Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Energy Thoughts: Web of Time

Hi Everyone,

A couple of years ago, I channeled a message at the Shekinah Temple in New York about time being circular from the Keeper of Time.  I was told to step in the center of the room to demonstrate and I did.  As I stood there, I was told time is circular around us because in a 3D world that would make more sense; however, later I received more clarity showing me that time is actually in a spiral around us weaving together timelines, dimensions and spaces; ie past/present/future.  The Keeper of Time had me demonstrate how we can easily step into another direction of time while standing in front of the group I was channeling to.  I remember I stepped diagonally left and then moved back in center and moved to the right.   It was a simple demonstration that with intent and faith you easily can move along the path to the “timeline” that you wish hence why some people can easily access information while others cannot.  It is simply about being in the present.  The center represented the present and only when one is present can one “control” their movement in time and space. I place control in quotes because it is not control in the sense that the word is often used rather it is more specifically about choice so maybe the word choice is more appropriate here. 

As you move along your ascension the time and space around you (you being in center) begins to look like a web created around you.  It wasn’t until just this morning after my meditation that I sat down to write this email to all of you that I realized perhaps that is what the spiders have been trying to tell me.  (Many you may or may not be aware—I was surrounded by spiders since July—bitten and sick from them perhaps this will fix the “ickyness” I have been undergoing—.)  Perhaps they are showing me what I can create with the above knowledge or what is being created based upon the above knowledge without being fully aware of what I am creating.  Either way, it doesn’t matter what has happened—it simply matters what I do with this information now.  What you all do with this information now that it has presented itself to you.  I often remind you and tell you that you create your own reality; however, this email information is projecting more of a visual image of what I have been saying and in more concrete terms.  The channeling I did about time was recorded so I thought and typed up I thought, but I have not been able to find it anywhere—if any of you do have it, please let me know.   I suppose it does not matter because in the last couple of weeks the words have been coming up so clearly and well here is your energy update due to it.

While working with the Keeper of Time, I was also told that time would collapse upon itself –hence the dimensions/ alternate realities/timelines would appear all at once and it was important for us to remain in balance to navigate it.  This makes sense as balance, balance, balance that my guides have always emphasized so often and frequently to my students and clients was because if one is not in balance in their 3rd Dimensional world how on earth (I love how I just wrote that) would they be able to balance a mulit-dimensional world?    Dear ones, that is what this time is about! It is happening and has been happening all around us consistently as we merged in the 11-11-11 gateway (last November of 2011—doesn’t really matter the exact earth year as I have been just showing you above dates/time/space is subjective dependent upon your navigation within interdimensional reality.)   I  bring this to your forefront because it is now that you must pay attention.  If all timelines are collapsing then it is imperative that you realize that you may be experiencing things that have passed by or yet to come along with the present circumstance in 3D, in addition to the other timelines/dimensions hence much of the full circle feelings that are coming up for many of you.   Many of you have been living in the realms of light which are meant to be balanced and they are; however, the navigation has been difficult for many because some have been living a more enlightened path and ready for the complete shift of all humanity into the multi-dimensional reality while others/those around us (loved ones or not) have not.  So imagine there is a spider web at the doorway to your house and you see it so clearly and the person next to you no matter what cannot see it. The difficulty is that things are appearing/showing themselves in a way that we are/or not expecting.   I will use my twinflame experience:  I have been living in a place where my twinflame and I are and have been in constant contact in the etheric realm for many years now; but as you all know it  has not manifested into a daily physical living thing as of yet.  However, since moving to my new home last year after the 11-11-11 gateway, I have had moments when it (the dimension) blurs and I am not sure what is real or not because I am in the reality of it is here now. How does that work, you ask?  For example, since moving here I have times when I come home from being out for a period of time, and when I unlock the door to come in, I feel like he is there waiting for me in another room.  Or when I speak with him on the phone sometimes I forget what he “knows” about us and what he doesn’t.   Ironically or I should say expectantly, he is doing the same things when I speak with him—sharing things with me that show me he has moved along his awakening and is with me even when he is not.  Even those people around us who are kicking and screaming to not awaken and stay enmeshed in 3D can’t stop that anymore than I can make it happen or not.  They are coming along even if it is at snail pace—they are coming along.  Sometimes I have my doubts if they (twinflame/family/friends/students/clients) are coming along on this ascension trail of light because if I choose to see with only human eyes (3D blinders) then it looks like anything but what I would like to happen.  However, when I allow my perspective to get larger and see in the multidimensional world (which I have been in contact and visiting since I was a child—with pockets of running away from it because my “vision” was very different than everyone around me) I see the progress—it is slow, but steady…isn’t that what they say about the the tortoise and the hare?  So see they (twinflames/family/friends/etc) will ascend too. Remember it is not for us to judge anyone’s journey for where they are, not even our own journey, but it is for us to focus upon our lives and what we wish to create in these timelines/realities/new earth.

love and light, EstaRa

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Autumnal Cleansing for Me

Hello Everyone,

I decided this evening that I would blog about my detox that I began last week.  So last week we start this group detox with a great teacher; however, I was able to eat whatever I pleased last week to a reduction this week to no meat, no dairy and no wheat gluten (well the gluten free is easy as I am already), but oh boy--what a killer.  

So anyway, I decided today I would begin my online blogging of this is taking up more of my time than I wanted, but it is for a good cause to help heal my body.  I have been dealing with some lymph system drainage blocks since some horrible run-ins with spiders over the summer.  Since August, I have been on a path of healing and recovering from lymph system stuff--I never knew how powerful and important our lymph system is until this experience.  Clear those toxins be sure to release and clear all the stuff that no longer serves you---spent the last several years of my life clearing out mental, emotional and spiritual stuff so this past year has been all about healing my physical body--I want to manifest my twinflame reunion in the physical that means I need to bring my healing here and now so that I can have a beautiful baby with my beloved--love how that sounds as I type this.  This post may be all over the place, but hey what the heck it is what it here is my cleansing creation for tonight's meal...

I call this "Curry Creation".  I have to say the cool thing about this detox is that I get to "play" with my food--that is I get to be creative (well actually forced to be creative). 

So this is  the quick recipe, I made up this evening...quinoa is the grain.  All fresh Ingredients: Olive Oil, Garlic, Sweet Potatoes, Lentils, Cranberries, Spinach, Curry Powder, Cumin, Salt & Pepper to taste.

Oh and I ate it was yummy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Energy Thoughts: See One Another as a Child

Hello Everyone,

Just some thoughts to share on the energy that came in with the New Moon on Monday
(ooo I loved that song by Duran Duran).  

There is much to prepare for.  The new energies (which are to be the prevalent ongoing energies) are slamming down on our planet.  Slamming seems the most appropriate word for some of us.  Those who have been on this path for sometime are finally getting their wings to fly and feel free to be themselves; while others are being hit hard because it is not a beautiful slow, subtle dance.  Many are getting hit with the energy and caught off guard—but it is only until they allow themselves  to see what is real for them and truth for them in this world of illusion—not by other people’s standards which quite often they have adopted as their own along the way.  It is time to be supportive of one another…see each other as you would see a child—we are all in learning at this time. 

As children, your actions and reactions were based in truth. You allowed your feelings to match your action: if you were sad, you cried. If you were happy, you may have danced, twirled and played eagerly, if you were angry, you often threw on a temper tantrum, but no matter way you likely freely let your feelings flow using of all your senses necessary to express what you needed to. You learned over time from the adults around you that behaving in that way was inappropriate and you began to bottle up those emotions and thoughts therefore causing such complex relationships as you got older and became adults.  Look at children and really see them—they simply live in the present moment.  They experience what is in their now.  This is what living life fully in its truest sense means.  This is what we are striving for in the “new times” ahead.   For many that may seem still quite the inappropriate way to be, but that is simply because you may have been trained/brainwashed/controlled into believing you are “supposed” to show that. (I spent a good portion of the day with a beautiful lil child yesterday and she helped me to see her side of things in essence helped me connect to what is happening to us upon the planet as we transition to authentically living as a new multidimensional human.—Thanks for the inspiration Lily!)

It is important that you know you are all regaining the ability to be like a “child” once again and express yourself fully.  The earth is transitioning rapidly and feelings are coming up to be felt and released.  The more you try not to feel them the more they will begin to show themselves to you in ways that are not comfortable and inappropriate. The only way to “cure” such things is to live authentically in your truth even if it takes time to connect and “re-learn” your truth.   It is best to be kind to yourself at this time and gentle with those around you where you once reacted to be people in how they spoke/behaved/acted  from a place of fear—see them with compassion for their behaviors could be quite surprising for them too.  Remember they too are waking up.  Where actions/behaviors may have been a coping mechanism for them, they may just now be aware of what they have been/are doing.  Keep in mind as they awaken from their slumber of illusion/numb, they are like toddlers learning to walk and they will continue to make mistakes along the way, but now they can allow themselves to learn from them rather than continually recommitting them.   Again, see them with compassion as you would a child learning to walk and navigate around  your home—does the child not “mess things up” once in awhile?    See yourselves with compassion too…because as you change you are relearning as you go as well.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Channeled Message: On Be-ing

Channeled Message from The ArchAngelic Realm of Light through EstaRa in Guilford, CT on Monday, October 15, 2012.

This message was channeled last evening right before my New Moon Meditation Teleconference.  The New Moon is a time for New Beginnings and Clearing of the Old so that the New Beginnings may happen more easily.

Dear ones,

You are on a journey to find your truth.  The truth of who you are is more magnificent than you can imagine.  During this time upon your earth we promised you there would be a great deal of change and transformation and we promised your “earth time” would speed up, has it not?  It is clearly a time for all that is to reveal itself to you through you.  Simply stated, it is time for you to see that you are God; you are being of divine love that has incarnated on this planet at this time to see that truth and to create a new reality for the inhabitants upon the earth.  We have offered you advice along the way to let go of all that no longer serves you and some of you have taken that advice while others have not.  It is not simply that one is right and another is wrong; it is simply apparent that some of you are being throttled against time in order to move and align things within yourself.  You are now here to claim your divine birthright of being the light and love that you are
Did you know that in be-ing you are more magnificent than in do-ing?  Did you know that your light is multitudes brighter than it once was?  The shift is occurring as we communicate to you.  The shifting of your earth has been in process/progress for several years now and finally dear humans,  we wish for you to get on board so that you are not tossed about during the physical changes within the earth and your bodies. The pouring of light upon your planet is creating more changes. The more light within you the more aligned you are with your higher selves and higher purpose.  What is that purpose EstaRa is asking? (Asking on behalf of the many that ask me.)  It is simply in BE-ing the light and love of oneness.   It is simply in feeling whole and complete. 

It is emphasized that you work within yourself on a daily basis to increase the light.  We say decrease the distractions as they are no longer working for you to numb yourselves; but they are creating a disparage between your light quotient and the light quotient necessary for an easy and graceful transition into the fully multi-dimensional earth that is about to be “unearthed”. (laughter happened at the comment of "unearthed". )  The more light you pull into you, the more you upgrade your bodies the more you are able to withstand the changes that are coming in a balanced way.  The universe has set itself up to create imbalance all around you so that you will be able to easily identify that which no longer serves you and release it.  We encourage you to take notice and release it.  For when you release that which no longer serves you, you find that your creation power grows and has no limits to what magnificence you can create. We wish you to be creators of light.  And so it is.

We are the Angelic Realm of Light.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Fear

Face Your Fears even if it is one fear a minute, a day, a week or month.   You just need to begin somewhere. This energetic time that we are in is providing ample opportunity to get in touch with our greatest fears and release them for good.  Last evening I was teaching a class last week and as I often do, I had my students pull some messages for themselves.  I participated with them as I always do.  I pulled the mantra card that said:  “ I release all fears and doubt.”

Later, on my drive home, I felt for me it was more about doubt that I was experiencing regarding a few things I have been wanting and working on manifesting for some time now in my personal life. When I woke up this morning in bed, I pondered that card and felt that I got more clarity--doubt is really the same as fear.  Doubt comes from the fear of something in the past, the future or present.  I realized that in my situation, it is associated with fear that it will not happen.  Fear that the person has not changed.  Fear that I am wrong, but how can I be?  Everything in this universe is showing me beautiful truths.  It helps for me to recognize that fear and doubt are the same. 

This morning I was preparing to write a message for my facebook fanpage and was prompted to share it with all of you...

"Spend some time alone in quiet thought, clear your mind and focus upon your light and inner truth. Contemplate your truth and prioritize the dreams of your will appreciate that more as you become in tune with your nature."

To me this speaks to the fears thing.  If we are never alone in quiet contemplation then we can never allow ourselves to see our inner truth, fears and doubts which are so necessary for this part of our journey.  In order to make your dreams come true, it is important to clear your mind and focus upon your light --that means clear away doubts and fears. 

My wish for you is to remove one fear a day.

Love to you,

Friday, October 5, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Manifestation

A few simple steps to manifesting what you desire:
  1.  To manifest is to desire from a place of love.
  2.  Trust and have faith that the universe/God/Spirit/Source will bring it to you.
  3.  Nurture your desire with positive thoughts, intentions and energy.
  4.  Make way for what it is you desire by removing anything (habit/clutter/relationships/stress) that no longer serves you or matches that desire.
  5. Have patience and allow your desire to come to you and know that it will.

My wish for you is to manifest the life you dream of.

Love to you,

Twinflame Journey: Messages

So, I am working on keeping faith and the universe is definitely assisting me.  There hasn't been a clear rhythm with regard to my conversations with Twin; however, I did talk to him briefly a couple more times this week and he is so much more consciously aware when he is talking to me...I love how much he is growing...and for most his steps seem like baby steps to reunion; but to me, they are big leaps of faith he is taking.  I've been praying for assistance to keep the faith and stay in what I know to be true and my friend I spoke with last night said she often picks a card from one of her Angel Decks so I thought this morning, I shall do that too..I picked one and the card was: DIVINE TIMING.  Now if I listen to the little voice in my heart --it is telling me that everything is happening and aligning because the time is almost here.  If I get listening to my head I can easily negate I am going with my heart. 

I asked Spirit to help me keep the faith and boy is that happening... and well here are some things that happened yesterday...

It was simple, but just what I needed!   I just have to share this with you...   Well , for the first time in probably several months that I have decided to go online and pick a card from this website someone had referred me to long ago and I can't believe it, but the song that played from the website is How Deep is Your Love from the Bee Gees and if you remember that is our song (mine and my twin's--well he doesn't totally know humanly--but etherically he does).  What a way to start my day with this song (haven't heard it in a long time other than having it as his ringtone on my phone which would mean he has to call me unblocked for me to hear it---It used to hurt to hear so I stopped listening to it) and oh here is the message....

"Stop worrying - everything will work out fine for you".

Then last night, before I went to bed I picked one final card from inner child tarot cards)...this is what I pulled:

What does Spirit want me to know?

Two of Hearts

Sacred union and attraction in the feeling realm are personified by the mermaid and merman in this card. A rainbow connects and balances them. Two dolphins representing the intelligence of the universe leap over the rainbow in unison and joy. According to classical myth, the dolphin was placed among the stars as the constellation Delphinius because it played the role of matchmaker, merging the sea goddess Amphitrite with Poseidon. This card can symbolize either two people sharing love or two aspects of a person striving for unity and wholeness. Therefore, marriage, in all its forms, is associated with this card.

It is from this place of divine union that we encounter balance and integrity in the polarity of the sexes. Two in any suit attracts the potential to regulate duality. You may be sharing your heart with another at this time, one whom you feel to be a beloved mate. This spiritual partner could be an actual lover, a friend, or a higher awakening. As you meditate on the deeper meanings of this card, remember that your own heart can be a rainbow bridge of living color and light, linking you to the source of the Divine Child within and helping you heal old wounds in the heart of a loved one. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Unconditional Love

So if you read my previous entry about my Twinflame then you can understand where this fits in.  He is not the only one I have feel unconditional love for, but he is the one who with all my experiences with him (good, bad and indifferent) has taught me the most about loving someone unconditionally.  Anyway, onto today's snippet...I started the Spread Love Campaign July 2011 to help make it a global movement to spread love with chalk because it is fun, easy and really assists with intention.  However, I have since decided I want to make it more than just chalk expressions of love---(I still welcome pictures of chalk love) I want it to be a place where people can share how they are spreading love to the world and they can do it by simply posting pictures, thoughts or words on my page.  So this long story is because this morning I started to write a message on my Spread Love Campaign Page, but it is something that needs to be shared.  So here is the message I posted: 

"The only way to truly love is unconditionally. It is the most difficult truth to digest because we are in a society where it has been so ingrained in conditions for love. Try today to show someone pure, divine unconditional love and see what happens."

It is not that difficult to love someone that is easy to love like a partner or a child, but what happens when they hurt you?  Or someone mistreats you?  Is it possible to simply love a soul?  Is it possible to simply love them when they do things that you don't like, that you disapprove of?  Is it possible to love someone who has hurt your heart?  

I remember when I was younger, I was often afraid to tell people how I felt so if I did I wouldn't talk to them again because I was embarrassed or thought they wouldn't like me any longer.  The reality was that I barely told people what I felt because I didn't want to lose friends.   

It is years later and I can look back upon my life and see how much fear I lived in when I was younger.  I was afraid someone would really see me with all the bumps and bruises of being a human upon the planet earth. The truth is we all go through the same things we just may not appear that way outwardly some of us are much better at hiding it.  I realize now that in relationships you don't have to worry about all those things or for some of you who still do—you shouldn’t have to worry about those things.    In a healthy relationship (whatever the relationship is), you can say what you feel and what you think while being able to resume normal behavior.  It shouldn’t be disruptive to the flow of the relationship simply because someone wishes to say how they feel.  It is a matter of everyone feeling free to be themselves.  

I find that being able to tell people how you feel is one step toward unconditional love.  How does that figure in, you ask?  Well, if you love them unconditionally you feel free to say what you need to say and you accept whatever reaction/response you receive from them.  If there reaction is less than loving, then perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your relationship or your beliefs about it. If you are not comfortable and are disappointed with what they have to say or how they reacted that simply shows you that there is something left for you to still work on. I admit that this is probably one of the hardest things to handle especially when we have been so clearly entrenched in judgment in our society; but it always helps me to remember that someone’s reaction is based on their experiences just as my reaction is based on my experiences.  

My wish for you today is that you show unconditional love to someone today. 

Be Love,