Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: Just Do It

I woke up this morning hearing the words in my head, “Just do it”.  I laughed and thought of the old Nike commercials; ya know the ones where they said, Just Do it.  They had a really great tag line, but I bet they didn’t realize how great it was.  I was lying in bed pondering it.  And the thought occurred to me. That now is the time.  Now is the time.  Now is the time to “just do it”.  Do all the things you have thought of.  Do all the things you have dreamed of.  Do all the things that have scared you.  Do all the things you never thought possible because now they are.   The energy, during these times while it may seem chaotic and all over the place, is ripe and perfect for you to act upon your heart’s truth.   I would say  heart’s desire but it feels more appropriate to say heart’s truth because if you are not living in your heart’s truth then how can you live in your heart’s desire?  

Notice that your heart has been prompting you to live in your truth for a long time now.  When are you going to listen to its voice as it beckons you?  To let go of the relationship that has not only felt distant and separate for years, but has made you sick?  To let go of the relationship that may look good on paper and to others, but the secrets of your pain keep you up at night?  To let go of the job that has you wondering why you are doing it?  To let go of the routine that you have been living for your whole life simply because it is a routine you have been living your whole life.   To let go of the addiction/food/drink/habit that has kept you stuck where you are.  To let go of the limitations you or others have placed upon yourself.  Are you listening your heart asks you?  It is time to let go of all that is standing in your way of your truth. 

Now is the time to listen to the longings of your heart.   The universe will fully support you now as you let go.  However, there is one catch though; you must make the choice from your heart not your head.   Whatever the choice is –does it sit well in your heart? That is the question to ask.  That doesn’t mean allowing guilt or fear to dictate your heart’s truth for then it is not your heart’s truth.  Guilt is learned from your upbringing, society and you have even carried it on into your own personal tool to keep you stuck where you are.  Fear, well, we all know that is not fueled by your heart.  There are all kinds of fears out there, but they come down to what it means for you in each situation.  When you allow your head to get involved then quite often you have silenced your heart.  You might think you are being well meaning and want to “protect” those around you so you make the decision based on other people or other external circumstances, in fact, you are doing the opposite because what is in your highest good (heart’s truth) is in the highest good for those around you.  Those around you chose to spend a part of this journey with you and to experience life with you and your decisions based in your heart’s truth.  It has all been set up for each and every one you encounter in your life to learn and the lesson is to go within your heart to learn its truth.   

Trust in your heart it is always where the answer is…listen to it, no longer question it, for that is your head that wants to maintain everything as it is (good, bad or indifferent) and JUST DO IT!  Go for your dreams and your heart’s truth.

Inspirational Snippet: BALANCE

I was prompted by my guides to share today's Soul Star Healing facebook message to the children of earth and expand a bit upon it.
"Today's message: what you need right now is balance. We understand that balancing your life between work, play, spirituality, exercise and relationships may be difficult, but dear ones it is what is needed now."
I know many of you are struggling to get up every day and do all the things you have listed on your imaginary list of things to do.  I know that some of you fit in time once per week for fun and spirituality.  I know there are many of you wondering how to fit it all within your day.  I understand your worries, concerns and what you are going through, but the message is clear that this is what is needed now. It has always been what is needed, but it is necessary now more than ever.  We are undergoing such a time of rapid change which does everything, but bring balance to us.  It is a time that we get settled into what the "ritual" must be to create that balance in our lives.  If you are not living in balance at this time,  get to it.  It is the necessary ingredient to go forward in the Earth's energy.  We are evolving, ascending and transmuting all that no longer serves us whether we are consciously aware or not so be prepared for the rapid evolution of humanity.  The one thing you have control of is your human life that you are currently living upon this planet and the one thing you are guided to do on this day is to find balance in all aspects of your life and balance in your day.  Let that become second nature for you rather than be forced into it.  For some of you, it may feel forced, but it is something that must be done. It is the one thing that will make each of you feel more in control over the coming weeks and months.  The message is loud and clear to find the balance. Everyone often wonders, how?  Or how is it even possible to develop it?  Get some help from a friend, a class, a coach, a mentor or from all--me!  I can help you with that.  It is important from who or how, "Just Do It".

My wish for you today is to find balance first in your day and then out into your whole life.

Love to you,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Inspirational Snippet: See The Miracles

I was prompted by my guides to share the message I placed on Facebook for today.

Today's message:   We ask you, do you believe in miracles? We tell you they are all around you; from the bird singing outside your window to receiving news you have been waiting for. We tell you to open up your energy to see the miracles in your life....start by telling spirit, "surprise me, I'm open to miracles."

The more energy you put into recognizing even the tiniest of miracles in your life the more you will bring to you; that is the power of energy and how it works with the law of attraction.   It isn’t that you must look anxiously awaiting miracles, but I do encourage you notice the world around you.  In every moment a miracle occurs.  I try to live fully in the moment so that each moment I can see the beauty of what is presented to me.   Now, I agree that it may be difficult for you to stay fully in the moment with all the streams of energy (good, bad or indifferent) that are coming your way.   At this time on the earth know that much energy is coming your way so staying in balance and in the now will require your discipline to do so.

Each day, I notice the many miracles taking place.  It is not that I set aside time each day to notice (but truthfully, that would not be a bad idea), but I do just simply take notice.   Some of you who know me well enough often see how excited I get by such things as: seeing an orange butterfly going by or enjoying my favorite cup of tea.  Those are true reactions and to me I see them as mini miracles because I don’t want to take anything for granted that brings me a bit of happiness.

If I look at my life and honestly look back even over some of the most difficult times, I can see the miracles as they took place even in those times.  My life is filled with miracles and I make sure that I am filled with gratitude for them.

My wish for you today is to see the abundance of miracles around you.

Love to you,

PS:  I wrote this snippet this morning and sent it out.  Then a little while later, I had some time to sit outside between clients....talk about magic..... 

I went to sit down on my chair on the back porch and as I was just about to sit down up from the steps onto the deck came a beautiful orange butterfly (by the way my twin came to me in a dream in May/June and told me that he would send me orange butterflies.  so  I know it was him.)  and then a little while later a beautiful blue dragon fly came flying up my stairs to me on the deck in my chair. (by the way..when I met my twin he had a dragonfly as his icon).  How magical mini miracles lead to big ones !

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Channeled Message: The New Moon, New Beginning

Channeled Message through EstaRa in Guilford, CT on Friday, September 14, 2012.

Dear Ones,

It is with love, honor and respect that we bring you this message today.  Your earth and its inhabitants are seeking balance.  Do they know it is balance that they are seeking?  Some of your earth family doe know, but for most of your earth family they are seeking to maintain their footing in the 3D world.  What they are currently unaware of is that the 3D foundations are no longer there.  They are trying to secure their footing upon old, outdated and unsupported beliefs.  They are guided each step of the way; however, dear one, they choose whether or not to see or feel the guidance coming to them.  When they choose not to see they feel lost and cling to what they once knew no matter what the cost is to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reality.  Many are experiencing the breaking down of their 3D reality.  For if they wish to continue their 3D reality their motivation to continue must come from truth and love not from fear of change.  Many have chosen their current 3D reality they are experiencing from their past, but dear ones we tell you they have an opportunity for a clean slate as do you.

The energy of tomorrow’s new moon (September 15) is one that brings with it a clean, new beginning.  Cleaning the slate begins tonight and tomorrow things will begin to look anew if you should so choose to perceive it in this way.   This moon carries with it the greatest possibility to break free from 3D.  When you awaken under the energy of this moon you will see the transitions and changes occurring.  You will experience your multi-dimensional selves if you have not already begun to.  Those of you who have will begin to see it daily in every interaction you have with another.

For tonight (September 14), we wish you to experience oneness and fulfillment of your wishes.  Dear ones, we encourage you to let go.  Let go of 3D.  Let go of old beliefs.  Let go of old ways of doing things. Let go of your dreams and allow the energy of the new to inspire you to allow and receive the magnificent blessings that you have worked hard to achieve.  There are those of you who have been on this path a long time—have you not noticed the blessings and magic that are coming your way?  Those of you that are just beginning this path of light—are your steps forward not that much easier?

These are the times you have all chosen to come and incarnate on earth at this time.  You are the perfect age. You are in the perfect location.  You are right where you need to be and all is happening as it should be. EstaRa asks us why we say you are in the perfect location when we emphasize often for people to move geographically especially where they are guided to go.  We say to you—yes you are being called to geographic locations that are necessary for your journey and we wish for you to listen to the longings of your soul; however, the universe allows for adjustments in timelines as EstaRa well understands; therefore you are exactly where you are meant to be now.

Listen to your inner voice—for that voice is getting louder now.  It is time for you to experience all.  We are with you every step you take.  We know you have fears in moving forward, but dear ones there is nothing to fear when you remember that love is all there is and fear is simply the resistance to that love.  You are protected. You are safe.  You are guided.  When you feel fear, when you feel nervous, when you feel confused, when you feel lost, when you feel uncertain—remember there is only love.  We wish you to find love for one another that is the message and that has always been the message.

                We are the Pleaidian Emissaries of Light and the Arcturian Masters of Light in service to Humanity.

A side note….as I was channeling this message outside of my apartment in the early evening of September 14th before my meditation class, I heard the honking of geese and I looked up as a flock of geese flew by.  I knew there must have been a special meaning to their presence so I looked up on www.linsdomain.com the meaning:  “Their honking call speaks of the fulfilled promises that great guests bring.” Upon sitting with this further, I realize there is much more to it. Promises are being fulfilled as we speak from the messages of our Brothers and Sisters of Light, the New Moon and the advent of the Jewish New Year.  Many promises will be fulfilled over the last months of this year.  Remain without expectation, but anticipatory.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Channeled Message: It is simply a matter of earth time.

Channeled Message while In Three Forks, MT....This message was personal to me, but I felt it is something to be shared.  
Dearest One, 
We love you and honor your journey.  Do see yourself as the light?--for you carry the light of home within you.  You are becoming the master that you are ascending to.  You have stepped into the this power magnificently.  You have conquered many of your fears.  We ask you to play and not worry as everything happens the way that it should.  Beauty is all around you--notice it in every moment.  Every breath you take brings you closer to where you wish to be.  Every conscious breath creates your reality in peace.  You are safe where you are.  You are the light of the world--carry it in a way that the world around you knows--just by being you.  You saw the response of the cows they were answering your call because they are looking for light just as all beings are.  There is a knowing of the changes that the earth is preparing to take place.  Every living thing is ready for the Ascension of the Earth.  It is no longer will it occur--it is simply a matter of earth time.  
You and your beloved will create a sacred space upon this earth where love will dwell--upon commencement of the love all will see the possibilities. All will learn that with love, strength will come, empowerment will come and the blessings of the new world will come.  It is coming dearest, EstaRa--it is coming.  Please do not fear and please do not doubt--soon a celebration will occur and you will enjoy the boundless love, light and beauty of reuniting with your twinflame.  Know that he holds you dear to him.  He wishes to tell you all--he wishes to share his whole being with you in human form and soon you shall see the blessings of his love.  
Know that you are safe, loved and protected. Soon you will see the riches of your rewards for being the light in so many dark places.  WE love you and are here for you.  
Mother Father God.

Channeled Message: Stand Up In Your Power

Channeled Message from The Masters of Light through EstaRa in Three Forks, MT on Monday, September 3, 2012.

Dear Children of the Earth…

Now is the time to stand up in your power, dear ones.  Too many things have happened right before your eyes upon this earth, but dear ones, it has not been your fault for you have not been awake to see what has taken place.  Many things have happened that were out of your control, but we wish you to know that this is no longer the case. For you dear ones are the only ones who can change and create the earth you wish to experience.
You have been awakened and you wonder now, what do I do with this? It is time dear ones, for you to stand in your power.  Far too many people are still too busy presenting themselves as caretakers to others, presenting themselves in ways they think acceptable to others and placing their focus outside themselves.  Now is the time to bring the focus back to you and what your purpose upon the earth is.  Your purpose is to shine your soul light for all to see.  Your purpose is to bring your love for all to feel.  Your mission upon this earth is to find the one thing that makes you happy and be the light and love that you feel and we encourage you to live from that point.

Your purpose is not a grand design to be something you already are not.  No dear ones, your purpose is to be completely who you are.  The grand design involves each of you dropping your defenses, allowing your love to empower you and connect you the whole.  Be careful of those who claim to be your leaders for when all is in harmony—leaders are not needed—oneness is.
What you do, feel and experience so too do your brothers and sisters upon earth—we wish to clarify that all living things are your brothers and sisters upon earth.  Be steadfast in your dreams.  Be still in your knowing.  Believe in your power to create the life you desire.  The only thing stopping you is you.  Your belief that this is how it has always been for me or how it has always been done is your downfall dear ones.  For with growth comes change.  If you are not changing then you must ask yourself if you are growing.  Your beliefs are and have been limiting!  Work on creating boundless beliefs.  

We believe in the power of who you are, now the question to ask yourselves is do you believe in the power that you are?   We love you.  We honor you and we respect you.

We are the Masters of Light.