I woke up this morning hearing the words in my head, “Just
do it”. I laughed and thought of the old
Nike commercials; ya know the ones where they said, Just Do it. They had a really great tag line, but I bet
they didn’t realize how great it was. I
was lying in bed pondering it. And the
thought occurred to me. That now is the time.
Now is the time. Now is the time
to “just do it”. Do all the things you
have thought of. Do all the things you
have dreamed of. Do all the things that
have scared you. Do all the things you
never thought possible because now they are.
The energy, during these times while
it may seem chaotic and all over the place, is ripe and perfect for you to act
upon your heart’s truth. I would say heart’s desire but it feels more appropriate
to say heart’s truth because if you are not living in your heart’s truth then
how can you live in your heart’s desire?
Notice that your heart has been prompting you to live in
your truth for a long time now. When are
you going to listen to its voice as it beckons you? To let go of the relationship that has not
only felt distant and separate for years, but has made you sick? To let go of the relationship that may look
good on paper and to others, but the secrets of your pain keep you up at night?
To let go of the job that has you
wondering why you are doing it? To let
go of the routine that you have been living for your whole life simply because
it is a routine you have been living your whole life. To let go of the addiction/food/drink/habit
that has kept you stuck where you are. To
let go of the limitations you or others have placed upon yourself. Are you listening your heart asks you? It is time to let go of all that is standing
in your way of your truth.
Now is the time to listen to the longings of your
heart. The universe will fully support
you now as you let go. However, there is
one catch though; you must make the choice from your heart not your head. Whatever the choice is –does it sit well in
your heart? That is the question to ask. That doesn’t mean allowing guilt or fear to
dictate your heart’s truth for then it is not your heart’s truth. Guilt is learned from your upbringing, society
and you have even carried it on into your own personal tool to keep you stuck
where you are. Fear, well, we all know
that is not fueled by your heart. There
are all kinds of fears out there, but they come down to what it means for you
in each situation. When you allow your
head to get involved then quite often you have silenced your heart. You might think you are being well meaning and
want to “protect” those around you so you make the decision based on other
people or other external circumstances, in fact, you are doing the opposite
because what is in your highest good (heart’s truth) is in the highest good for
those around you. Those around you chose
to spend a part of this journey with you and to experience life with you and
your decisions based in your heart’s truth.
It has all been set up for each and every one you encounter in your life
to learn and the lesson is to go within your heart to learn its truth.
Trust in your heart it is always where the
answer is…listen to it, no longer question it, for that is your head that wants
to maintain everything as it is (good, bad or indifferent) and JUST DO IT! Go for your dreams and your heart’s truth.