on your path of light. It is time dear ones to stay on your path and step fully into who you are for now is when the earth needs you. Now is when you need you. No longer is it necessary to rely on other beings all the time. No longer is it necessary to look without all the time. Yes, there will be times you look for guidance and help and you will find your light family here to help you always here on earth and above your earth, if you will. But the lesson is to look within always for that is where it all is for you all your truth all your answers all of who you are is within you. Each and every one of you has a gift of light. That light is to carry you forward in this time and space for your earth is going through tremendous changes; not only earth but humanity as well. We tell you this so that you can prepare.

At this moment feel in your heart centers. What are you feeling right now ? We are sending out light from EstaRa-- we are sending out light from her to you. As she speaks to you, you shall be feeling this in your heart center . However, some of you may feel it in your crown chakra or your brow chakra it depends on where you are opened most at this time, dear ones. And if you are not feeling it--know that you are still receiving it this evening.

Questions, questions, questions dear ones. We hear your thoughts and we hear your wonder. There will be a time for questions and answers for tonight we just wanted to impart a little love from us to you. We are working with EstaRa to be comfortable with all that she is doing. For she does not always know her power and how much power she carries within her wherever she goes. She is a good teacher; however, she needs to remember for herself that she is a being of pure light and love, for each of you knows that which we speak of. You feel that within you when you are in her presence.

We ask you to remain in peace within you for that is what will help you through what is happening on earth. In many ways she is your mother. She nourishes you with her food, she brings you water for you to drink and she supports you always. It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message, we love you dear ones. We send you love continuously even when you do not feel it, know that it is there. It is always your choice to feel it or not. Know it is there in your heart center; that love is always being sent forward to you from us. We honor you. We are the Masters of Light,. Namaste.

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