Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Emotions

Ever feel Horrible? Ever feel Sad? Ever feel Angry? Ever feel excited?  Ever feel thrilled?  Ever feel great?

This week's snippet is a quote from Deepak Chopra on Emotions. It was so well said and in line with what I feel about emotions.
"Emotions are energy in motion. They bring us information if we are willing to experience them. Unfortunately, many of us are afraid of the energy of emotions and so we automatically resist them. And when we refuse to experience our emotions, we block them up. They become trapped and that entrapment drains our energy and brings continuing discomfort.
Don't let emotions push you into action or reaction. Just STOP and PAY ATTENTION. Allow them to be and to speak to you. Once they are acknowledged, their energy is released.
Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance."

Some questions for you to ponder today:  What emotions do you not allow yourself to feel?   What emotions have you been afraid to express?  What emotions do you find easier to deal with?
What distractions/coping mechanisms do you use not to feel?

As humans, we have been given a beautiful rainbow of emotions and as such we get to experience and learn many things from them. Emotions can be overwhelming when we are not comfortable with experiencing them, but they can also be a form of release and just what we need to move forward in our journey. Allow yourself to feel the good with the bad and you will see the world in a whole different way.
My wish for you is to feel the rainbow that we call emotions.

Love to you,

Monday, January 28, 2013

Energy Thoughts: Living in a Snowglobe

Hello Everyone,

Happy Snowy Monday in Connecticut.  I love this weather when I look out the window I see snow falling so beautifully down.  I have this large picture window and sit by it with a  cup of tea and look out at the snowflakes no matter how large or small they are…I feel like I live in a snow globe. You know those things you got as a child and shook up and let the “snow fall”.   This brings me to this week’s Energy Thoughts.

Well, those snow globes from childhood (yes they still make them today I know, but I don’t have one now…only had it in childhood.),  you can look inside them and watch as the snow falls on people, villages, places and things after you shake it up.  Appropriate analogy to what it is like when I leave my house for two reasons.   First I notice that people see me. I mean really notice me now. I feel like I am in a snow globe.  People stare at me not because of my immense beauty, but yes for my immense beauty too. LOL J   There is a “soul recognition” happening there.  So many more people are awakened and they can’t help, but look at the light of who we are.  Light recognizes light—just like the Namaste meaning of:  The spirit in me honors the spirit in you.    

So pay more attention…you may notice people looking at you like that…they are not staring to be rude or annoying, but they are staring because they can’t help themselves; and maybe you are one of those people staring. J 

I also noticed something else recently that everyone is kind of living like in a snow globe.  They are on display.  What does that mean you wonder?  It means  that the authentic self I talked to you about recently is servicing to the top.  Those people who have been hiding behind their “smile”,  hiding what they have been undergoing or hiding their truth is surfacing and on display so to speak.  WE can see through them:  it is no longer something they can hide—oh not because they are not good at hiding—it is simply because the energy is all about truth and authenticity.    Anything not in alignment with truth or authenticity is showing up; therefore, nothing can and remain hidden with those people living in light.  See how this will appear in your life and remember if you are on display—dress your best!(I find that running out in sweats and messy hair can’t happen anymore…too many people see me.)

Now onto a bit about this past weekend’s big, beautiful MOON!  I don’t know about you, but this full moon was incredibly powerful (okay, yes they always are!) –the strength of the moon knocked me on my butt this past weekend!  After feeling alert and awake with the New Moon on January 11th, the energy crashed back down to a bit of stagnation/contemplation in the past week.  Have you found yourself contemplating the what/how/where/when the next steps are?  The energy has been giving you an opportunity to plan.  That is what energy is about right now—it is about planning/creating/manifesting/building.  This Full moon brought with it clarity to the foggy, decisiveness to the confused and movement to the stagnant.  The full moon is helping you to see what areas of your life that need cleaning up and it is going to make you want to stay a sluggish for a little while longer.   (not so bad on days like these snow days…be patient all is in divine and perfect order)

So my words of wisdom to you this Energy Update is to use this time wisely to maintain your wellness/clarity/balance/calm because life will be picking up again in the next few weeks.   It is the time to plant seeds/nurture the ones planted/plan your next steps because when the sluggishness wears off you will begin to feel the earth moving under your feet again…at a much quicker pace.  In case you haven’t noticed, you may have felt hesitation and sluggishness the last week or so, but it hasn’t prevented time from moving at an all time fast pace. 

On a funny side note, I was guided to buy a clock for my home recently because I do not have one…the clock is there as a reminder that although I am an Arcturian Starseed—I am human too!   Sometimes being a starseed doesn’t lend very easily to being a human particularly at a time we have moved from the “old 3D earth” to the “new 5D earth reality”.   Oh and yes, the clock is also there to remind me—it is time!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Energy Thoughts: Moving Sidewalks

With the advent of the New Moon last Friday,  I felt a huge shift occur—we moved into a new frequency.  As I am writing this  I am seeing the earth literally being moved from one place to the next.  It makes me think—so much for the slow transition process—for some of us the change will be anything but slow—I am getting that for some people we will literally “wake up” in a new energy daily—as humanity shifts.  We are moving forward—I am hearing that song, I  Can Dream About You from the 80’s with those lyrics:  “moving sidewalks under my feet” .  This is to be expected as humanity enters a new ascension level.  It is an interesting concept to think about moving sidewalks because that means things are moving without you doing anything. But as you begin to do something, the energy and movement happens faster—think of those people movers in airports that carry you forward.  I keep getting visuals as I type this—how lovely—so the next visual is that the sidewalks are being laid down as you walk and sometimes they cross to a new direction and sometimes they come to a crossroad and you get to decide which way to go—it doesn’t matter where you are: you are moving forward. With my description just now it may not appear as you are moving forward, but you are.  Remember , there is no time and no space in a multidimensional reality there simply is movement.  It is all in how you decide to make things happen. 

Everyone is on their own journey so everyone shifted frequency, but because we each have our own journey/ path—it may not be the same as you.  Each at  their own pace some faster than others while there are those that will drag along while to them they are waking up .  Be kind and be gentle with them.  And, remember this  makes way for some amazing energy.  New possibilities new opportunities.

Okay so that is the exciting energy of the new Moon that we felt and it lasted from  1/11 to 1/14, did you all have some great/easy/epiphany days during then ? If so you, you rode the wave for sure and did you catch the next wave? The next wave came just as fast as the last wave. I woke up on the 15th with such a different feeling than the days before—the heaviness that was in the air prior seemed to return.  Some of us saw the New Moon as a “breathing opportunity” and a beautiful energy while others experienced it as a wakeup call.  What does that mean I think to myself and my higher self answers with: emotions flooded it, the walls of fear came down for a few moments so some were feeling what it would be like to be in a new reality and energy pressed upon us to look at what they are doing here.  It is almost like red lights began flashing and some people saw them.

So here we are this week with all this energy---the only way to be okay is to  remain in balance/grounded/neutral as discussed in previous energy thoughts.  The most important thing to remember is to be aware that the energy is contagious—the emotions around you are contagious because even though at some points they seem to be in a distant past for you—they are still there  and many live in that energy therefore you may be surrounded by the contagious emotions/stress/drama.  Create a routine and/or a key phrase or word to “snap” you back to your Moving sidewalk—not someone else’s. 

The energies of the coming week/s are moving forward.  We collectively moved to a new time where everything shows up—where are truths surface and our energy opens to the creative power that we are.  It is imperative that we open and begin to move past the blocks that reveal themselves to us.    We created these obstacles for our soul’s growth at this time…just as we need to find away to remove ourselves from the unconscious distractions that we pull in day to day to prevent us from finding our own answers, such as:  busyness, shopping, drinking, lost on the internet, searching for the answers outside of yourself.   It is time to make quiet time within you as part of your routine so that as things reveal themselves to you…you can not only discover them, you can change them.

Be still my beautiful friends….in that stillness you will discover the beauty of who you really are…

Monday, January 14, 2013

Inspirational Snippet: Physical Pain

I was reading again this morning one of my favorite books, Emmanuel's Book III; and again, some great information came to me. Recently, I have seen a rise in requests for prayers and for healing.  There are a lot of people experiencing physical illness, pain and discomfort.  It has always been my belief that physical ailments begin in the energy body/field.  In basic terms the energy field is made up of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies that hold energy pertaining to those parts of you.  The ailments begin in those energy bodies before manifesting themselves into your physical being.    I want to remind you that everything you do to "feed" your energy body through spirit has more power than simply addressing the physical issues alone.  It also matters how you approach the physical malady in terms of your thoughts (mental body) and feelings (emotional body) as they have a great deal of power over your physical state as well. In essence, let this be a reminder to you that you are more than your physical body; therefore, be sure  to address all your "needs".
Now, to quote from the book I mentioned above...

" Pain did not come to be your enemy.  It may be hard to love, yet it is there for your embracing.  Pain is a teacher and not to be feared.  Hear it as the voice of loving truth telling you, "Wake up and pay attention now."

 Please read that quote once again before moving on.  Make the connection today if you can as to what is happening in/to your physical body and begin to understand from there the message it is sending to you and what the lesson it is that is being taught to you. Many of you have known me for some time, while others have just met me, but do you know the story of my journey?  My life was completely different than the world I am living in now. To be honest, to people who knew me back then--I am practically unrecognizable--sometimes even to me!

My initial motivation for learning Energy Healing (Reiki) was to relieve my physical pain. At that point in my life, I was plagued by many physical ailments such as endometriosis, acid reflux disease and severe chronic pain in my back and neck that was diagnosed as Fibromyalgia.  I was told by many doctors that I would just have to live my life in pain and on medications.  This was not acceptable to me.  l had sought out alternative holistic healing modalities after a long and unsuccessful journey in the world of traditional medicine.  I had begun my emotional healing journey long before, but nothing sparked my move forward more than Reiki.    After positive experiences with Naturopaths and Chiropractors, I began to put more weight on alternative healing modalities. My first encounter with Energy Healing had such a profound affect on me that I immediately sought out a teacher and began my soul's journey.   This not only sparked the healing of my entire physical body, but opened me up to a world I never dreamed possible.  Prior to working on healing my physical body with energy work, I was so steeped into what everyone else's expectations were (religious, societal,familial) that I didn't know the real me nor did I address the fact that I wasn't happy.  In retrospect,  I didn't look at my health problems back then as my teachers; but they were the best teachers and still are because I can truly pinpoint why I had the physical conditions I had in relation to how my thoughts (mental body) and feelings (emotional body)were or in many cases were not being expressed.

No matter what the ailment, physical pain or discomfort is--the message is about waking up  and see what it is trying to teach you.  It could be teaching you many things and if you listen to your inner voice, which is loud and clear, when you do choose to do so, your whole world will open up and show you how easy it is to change and then LIFE REALLY BEGINS!  Listen to your body--it is talking to you each and every day:  Often a physical ailment such as a cold/flu could be telling you that you simply need to rest.  Perhaps you push yourself too much to meet everyone's needs, but you have the need to honor you each day and perhaps a cold is one of the ways your spirit can convey that message.  Something more serious or acute, such as a heart attack could be telling you that your heart has been closed; and the heart attack is a way of "breaking down those walls" and opening your heart up to feel.  Perhaps you have been emotionally hurt and lack trusting someone and never truly allowing love in and this is one way to get your attention and change your life.   Whereas chronic ailments could be telling you that something really has to change with the way you are living your life (or for some people not living).  By the standards of society, religion and family your life looks wonderful, but perhaps your soul knows another way or has been nudging you to find your way in the direction that may be completely different than what you were living.  (I left my really traditional life of working in government and then choosing to leave my pursuit of my JD/MSW to follow the little voice inside my soul and now I can't imagine it another way. I also know that if I didn't look into another way of healing (and ultimately living) that I would probably be very sick/unhappy and in a really bad place emotionally If I wasn't already gone.) 

My wish for you today is to look for the lesson in the pain. If you need some help with discovering what your body may be telling you then, perhaps it is time for some guidance,..I'm here and I'd love to help you reconnect to the true you...the one who is ready to be "AWAKE."

Love to you,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Energy Thoughts: 2013 is here: Snap, Crackle Pop

Part Two: 2013 is here

So it is the new year of 2013 and boy, are we in for big surprises.  So things have been bubbling up over the last weeks now.  Do you sense/feel/see it?   We are now in full flow of the energy coming in and transforming us all to a higher consciousness. 

Happy New Year!  Happy New Earth, Everyone.   On New Year’s Eve,  I turned the television on (yes I do that every once in awhile—very infrequently though) and watched the ball in NYC drop to signify the new year (first of all I want to comment on the fact that having a ball drop to signify the new year should be seen as the old energy paradigm—if you think of a ball dropping—it doesn’t quite convey the idea of new beginnings, new opportunities, new choices—perhaps it is time to rethink the ball dropping thing.” Just something I thought of right now as I am writing this.  I digress…anyway, as I watched the last 59 seconds of the old year—it occurred to me that that was the fastest minute I had ever seen.  Did you notice that as well? I asked others and they agreed too!  It was just another human sign of our timelines moving more quickly—syncing up with what the unseen said would happen—movement to the no time, no space zone. 

I watched the New Year’s  Eve show a little longer and they cut to a concert happening in London where the announcer at the end of the performance, shouted out, “We need your help”.  This, of course, was an implication of monetary support.  Then something clicked for me….all these voices ran through my head and ads were playing in my head, “We need your money.  We need you now.  Please donate.  Your support is needed.  Let’s fundraise for this.  Let’s fundraise for that.  Donate Now..” All these voices past through my head representing now and years past where everyone wants something. Every organization wants money, every organization wants you to donate, every organization wants you to fundraise….  Everyone wants something—it has become a business.   Not to mention that many businesses are created to “maintain” the world as is in the old paradigm (drug companies/hospitals/ military/weapons just to name a few) when, in fact, we (the largest scale we) ALL just changed the way in which we lived, there would be no need to donate/fundraise.  If our focus became LOVE, rather than the focus being the “problem”, we wouldn’t need anything else because each person would do their part because they loved the part that they are, because they love the part that they bring and they love the part that they do.  Everyone would realize that the old paradigm of power and money no longer work and choose the new paradigm of love and unity.  It all begins inside! 

This brings me to what is happening to the energy field of the people on the planet.  Everyone is waking up to their part—EVERYONE!  Yes, even those souls who you thought were not awakened; have been as of the “Mayan End Times”.  The 21st of December sparked a whole new beginning to human consciousness—it can’t evolve with only one person—it would require one and all.  My feeling is that over the next several months you will see people “popping/clicking/snapping” into place where they hadn’t before.  You will see them doing things you never dreamed they would do: leaving relationships/careers/locations primarily for no other reason than they had the epiphany to do so.  

These last couple of weeks leading up to the New Moon of January 11th we have been in the waiting phase so to speak.   There has been little movement forward and an outward quietness if you will amongst the majority of people on the planet.  Internally, I feel there is anything but a quietness going on inside everyone.  There is this bubbling up of truth that is ready to pop from the mouths of those people who have been held back by not speaking/living/being the truth.  There is a building up of what the next steps are for each person because everything must happen individually before we can change the world collectively. 

You can expect things to move forward more rapidly once the January New Moon arrives.  As with most new moons, the energy is about new ideas, new opportunities and dreams, but influenced by this sweeping energy of awakening; the energy will be more potent.  The energy is here, but there is an initiation required.  The initiation into this new multidimensional energy requires removal of anything that is not authentic and love-filled.  Oh yes, the times are magical, but first anything that does not feel authentic for you needs to be moved out to make room for what is truly aligned with your soul.  This is the snap/click/pop that I referred to where your soul’s truth will take precedence over all other rules/things/beliefs in your life.  In real human words, what does that all mean?  It means people will be confronted/faced/presented with all that is not in their highest good; ie the ugly/the truth/the hidden/the forgotten things/emotions/behaviors/beliefs.  Yes, you may be thinking, this has been happening and we have been experiencing it.  It is different now, not only will these things come up, but the power is here now to release and create anew. This makes way for all kinds of miracles to take place; if you didn’t believe in them before; you certainly will soon enough.  This is it:  the way; this is what we have been waiting for ; this is the shift to a higher consciousness—a one love, a unity connection. 

The whole time I have been writing part 1 and part 2 of this message, I kept hearing the old Rice Crispies Commercial of “Snap, Crackle and Pop”.  It is an appropriate thought—and so it is…